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The rarer |” PUB O83 sie 150025 [A Steel Construction << ToT pari [LEP peste of Compaste Passes Sitwod Pe Aso Bess SS 70N Appendix A: Design Example Tee 0240 248 aa coo oe Fenlsun sac me put | stay 92 CALCULATION SHEET "RML |" June 92 er central Consider imposed load on half span Misi Ts rocsey hs 354 kN Shear force in Vierendeel panel = 35.4 kN ‘+ Vierendeel moment due to imposed load on half span 35.4 x 1S ‘53.1 kNm For equilibrium M, = 53.1 kN Moment resistance for Vierendee! bending is: M, My + 2M, (- TR) + 2M, where: Mc, is the moment resisiance due to composite action of the top chord ‘and slab. Mey ~ RL (Dy + Dj) /2 4%] R Ag By (tensile resistance af bottom chord) 29.3'x = 1047.3 kN Ms Z, (moment capacity of botom chord) , 55% 44.110° 15.7 kNm (minimum value) Note: bottom chord is in tension, therefore no stress reduction for compression bending Byy Dy = 1.65 km (sce Sheet 10) The value of R, is dependent on the number of shear studs across the panel. This determines the maximum tensile force that can be generated in the top chord. The yarar | PUB O88 soon 160125 [A st Contrsion EL | pos of Compote Tae Sitwood Pak Ane Bes $18 708 ‘Appendix A: Design Example shone 34 ie Ne tam Faunpepe put May 92 CALCULATION SHEET eS ea | June 92 Therefore, R, is the smaller of Ny Oy OF A, Py where: etka avenge of each shear connecior f, ts the number of shear connectors over the opening ‘Shear stud design Studs 19 dia x 95 long LW concrete Grade 35 104 kN from Table 5 BS 5950: Part 3 104x009 = —93.6kN Q , (using LWC) 0, = 96X08 = 749KN Stud Laxout Deck trough centres 300 mam Slab depth, D, 130 mm ‘Max. spacing 4 x 130 = 520mm < 600 mm Ss max spacing = = “520. mm As deck trough centres are at 300 mm limit stud positions to 1 per trough 300 1500 Vierd. panel 7s0,| 750, ‘Maximum force in the bottom chord = 1047.25 AN Required Noopsnts = 18725 = 149-< 21 spp Between support and end af opening Although 14 studs would be adequate, 21 studs are required due to the requirements of| stud spacing ‘The Institute 2 Sood Park Aust Bra LS TON ear Steel Construction PUB 083, shoot 18. 25 A Design of Composite Trusses Appendix A: Design Example ‘Telphose (04) 20345 ore Male by por Foxtons) 2904 ao May 92 CALCULATION SHEET ” RML June 92 Truss dimensions taken on stel centre lines ankw win aN aN ae _ |e : ! 7200 2400 | 2400 750. con eae Sections: meng RIESE? Verticals ~ 50x 50x 5L } sont et 11.4 kN/m? x 3 = (34.2 kN/m Length of diagonal (from nodes) = (690.6 + 1200) = — 1385 mm Major bracing forces used to design the lattice girder Member Force (kN) 1s (232 ~ 41) 1385/6906 = 25 - 47 383 AN Tension 383 kN Compression 47 kN Compression aT av PUB 083, shee 2 of 25 ‘A The Steel Construction Design of Comporite Trusses Appendix A: Design Example tT oe | MD CALCULATION SHEET oes mt. | June 92 Construction Siage Loading cases Uniform Construction Load Duck & Mesh : : ) case | Soroune ete Construction load + concree siab Ke ALA | Case 2 |. _,Construction load + concrete slab ALA k f Case 3 Alternative positions for ‘onstruction point loads P Case 1 + concrete slab Case 5 = Construction point load initial stages of construction 2 ~ case for out of balance loads and local bending of Vierendeel panel used in design of member A-A 3 ~ case for max. axial forces and local bending of Vierendeel panel 4 ~ case for local bending due to constructon point load applied t0 central panel A-A 5 ~__Ascase 4 but for 2.4 m long panel B-B g Ff eee ‘Member Properties (see Figure 9) (om?) A, (em!) ‘I, (en) 1 Bottom chord 165 x 152 x 23kgim 20.8 10s sai Tee section 2 Bracing 60 % 60% 10 kg/m 22 12.0 8 double angle 3 Bracing 60 x 60 x 6 kg/m Bs 12 456 double angle 4 Verticals 50 x 50 x 6 kg/m Try 60 256 ‘double angle 5 Shear links (concrete units) 3600 3600 43200 6 Sib (concrete units) 2100 210 rs 7 Topehord = 127 x 152 x 21kgim 26.6 123 568 Tee section Elastic modulus of steel, Elastic modulus of concrete ‘The centroid ofthe slab is taken as 90 mm above the top flange of the bear. The shear links are spaced at 600 mam (except in the Vierendeel panel) and therefore include the action of a namber of ribs. The slab and shear link properties set to zero in non-compesite cares ‘A = cross-sectional area; A, = shear area; [, = second moment of area for major axis bending ‘The results of the important load cases are presented in Figures 19 10 21. It cam be seen that the ‘momeats in the members are relatively small except In the top chord in the composke ease. The unbalanced load case shows the magnitude of the moments and forces in the chords around the Vierendesl opening. The <7" PUB 083 sieet 240125 | "A Steel Construction Tea Institute > Design of Composite Trusses Sane Siwood Pate Ate Beda SLS 7QN ce —Aepunat A: Design Example Tethose 0340 25345, ia 2 r Fret) 2944 ee pee | ay 92 CALCULATION SHEET RML ‘Tune 2 Position of cg for Top & Bottom Chords (26.6 + 140) 5.63 + 29.5 x 85.91 5 = (HS BET (140 + 26.6 + 29.5)7 17.7 em Second moment of area of composite truss = SZ + 40 + 26.6) 12.07" + S41 + 29.5 x 68.2P = SIM + 2471 + S41 + 137252 = 167183 emt Imposed load deflection w a 4.35 x 13.5 3 = 176.24N 5% 176.2 x 13500 384 X 205 x 167188 x 10° = 165mm Allow an increase of 10% for the Vierendeel action *. 5, = 18.1 mm (1/745) OK Suammars Total Detection Construction Stage (Non Composite) 23.7 mm Imposed (Composite) a 18.1 mn Superdead cés = 0.35, Raised Floor = 0.50 O85 kNim? x 135 x3 = 34.4kN - x ME mm - rom 4 16.5» 3.2 mm + 10% 35 Total Deflection Construction Stage = 23.7 mm Super Dead = as Deed 72m Imposed 18.9 = (749 < 1/360) OK 45.1 mm (1/298) OK The "pup 083 shen 20025 | A Steel Construction Te istete Se | Dusen of Componte Truses Silwood Pask Atcot Berks SLS 70N Appendis A: Design Example x ota ia a ae Soot out | ay CALCULATION SHEET vee ML |" June 92 Member 135 (Diagonal) ‘Axlal Teusile force = 381 kN For 80 x 80 x 8L Grade 50 coatcamns = nen [yl Assume angle welded to the T-section 4 = (>-s] 0 -[#- = 608 mn? Gross arca of unconnected leg = -f)n = gs = 2 a [> 3]! {» S)8 608 mn 3x 608 OS + OS | 08 = an| (08 + 456 1068 mm? », 1068 x 35510 STTTRN > 190.5 kN For pracitcal reasons use 2 No. 80 x 80 x 8 L for all tension and compression members except the vertical braces Weight Schedule Descrpton | Seaion | Weigle | Number | Lengh | Tot | Weigh mm mm | gi me | Length 1s Tpetort [urxizt | a | 2 | 133 | us| 205 Botom chord |16sx1527 | 23 | 1 | ae | me | 3668 Bracing Diagonsts | 30x89x81) 9639 | 20 | 139| 2728 | 267.7 Vericas | s0xsoxst| 377 | 4 | o69| “276| “me Weight perm? ma 207, 9.1 iy stan Design of Composite Trusses. sa m= vo [one Tears [a 3, camtcen REE [ar sat Svaod Fa Att Bets 8L3 708 Appendix A: Design Bs Figherqeayons aa Taree ‘ Facto sa9ce pum | _ May 92 CRT a CALCULATION SHEET RML. ‘une $2 29, where Nz = 5 = 59 = 3745 kN 36.5 mm Hence, moment resistance due to composite action at opening (see calculation sheet 15) is: S45 [130 + eoyi2 + 38.5) 1? = 50.0 kNm Botom chont value of T 141.8 IN, 44 x 13.5 x 3 = 17R2EN 108.4 asa (Hel BAL 195.5 kw Postion considered 124-5 LN Jor moment Moment = = — 124.3. x 6 ~ 6/13. x 178.2 x $ = 509.4 kNm Axial bottom chord force = — 5094 0.848 = 600.7 kN T= 600.7kN Total moment resistance due to Vierendeel bending is: M, = My +2MyU-TAp) + 2M, = sov2xis.7 [1 - 07) o2 x 465 1047.3 = 92.0 km > 53.1 kim OK Vierendeel panel is satisfactory for out of balance imposed loads Tore Fev The Zee PUB 083 snow 140825 [A Steel Construction “SESS | pesign of Composite Trusses Sivoo Pak Asa Ba SOPS appendix A: Design Example rans “mn meer pi |" May 92 CALCULATION sheer SEY uae | June 92 Composite Truss Overall Bending It is assumed conservatively that the 1op chord (see Section 4.1) is neglected in overall bending calculations. Concrete resistance, R, Re = OAS Soy By Xe 0:45 238° 3000 x 3, 10? = 4725%, ‘Steel resistance, Ry Ap, 29.8 % 355/10 1087.3 kN Neutral axis depth in concrete, x, mas | 13 = ann Moment pacts, M = 10873 x e+ 10-109 - 2 = 1073 «03808 = 888 INm > 779.1 kNm OK ‘Top & Bottom chords satisfactory with respect to overall bending of the composite truss 2S" PUB 083, sven 22025 | "A Design of Composite Trusses Tae Sitwood Pate Ascot Bess SLS TON Appendix A: Design Example ‘Telephoe (34) 23348 Ca Wade by ae Faxt0348) 22944 cere DEM | May 92 CALCULATION SHEET " RML June 92 Deflection A= 266 cm Constouction Stage {5 = 568 cm* po EF pay 152 21 kgm F Gr. 50 [j= ara 3633 1 — | fy foons baz | ws = mar A= Bion, 909165. 152 x 29 kgim T Gr. 0 position of ¢.g. (26.6 x 3.85) + 09.5 « 72.9 = 09.5 + 26.65 102.4 + UST = S61D 5 = Wltem Iu, for combined second moment of area of sections (I = I, + A) = (568 + 26.6 x 36.33) + (S41 + 29.5 X 32.79) = 67819 ont Looding N/m? Deck & Mesh = 018 Girter = a2 Concrete = 190 2.30 x 13.5 x 3 = 93.2 KN Deflection of steel truss under construction loading 5x 93.2 x 13500 384 x 205 x 67819 x 10" = iS mm Assume, +10% (0 allow for the Vierendeel action across the central panel Hence’, = 23.7 mm cost mo egg = AO9t+ 08D == — (SST X 990) + SE X OFT uoy298 pauzofsunsy Su1sn poy> dot amsoduo> fo “32 poorr = Ex ST DML 40f §1 50 w2yO) oes smIRPOW ae shun 221s ut v21D aassuoy ye ss = 71 Bupyoap ays fo ysdop 0 9°9t = ¥ 2ys wags oj242u02 ssoud ere 6 aun Wa aa Aa pepe 26 So WI awa hae ‘apd uysaqy *y Spada SRL, ROTA Jo WIRE V, 50 PEL 680 Aad The rar | pun 083 sien 250025 [A Pxcmanin © ‘Sitwood Pak Ascot Berks SL3 7Ht Appendix A: Design Example sain rate rnd se am Fax (0344) 22944 oma ag — a CALCULATION SHEET " RML June 92 Natural Frequency Loading considered Dead + 10% Imposed (not including partitions) BIS + 10% of (4.35 - 1.0) BIS + 0.34 = 3.49 kN/m? Woe see nsKs = nay Deflection due to self weight - 5 x 1413 x 135007 384 x 205 x 167188+ x 10° 13.2 mm 18 3.2 = S0H,>4.0H, OK Frequency = “+ Floor structure satisfactory for natural frequency * For natural frequency the second moment of area could be increased by 10% to take account of the increased dynamic stiffness of the composite beam. pus 0g apmag wy suowes TV ISX 0s x0s = saan 18x08 X0R = aay jumong — w/BY§Z x TST X SIT ~~ POY) onOK SOE VOMIT BUERONOT PTS x91 995 woqrouusofuy soyunf s0f MNT = FLX $8°0 sauaag y 2uyy39 soos pastry, pod s9ing N10 coat suonmeg NY P'S oundns29 org ansoduoy NID (poo] miog) poo] wopaniswo) HN 80 (aaa) peor wonsnnsu0y HINA TE SOOT prsorsoy ois 231900) sapnig fo rys}2M MPS Tere. ter The PUB 083 sr 200.25 | A ‘Steel Construction OT Steel Co wre Design of Composite Taser, Sivoo Pk Ascut Beta sts Qs | Appendix A: Design Bx reese "DIM. Bay 92. Tea CALCULATION SHEET me ewe | June 92 Member 4-2 (vertical) Asal Compressive Force = 47kN Length to node points = 690 mm ‘Tr S0 x $0 x SL Grade $0 tw = 9.73 mm bed +0 2 29 < 20.2 OK fa ty = ISL mam + Seetion not slender Ara = 48en7 0.85 x 690 = 00.3; » OT 4 » Lex = 45.7; 15.1 0.85 x 60 07 x 690 485 x 0 = 33.8, 97x a » 151 1° using d = 64.5, from Table 27(c) of BS 5980 Pant P, = — 233 N/mm? Pe = 233K 4.80 = ILBKN> 72 SEN Use 2 No, $0 x 50 x § L Grade 50

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