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Subject: Types of Volcanoes and Volcanic Eruption

Grade Level: Grade 9


a. Describe the different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions

b. Differentiate between active and inactive volcanoes by providing specific


d. Explain what happens when volcanoes erupt

e. Illustrate how energy from volcanoes may be tapped for human use

Learning across curriculum:

1) Science - Plate Tectonics: Explain how the movement of tectonic plates

contributes to volcanic activity.

2) Geography - Landforms: Discuss how volcanic eruptions shape the Earth's

surface and create different landforms.

3) Technology - Geothermal Energy: Explore how the energy from volcanoes can be
harnessed for human use through geothermal power plants.


Teaching Strategy: K-W-L Chart

Instructional Materials: Whiteboard, markers

Anecdote 1: Share a story about the eruption of Mount Pinatubo and its impact on
the surrounding areas in the Philippines.

Anecdote 2: Discuss the legend of Mayon Volcano and how it is a symbol of love in
Filipino culture.

Teaching Strategy: Interactive Quizzes

Instructional Materials: Online quiz platform, devices

1) Idea - Create an interactive quiz where students can test their knowledge on
different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.

2) Idea - Conduct a virtual field trip to a volcano using 360-degree videos and virtual
reality headsets.


Activity 1: Volcano Model Building

Teaching Strategy: Cooperative Learning

Materials: Clay, cardboard, paint, volcano model kits

Significance: This activity allows students to create their own models of volcanoes,
enhancing their understanding of different types of volcanoes and volcanic eruptions.


1) Divide students into groups of 3-4.

2) Provide each group with the necessary materials.

3) Instruct students to research and choose a specific volcano to model.

4) Guide students in constructing their volcano models, ensuring accuracy and

attention to detail.

5) Allow students to present their models to the class, explaining the characteristics
of their chosen volcanoes.

- Accuracy of volcano model: 15 pts

- Presentation of characteristics: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) What are the different types of volcanoes?

2) Describe the characteristics of an explosive volcanic eruption.

3) How do shield volcanoes differ from composite volcanoes?

Activity 2: Volcano Case Studies

Teaching Strategy: Case Studies

Materials: Case study articles, laptops or devices

Significance: This activity engages students in analyzing real-life volcanic eruptions

and understanding the impact on human communities.


1) Assign each student a different case study article on a specific volcanic eruption.

2) Instruct students to read and analyze the article, focusing on the types of
volcanoes involved, the eruption process, and the effects on the surrounding areas.

3) Facilitate a class discussion where students present their case studies and
discuss commonalities and differences among the volcanic eruptions.


- Analysis of case study: 15 pts

- Participation in class discussion: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How did the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD impact the city of Pompeii?

2) What were the effects of the 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines?

3) Compare and contrast the eruption of Mount St. Helens in 1980 and the eruption
of Eyjafjallajökull in 2010.

Activity 3: Geothermal Power Plant Simulation

Teaching Strategy: Experiential Learning

Materials: Simulation software, computers

Significance: This activity allows students to understand how energy from

volcanoes can be tapped for human use through geothermal power plants.


1) Introduce the concept of geothermal energy and its connection to volcanic activity.

2) Divide students into groups and provide them with access to geothermal power
plant simulation software.

3) Instruct students to simulate the operation of a geothermal power plant,

considering factors such as heat extraction, energy conversion, and electricity

4) Guide students in analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of geothermal

energy as a renewable resource.


- Simulation performance: 20 pts

- Analysis of advantages and disadvantages: 10 pts

Assessment Questions:

1) How does a geothermal power plant generate electricity?

2) What are the environmental benefits of using geothermal energy?

3) Discuss the challenges and limitations of geothermal energy as a renewable



Teaching Strategy: Lecture with Visual Aids

Explanation 1: Provide a detailed lecture on the different types of volcanoes, their

characteristics, and the processes involved in volcanic eruptions. Use visuals such
as diagrams, photographs, and videos to enhance understanding.

Explanation 2: Conduct a class discussion on the concept of active and inactive

volcanoes, highlighting specific examples from different parts of the world.
Encourage students to share their own knowledge and experiences related to
volcanic activity.


Teaching Strategy: Problem-Based Learning

Task 1: Design a Volcano Safety Plan

Materials: Safety guidelines, research materials

Task 2: Create a Volcano Artwork

Materials: Art supplies, reference images of volcanoes

Teaching Strategy: Inquiry-Based Learning

Assessment Questions:

1) Explain the differences between shield, composite, and cinder cone volcanoes.

2) Provide examples of active and inactive volcanoes in the Philippines.

3) How can geothermal energy from volcanoes be harnessed for human use?
Provide specific examples.


Teaching Strategy: Project-Based Learning

Materials: Research materials, presentation tools

1) Task: Investigate the impact of volcanic eruptions on climate change and present
your findings to the class.

2) Task: Design a sustainable community near a volcano, considering the potential

risks and benefits of living in such an area.


1) Assignment Overview: Write a research paper on a famous volcanic eruption,

analyzing its causes, effects, and significance. (Rubric provided)

2) Assignment Overview: Create a multimedia presentation showcasing the different

types of volcanoes and their unique characteristics. (Rubric provided)

Note: The rubrics for the activities and assignments are not provided in this
response. They should be created based on the specific criteria and learning
outcomes of each task.

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