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4 eee {Chapter 3) Reference Book: 1. Optical Fiber Communications. John M. Senior, Pearson Publication. 3% Edition, Electromagnetic waves © Inorder to obtain an improved model for the propagation of light in an optical fiber. electromagnetic wave theory must be considered, The basis for the study of electromagnetic wave propagation is provided by Maxwell's equations For a medium with zero conductivity these vector relationships may be written in terms of the electric field F. eld H. electric flux density D and magnetic flux density B as the curl equations: 12) + The divergence conditions: V.D=0 — Inofiee charges) € 0 (no free poles) ...3.4) 4 vector operator, © The four field vectors are related by the relations: D=cE BH eae 5) where c is the dielectric permittivity and is the magnetic permeability of the medium. ‘© Substituting for D and B and taking the curl of Eqs (1) and (2) gives: VE Vx tV x B) = ee oH Vx ee 1) with the vector identity: gular Cartesian and cylindrical polar coordinates the above wave Here ¥? is the i Id vector. every component satisfying the scalar wave equation: equations ho @ scanned with OKEN Scanner fe Modes in a planar guide * The planar guide is the simplest form of optical waveguide. We may assume it consists ofa slab of deletre with ‘fective index m; sandwiched between two regions of lower refractive index m. In order to obtain an improved ‘model for optical propagation it is useful 10 consider the interference of plane wave components within diclectric waveguide. ‘The conceptual transition from ray to wave theory may be aided by consideration of a plane monochromatic wave Propagating in the direction ofthe ray path within the guide (see Figure I(a)) "Asie refractive index within the pie sms, the opical wavelength in this region is reduced to Vm, while the ‘vacuum propagation constant is increased to mk. ‘ax direction transverse) ina planar dieletrc guide: (a plane wave propagating in the guide shown by y- the wave vector is resolved into components in the z and x directions: plane waves inthe guide forming the lowest order mode (m ~ 0) Propagation vector or the equivalent ray and theguide axis, ‘Plane waves propagating in th ion constant in the = direction p. is the plane wave tel ¥ direction is reflected at the interface between the higher nd lower the interference of two plane waves is shown. In this illustration order (where m = 0) standing wave, where the electric field is 21 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner a [Chapter 3} + Nevertheless, the optical wave is eflectively confined within the puide and the electric field distribution in the x direction does not change as the wave propagates in the = direction, The sinusoidally varying electri field in the = direction is also shown in Figure I(b), ‘+ The stable field distribution in the x direction with only a periodic z dependence is known as a mode. A specific mode is obtained only when the angle between the propagation vectors or the rays and the interface have a particular value, as indicated in Figure 1(b). *Ineffect, gs (11) and (12) define a group or congruence of rays which in the case described represents the lowest order mode. Hence the light propagating within the guide is formed into discrete modes. each typified by a distinet value of 0. + To visualize the dominant modes propagating in the = direction we may consider plane waves corresponding 10 rays at different specific angles in the planar guide, These plane waves give constructive interference to form suning wave patrsarss ihe uid following sina cosine formu examples of such rays for m = |. 2, 3, together with the electric Feld distributions in the x It may be observed that m denotes the number of zeros in this transverse field pattern. In this way m es the order ofthe mode and is known as the made number. lading penetration tym =2 Te, Cladding penetration ical model showing the ray propagation and the corresponding transverse electric (TE) pattems of three lower order models m= |, 2, 3)in the planar dielectric auide tig as an electromagnetic wave it consists of a periodically varying electric field E and ‘magnetic ‘eld H which are orientated at right angles 10 each other, hh iransverse modes shown in Figure 2 illustrate the case when the electric field is perpendicular to the direction € F, = 0, but a corresponding component of the magnetic field His inthe direction of this ¢ the modes are said to be transverse electric (Tl). py ee . when a component of the F field i inthe direction of propagation, but H.~ 0. the modes formed numbers a are fears into this nomenclature by refer i the transverse electric modes shown in Figure 2. Vee ence the canaverse plane, transverse electromagnetic (EM) waves exist where both £. and i 10 the TEm and TMm modes. as 31 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner I Phase and group velocity * Within all electromagnetic waves, whether plane or otherwise, there are points of constant phase. As a monochromatic lightwave propagates along u waveguide inthe = direction these points of constant phuse travel at 4 phase velocity v, given by: IChapter 3} o ° 8 13) Where « is the angular frequency of the wave, * However. it is impossible in practice to produce perfectly monochromatic lightwaves, and light energy’ is enerally composed ofa sum of plane wave components of different frequencies, *Oflen the situation exists where a group of waves with closely similar frequencies propagate so that their resultant forms a packet of waves, The formation of such a wave packet resulting from the combination of two waves of slightly different frequency propagating together, © * This wave packet does not travel atthe phase velocity of the individual waves but is observed to move at a group velocity v, piven by: v, aes *= 55 (14) * The group velocity is of greatest importance inthe study ofthe transmission characteristics oF optical fibers as it ‘relates to the propagation characteristics of observable wave groups or packets of light. 1 propagation in an infinite ain Of refractive index mn is considered, then the propagation constant may be written as: ee . 4 cylindrical homogencous core dielectric waveguide involves Pihis mathematics is difficult, i is useful to consider the resulting = 0) and TM (where 1. = 0) modes are obtained within the wever, is bounded in two dimensions rather than one. Thus two. the modes, in contrast to the single integer (i) required for the Tuy and TMyy modes. These modes correspond to meridional gs where E, and 17, are nonzero also occur within the oe rg @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Degenerate Modes or Lincarly Polarized Modes + When the difference between core and cladding refractive index becomes very small (A <1). spore light enerEy spreads into cladding. Thus light guiding capacity of the fiber becomes weaker making the structure wohy guided in nature, + For such weakly guided fibers itis observed that certain field components or modes are having similar field distribution and propagation eonstmts, Such modes are grouped together and are known as depenerste modes OF Jinearly polarized modes «By using weakly guided approximation iti posible to solve the boundary conisons for field companems at core-cladding interface ‘i r ‘© Hence under weakly guided approximation natural modes degenerate into linearly polarized modes. The relationship btwean the natural HE, EH TE and TM made designations and the Pi mode designations shown in Table. The mode subscips | and m ae related io te electric Held intensity profile For 2 Parisi mode, “Table 1: Correspondence between the lower order in linearly polarized modes andthe traditional exact modes from which they are formed Linearly polarized drical waveguide mentioned previously. The subscript / in the 1.P with labels + 1 and ~ 1 respectively . efi ty profiles fort ‘three LP modes, together with the electric field distribution of \ | i | : able | thatthe notation for Ja ¢ direction (F. or 1 "linearly polarized. 4 fiber may be confirmed through visual analysis, ‘The electric field i the fiber core ‘mode patterns) may

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