Uas Poetry

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Shona Zaidan Adib (2003046037)

School : SMP Hasanuddin 5

Subject : English
Class/Semester : IX / 1
Material : Drama
Skill : Speaking
Time Allocation : 2 x 45 Minutes

A. Core Competence
KI 1 : Appreciate and live the teachings of their religion.
KI 2 : Appreciate and live honest behaviour, discipline, responsibility, caring (tolerance, mutual
cooperation), polite, and confidence in interacting effectively with the social and natural
environment within reach of the association and its existence.
KI 3 : Understanding knowledge (factual, conceptual, and procedural) based on their curiosity
about science, technology, art, and culture related to visible phenomena and events.
KI 4 : Trying, processing, and presenting in the realm of concrete (using, parsing, assembling,
modifying, and creating) and abstract realms (writing, reading, counting, drawing, and
composing) according to what is learned in school and other sources in the same perspective.

B. Basic Competence and Indicators

Basic Competence Indicators

3.16 Examine the characteristics of the 3.16.1 Discuss the characteristics of

elements and linguistic rules of drama drama elements and linguistic rules of
texts in the form of scripts or drama texts
performances 3.16.2 Discuss how to speak a drama
text and its presentation
4.16 Presenting drama in the form of a 4.16.1 Writing drama text
stage or script 4.16.2 Performing drama in groups

C. Learning Objectives
After participating in a series of learning activities, students are able to:
1. Students are able to determine the elements of drama text
2. Students are able to speak drama texts
3. Students are able to perform drama

D. Learning Material
1. Regular learning materials
a. Fact
Drama is portrayal of ictional or non-fictional events through the oerformance of written
b. Concept
The elements of the drama: Inrinsic:
theme,plot,setting,character,blocking,dialogue,acting,message, language Extrinsic:
Social aspect,cultural aspect,esthetical aspect,etc.
The characteristics of drama:
A drama is attractive,impactful and real as its presents characters along with a
natural and credible aspects.
2. Social function
- To entertain and convey the implied message in a story
3. Example of drama
Lying to Mom
Hasan and Badu entered the courtyard with school bags, as if they had just returned from school,
when in fact they were skipping class.
Badu : "Hasan, why do you look so moody?"
Hasan : "My mother saw me playing in the street when she went to the market."
Badu : "Of course he thinks it's not you, but someone else."
Hasan : "It's still good to think so, but if I really see me, what can I do to him."
Badu : "Yes, just say that Master let us go home because we are dizzy."
Hasan : "No, mom won't believe it. How could it be that suddenly the heads of the two of us are
turning together?"
Badu : "That's right too. He certainly doesn't quite easily believe in such excuses."
Hasan : "At best we just say frankly what we've actually done."
Badu : "I see, San, if we say that it is not you who he saw, but Rahim, one of our classmates,
Hasan : "Well, that good idea. Maybe we can do it."
Mrs. Hasan entered with groceries.
Mom : "Where were you two this morning?" Badu : "We just got home from school."
Mother: "Are you with Hasan? I see you two fooling around on the street during class time."
Hasan : (Whispering to Badu). "Just say it frankly" (Badu shook his head).

Badu : "What you saw was not Hasan, but another son who looked like Hasan."
Mom : "Oh, I see. I believe it. But what are you doing with that kid on the road, Badu?"
Badu : "I, ... o, yes, Master told me to take the Womb home, because of stomach pain."
Mom : "Oh, ... so?"
Hasan : "Is that right, ma'am, it is not me that you see, but the womb?" Mother : "Are you
sure that?"
Badu : "That's right, I'm sure."
Mother: "Then I want to see that the child is really Rahim. I don't think there's another kid like
Hasan. I want to see the boy."
Hasan : "But, ma'am, he lives 5 kilometers away from the school." Badu : "She can't
come here because of her stomachache."
Hasan : "Why not, I have seen him frolicking in the street. It's cured of his stomachache."
Hasan : "But, ma'am....."
Mom : "Shut up! What did I say, I want to see the Womb. Now you go and bring the child
Hasan : "But, I have to eat first."
Mom : "No. You must not eat until you can bring the child here. Now go!"

Mom went inside the house

Hasan : "It's all because of you. How can we carry the Womb, as long as the child exists only in
your imagination. We can bring just any child, but mana can be similar to me."
Badu : "It's a stupid time what you do. But, wait, I'm going to eat first."

E. Teaching Method
• Approach : Scientific Approach
• Learning Model : Discovery Learning
• Method : Discussion, question and answer, presentation

F. Media,tools, and learning sources

Media :Video, laptop, LCD projector
Tools : Color markers, whiteboard, paper.
Learning Resources:
• Textbook required
• Source from the internet:

G. Teaching Steps

Meeting 1 (2 x 45 minutes)
Opening 1. The teacher enters the class and 1. Assalamualaikum 5
greets students using English, warahmatullahi minutes
"Good morning" so that an wabarakatuh,good morning
English environment can be students..
created immediately. After Before we start our meeting,
responding, the teacher asked please the leader to lead
the class leader to lead the prayer and let’s pray
prayer. together!

2. The teacher checks student 2. Let me check your

attendance. attendance
3. The teacher asks the students'
condition using English, "How 3. How are today?
are you?"

4. The teacher gives stimulus

questions so that students can 4. Anyone know,what is our
guess what material will be material today? Today
studied. our material is poem.
anyone know what poem is?
Main 1. The teacher give example of 10
1. Oke students,now let’s watch
Activity video drama on youtube minutes

1. Attitude
Form: self-assessment
Aspect: discipline
Technique: students complete

Indicators Items of instrument

Get to class on time I always get to class on time
Collect tasks on time I always collect tasks on time
Wearing uniforms following the order I always wear a uniform following the
Doing a given task I always do the tasks that have been
Orderly in the following learning I've always been orderly in my learning

No. Questions Yes No

1. I always get to class on time
2. I always collect tasks on time.
3. I always wear a uniform following the order.
4. I always do the tasks that have been given.
5. I've always been orderly in my learning.
Total Score

Scoring Rubric:
Each yes answer is scored 1, and no answer is scored 0
The final score calculation uses the formula :
The number of yes answers x 20 = ....
Maximum score: 5 x 20 = 100

2. Knowledge
Form : written
Aspect : accuracy of students' answer
Technique : Written Test

Lying to Mom
Hasan and Badu entered the courtyard with school bags, as if they had just returned from school,
when in fact they were skipping class.
Badu : "Hasan, why do you look so moody?"
Hasan : "My mother saw me playing in the street when she went to the market."
Badu : "Of course he thinks it's not you, but someone else."
Hasan : "It's still good to think so, but if I really see me, what can I do to him."
Badu : "Yes, just say that Master let us go home because we are dizzy."
Hasan : "No, mom won't believe it. How could it be that suddenly the heads of the two of us are
turning together?"
Badu : "That's right too. He certainly doesn't quite easily believe in such excuses."
Hasan : "At best we just say frankly what we've actually done."
Badu : "I see, San, if we say that it is not you who he saw, but Rahim, one of our classmates,
Hasan : "Well, that good idea. Maybe we can do it."
Mrs. Hasan entered with groceries.
Mom : "Where were you two this morning?" Badu : "We just got home from school."
Mother: "Are you with Hasan? I see you two fooling around on the street during class time."
Hasan : (Whispering to Badu). "Just say it frankly" (Badu shook his head).

Badu : "What you saw was not Hasan, but another son who looked like Hasan."
Mom : "Oh, I see. I believe it. But what are you doing with that kid on the road, Badu?"
Badu : "I, ... o, yes, Master told me to take the Womb home, because of stomach pain."
Mom : "Oh, ... so?"
Hasan : "Is that right, ma'am, it is not me that you see, but the womb?" Mother : "Are you
sure that?"
Badu : "That's right, I'm sure."
Mother: "Then I want to see that the child is really Rahim. I don't think there's another kid like
Hasan. I want to see the boy."
Hasan : "But, ma'am, he lives 5 kilometers away from the school." Badu : "She can't
come here because of her stomachache."
Hasan : "Why not, I have seen him frolicking in the street. It's cured of his stomachache."
Hasan : "But, ma'am....."
Mom : "Shut up! What did I say, I want to see the Womb. Now you go and bring the child
Hasan : "But, I have to eat first."
Mom : "No. You must not eat until you can bring the child here. Now go!"

Mom went inside the house

Hasan : "It's all because of you. How can we carry the Womb, as long as the child exists only in
your imagination. We can bring just any child, but mana can be similar to me."
Badu : "It's a stupid time what you do. But, wait, I'm going to eat first."

1. What is the theme of the drama?

2. What is the drama about?
3. Who are the character of drama?
4. What is the setting of drama?
5. What is the value of drama?

Assessment Criteria Score

Students can name the answer complete and correct. 5
Students can name answers well and correctly but 4
Students can name answers but are mostly wrong. 3
Students cannot answer correctly 0
Maximum Score 7

The final score:

(total earned score : maximum total score) x 100 = ….

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