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1. Who is known as the "Father of the Indian Constitution"?

a) Mahatma Gandhi b) Jawaharlal Nehru

c) Dr. B.R. Ambedkar d) Sardar Patel

2. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the Right to Equality?

a) Article 14 b) Article 19

c) Article 21 d) Article 32

3. What is the term of office for the President of India?

a) 4 years b) 5 years

c) 6 years d) 7 years

4. Who has the power to remove the President of India from office?

a) Prime Minister b) Parliament

c) Chief Justice of India d) Election Commission

5. Which part of the Indian Constitution deals with the Directive Principles of State Policy?

a) Part I b) Part III

c) Part IV d) Part V

6. The Preamble of the Indian Constitution declares India to be a:

a) Democratic Republic b) Socialist Republic

c) Federal Republic d) Secular Republic

7. Who appoints the Chief Justice of India?

a) President of India b) Prime Minister

c) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court d) Parliament

8. The Emergency provisions in the Indian Constitution are borrowed from which country?

a) United States b) United Kingdom

c) Canada d) Germany

9. What is the minimum voting age in India?

a) 16 years b) 18 years

c) 21 years d) 25 years

10. Which article of the Indian Constitution deals with the Right to Education?

a) Article 21 b) Article 45

c) Article 19 d) Article 32

11. The President can declare a state of emergency on the grounds of:
a) Economic instability b) Armed rebellion

c) Political unrest d) Natural calamities

12. Which schedule of the Indian Constitution lists the powers and functions of Panchayats?

a) First Schedule b) Ninth Schedule

c) Eleventh Schedule d) Twelfth Schedule

any four(4x5=20)

13. Mention the Fundamental Duties in Indian Constitution.

14. Explain the Constituent Assembly.

15. What are the power and functions of Chief Minister?

16. What are the emergency powers of the president of India.

17. Discuss the Preamble of Indian Constitution.

18. Explain Centre-State Relation in detail.

19. Describe the composition and functions of the Union Public Service Commission.

Any two(2x10=20)

20. Explain the power and functions of President.

21. Explain the salient features of the Indian Constitution.

22.Write a short Note on

a. Union Parliament.

b. Powers of election Commission.

23. Describe the powers and functions of the Supreme Court of India?

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