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Subject: Climate Change

Grade Level: Grade 9


a. Describe the certain climatic phenomena that occur on a global level.

b. Relate and differentiate global warming and climate change.

c. Recognize human efforts to protect the environment.

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Study the greenhouse effect and its impact on climate change.

2) Social Studies - Examine the historical context of environmental movements and


3) English - Analyze literature and media that address climate change and
environmental issues.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Chart paper, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a personal experience of extreme weather in the Philippines,

such as a typhoon or drought.

Anecdote 2: Discuss the impact of climate change on agriculture and food security
in the country.

Teaching Strategy: Role-Playing

Instructional Materials: Role-Play scenarios, props

1) Idea: Divide students into groups and assign them different roles (scientists,
government officials, activists) to debate the causes and solutions to climate change.

2) Idea: Conduct a virtual field trip to a local environmental organization or renewable

energy facility, where students can interact with experts and ask questions.


Activity 1: Investigating Extreme Weather Events

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Materials: Weather data, computers with internet access

Significance: Students will analyze weather data to identify and describe certain
climatic phenomena that occur on a global level.


1) Provide students with weather data from different parts of the world.

2) In pairs or small groups, students will analyze the data to identify patterns and
trends in extreme weather events.

3) Students will create visual representations (charts, graphs, etc.) to present their


- Accuracy of data analysis: 5 pts

- Clarity of visual representation: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are some examples of extreme weather events that occur on a global level?

2) How do these extreme weather events impact human communities and the

3) What factors contribute to the occurrence of extreme weather events?

Activity 2: Global Warming vs. Climate Change Venn Diagram

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Venn diagram worksheet, markers

Significance: Students will relate and differentiate global warming and climate


1) Provide students with a Venn diagram worksheet comparing global warming and
climate change.

2) In pairs or small groups, students will discuss and fill in the Venn diagram with key
characteristics of each concept.

3) Students will present their completed Venn diagrams to the class.


- Accuracy of information: 5 pts

- Completeness of Venn diagram: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the similarities and differences between global warming and climate

2) How does global warming contribute to climate change?

3) What are the potential consequences of climate change on a global scale?

Activity 3: Human Efforts to Protect the Environment Gallery Walk

Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Posters, markers, printed information on environmental initiatives

Significance: Students will recognize human efforts to protect the environment.


1) Assign small groups of students different environmental initiatives, such as

renewable energy projects, reforestation programs, or waste management

2) Each group will create a poster showcasing their assigned initiative, including its
goals, strategies, and impact.

3) Hang the posters around the classroom and conduct a gallery walk, where
students can view and learn about each initiative.


- Content and information: 5 pts

- Creativity and visual appeal: 5 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are some examples of human efforts to protect the environment?

2) How do these initiatives contribute to mitigating climate change and promoting


3) What role can individuals play in supporting these environmental efforts?

Teaching Strategy: Lecture and Discussion

Explain the concepts of climatic phenomena, global warming, climate change, and
human efforts to protect the environment. Engage students in a discussion to ensure
understanding and clarify any misconceptions.


Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Task 1: Conduct a science experiment to demonstrate the greenhouse effect and its
impact on temperature.

Task 2: Organize a role-playing activity where students act as representatives from

different countries in a climate change conference, discussing and negotiating
solutions to mitigate its effects.


Teaching Strategy: Think-Pair-Share

Assessment Questions:

1) Describe the greenhouse effect and its role in climate change.

2) Differentiate between global warming and climate change, providing examples.

3) Identify and explain two human efforts to protect the environment and their
significance in addressing climate change.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Encourage students to apply their knowledge and skills in addressing climate change
by designing and implementing their own environmental initiative. Provide guidance
and support throughout the process.

Assignment 1: Write a research paper on a specific climatic phenomenon and its

impact on a particular region or country. Include recommendations for adaptation
and mitigation measures.

Assignment 2: Create an infographic or poster that highlights the importance of

individual actions in combating climate change. Include practical tips for reducing
carbon footprint and promoting sustainability.

Follow the provided format and adapt the activities, strategies, and materials to suit
the specific needs and resources available in your classroom.

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