Lecture 2

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Transport Phenomena in Metallurgical

Processes (MMC 401)

Dr. Manas Kumar Mondal

Associate Professor,
Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering
National Institute of Technology, Durgapur
The study materials/presentations are solely meant for academic purposes and they can
be reused, reproduced, modified, and distributed by others for academic purposes only
with proper acknowledgements.

Lecture 2
Heat Transfer
 D.R. Poirier and G.H. Geiger, “Transport Phenomena in Materials Processing”, (Springer International Publishers. Switzerland,2016 ).
 Julian Szekely and N.J. Thermelis, “Rate Phenomena in Process Metallurgy” ,(John Wiley & Sons Inc (1 November 1971).
 R. Byron Bird, Warren E. Stewart, and Edwin N. Lightfoot, “TRANSPORT PHEOMENA”, (OHN WILEY & SONS, Inc., 2002).
 D. R. Gaskell, “An Introduction to Transport Phenomena in Materials Engineering”, (MOMENTUM PRESS, LLC, NEW JERSEY,
 S. P. Sukhatme, “A Textbook on Heat Transfer”, Fourth Edition (University Press India Ltd., 2005).

 J. P. Holman, “Heat Transfer”, (The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., )

Solar Flat-plate collector

 In a solar flat-plate collector, a thermal device

used for heating water with the help of solar

 The flat, state collector is used for variety of

application in which hot-water is required at
temperature ranging from 40C to almost

 Main components of the collector are an

absorber plate with tubes fixed to it, one or two
transparent glass covers, thermal insulation on
the bottom, and a sheet metal casing.

 Typically the collector has face area of about 2 m2.

Laws of heat transfer
Fundamental law
A fundamental law is one whose validity rests on the fact that it has not been disproved in the broad area of application of
the subject under consideration.
Fundamental laws must be satisfied in solving any problem.

Fundamental laws used in heat transfer are

 Law of conservation of mass
 Newton’s laws of motion
 Law of thermodynamic

Subsidiary law
May be empirical nature i.e, a statement based on experiment evidence and intuition, it may also be a consequence of and
derivable from fundamental law.

The subsidiary laws used in heat transfer are

 Fourier’s law of heat conduction
 Newton’s law of cooling

 The laws of thermal radiation

Closed system

Control volume (CV)

The control volume may be referred to as open system.

1. Law of conservation of mass

It states that mass of closed system is constant in absence of nuclear reaction.

For control volume, law states

 Mass entering the control volume    Mass leaving the control volume   Increase of mass inside the control volume.
 Rate at which mass enters the control volume    Rate at which mass leaving the control volume 
 Rate of increase in mass inside the control volume.

 The closed surface enclosing the control volume is called the control surface
 dAi and dA0 represent elementary area on the control surface through which
fluid is flowing in and out respectively.
 Vn be the component of velocity normal to control surface, measured
positive in words for flow in and positive out words for flow out of the
control volume.

Figure: Fluid flow through a control

 is the density of fluid.
It is understood that above integral is evaluated only over those parts of the control surface where fluid is following in.
If dv represents an elementary volume inside the control volume, the rate of change of mass inside the control volume 
 
 dv

Equation can be expressed as

This equation is general form of the law of conservation of mass applicable for a control volume. It is often referred as the
equation of continuity.

 Compressible and unsteady

 Compressible and steady
 Incompressible and unsteady
 Incompressible and steady.

When a fluid flows, considerable pressure difference may exist across the system. If the fluid is a gas, such pressure
difference would lead to a variation of density and under such situation flow is called a compressible flow.

The motion of fluid (gases) at a small difference and of follow is called incompressible follow.

The flow of a fluid is said to be study if the parameters describing the flow such as velocity, temperature, pressure etc are
function of space only and not vary with time.
If the flow parameters are function of time and space both, the flow is said to be unsteady flow.

For compressible and unsteady

 
 dv   V dA   V dA
cv cs
n i
n o

For compressible and steady  V dA   V dA

n i
n o

For incompressible steady and unsteady  V dA   V dA cs

n i
n o

In many applications, the flow passes through pipes and it is adequate in such cases to consider variation only the length of
the duct and to neglect variations across the cross-section. The flow is then characterised as being one dimensional. Using
the subscripts i and o to describe the inlet and exit values.

Compressible unsteady d
 
 dv   V A   V A
i i i o o o

Compressible steady  AV   V A
i i i o o o

Incompressible steady and unsteady V A  V A i i o o

2. Newton’s Law of Motion

 The first law is special case of second law. Newton’s second law.
 Newton’s second law of motion states that for a body of fixed identity (a closed system), the sum of the external forces
acting on a body is equal to the rate of change of momentum of the body.

F  mv

 F  sum of external forces acting on a body

m  mass of the body

v  velocity of the body

In a Cartesian coordinate system, the X-direction equation is  F  mV 
x x

 F  summation of the X - components of the forces acting on the body and V  x component velocity.
x x
Consider a control volume through which fluid is flowing.
For control volume, the law yield a corresponding set of three equation.

In any one direction, say the X-direction the statement of the law

Net X-direction forces exerted on the control volume by the surrounding =

(Rate of change of X-direction momentum inside control volume) + (Rate
at which X-direction momentum is leaving the control volume)  (Rate at
which X-direction momentum is entering the control volume). Figure: Fluid flow through a control

F x

 V dv   V V dA   V V dA
x n o
x n i

 
For Y and Z direction d
F   V dv   V V dA   V V dA
y y y n o y n i
cv cs cs

F  z
 cv

 V dv   V V dA   V V dA
z n o
z n i
Force acting on the fluid inside the control volume are of two type
 Body force
 Surface force.

Body forces are proportional to the mass of fluid in the control volume and comprise those forces involving action at a
distance. Force of gravity is the common example of a body force.
Surface forces are forces exerted at the control surface by the material outside the control volume, on the material within
control volume.
The component of surface forces normal to the control surface are due to fluid pressure and are called Normal forces, while
those tangential to the surface are due to viscous effects and are called shear or viscous force.
3. Law of thermodynamic

 Only first law of thermodynamics is of interest to us.

 The first law of thermodynamic is a statement of the principle of conservation of energy.

 The increase of energy of a closed system is equal to the difference between the energy transfer by heat to the system
and the energy transfer due to work done by the system that is, dE = Q  W

 Taking derivations with respect to time, we can say that the rate of increase of energy of the system is equal to the
difference of the rate at which heat enters the system and the rate at which the system does work on surrounding.

dE dQ dW
 
dt dt dt
As in the law of conservation of mass and Newton's second law of motion, it is
desirable to express the first law of thermodynamics in a form applicable for flow
through a control volume.
For a control volume, the law states:
Rate of heat transfer to control volume + (Shaft work entering control volume per
unit time) + (Share work done at control surface per unit time by adjacent fluid on
the fluid inside control volume) = (Rate of change of energy inside control volume)
+ (Rate at which enthalpy, kinetic energy and potential energy is leaving the control
volume)  (Rate at which enthalpy, kinetic energy and potential energy is entering
the control volume). Figure: Fluid flow through a control

 dW   dW  d
   V   V 
2 2

q      edv    h   gz V dA    h   gz V dA ...............1

 dt   dt  dt  2   2 
n o n i
cv cs cs
shaft shear

where q is the rate of heat transfer, e and h are the energy and enthalpy per unit mass respectively, v is the velocity and z is
the position above same datum level, e and h are given by expression
V 2
 p
e  u   gz and h  u    where u is the internal energy per unit mass.
2 
Equation (1) is often called the energy equation.
If the flow is steady, the first term on the right-hand side of equation reduce to zero.

If the flow is one-dimensional energy equation simplifies to the form

 dW 
 dW 

 mh  h  
V  V
2 2
  g z 
 z 
  o i

 dt   dt   2 
o i o i
shaft shear

Where m is the mass flow rate passing through the control volume and the subscripts i and o refer to the entering and exit

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