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RN Pelaez Boulevard, Kauswagan, Cagayan de Oro City

Understanding the Self
2st Semester S.Y. 2023-2024

Name: _Lea Marie R. Altaya_ Date: January 27, 2024

Course & Year:__AB IS - 1_____ Teacher: Ms. Armacel S. Allego
Class Schedule & Section: TF 9:00-10:30 AM, G-UND-SELF


Directions: Please submit this assignment during our class schedule since we meet once a week.
Please write your answer in a word doc. The ppt is just a guide for you on how to answer your
assignment. Make it more creative by adding some designs or colors.Thank you.

How well do you know yourself? How do you view yourself?

Individual Assignment: First, write nine (9) adjectives that describe you. Then write a narrative
incorporating the 9 adjectives about yourself.

1. Ambitious
2. Authentic
3. Selective
4. Clever
5. Vigilant
6. Stern
7. Mirrorball
8. Feral
9. Independent

I grew up being an ambitious person, in a household where my authentic self isn’t accepted
fully. As someone who had traumatic experiences, I became selective of what I will and will not
accept, – especially people’s treatment towards me no matter where they stand in my life. Being
clever helped me to make myself out of the dark tunnel, it opened my eyes that endings will only
lead to new beginnings. Way back, I was so naive that I am so gullible toward anyone even
though I really don’t know them well and I learned my lessons the hard way, since then, I started
to be vigilant and stern. I’ve never been a natural, all I do is try, try and try if you will ask me
about my academic career. That's why my friends call me a “mirrorball”. As an independent
woman, people misunderstand me that I’m not someone you can laugh with because I really am
so feral with my choices on how to handle every circumstance that comes my way.

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