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Speech of

His Holiness
Prophet Raël
Africa, future of humanity
"Africa is important in the eyes of our Creators,
for it is the future if it can escape from
the old mysticisms, a handicap which led it
to be subdued by the other continents."
From the speech of His Holiness Raël, in Valcourt, (Quebec) Canada,
August 24th, 53 a.H (1998).


How many thousands of innocent Africans will die in civil wars like
in Rwanda before one understands that the cause of these terrible events
is the monstrous European colonization ?

hen colonizers arrived entire artificially created nation. local and cultural realities. Once

W on this immense conti-

nent, they deliberately
created countries that previously
As long as the colonial power was
there to impose its authority
through force, there was no prob-
the "independence" was obtained,
problems began… In each of
these artificial states, the group of
did not exist by drawing totally lem. All the Africans were living people with the largest population
arbitrary and artificial boundaries together under this tyranny, help- automatically took the power by
in order to share in the looting of ing each other and even feeling using the rules of democracy
local resources. In each African closer to other ethnic groups who brought by the colonizers.
state, one can often find more than were sometimes hostile. The envi-
a hundred groups of people who ronment was filled with sentiments If this rule were applied in Europe,
have nothing in common with their of injustice, which quickly led to the reunified Germany, which has
neighbours, neither in their tradi- the creation of the first revolt the largest population, could
tions nor in their customs -- some- movements. The same way as the impose its points of view on the
times even in their languages, French and the British, who histor- rest of Europe… Would the French
which are often so different that ically waged many wars against and others accept it? Of course
the groups cannot understand one one another, suddenly felt close to not… When the decolonization
another. one another in order to fight nazi took place, it would have been
Germany. good to give back independence to
Despite this, the centralist coloniz- all the groups of people who were
ers came and decreed that these And the decolonization came, in a arbitrarily gathered by the coloniz-
groups of people, whose only fault world that pretends to be based on ing forces. A myriad of independ-
was to have a less advanced tech- justice and not on the brutal force ent small countries would thus
nology which did not enable them of armies. The colonial powers have been created. The Hutus and
to push the invaders back, should returned home, but left in place a the Tutsis each would have had
from now on live together within centralist power and administra- their territory to administer, and we
common frontiers with a capital tion based on the European model would not have the current wars.
city designed to reign over the that does not take into account The process would have given

* in Apocalypse International n° 105 of the year 52 a.H (1997), p. 4 - 6

in Apocalypse International n° 79 of the year 44 a.H. (1989), p. 2 - 3. 2
It is not by chance that Jerusalem
has one foot in Africa...

“(...) If Africa is technologically behind rich countries, it has a privilege,

thanks to the Message of our Creators, of being spiritually at the same level, and I
would even say ahead of them because it does not suffer from the handicap of the
superiority complex of the catholic whites former colonizers, who consider themselves as
the center of the universe. It is not by chance that Jerusalem has one foot in Africa...
It is written that the lasts will be the firsts. Thanks to the Messages, the Africans
will be perhaps the firsts to welcome our Creators.”
Speech of His Holiness Raël in Valcourt, (Quebec) Canada, august 1996 (in Apocalypse International n° 104, 1996, p.14)

these small African states the pos- really and sincerely want the well recent military interventions, par-
sibility of creating a federation sim- being of African populations, is to ticularly those of the French, are
ilar to that of the United States of destroy all traces of colonialism, the proof that the independence
America or the ongoing one of starting with the arbitrary borders given to the decolonized countries
Europe. It is not too late to take which rely on no reality, be it is totally relative. As soon as an
over the problem by destroying the cultural, ethnic, religious, or African head of state wishes to
states and the frontiers created by geopolitical. Lines drawn on maps establish a privileged relationship
colonial powers. by totally unconscious colonial civil with Libya, China or any other
A true decolonization consists, servants that's what African state the old colonial power
in fact, in putting Africa back to borders are. If Africans want to get dislikes, the French come in and
the state in which it was before rid of their problems, they have to put the country "back in line."
it was polluted politically by col- carry on a real decolonization of They depose the
onization. their continent; and this real deco- government, democratically elected,
Certainly there were some tribal lonization goes along with the and replace it with personalities
conflicts, but each one had his own destruction of artificial states more "sympathetic" to the old col-
territory and nobody was created by the exploiting coloni- onizing powers. The most reserved
trying to exterminate his neigh- zers, as well as all the centralist heads of state can't stay insensi-
bour. systems put in place. The old colo- tive for long to the deposits made
nial powers are doing nothing to in banks in Switzerland (it is inter-
Imagine that scientific progress really help Africans, for they are esting to notice that almost all
had gone faster in Africa than in too content to keep on looting the African leaders have bank
Europe and the latter had been natural resources of this immense accounts in Switzerland despite
colonized by Africans one or two continent, using local conflicts to the exchange control barrier set to
centuries ago. We would have had mask their political and economic impeach the outflow of the meager
an artificial European state creat- cheatings. In artificial states that African capital resources. How are
ed to manage the conquered terri- live on ethnic conflicts, it is so easy these accounts supplied?). The
tories. Then, a decolonization to use corruption to keep on bene- crowning of emperor Bokassa 1st,
revolt would have sent the coloniz- fitting from the natural resources of which was financed by France, is
ers back home. Can one imagine officially "decolonized" countries. the most striking example of the
that the colonized Europeans decolonization mascarade.
would have accepted keeping the If each ethnic group could truly get Africans must wake up and
boundaries and the system set up back the power of the natural destroy the boundaries and states
by the invaders? Of course not. resources of its territory, it would they have not chosen. The UN
The French or the Italians would be much more difficult for the could supervise the creation of
never accept being governed by European looters to manipulate new states, the borders of which
the largest ethnic group, the prices and production through would be the natural and ancestral
Germans or the Russians, if they powerful multinational firms. It limits of ethnic groups or popula-
were also part of the colonized must be taken into account that tions as they existed before colo-
groups. Ethnic fights would have each conflict, even those officially nization, and organize a federation
devastated the decolonized "condemned" or "deplored," allows of the different countries so creat-
Europe, just as they ravage Africa the European arms builders to ed. The natural resources of Africa
today. No, the only solution, if we make juicy profits. Finally, the would therefore benefit the local

populations, not the multinational force, be they political, religious and the "third world" would devel-
firms eager to make profits. So, or cultural. op as one can see happening in
each ethnic group or nation could Your immense continent is rich, the Philippines or in Thailand. We
find its roots, its traditions, and its and the new technologies, like Raelians can contribute to this
language. A second federal lan- computer science and the internet, great movement of wealth reequi-
guage could be adopted to allow set you free from the need of colo- librium.
all the inhabitants of the Great nizers in order to learn. Millions of
African Continent to communicate young Ivorians, Congolese, or oth- I wish that all the Raelians
with one another. ers can receive knowledge directly of rich countries undertake
It would be preferable that this fed- from the greatest universities of campaigns with T-shirts, stickers,
eral language not be the one of the the world. This is why getting away conferences, etc., around the
old colonizing country. from France and getting closer to theme: "Buy Third World."
Former French colonies should the USA would be beneficial to the
adopt English as their second lan- development of Africa. Instead of contributing to fund rais-
guage, for it is more and more ing to help the "third world," we will
becoming the dominant world lan- What can non-African Raelians do help it more by motivating our con-
guage. to help Africa? Above all, do not temporary fellows to buy what is
help the begging which has been produced in the "third world,"
After linguistic decolonisation, organized and raised into institu- rather than buying our national
it would be desirable to undertake tions by governments who want to products. Will this create a bit more
religious decolonization. maintain, through this process, the unemployment in our countries?
Traditional African religions should power they have over Africa. "The Yes, and so what…? This is what
be taught again to the populations more I help you the more you true charity and true solidarity are
and in schools as part of the depend on me" -- this is their all about: to accept that a few more
cultural inheritance of Africans. motto. people live less wealthy so that
This way, a "de-Christianization" others in less favored countries
would take place progressively. What happens in rich countries? can escape death from hunger.
One should not forget that Millions are spent to organize What is the suffering of an unem-
Christianity has been used as an campaigns to help the "third ployed person, forced to reduce
instrument to better subdue the world," and more millions are his expenses so he can survive
conquered people, attempting to spent to ask the French to buy from his unemployment allowance,
get them lose their identity. Finally, French, or the Canadians to by when compared to the suffering of
it is time for Africans to be aware of Canadian… What hypocrisy. "Let's an African family that wakes up not
the fact that under the cover of keep the third world in dependen- knowing what it will eat today and
"cooperation," the "cooperants" cy and begging, and let us enrich tomorrow… and the following
and other "advisors" (the former ourselves by buying national…" As days…? To buy French or
colonizing countries put "gently" at to the enterprises that invest by Canadian is to save jobs, to buy
the service of African countries) building factories in "third world" "third world" is to save lives…
are, in fact, agents in charge of countries, they are pointed out as
maintaining control, so that inde- exploiters of a low-paid workforce. The choice is quickly made when
pendence remains simply a word, Yet these enterprises are "doing one is aware of the problem.
and does not come to be a fact. the right thing," even though they
Why do Africans accept French do it more for profit than for The year 2000 of the Christian era
troops to be positioned in almost humanitarian altruism. They is here, in less than three years.
all African countries? They are unconsciously contribute to a Let us make it together, so that
there to so-called "protect the reequilibrium movement of wealth. Africa and the "third world" of the
Africans," but in fact they quickly third millennium will be different
intervene as soon as the powers in The third world needs not from those of this end of the 20th
place have a sentiment of real begging, but development. century, and so that when the
independence, deposing them and Elohim come, they feel proud of
replacing them with more "sub- The best way to help the poor man their children of all races and of all
dued" leaders. What a scandal! is not to give him a fish, but rather continents.
to teach him how to fish… and give
Yes it is truly time that Africans him a fishing pole. Enterprises Raël
finally get true independence, and should be encouraged to move
put an end to the shame. their production factories to "third
world" countries. European con-
Africans, take your destiny in sumers would be better off
your hands by rejecting alto- because the products brought to
gether the structures that have their markets would be cheaper,
been imposed onto you by

For a new Africa

Wake up, Africa!

The end of self-colonisation*
The extraordinary revolution which is taking place in Eastern Europe is softly but
surely drawing African populations in its wake, for the governments and media in
the so-called "democratic" countries have been closing their eyes and mouths for
too long about the lack of freedom in so-called "united" Africa. The single political
party, exactly like the former countries of the East, is still governing most African
states, thus forbidding any real plurality and opposition.

nd now we see dictator-leaders, when repro- ted carpets, marble, gold, and so on… Moreover,

A ached with this, claiming without laughing

that their country is not ready for, or is too
young to experiment with multi-partisan politics --
the building is standing in the middle of a formal
garden "à la française" of several acres, enclosed
in gold-plated fence…
yet that is democracy!
Hut-villages with no water, no electricity, no drain-
That is exactly what colonizing nations used to say pipes, are scattered all around; deprived families
when they were reigning over "indigenous" popu- are crowding in there, tormented by those parasitic
lations, to whom they denied the right to vote… diseases that undermine the African people.
Now we hear the same words from leaders of
tribes or predominating ethnic groups, who found And whenever one dares to reproach the (lifetime)
themselves propelled to the head of these new President for that, he forcefully protests and says
States, driven by their infatuation for independ- that he paid for it all with his own money… Then he
ence… adds that if he had bought a Mirage (a French
bomber), nobody would have found fault with it…
And this does not only affect political freedom, but now he's giving himself away! Would he have
all kinds of freedom, for cancer is nearly always bought a Mirage with his own money? At a cost of
sure to spread if it is not treated. Take, for instance, 60 billion francs!!!
religious freedom. Some Raelian Africans, namely
in the Congo and Burkina Faso, get arbitrarily Either Mr. Houphouët Boigny's personal fortune
arrested and roughly interrogated, which means was tremendous before he became President
that they are denied one of mankind's most impor- (which would be public knowledge), or the salary
tant rights. of the President of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire is
much higher than the President of the United
I take this opportunity to ask Raelians from all over States of America's, plus all the heads of States in
the world to write to the President of the Republics the whole world…
of both those States to protest forcefully and insist
on the fact that they will encourage a boycott cam- Let's be serious… A piece of information released
paign on tourism towards those countries and on by an official of the Bank of France will give you an
purchasing goods from those places for as long as idea of where so much money comes from: the
the Raelian Movement is not officially allowed and sums paid into Bank of France accounts by African
respected as it should be (I rely on you for that). leaders amount to about 80% of the subsidies or
grants given to the African States in order to help
But the economic field is where the problem them fight against starvation, poverty, or under-
becomes totally revolting. The President of Côte development… you got it all!
d'Ivoire has just inaugurated an exact copy, though
bigger, of St. Peter Basilica in Rome, in the middle The person in charge of the Bank of France added
of the bush! The cost is sixty billion francs (ten bil- that the rest must have been paid into Swiss
lion dollars US). With air-conditioning, the biggest accounts, or in Luxemburg or elsewhere… Which
stained-glass windows in the world, the thickest fit- means in plain language that most of the financial

help granted to "developing" countries is embez- with customs-officers ransoming and racketting
zled for the personal benefit of its leaders… travellers over and over again, unpunished, on the
Then they can always try to make up for their guilty roads of their own country… all this becomes
conscience by building an air-conditioned Basilica obvious to younger generations who were allowed
in the middle of the bush… with their "personal" to study. Therein lies the mistake! Once knowledge
money… Some others will say people don't live by has been given, it is difficult to keep those who
bread alone… (easy to say with a full stomach). have acquired this knowledge from using it…
But as far as Africa is concerned… please send In the old times of foreign colonization, the goods
the bread first, we'll see about the rest later! and the wealth were sent abroad to make foreign
nations richer. Now the goods and the wealth are
Oh, I almost forget! The Pope offered to come offi- sent abroad to inflate African leaders and the bank
cially and inaugurate the "Saint Houphouët accounts of "civil-servants."
Boigny" Basilica, driven as he is by a beautiful
impulse of generosity, assistance and kindness …This is called self-colonization.
towards the "third world." It should also be stated
the the Basilica will be cared for by the life-time But all this is over now… They will have to account
President, and that he has donated the land where for it all… and give the money back… what Swiss
the building was erected to the Vatican, thus copy- banks have done to block Marcos' or Duvallier's
ing the agreements between the Italian govern- possessions should be done as well for African
ment and the "holy see" when it was created. (Is leaders.
that a donation of his own money? Then the whole
of Côte d'Ivoire territory would be the lifetime We must get ready for it now. There could not be
President's property… I got it all, now!). fairer justice than to give the subsidies back to the
starving people of Africa.
Of course, nobody knows exactly how much Mr.
Houphouët Boigny paid to the Vatican (of his "own As for the Basilica… it could become a laic
money," of course) in order to "incite" the Pope to University! A marvellous way of using up the left-
come and inaugurate the building… There are overs… and offering to the African youth what they
some travelling expenses for sure: private Boeing, need most: knowledge.
popemobile, and so on.
Imagine that cathedral filled with computers direct-
In fact, the subsidies to the "third word" are thus ly connected to European data-banks… this would
directly repaid to the Vatican, which saves the be real help to the "third world."
starving Africans the trouble of giving money for
collections in churches, thus sparing considerable Moving the under-developed directly from goat-
energy. They don't even need to raise their hands flocks to mega-octets…
to put the money into the basket. As they are
underfed, the slightest movement becomes an Wake up, Africa take your destiny in your own
effort, and one can only encourage whatever tends hands and overthrow the last colonizers, who are
to conserve their strength…They may even not go more than colonizers, since, as well as being your
to church anymore…Which is what they have own children, they are also betraying you.
already started to do. This is the biggest problem…

There are more and more demonstrations in the Peace, love and brotherhood.
streets of Abidjan, as well as in all the African cap-
itals… Africa is waking up! At last! The ideologies RAËL
that used to find fertile soil can no longer delude
the people of that huge under-developing conti-
nent with illusions by keeping them apart from real in Apocalypse International n° 79 of the year 44 a.H. (1989), p. 2 - 3.

The Marxist illusion is collapsing everywhere, and

nobody can promote a dismantled pattern any-
more to fight a dead enemy. Everything is giving
way. And the African people can at last look their
true enemies in the face: that is, their own govern-

They have been colonized without knowing it by

their own political authorities!

A single party, a lifetime President, limousines and

luxurious lives for too many leaders, corruption,

For a new Africa

Africans, have no complex !...

Find again your roots
and your culture !
Speech of His Holiness Rael, given on december 13th , 56 a.H (2001), in Brazzaville, Congo
(In Apocalypse International N° 125, 2nd quarter 56 a.H (2002), p. 12-13)

Hello everyone, have been victims -- they, they have been guilty,
and when one feels guilty, one loses his/her
his is the first time that I am in Africa on purity, one loses his/her freshness, and at the

T a December 13... And it is for me a

deep joy, because my Father and I,
we love Africa: This continent is what counts
same time one becomes embittered, and more
and more disgusting, lacking in love, and thus,
step by step, the civilisation shrinks and ends up
the most. And do not think that I say this to disappearing.
please you, thinking that when Rael is in Asia he Africa still has its purity. Africans should be con-
says that Asia is what counts the most, and scious of that.
when he is in Oceania he says that it's I remember having often heard during my many
Oceania... No, the continent that is the most travels... "Ah, the whites have invented every-
important in the eyes of the Elohim is Africa! thing, the whites have discovered everything
Why? Because you are inhabitants of a con- and we, poor Africans, we have done nothing."
tinent that has preserved an extraordinary Don't ever say that! They have had the chance
purity and you are not handicaped by your at certain moments to discover certain things,
culture like the Occidentals are. but it's not all of them. The majortiy of them, they
I know that many of you still live with are idiots. They have had some geniuses, who
this sort of inferiority complex because of were born by chance in their civilisation.
the Europeans. Your biggest ennemy, it's not The majority of whites are incapable of inventing
colonizers, and it's not colonization, whether gunpowder, electricity or genetics. They were
political, economical, cultural or religious -- it's only a few of them who have invented, but all of
you yourself. Your biggest enemy is you, them say loudly: "we have invented the plane."
whenever you think that you are inferior to They don't even know what it is. They would not
white people. And you all do think so... even know how to build one. But they have the
I know, but it is false. You are not at all inferi- impression that the discoveries made by certain
or to the whites. In fact, you are a little bit geniuses were made by them. Have no depth!
superior. Think about it! Let these sentences They are stupid and short-sighted. There are a
penetrate you! few brilliant ones. But, these brilliant ones have
You are a little bit superior to the whites. Why? never committed crimes against your culture,
Because you have the purity they have lost. The against your people, against Africa -- never.
have lost their purity and their innocence Those who came to Africa were invaders, stupid
because of their culture and mostly because of colonizers who took advantage of things they
their crimes. Crimes such as slavery, coloniza- never invented, such as gunpowder or planes,
tion, and all what you have suffered from. You and they used them to dominate Africa political-

ly and culturally, and to abuse you. So have no What is Christianity? Oh, I do respect
complex! Christians... when they remain in their home...
that is to say, in Rome -- that is to say, in Europe.
The message I am bringing... is that you should
But here, you have been converted by force.
train the young people.
Your ancestors have been converted by force.
Not like what the Occidentals want you to do, by
To be Christain when you are an African is to
going through the industrialisation process so
betray your ancestors.
that they can keep an advance on you and con-
Become Raëlians! I will launch a big campaign
tinue to consider you as developing countries.
of apostasy. I wish that you apostatize from
This is neo-colonisation.
the Christian religion, because it is the reli-
I would like to see all the African children in gion of the colonizers, the slave merchants
every school have access to computers, and who have looted you and continue to do so.
this should be the priority. Access to the
If you abandon the Christian religion, you can
internet should be immediate for all the
choose to become atheist (it's your right),
populations here, because if you have access
or nothing (you are not obliged to become
to these means of training, you will not be left
Raelian), or you may become Muslim (because
behind, but you will be at the same level as the
this, at least, is not the religion of your coloni-
other countries.
zers) whatever you like, anything except
Genetics also is very important. That's why I Christian. Because to be Christian is to send an
came with Dr. Boisselier, who is in charge of the insult to your ancestors who have suffered, who
human cloning project. I hope that the human have been converted by use of the stick and the
cloning laboratory will be built here. gun, and whose children were taken away and
I came also with my son, Ramuel, who is here - sent to schools. This is what it is to be Christian!
- he manages a school of computer science in How can one be Christian and African? This has
Paris. I would like to have Africans trained. He always surprised me! This is because you say
has agreed to help me, to help you have a to yourself that the "whites" are superior...
school of computer science. You must jump to No, it is false! Stand up! Be proud, be great,
be directly at the same level as the other be yourself!
countries; and maybe, thanks to your talent, There were, in your past cultures, enormous
your genius and your freshness you will be local religions, which the colonisers, in their
ahead of them. I say that this is entirely huge disrespect of your cultures, have called
possible! animist or primitive religions. They were
Have no complex. Never look at a white person much more beautiful than Christianity, and
and say: "yes, but they are great and we, we they were directly linked to the ELOHIM. In
have nothing." No! You are the ones who are your ancient gods, there are the ELOHIM, a
putting the poison in your heads. You are capa- name that was adapted to African terms.
ble of being better than them at all levels. Find them again. Find your roots, while keep-
I insist, at all levels. But you must believe in ing in mind the pride of future sciences,
yourselves! which will make you not equal, but superior
to your ancient colonisers.
You must believe in yourself; and to believe
May you all have a nice day!
in yourself, you must find your roots and
your culture; and it's for that reason that any
African who respects him or herself has not
the right to remain Christian.
In Apocalypse International, n* 125 of 2nd trimestre of the year 56 aH (2002), p. 12-13

For a new Africa

For a true progress

of Africa
Speech of Prophet Rael on december 14 th, 56 a.H (2001) in Brazzaville, Congo.
(In appocalypse International N°127, 4th quarter 56 a.H (2002) p. 4 -13).

THE IMPORTANCE OF SCIENCE last night dreaming, thinking of you. And I was
telling myself that, it takes only a few inven-
(...) tors in humanity at the right moment, in the
right place, or at the wrong moment in the
Many people in the world are shocked by the wrong place, to have some populations
idea of cloning. Yet cloning is so simple: to take develop themselves more than others. It
some cells and make them become other chil- takes only a little to have that.
dren is nothing. But soon, very quickly we will The white people believe that they have
be able to do like the Elohim. We will take a lit- invented everything; when one thinks of it,
tle bit of all chemical products contained in a it is only a little. That's why I was telling you
handful of soil, because, as the Bible says, in a yesterday to have no complex of inferiority
handful of soil there is all that is needed to cre- toward the whites. None. You are capable of
ate a human being: we find all the elements of doing, not as well... but better than them.
the table of Mendeleiv, everything is there, and The whites think for example that, among other
that is what is in us; that is what we are made things, they have discovered paper. Paper was
of, in addition to water. invented by the Chinese long before the whites.
Take a handful of soil, put it in a con- The whites believe they have invented gunpow-
tainer with a bit of water, this is almost a man, der -- if I may say, it is known that this also
some people are no more than that some politi- comes from the Chinese. The Italians believe
cians, for example! But if you add the genetic they have invented spaghetti -- it is known that
code, the spirit, the knowledge, then this this comes from the Chinese as well. Many
becomes a human being, or a cat or an earth- things that whites are sure they have invented
worm, but it becomes a living thing. come from the Chinese. The wheel, it is not
Soon we will know how to do it very sure that it comes from the whites. And there
quickly, and even more people will be shocked are many things like that which are just illu-
to see that we become capable of going into the sions.
garden to take a handful of soil and create life, In fact, one should realize that all that exists has
not from manipulating the genetic code from an not been invented, because all that has been
ovum or a spermatozoon, or the nucleus of a invented existed before elsewhere.
cell, but simply with rocks, and we'll see life It just took an open eye to see: whether it is the
appear. That's what the Elobim did when they genetic code, the atom, iron, the wheel, it exist-
came to Earth; It will shock even more all the ed before it was discovered. Gunpowder and
conservatives who are already saying today, electricity existed before they were discovered.
when one talks a bit about cloning: "what a hor- It only took people who were good observers
ror! Howcome?! This is dramatic, it is scan- and who wanted to reproduce what was
dalous." Life from a handful of soil, this will be observed.
even worse for them. I see some young children This is why I am proud of what I heard recently
in the room. It is a must that these young chil- about this young 12-year-old boy of Cote
dren do what they like, develop their love for d'Ivoire who has passed his Baccalaureate. He
science, for knowledge, it is so important has been sent to the USA for his higher educa-
and this knowledge should not be reserved for tion. I am happy for that, but at the same time I
a racist elite, that is to say, for the populations am not happy. Because this young man is going
of Northern countries, of Western countries.You to the USA to get the knowledge, and this is not
have the same right to it as the others. I spent right. There exists now a new technology called

the internet. You might know -- if not, I'll let you years which is worth almost nothing (computers
know that there is now a university in the USA become quickly obsolete) maybe 20 dollars, or
where you can take all your exams and earn 30 dollars.
your diplomas by internet, no more need to I want these computers collected and sent to
move to go to school. It's one of the biggest Africa. This is more important than giving
American universities. So what I wish is that all food, because it is enabling those who
young Africans have internet access at tomorrow will be capable of being equal to
home, this way there will be no more need the others "to learn how to fish." And this
for school or university. You can have it at program can be immediate, it can be imple-
home, and put all the old school concepts into mented very quickly.
question. All the children can have computers A four or five-year-old computer allows as much
at very low prices. People think that it takes access as a new one to today's technologies,
important infrastructures with satellites at the and to adjust to those of tomorrow. Knowledge
cost of billions of dollars to bring the internet. is updated daily, and there is no need to have a
There is no more need for satellites, that's over. new computer to have access to this knowl-
No more need even for telephone cables to edge; that's what is extraordinary.
bring the internet signal. Of course, with these old computers, it may not
Electricity is necessary, yes. Not all African be possible to have color animation; no big
regions have electricity... Now, thanks to new deal! This is not the most important thing. The
technologies you can also have electricity local- luxury of watching movies in color will not cre-
ly from solar energy. Each house can be ate the geniuses of tomorrow which the Earth
equipped with solar panels, for which the cost is so desperately needs today.
decreasing more and more. Thus, each house Keep in mind the objective of sharing the
will generate its own electricity, not for heat, nor idea of this necessity with those around
for cooking (these consume too much electrici- you. Get it spread in schools, get it spread
ty), but for the computer. everywhere in the population.
The Americans have got an extraordinary idea I know that the sentiment of inferiority is a
to substitute for the highly costly satellites. They deep evil in Africa. As I said yesterday, I will
use small planes, like the ULM: they are very say it again, and insist on it: your worst
small, cheap planes; when improved, they can enemy is not the colonizing populations that
fly a bit higher, at an altitude of about then thou- have exploited you and continue to exploit
sand meters, and they have on their bellies the you, it is you yourself.
same equipment as satellites. They fly at almost Every time you believe that you are inferior to
a standstill, and so the entire country is covered the whites, you become inferior. When you stop
by the internet signal. There are three planes of believing it, you no longer become it. This does-
this type. They cost almost nothing in compari- n't mean that you should become aggressive,
son with the cost of a satellite. Countries that or angry. On the contrary, you must forgive
cannot afford a satellite could be equipped with them. Ok, we have been idiots long enough, ill-
such planes, and so be immediately equal to organized in the past, but this is over! Today we
the most advanced states of the planet. are as much capable as you of doing every-
I wish to see this accomplished in your country, thing, and inventing things you have not invent-
and in all of Africa. It exists, it's not a dream, it's ed. There are inventors among Africans,
not the future; this company exists and already there are Mozarts among Africans, there are
has contracts with another underprivileged Einsteins among Africans, but they have not
people, the Native Americans. They have just had and do not yet have the means
signed some contracts and have already to express it.
bought some planes to receive the internet on You know, if Einstein or Mozart had been raised
their reservations. by wolves, they would have barked with the
Internet is a priority, and this is another wolves. They would have never composed sym-
message I am bringing to your President of phonies, nor contributed to the advancement of
the Republic: educate the youngters by science. This is what should be understood,
internet. Because, thanks to the internet, and it is the deep reality. If you place infant
you can immediately have access to all the geniuses with wolves, they would be like wolf
knowledge of the planet with computers infants who were discovered in the past in all
which are not necessarily new -- one needs regions of the world. They were crawling on four
not buy Pentium 500's. Used Pentiums, which feet, they were incapable of standing up,
the Europeans don't want anymore because because when one stays on four feet until a cer-
they always want new, are a great value -- like tain age, one can no longer stand up and walk.
an "old" Pentium of three years, four years, five They could also not talk, and in a way they

could no longer become human again. Do this say, "What is that?" And you could sit in front of
with Mozart, do it with Einstein, and it will be the his stupefied eyes and explain him for hours...
same thing despite their genius! Brought up by The colonist could not know one-tenth, one-
wolves, Mozart would never have played piano, hundredth of what you know today. You would
for in order to come up with a melody, he must take him for a tour of the country by car, he
have knowledge, and it is only then that he would say, "But, what is that?" Of course they
could express his genius. came by boat and had horses as vehicles. You
This is why it is so important to educate, to have know much more than they could possibly
access to information, access to knowledge in know. Have confidence in yourself! You can do
order to bring out the wonder that the human it -- you have in your population professors of
genius is capable of. mathmatics, of history, of science, and scien-
You have at times - well, not only you, as the tists in laboratories, agronomists, people who
Europeans also make this mistake - the are and who know infinitely more than the pop-
tendency to admire and to envy the apostles ulations of people who have colonized you in
who lived in direct contact with Jesus: John, the past.
Paul, Peter, etc... They were wonderful and
extraordinary beings, and you pray to them. No,
they were ignorant. They could not read, they HUMILITY THE MOST IMPORTANT
could not write. They were poor fishermen. Go QUALITY
into the poorest regions of Africa, where there
are fishermen who cannot read nor write; that is It is science that is important. Likewise, your
about the level of the apostles of Jesus. poor ancestors were conquered and dominated
And all the followers of the great Prophets of old by white people, because they had mastered
were duds, by lack of science. You must under- the use of firearms, which you did not yet know.
stand that. The simplest person among you Unfortunately, less evolved and disrespectful
today knows more than all the apostles who populations, such as the colonizers, use the
followed Jesus. They were looking at the sky supremacy brought about by a temporary
with the imbecility of that time. Please under- advancement, like technology, to dominate oth-
stand this. Even the greatest apostles, Peter, ers. But in evolved, non-violent and peaceful
Paul and the others -- stars were, for them, populations, like some found elsewhere in the
small ligths hooked to the sky; the Earth was universe, the ELOHIM, for example, it does not
flat, and one would fall down if one went beyond work this way. Yet, the ELOHIM could colonize
the border. us immediately if they wanted to, because their
Imagine believing all this, one just can't help but level of science is infinite; their level of knowl-
laugh. But you blacks from Congo, you are far edge is unimaginable, even for the greatest
more advanced than all the great white people genius the Earth has ever borne, bears or will
who have existed in the past. Please under- bear until far into the future.
stand this! Know that the ELOHIM are capable of moving
At this moment, I talk to you about cloning and entire solar systems, yet we can't understand
you understand me. I talk about a spermato- how this is possible. They can just decide: this
zoon and an ovule and you understand me. But sun, we would rather place it there, we will
let's not go back to the epoch of Jesus, let's move this planet and put it here, or we will go
stop at the time of the colonists who, thanks to and create a solar system somewhere. If I say
sticks and guns, came and devastated this this to our earth scientists, they would think that
country 200, 150, 100 years ago. Do you think I am crazy, raving. By the way, if 150 years ago
that they would have understood cloning? Of they had been told about the genetic code or
course not! You have more knowledge than the computer, they would have said the same
those who have colonized your ancestors -- thing. It is normal that people are lacking in
understand this, be conscious of this. imagination -- that they are lacking in science.
Education and knowledge is what makes a "Any man is an idiot by lack of science" -- this
scientist; and this is why it is so important was already written in the ancient religious
to have access to knowledge. You are all scriptures.
Einsteins, geniuses compared to the big imbe- So you should clearly understand that the
ciles who came with guns to colonize your higher one raises his level of science, the
grandparents. Be conscious of that. If one of higher one must, in parallel, raise his level
them were to become reincarnated today with of consciousness -- this explains why the
his gun and the uniform of colonizer, you would ELOHIM are not colonizers. They could, in just
tell him: today we are making life in laboratories one finger snap, totally subdue all of the earth's
using an ovule and a spermatozoon. He would population -- the largest atomic bombs, the

biggest American strategic armaments would But we need no more militaries that take power
be nothing compared to their technology. The by force -- this is complete stupidity, and we
Americans would not even have time to fire the know where it leads most of the populations of
bombs, the planes would not even have time to the Earth.
take off -- everything would be paralyzed before Absolute non-violence comes from humility.
any action could be taken. If the ELOHIM want- Who am I to dare to impose my wish upon oth-
ed to invade and colonize the Earth, it would be ers? Who am I? Nobody! Nothing! A bit of dust,
very easy for them -- but this is not their wish. we all are a bit of dust, but a bit of dust with con-
On the contrary, the ELOHIM tell us: "We love sciousness, a bit of dust capable of being con-
you, you are our children, we would have tears scious that we are the Infinite becoming con-
in our eyes if you would like to welcome us in scious of itself. In fact, we are the intelligence
remembrance of what we have done for you, of the Infinite, because infinity in itself is
and, if you'd like, and only if you'd like, build an silly, it becomes intelligent through the
embassy for us -- this will be the most beautiful human being. The Infinite is stupid, and has no
day of our lives, and we hope it will also be the intelligence, except when it becomes alive -- yet
most beautiful day of your lives. This way, we it is only the same small parts of which it is
could give you a bit of our knowledge to help composed...
you -- a bit, not too much, because of the risk
that some of you might use it for negative pur-
poses. We could go a little bit further, and above CONSCIOUSNESS, LOVE, INTELLIGENCE,
all be happy to meet our children and be loved AND SWIFTNESS
by them." This is what they say.
How can we imagine a deeper humility than The most beautiful manifestation of
that of these people who have created consciousness is love. What is love?
everything on Earth...? Love is to look and to understand what we
They create us in their image, after their like- are. I am only dust, and I am made of carrots,
ness, with the power of consciousness, of spir- of yams my mother has eaten when she con-
it; we are here, we grow and develop, they help ceived me. And as I keep eating, my body's
us by sending prophets, messengers, so that cells are renewed, and if I stop eating, I return
we can reach something beautiful. They could to dust. I am made of parts of carrots, of sweet
rightly say to themselves: we return to our potatoes, of meats and of fishes -- all these
home. But no, they say, "Please, build us an allow my consciousness to continue to express
embassy." Is there something that could touch itself. I am nothing other than dust. And what do
us or make us cry more than this? I have in front of me? There is dust, uncon-
This is something else when compared to the scious and silly, and suddently I see human
behavior of the Whites who came to Africa and beings who are like me, whatever the color of
behaved as conquerors and invaders.... It is their skin may be. A human being is something
another level of consciousness, asking those absolutely insignificant, it is just a bit of dust
they have created, the Whites, the Blacks, the which is, like me, at the same time as me, on
Yellows, "Would you like to welcome us?" The the same planet, at the same moment, at the
first colonists could have done the same thing right place and all together, a bit of the Infinite
when they arrived; they could have said, "Hello, becoming conscious of itself. It will die however,
excuse us for disturbing you, but would you like perhaps in a minute. Because no one knows
to welcome us?" when your heart will stop beating -- perhaps I
This is the greatness and the wisdom of the will die at the end of my sentence. So, look at
humility of the ELOHIM. your neighbor right now with the awareness that
Remember, humility is the most important maybe he will die in a minute. Look! How many
quality, particularly in countries torn apart like of you have lost your father, your brother, your
yours. When one is humble, one does not mother, your children, in the wars you have had,
become a military force, one does not become or by accident, and are saying, "I should have
a warrior. One may be a peacekeeper, because given him/her more love, I should have talked to
it is good to have militaries to keep peace him/her, I should have..." Oh, yes, it is too late,
against unbalanced minds, the insane and vio- it is over, he/she is in the carpet - he/she is in
lent people, because violent people must be the dust. Do it while they and you are still alive.
stopped, through treatment, from being allowed So, when one understands to what extent
to harm non-violent people. They are peace- this life, this consciousness, is fragile, fuga-
keepers, and it is good to have a small task cious, one can no longer make war, one can-
force of peacekeepers, as it is mentioned in the not kill one another, for life is too short.
Messages. Yes, understand to what extent every-

thing goes fast. Rael was to arrive in Africa, and In all the countries, they are all alike, they talk a
I am already almost gone back. On Earth, it is lot but they say nothing. And when you take a
the same thing. One is dead before he realizes look at your watch, they have spoken for an
that he was born. Life runs at an incredible hour! And, let's say that you are listening --
speed, and one accomplishes so little during when you do not fall asleep!
that lifetime. How long do you live? 70 years! As This is the talent of politicians -- are they wise?
I read before I arrived, the average life If so, I prefer not to be wise, so that I can trans-
expectancy in this country is 45 years -- that is mit knowledge quickly.
not much. In France, it is 85 years, so let us take Train yourself to think fast, to speak fast,
a mean between the two - say, for example, a making sure that you are understood, of
life expectancy of 65 years, what is it? 65 times course. Train yourself to pass on quickly the
we tour around the sun -- it really is not much. information, to move fast -- I know it is a lit-
One must profit of each tour! During the first tle bit difficult in Africa, as the climate is hot.
five years, a person is not conscious, he (she) But the faster you move, the faster you
is too young. And, when one becomes old, one work, the more efficient you are. To discover
is not conscious either -- one falls back into scientific things or other things, if you move
child hood, this is a bit problematic. So, how slowly, you will discover it slowly. This is what
much is left? 30 years, 40 years, during which characterises geniuses like Brigitte and others,
one can be conscious -- it is too little! So, take when you see them in laboratories or else-
advantage of it. where, it is like a ping-pong game, it goes fast,
Enjoy this life, because each life, very fast.
each person, each individual who is around Develop this swiftness -- one must be swift,
us is precious. The silliest, the most annoy- even in wisdom, even in meditation. Look, I
ing, the most timid, as well as the richest, will surprise you. We know that to meditate is to
and the most brilliant people become lie down. Yes, this is in the begining, when you
extraordinary. This is all because one has are learning. And then, spend 20 minutes lis-
the chance to live at the same time with the tening to the cassette of Raël. Yes, this is in the
others. begining, when you are learning.
Many people ask me the question and You can be in a permanent state of medita-
want to know if, in order to be wise and con- tion while working, while making love, while
scious, one needs to move slowly. These peo- going to the toilet, and at all times. Don't
ple think that one must sit cross-legged, speak- partition your life: now I meditate, now I will
ing slowly like the Presidents of the Republic, make love with my companion. No, do
and this way they will have the feeling that they everything at the same time. Accustom
are intelligent. They are not intelligent at all. yourself to accomplishing many tasks at the
Intelligence and consciousness develop same time -- this reinforces your brain. If you
with the swiftness and the quality of the are a right-handed person, try and enjoy writing
information that is transmitted. Surely, with your left hand, amuse yourself writing
certain false prophets or false wisemen say words in reverse, it puts different parts of your
.............. my ............ very ................ dear brain to work. If you have always thought in a
.................. brothers ................ the ............... certain way, try to think in another way. If you
sky ................. is ............... with ................ like the color red, and not the color blue, dress
you................ in blue just to see what it does.
One can also speak very fast like I do, Always probe new sectors of your life,
trying to deliver the maximum amount of infor- develop your mind and your conscious-
mation in the fastest way possible, so that you ness. If you don't like Blacks, this is what I tell
can know the most possible. One can spend a Europeans (here, of course, there is no prob-
long time saying nothing, or one can say lem): go and talk to them. If you don't like tapio-
everything very fast! ca, taste tapioca. I forbid myself to dislike any
I prefer to say a lot very fast, rather food on Earth.
than to say nothing in a long time. Do you When I arrived in Japan, there was Nato, a food
understand? I like watching television, and I made of fermented soybeans, it smells very
particularly like watching political leaders who bad! And it was late at night, and I saw Lisa, my
have the extraordinary talent of saying nothing companion at that time, eating it delightfully,
in a long time -- they are true artists of their using sticks. Thus, I forgot my first impression of
type. I like to watch them, because for me, who repulsion to see what effect this would have on
has to say everything in a very short time, I find my brain. Now, I love it. You must force your-
that what they do is extraordinarily difficult, a self to taste, because you can't say that you
true sport! don't like something as long as you have

not discovered the taste. You must put your not be mowed, if we program the grass to stop
brain into a state of virginity, without pre- growing after a given height. We can do every-
conception, to discover what is good in thing, we can become ELOHIM, we can
what people give you. Whether it is culture, become gods. All is possible.
whether it is science, whether it is food. I would like to create this city of sciences in
Train yourself to like what you don't like. You can Africa, with a laboratory for genetics, a labora-
have preferences, dishes you prefer, and you tory for cloning, a laboratory for electronics. My
are not obliged to force yourself to eat every son, who has a school of computer science in
day the dishes you like the least -- this is not Paris, could also help with this project. He could
what I am saying. But it is important to learn to also help you to train the youngsters to be at the
be capable of appreciating... There is no food same level as the Americans, and make Africa
on Earth that I am incapable of eating, there is jump, suddenly, from the middle age, directly
no color on Earth that I am not capable of into the future without having to go through
appreciating. In all things we do, there is beau- intermediate periods. This would outrage the
ty. Western countries, because, in reality, they say
Be conscious, all the time, that you are loudly, "We must help Africa," and then they
beings in a development process -- do not whisper... "but not too much. They must
stop at a preconception, do not stop at a com- progress a little, but they must not become bet-
plex of inferiority. This one is what I've noticed ter than us, because they must continue to con-
the most in you, because I have heard so many sume our products, to buy what we have to sell
Africans telling me that the whites are better. them" - these are the words of hypocrites.
Go and probe science, go and probe knowl- On the contrary, I want you to become a little bit
edge, push your children, encourage your above them. Everyone has his turn at last, and
chidren, not to become equal to whites, but it is normal not to have the same people always
rather to become better, because they are ahead of the others.
capable of that, and because they have the I would like Africa to develop so much that
duty of becoming so -- and maybe one day, maybe, one day, it will help the new "third world"
your culture will be so developed that which Europe would become -- this will be inter-
Europeans will come and study in Africa. esting. And, European students would come
and study here, and you would welcome them
with kind regards and no malice. We need this
TO DEVELOP AFRICA : type of reversal. Think about it, it is possible. I
The City of Sciences, English, Traditional am not dreaming. It all depends only on you, on
Languages, The United States of Africa. your pride, on your dignity, on your eagerness
to know, and on the knowledge you will have
I have a big project, and Brigitte is here with me shared with your children.
to see how to put it into concrete form. I would All this is possible. There may even be a greater
like to create a city of sciences here, the first chance than you imagine. Why? Because
African City of Sciences which could be Western countries have handicaps that you
called "Scientopolis," where there would be a don't have. The handicap of "ethics." You must
laboratory for cloning which all the so-called abandon "ethics." Be aware, because this issue
developed countries have condemned for "ethi- could spring up here. Their "ethics" come from
cal" reasons... traditional religions, such as the Catholic reli-
I really hope that this will be done in an African gion.
country. There, genetically modified foods will I want us to launch a big planetary cam-
be produced, genetically modified plants allow- paign of apostasy in countries which have
ing us to feed the whole world. This will multiply been colonized. Here is the clear message to
agricultural industrial productions by 10, by get to your brothers and sisters of Africa:
100, by 1,000, because it is possible to produce "How can you be a Christian, given what the
food crops with a yield per hectare 1,000 times colonizers have done to your ancestors?
higher, thanks to genetic modifications. It is When you are Christian, you make your
feasable, it is possible, we can produce great-grandfather who is watching you from
bananas as big as your thigh, and tasting 10 the sky cry. Because your great-grandfather
times better. We can make coconuts as big as and your great-grandmother have suffered
pumpkins! There are no pumpkins here. I must under the Christian colonizers. They were
find another image. We can make coconut trees converted by force, they are up there, they
where the nuts would be lower than the level of are watching you and they are thinking: how
our heads -- it would be less dangerous when can they go to the church of those who have
we take a nap. We can make a lawn that needs massacred us? How can they? Think of your

ancestors. The best way of making them they come from the ELOHIM. From the
happy is to apostatize from the Catholic beginning, there is a bit of the ELOHIM's
Church. This church which so tortured your knowledge, an understanding and some cul-
ancestors, forcing them, separating them by ture of the ELOHIM in all the languages of
force from their family. I apostatize. I bear the Earth.
them no malice, I forgive them, but you see, Right now, at the United Nations, there are
I have decided to no longer be a member of about 280 countries in the world. Very soon
the Catholic Church. there will be 2,000 or 3,000 -- because all the
Sign your act of apostasy and add - "In regions will have their independence.
memory of my ancestors, whom you have It is also another idea I am defending -- the
converted by force" - then send it to your creation of the United States of Africa,
bishop. because Africa must prepare for the upcom-
This message must be sent -- this is a must! ing big international fight, the economic and
financial fight.
And you can also, after this apostasy, choose to Today, Europe is united with a new currency
have the privilege of being Raelian, to belong to called the Euro; Asia is doing the same thing: a
the Raelian Movement, which is not, which has zone of free exchange, which unites a large
never been, and which will never be a coloniz- number of Asian countries, is being formed. In
ing religion. It respects all groups, all ethnicities, America, it is NAFTA, which gathers the
all differences. It wants each small group, each economies of all the Americas with the proposi-
small ethnicity to shine all its lights. It is in favor tion of free exchange and no taxes. There are
of one world language, another aspect of the already no taxes between the USA, Canada
fight for dignity. For me, you must abandon and Mexico. All this is happening. In Africa,
French, choose English -- I may be shocking there is nothing yet. And nobody is pushing you
you. Why, you might wonder? Because to do it. Why? Because they want you to be eco-
English is the planetary language of today. nomically dependent.
Besides, especially in countries colonized by You must create "The United States of
France, it is a slap in the face to the colonists of Africa" -- this is very important. The United
the past to abandon their language and choose States of Africa, with an African currency,
English. They are so proud that the French have which I called "The Afro." The Euro exists,
left some traces here, like the church and the so why not the Afro? Press your political lead-
school, which also use the French language. ers to launch all this... the creation of an African
You have languages that are beautiful -- I know union is being delayed by the inability of the
that there are 50 or 60 in your country. In OAU to move forward, because when it moves
Africa, there are thousands of languages two steps ahead it immediately moves three
that must be preserved. Like the traditional steps back.
cultures of your villages -- they must be pre- Start with your close neighbours, and suggest
served; your children in villages must learn to your political leaders to start just with neigh-
the traditional African languages you have, bouring countries, by establishing a free
and English; throw away French, into the exchange zone with one country, then with
trash can... French will enable you to talk to another one, then with another one again; after
only very few people; there are 1% of French a while, those countries which did not want to
people on Earth! There are 2% of French join the free exchange would see the grass
speakers! There are 70% of English speakers being cut under their feet. The OAU would be
and people who can speak English more or forced to pedal...
less. With English, you can go everywhere, I It must go fast. It must be done. Not in 40 years,
can go everywhere. I go to Russia. I go to otherwise you will add to the delay you experi-
China, I go to Japan, and, with this language, I ence today. This should have been done before
communicate with the whole world. With Europe, before NAFTA. You must create a free
French, you get Belgium, Switzerland.... and exchange zone, because if all the products,
the French, it's only 2% of the world population; all the raw materials, move freely, free of
besides, this language is difficult to learn. customs and taxes, among all the African
Teach English to your children, and you will countries, then you will have access to
open up their universe. By teaching them wealth. This continent has everything to be
French, you open them to only 2% of the world rich if the economic borders are suppressed
population -- the choice is quickly made. (this is one of the messages I bring), if it
Do not forget your local languages, as they installs a single currency (so that you can
are an important tradition, and they contain circulate everywhere), and if it creates a fed-
a part of the ELOHIM's knowledge, because eralised African government composed of

all the small groups, inclusive of all native THE POLITICAL ROLE OF THE PROPHET
Who has drawn the borders? The colonizers. Because, to be the Prophet now on Earth is
They took the map and drew lines: this is for not only to reveal the secrets of our origins,
you, the British, this is for you, the Belgians, which are in the Messages of the Elohim; it
and this is for us, the French. It didn't exist is not only to promise you a magnificent
before. You had your ethnic groups, which were future, thanks to science and the knowledge
independant. Things must become like they that you will become Elohim yourselves. To
were before. Like the people of the Corse in be the Prophet today is to get involved in
France, and the people of Quebec in Canada, today's politics, so that people can live bet-
who want to be independant. This way, there ter, and particularly to get involved in coun-
will be no more genocide like what you have tries which suffered the most from the ego-
had between the Hutus and the Tutsis. Why this ism and the brutality of those who had the
did happen? Genocide originates with people chance to have, for a short moment, a small
forced by the colonists to live together in the advance. This advance is sad.
same country. And, as you know better than The only way to reach world peace is to unite.
me, when an ethnic group comes into power, it This is why my role as prophet is not only
crushes the others. Each ethnic group must spiritual and religious, it is also political.
have its total independence in an African And even if I make some enemies, and one
Federation where all the ethnic groups of them might one day assassinate me, I will
would be represented. A thousand, five still say what I have to say.
hundred, all equally represented.
This will be Africa of tomorrow. It is the only Thank you all.
possibility you have to repair this injustice of the
colonists who came and defined borders for
you without any concern of having sometimes
separated some groups of people in two. This is
stupid, and it creates the tensions you have,
leading to the dramas you go through episodi-
cally. That is why you have these genocides.
They are so awful.
One could think that Africans are violent. No. If
you force two rats to live together in a cage, with RAEL
Born on September 30th, 1946 in Vichy, RAEL became quickly impassioned
one in command, the other rat will be unhappy, by speed and dreams of a career as a race-car driver. As a sport journalist,
particularly if the cage is small. Each must have he created a sports automobile revue magazine, which became the most
important in France.
its independance, its space, its autonomy. You He achieved promising results as a race-car driver, which led him to fore-
must have an African government of the United see interesting possibilities in this demanding
States of Africa. The United States of Africa Then, an unexpected as well as original event
would be economically as powerful (if not more overturned his life. On December 13th, 1973, dur-
powerful) as the United States of America, ing an encounter of the third kind with an extra-
terrestrial, he received the mission of spreading
because you have all the raw materials, and all around the world, the truth about the origin of
this should allow you, with a single currency, to humanity.
Following up this contact, he wrote "The Book Which Tells The Truth" and
become also scientifically equal to the decided to devote his life to the accomplishment of this fantastic mission.
Westerners. This is what I wish for you -- this is From then on, conferences, interviews, and TV shows followed one anoth-
er, and men and women started to join him.
what I hope to see. On October 7th, 1975, in the Perigord region of France, he was contacted
again, and this time he had the privilege of visiting another planet, where
he received extraordinary revelations.
Rael then wrote "The Extraterrestrials Took Me To Their Planet," a book in
which he relates on the one hand how amazing this original journey was,
and he gives us on the other hand the keys to fullfilment and blossoming
which will allow men of good will to enter the golden age, quite often
announced in old scriptures.
Rael wrote three other books, and created what is today, in more than 85
countries, known as "The Raelian Religion."
He carries on his mission for all of humanity, continuing to spread a mes-
sage of love and respect, and to teach, during awakening seminars, the
techniques of fulfilment which the Elohim, our creators, taught him.


- Inter national : C.P. 225 CH - 1211 GENEVA 8 - SWITZERLAND
- Africa : 05 BP 1444 - Abidjan 05 - Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
Tel / Fax : (225); Email :

Edited by the International Raelian Movement, May 56 aH (2002)


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