Upsc Mains Exam Schedule

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UPSC Mains Exam Analysis: The UPSC Mains Exam poses a

distinctive challenge for candidates, requiring them to cultivate

both analytical skills To check previous year's UPSC Mains Exam
question papers Analysis check out this article.


UPSC Mains Exam Analysis

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis: The Civil Services Examination
conducted by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) <
commission-upsc/> is a multi-tiered assessment consisting of
Prelims, Mains, and an Interview stage. While each phase plays
a crucial role, the UPSC Mains is the ultimate determinant of a
candidate’s selection. This examination rigorously evaluates
candidates on their depth of knowledge, analytical acumen, and
writing proficiency.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) Mains <> examination is a
formidable test that separates the best from the rest in the
world of civil service aspirants. To conquer this monumental
challenge, candidates must equip themselves with analytical
prowess and the art of writing lucidly under strict time
constraints. One invaluable tool in their arsenal is the analysis
of past year papers, which holds the key to understanding
trends, topics, and question patterns.

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2023

UPSC Mains Analysis: The Union Public Service Commission
(UPSC) administered the UPSC IAS Prelims examination on the
28th of May 2023. This examination presented a challenge as
the General Studies Paper 1 and Paper 2 ranged from moderate
to difficult in terms of difficulty level. The Prelims General
Studies Paper 1 took place between 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM,
while the CSAT occurred from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM. UPSC mains
examination 2023 is going to take place from 15th September
2023. To provide a comprehensive insight into the examination,
we offer an analysis of the UPSC IAS mains exam. This analysis
is especially beneficial for UPSC Civil Services aspirants, as it
provides valuable information on the exam’s difficulty level and
the expected number of good attempts. Furthermore,
candidates can benefit from reviewing previous years’ UPSC
mains Exam Analyses to discern patterns and trends.

Also Read: UPSC Essay Paper Analysis <>

Preparing for UPSC Mains Exam 2023

UPSC Mains Analysis: The UPSC Mains 2023 examination is
scheduled for September 15, and aspirants are gearing up for
this monumental challenge. To excel, candidates must engage
in a comprehensive analysis of previous UPSC Mains papers.
This analysis serves as a compass, guiding them through the
intricacies of the exam, helping identify focus areas, and
crafting effective study strategies.

Crucial Insights from UPSC Mains Exam Analysis

The UPSC Mains examination comprises a series of papers,
each with its unique significance and structure. Let’s delve into
the key takeaways and insights from the UPSC Mains 2023
exam analysis.

UPSC Mains Exam Pattern 2023

The UPSC Mains Exam Pattern encompasses nine papers, with
two qualifying papers – Language Paper (Paper A) and English
Paper (Paper B). These qualifying papers are worth 300 marks
each but do not influence the final ranking. The remaining seven
papers, including Essay and General Studies papers, are
evaluated for merit and contribute significantly to the
candidate’s position in the merit list.

UPSC Mains Qualifying Papers 2023

Candidates must secure a minimum of 25% (75 marks) in Paper
A (an Indian language) and Paper B (English) to qualify. These
papers are designed to test the candidate’s language
proficiency and are essential for progressing to the merit-based

UPSC Mains Merit-Based Papers 2023

The seven merit-based papers in the UPSC Mains exam are
meant to enhance a candidate’s score and determine their
ranking in the merit list. Candidates can choose to answer
these papers in either English or one of the eight scheduled
languages, providing flexibility.

UPSC Mains Optional Subject 2023

Candidates must select one subject from a given list for Paper
VI and Paper VII as their optional subject. These papers
significantly contribute to their final scores and rankings.
To succeed, candidates must not only secure the minimum
qualifying marks in Paper A and Paper B but also perform
exceptionally well in the remaining seven papers to enhance
their overall scores.

Subject-Wise Weightage in UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2023

In UPSC Mains 2023, candidates must appear for nine papers,
including qualifying and merit-based papers. The following is an
overview of the subject-wise analysis:

Paper A: Indian Language (Qualifying): This paper assesses t he

candidat e’s proficiency in t heir select ed Indian language. It is a
qualifying paper, and t he marks obt ained here do not cont ribut e
t o t he final merit list .

Paper B: English (Qualifying): This paper evaluat es t he

candidat e’s command of t he English language. It is a qualifying
paper, and t he marks obt ained here are not fact ored int o t he final
merit list .

Paper I: Essay This paper gauges t he candidat e’s abilit y t o

art iculat e t heir ideas clearly and concisely. It carries a weight age
of 250 marks.

Paper II: General St udies I This paper assesses t he candidat e’s

knowledge of Indian Herit age and Cult ure, World Hist ory, and
Societ y. It holds a weight age of 250 marks.

Paper III: General St udies II This paper evaluat es t he candidat e’s

underst anding of t he Indian Const it ut ion, Governance, Social
Just ice, and Int ernat ional Relat ions. It is allot t ed 250 marks.

Paper IV: General St udies III This paper t est s t he candidat e’s
knowledge in Technology, Economic Development , Biodiversit y,
Environment , Securit y, and Disast er Management . It carries a
weight age of 250 marks.

Paper V: General St udies IV This paper examines t he candidat e’s

grasp of Et hics, Int egrit y, and Apt it ude. It is wort h 250 marks.

Paper VI: Opt ional Subject Paper I This paper assesses t he

candidat e’s proficiency in t heir chosen opt ional subject . It
cont ribut es 250 marks t o t he overall score.

Paper VII: Opt ional Subject Paper II This paper evaluat es t he

candidat e’s underst anding of t heir select ed opt ional subject . It
carries a weight age of 250 marks.

Analysis of UPSC Mains Question Papers

The UPSC Mains Exam Analysis is derived from the study of
previous question papers and feedback from candidates who
have faced the UPSC Mains examination. While the specific
question patterns may vary, this analysis provides a solid
understanding of the general trends, types of questions, and
difficulty levels that candidates can expect. It guides aspirants
in planning their preparation strategies accordingly.
Topic-Wise UPSC Mains Exam Analysis
For a comprehensive understanding of the exam, we provide
access to topic-wise analysis PDFs for various papers, aiding
candidates in their preparation:

Topic-Wise Paper 1 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

Topic-Wise Paper 2 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

Topic-Wise GS 1 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

Topic-Wise GS 2 Questions of UPSC Mains <>

Topic-Wise GS 3 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

Topic-Wise GS 4 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

Topic-Wise Opt ional Paper 1 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

Topic-Wise Opt ional Paper 2 Quest ions of UPSC Mains

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2022

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducted the
IAS Mains Exam in 2022, setting the stage for the evaluation of
aspiring civil servants. The Mains Exam is a critical phase in the
Civil Services Examination, comprising multiple papers that
assess a candidate’s knowledge and analytical abilities. In this
analysis, we delve into the details of Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the
UPSC CSE IAS Mains Exam 2022, offering insights into the
questions and difficulty levels.

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2023

UPSC CSE IAS Mains Exam 2022 Analysis

The UPSC Mains Exam commenced on September 16, 2022, and
was conducted in two shifts, forenoon and afternoon, across
various test centers in the country. This examination comprises
nine papers held on different dates: September 16, 17, 18, 24,
and 25, 2022. Candidates who cleared the preliminary exam
were eligible to appear for the Mains Exam. Below is the
schedule of the UPSC Mains Examination 2022:

September 16, 2022:

Paper-I: Essay

September 17, 2022:

Paper-II: General St udies-I

Paper-III: General St udies-II

September 18, 2022:

Paper-IV: General St udies-III

Paper-V: General St udies-IV

September 24, 2022:
Paper-A: Indian Language

Paper-B: English

September 25, 2022:

Paper-VI: Opt ional Subject -Paper-1

Paper-VII: Opt ional Subject -Paper-2

As of now, Paper 1 (Essay) and Paper 2 (General Studies-I) have

been conducted. Let’s proceed with an analysis of these papers,
including the difficulty level and questions asked.

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2022

General Studies Paper-I (GS Paper 1) – Morning

Shift, September 17, 2022
The morning shift of GS Paper 1 was successfully conducted,
and candidates found the difficulty level to be moderate. The
paper consisted of 20 questions, carrying a total of 250 marks.
These questions were further divided into two categories: 10
questions worth 10 marks each (to be answered in 150 words)
and 10 questions worth 15 marks each (to be answered in 250

Notably, a substantial portion of the paper was dedicated to

questions related to Indian Society, accounting for over 25% of
the total questions. Other categories covered in the paper
included Art and Culture, Modern History, World History, Physical
Geography, Indian Geography, Current Affairs, and World

The weightage of different categories in GS Paper 1 is as


Art & Cult ure: 40 marks for 3 quest ions

Indian Societ y: 60 marks for 5 quest ions

Modern Hist ory: 20 marks for 2 quest ions

World Hist ory: 15 marks for 1 quest ion

Physical Geography: 55 marks for 4 quest ions

Indian Geography: 30 marks for 3 quest ions

Current Affairs and World Geography: 30 marks for 2 quest ions

General Studies Paper-II (GS Paper 2) – Morning

Shift, September 17, 2022
GS Paper 2 was conducted in the morning shift on the same
day. According to candidates’ feedback, the level of difficulty for
this paper ranged from moderate to difficult. This paper
featured a dominant focus on Geography-related questions.
Other sections covered included History, Art and Culture,
Modern History, and Indian Society.

Specifically, the paper included around 3 to 4 questions from the

History section, 3 questions each from Art and Culture and
Modern History, and questions related to Secularism within the
Indian Society category. Those with a strong grasp of
Geography found it easier to tackle a significant portion of the

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2021

UPSC Mains 2021 was a testament to the rigorous standards
set by the UPSC in selecting the best candidates for civil
service positions. Aspirants faced a multitude of challenges but
were also presented with opportunities to showcase their
adaptability, knowledge, and writing skills. This analysis serves
as a valuable reference for future UPSC Mains aspirants,
offering insights into the dynamic nature of the examination
and emphasizing the importance of holistic preparation.
Ultimately, UPSC Mains 2021 reaffirms that success in this
esteemed examination requires not only hard work but also the
ability to navigate the evolving landscape of India’s civil

Key Highlights of UPSC Mains Exam 2021 Analysis

1. Challenging General Studies Papers: The General St udies
papers in UPSC Mains 2021 were not ably demanding, t est ing
candidat es’ knowledge across a wide range of subject s. The
diversit y of t opics and t he dept h of analysis required were

2. Changing Trends in Essay Paper: The Essay paper cont inued t o

evolve, emphasizing cont emporary and t hought -provoking t opics.
Candidat es needed t o exhibit not only st rong writ ing skills but
also t he abilit y t o const ruct well-st ruct ured argument s.

3. Optional Subjects: The opt ional subject choices of candidat es

varied widely, but regardless of t he choice, t he expect at ion of in-
dept h subject knowledge remained const ant . A comprehensive
underst anding of t he chosen subject was crucial.

4. Current Affairs Integration: Current affairs played a vit al role

across various papers, emphasizing t he import ance of st aying
updat ed wit h cont emporary event s and t heir implicat ions.

UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2021 Challenges Faced by

1. Time Management : Managing t ime effect ively in a lengt hy and
exhaust ive examinat ion like UPSC Mains was a common
challenge. Candidat es had t o allocat e t ime judiciously t o answer
all quest ions adequat ely.

2. Interdisciplinary Approach: Many quest ions required an

int erdisciplinary approach, demanding candidat es t o connect
concept s and knowledge from different subject s, which was a
demanding t ask.

3. Subject Diversity: Wit h a wide array of subject s t o st udy,

candidat es had to balance t heir preparat ion t o ensure
compet ence across all areas, including t he opt ional subject .
UPSC Mains Exam Analysis 2021 Opportunities
1. Adaptability: UPSC Mains 2021 highlight ed t he import ance of
adapt abilit y in t he face of evolving examinat ion pat t erns.
Successful candidat es displayed t he abilit y t o adjust t heir
st rat egies t o suit t he changing t rends.

2. Comprehensive Preparation: A holist ic and comprehensive

approach t o st udying was essent ial. Candidat es who int egrat ed
current affairs, int erdisciplinary knowledge, and a deep
underst anding of opt ional subject s had an advant age.

3. Writing Skills: Effect ive communicat ion t hrough writ ing was a
key t akeaway. Those who could art iculat e t heir t hought s clearly
and concisely had a dist inct edge.

Also Read

UPSC Mains Exam Strategy < UPSC CSE Exam Syllabus 2024 <
mains-strategy/> syllabus/>

UPSC Calendar 2024 < UPSC Interview Questions <
calendar-2024/> interview-questions/>

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UPSC Mains Analysis <

UPSC Mains Analysis 2021 <>
UPSC Mains Analysis 2022 <>
UPSC Mains Exam Analysis <>


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