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CBSE SAMPLE PAPER - 02 Class 09 - Mathematics ‘Time Allowed: 3 hours ‘Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: 4 5. 6 1. This Question Paper has 5 Sections AE 2 Section A has 20 MCQGs carrying mark ech 5. Section B has 5 questions carrying 02 marks each, 4. Seation C has 6 questions carrying 03 marks each, 5. Section D has 4 questions caning 05 marks each. 6. Section Eas 3 case based integrated units of assessment (04 marks each) with subpar of the values of 1, and 2 marks each respectively 7-All Questions are compulsory However, an internal choice in 2 Qs of 5 marks, 2 Qs of 3 marks and 2 Questions of 2 marks has been provided. An internal choice has been provided inthe 2marks questions of Section E. 8. Draw neat figures wherever required. Take 1 =2217 wherever required if not stated, Section A ate A any a as DE ow 07 eyelets ciate He age uw 2) tnt bah une 6) 2 gut 6) gut IE (x, y) = (y, x), then i oxtyso Ivete ithe ati tere dine eemaplicpet a Aserspictarinneorai bieTonsar reper de w s)04 0andb=0 a= oandb=0 OaF Oandb 40 d)a=Oandb #0 Wc of te loving nes prot 1 4) Poste 0) Axiom «) Theorem 4) Definition 7. Inthe given figure, AB | CD. If ZBAO. 10. 12 13. y and ZOCD = 110*, then ZAOC a) 50° 1) 40° 970° 60° I APB and CQD are two parallel lines, then the bisectors ofthe angles APQ, BPQ, CQP and PQD form 4) any other parallelogram 1) ashombus. a square ) arectangle (x+y -(x-¥)2-6y 62 y2)= hy then ae b2 o os The graph of y =6isaline 4) Parallel to xaxis ata distance 6 units from _b) Making an intercept 6 on the x- ax the origin (©) Making an intercept 6 on both the axes. 4) Parallel wo y-axis at a distance 6 nits from the origin Inthe adjoining figure, BC= AD, CA.LAB and BDLAB. The rule by which ABC * ABAD is a) ASA by RH sss sas In the given figure, ABCD i @ Rhombus. Then, 8) (ac? + BD®) = 3B? by ac?+ pp? = 4ap? OAc? + pp? = ape ® ac? + pp? =2aB? Inthe given figure, © is the centre ofa circle and ZACB = 30°, Then, ZAOB = a uy a a a a a ® 390° ») 60° 93° aise 14, Thesum of 0.3 and 0.4 is ot dS ot ay 15. Thevvalueof (e- 4) (2+4) (27+ 4 ated be-ty2 ost+h-2 oz 16. Inthe given figure, BO and CO are the bisector of ZB and ZC respectively. If ZA = 50° then ZBOC =? A £\ ans >) 130° 9 100° @ ae 17. Mat + 4 = 194, then 23 + = a 8) none ofthese bot 976 ax 18. A right circular cylinder and a right circular cone have the same radius and the same volume. The ratio of the uw eight ofthe cylinder to that ofthe cone is a35 bass. ous oan 19. Assertion (A): The side of an equilateral triangle is 6 em then the area ofthe triangle is 9 em?. ry Reman (2s All the sides af an enilaeal rane are oa 4) Both Aand R are rue and R is the comect _b) Both A and Rare tre but is no the ‘explanation of A. comect explanation of A. 6) Ais true but is false 4) Ais false but Ris tue. 20. Assertion (A: Fr all values fk (52k) sa solution ofthe inerequaton 2x +3 = 0 1 Reason (R): The linear equation ax +b = O canbe expressed a linear equation in two variables as x+y + =o. a a 2. 2, 2. m4, 2. 26. 2. 20, 29, 31. 4) Both A and Rare true and R isthe correct) Both A and R are true but Ris not the ‘explanation of A. correct explanation of A. As true but R is false, @) Ais false but Ris true. Section B Find the area ofan isosceles triangle, whose equal sides are of length 15 em each and third side is 12 em. @ Factrise: 9x2 + y2-+ 1622 + 12xy - L6yz - 242, B ‘The surface areas of two spheres are in the ratio I 4. Find the ratio oftheir volumes. 2 [By Remainder Theorem find the remainder, when (x) is divided by g(x), where p(x) =2- 6x2 + 2x4, (x)= 21 13x OR Factorise: 22? + 92 + 4V2. ‘Write the linear equation represented by line AB and PQ. Also find the co-ordinate of intersection of line AB [2] and PQ. oR Find whether the given equation have x= 2, y= 1 asa solution:x +y +4=0. Section C State whether the following statements ae true or false. Give reason for your answers. Bh (0) Every natural numbers whole number lines intersect. (i) Every integer isa whole number. (Gi) Every rational number is @ whole number Verify: 2° + y* = (2+ y) (2* — 2y+y*) BI “The sides ofa rangle are in the rato of 13 : 14:15 and its perimeters 4 cm. Find the area ofthe triangle. (3) or From point inthe interior of an equilateral triangle, perpeniculars are drawn on the three sides. The lengths ofthe perpenclculars are 14cm, 10 cm and 6 cm. Fin the area of the triangle. ‘Writ linear equation 3x + 2y =18 in the form of ax + by + ¢=0. Also write the values of a,b and c. Are (4,3) [3] and (1, 2) solution of this equation? BE and CF ae two equal altitudes ofa triangle ABC. Using RHS congruence rule, prove that a riangle ABC is (3) isosceles oR If wo isosceles triangles have @ common base, prove thatthe lin Joining ther vertices bisects them at right anges. Draw the graphs of y= and y Inthe same graph, Also find the co-ordinates of the point where the wo [3] lines intersect. 2. 33 Section D If xis a positive real mamber and exponents are rational numbers, simplify ey oR Represent each of the numbers v2, x/3 and /5 on the real line. Inthe adjoining figure, name: 1 |. Two pairs of intersecting lines and their corresponding points of intersection fi, Three concurrent lines and their points of intersection i. Three rays Iv. Two line segments 6 If to parallel lines are intersected by a transversal, then prove thatthe bisectrs of the interior angles form a [5] rectangle, oR Prove tha ifthe ams ofan angle are respectively perpendicular to the arms of another angle, then the angles are citer equal or supplementary. “The heights of 75 students in a school ae given below: 1 Height Number of 9 students cm) [aoe Jive fiasco inoue 2 18 23 10 3 Draw a histogram to represent the above data. Section E Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ta Mr. Vivekananda purchased a plot QRUT to build his house. He leaves space of two congruent semicircles for ‘gardening and a rectangular area of breadth 3m for car parking, rete 7090 lal ° T (le ol (Find the toa area of Garden (Find the area of rectangle left for car parking (ii) Find the radius of semi-circle. oR Find the area ofa semi-circle. 37. Read the text carefully and answer the questions: ua In Agra ina grinding mil, there were installed S types of mills. These mills used stel balls of radius S mm, 7 ‘mm, 10 mm, 14 mm and 16 mm respectively. Al the balls were inthe spherical shape. Por repairing purpose mills need 10 balls of 7 mm radius and 20 balls of 35 mum radius. The workshop was having 20000 mm? ste! ‘This 20000 mm? ste! was melted and 10 balls of 7 mm radius and 20 balls of 3.5 mm radius were made andthe ‘remaining stel was stored for future use. HP -ce (What was the volume of one bal of 3.5 mm radius? (i) What was the surface area of one ball of 3.5 mm radius? oR How much stel was kept for future use? (ii) What was the volume of 10 all of radius 7 mm? 38, Read the text carefully and answer the questions: oy Harish makes a poste in the shape of a parallelogram onthe topic SAVE ELECTRICITY for an inter-school ‘competition as shown inthe follow figure, ey Brame @ If ZA= (4x +3) and ZD = (Sx - 3), then find the measure of ZB. (i) Tf ZB = @y)® and ZD = (By - 6)°, then find the value of y. OR If AB = (2y - 3) and CD = 5 cm then what is the value of y? If ZA = (2x -3)° and ZC = (4y + 2)°, then find how x and y relate.

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