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Republic of the Philippines


Main Campus, Tagbilaran City
Vision: A premiere S&T university for the formation of world-class and virtuous human resource for sustainable development in Bohol and the
Mission: BISU is committed to provide quality higher education in the arts and sciences, as well as in the professional and technological fields:
Undertake research and development, and extension services for the sustainable development of Bohol and the country.


Second Semester A.Y. 2022-2023


Teacher: Eugen A. Cacayan Date: May 16, 2023

Year & Section: Grade 6- Athena
Subject Taught: Biology Class Schedule: Thu (9:00-11:00 a.m.

I. Learning Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:

a) Explain the blood cells in the body
b) Identify the types of blood in the human body
c) Develop a sense of curiosity on the blood cells in our body
d) They’ll apply their gained knowledge in future occurrence on how
to stop bleeding or proper blood transfusion.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Biology (Science)
Lesson: Blood Cells of the Human Body
Materials: Laptop, PPT, Projector Mobile Device, Topic Outline
Methods/Strategies: Inductive Method, 4A’s
Reference: Science Beyond Borders 6 page 30
III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
a) Greetings
“Good morning, Students!” “Good morning, Sir

b) Prayer
“Everyone, please stand for the opening prayer. Opening Prayer
May I ask the class mayor to lead the prayer?”

c) Checking of Attendance (Students will arrange the

“Thank you, class mayor. Before we proceed, chairs.)
please make sure to straighten your chairs and sit
“So may I ask the classroom secretary to check “Yes, Sir.”
the attendance and tally the scores of the student’s
d) Motivation (Review)
” Very good, most of you are present. Class, are
you ready to listen to start our discussion? If
there’s anyone who’d like to ask anything about
our class project last week, raise your hands?” (Students will raise their
hands and ask about their
concerns on the project.)
“That’s good to hear that you’ve voiced out your
concerns about the project, so we will move on to
our next topic.” “Yes,Sir!”
e) Activity

But before that, let’s have an activity first to

somewhat get you immersed in the topic we will be
discussing. Are you up for that?
“I will be having a spelling quiz but only related to
our topic for today, so is everyone ready?”
“You will exchange papers after each word spelled “Yes, Sir.”
to be checked and cheating will not be tolerated. Is
that clear? And if you want to try and spell out the
word just raise your hands.” (Students will raise their
hands and will answer the
“Okay, let’s start!”
words mentioned.)
g) Analysis
“Blood Cells are important to our body since it
helps distribute oxygen, protect our body from any
foreign organisms that invaded our body and helps
patch up the wounds in our body.”
“Now, let’s tackle about the three blood cells in our “Yes Sir”
body which is the red blood cells, white blood cells
and the platelets.”
“First is the red blood cells, red blood cells
contains the protein called hemoglobin, which
carries the oxygen from the lungs to every parts of
the body.”
“Imagine if there’s no red blood cells in our body, “Our body will not function
what will happen to the human body?” well because the red blood
cells can’t deliver oxygen
throughout our body”
“Please explain”

“Yes Sir”
“Okay. Perhaps your answer did have a point so
thank you for answering and giving your insights to
all of us, so did anyone followed our lesson?”
“Now let’s proceed to the second one.the white
blood cells, so white blood protects our body from
any harmful organisms that enter our body through
wounds or any diseases.” “Our body will be more
prone to illnesses due to
“So let me ask a question, what will happen to our that condition.”
body if white blood cells didn’t exist?”

“Thank you for that response, so again if our body

doesn’t have any white blood cells, bacteria or “Yes,Sir”
viruses can enter freely in our body without any
“As for the last one, the platelets, platelets help
patch up our small wounds in order to prevent
primary infection that might cause harm in the
human body, so every time if you have any
wounds don’t try to remove it because the platelets
are only doing their job.”
“Our body will bleed non
“For my last question if there’s no platelets in our stop and the wounds won’t
body, what will happen?” recover if there are no

“Thank now I will elaborate further the

blood cells that resides within our body can help “Illness is a bodily condition
circulate air throughout our body which can help which harms any part of our
our organs or muscles perform well, while other body due to some variables
cells protect our body from any foreign organisms like viruses and bacteria
and lastly helps our body recover from any wounds invasion.”
preventing it from getting infected, so now let us
move on to the illnesses of the blood cells, so from
the word illness what can you say about that? ”
“Yes,you are correct so let us start from the
illnesses of the red blood cells, so the first one is
Anemia, Anemia is an illness which you
experience frequent fainting due to your red blood
cells not healthy enough or lacks hemoglobin, the
second one is hemoglobinopathies, this illness is
caused by an abnormal hemoglobin that damages
and deforms your red bloods cells and it can also
be passed down through families/ inherited by
blood and the last one for my example is
hemophilia, this disorder can be described if your
blood does not clot properly.”
‘Is there any other question?” “No sir”
“Very well so let us proceed to the illnesses or
disorders from white blood cells so first is
leukopenia which happens when you have low
white blood cell count, the few neutrophils you
have the weaker your immune system is, and the
second one is Lymphocytosis where there is a
sudden increase of white blood cell count and
might later on develop into a chronic lymphocytic
“To further elaborate this more, if you have a very
weak immune system because your white blood “There’s none sir”
cell count is low or high never hesitate to ask a
doctor for an advice in that condition, so Is there
any other questions?”

“Thank you, so for the third one the illnesses or

disorders on the platelets so the first example will
be the Essential Thrombocythaemia, a rare blood
disorder that causes a high number of platelets to
form and might cause cancer later on, the second
one will be the thrombocytopenia which is a
disorder where your platelet count is low and
because your platelet count is low the wounds in
your body will have a hard time plugging it due to “There’s also none sir”
lack of platelets and the last one is Thrombotic
thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP) in this disorder
blood clots form in small vessels throughout the
body which it can limit or block the flow of blood in
the organs such as your brain, kidneys and your
heart limiting their function and might cause bodily
harm later on, so again does anyone of you want
to ask questions about our topic?”

“Yes sir
“Thank you for asking those questions and we are
in for the last which will be a way to treat blood
illnesses or injuries in our body that involved
massive loss of blood, so is everyone ready?”

“Then we will start, so the first one will be the bone “Yes it is important because
marrow transplant which will happen if your blood our body needs to recover .”
cells are not healthy so this medical method will be
used which your bone marrow will be replaced to
restore our body’s capability to create blood cells
that our body needs, so bone marrow transplant
will be needed if your bone marrow is not working
properly, so before we move on to our next
example let me ask a question any opinions or
answers will be accepted, so is bone marrow
transplant necessary?
Thank you for answering, and yes it has always
been necessary to have a bone marrow transplant “ Yes sir”
if your body’s condition starts to deteriorate due to
your bone marrow not producing enough blood
cells or not producing healthy blood cells that
might cause harm to your body, does anyone
understand the explaination?”

“Thank you moving on to the second one the blood

transfusion process, this usually happens if you
lost too much blood in an injury or you need to
have blood transplant due to some blood cells
lacking in your body like you have an anemia,
leukopenia and thrombocytopenia where it will be
really needed.”

“So now let us move on to have a short recap to

our lesson today so who wants to explain? I need
four students to answer the question.”
(Raise hands)

h) Abstraction
“ Blood cells helps our body
“What are the blood cells again?” circulate oxygen or other
“The red blood cells help
circulate oxygen throughout
“ Very good then what is the function the red blood our body.”
cells in our body?

“The white blood cells

“ Good job, then what about the white blood cells protect our body from any
and the platelets? foreign organisms and
platelets cover the wounds
our body obtained.”
“It is whether the human
body is either inherited or
“ Then what about the main causes if how the
due to the things he/she
human body’s blood cells don’t work properly or
become unhealthy?

Yes then thank you then that’s it for today’s lesson

then I’ll give an activity on everyone where each
one of will research on any diseases that involved
blood cells in our body and a way to treat it .”

“What paper will be used

“Before our class ends, does anyone of you have
any questions regarding the activity that I’ve

“It will be written on a 1 whole sheet of paper and

don’t worry class it will passed on next week during
my time.”
i) Application
“For the application you will have to research types of
blood illnesses and based on when you’ll pass the
assignment I’ll give you a score of 50 points.”

“The criteria would be

Context – 15 points
Punctuality - 15 points
Usage of Words - 5 points
Grammar - 15 points

IV. Evaluation
Based on our discussion about the concepts, characteristics, and functions of
blood cells in 5-8 sentences (10 points)

V. Assignment
Research and read in advance about the other cells that helps our body to be

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