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Riot Control Agent

Disaster Academy 2019

• Sensory irritants such as riot control agents are
chemicals characterised by a very low toxicity,
rapid onset, and a short duration of action.
The Agent
1. 2-Chlorobenzalmalonitrile (CS)
2. 2-Chloracetophenone (CN)
3. Dibenz(b,f)- 1,4-oxazepine (CR)
4. oleoresin capsicum (pepper spray),
Effect of Agent
• stinging and burning of eyes, nose, mouth and skin
• excessive watering of the eyes, runny nose, increased salivation;
• sneezing, coughing and even difficulty in breathing;
• disorientation, confusion and sometimes panic.
• Gagging and vomiting may also occur.
• Effects usually occur within seconds after exposure begins and
symptoms usually end within 10-60 minutes after exposure stops. For
some people symptoms can take a few days to clear up completely.
Effects on skin may take longer to improve.
• Full individual protective equipment will provide complete protection.
Protection against field concentrations of CS is provided by the
respirator and ordinary field clothing secured at the neck, wrists, and
For First Aider, Responder, EMT

The following recommendations can help to limit consequences of

contamination by tear gas:

• stay calm, breathe slowly and remember it is only temporary

• blow your nose, rinse your mouth, cough and spit; try not to swallow
• do not rub your skin or eyes
• try not to touch your eyes or face, or other people, equipment,
supplies, etc. to avoid further contamination.
For Casualty
• Exposed persons should move to fresh air, separate from other contaminated individuals,
face into the wind with eyes open and breathe deeply.
• remove contaminated clothing with hands protected (e.g. use a plastic bag,
disposable gloves, etc.)
• wash the skin thoroughly clean water
• if possible, shower with cool water
• irrigate the eyes with clean water, from the inside corner of the eye towards
the outside with the casualty’s head tilted back and slightly towards the side
being rinsed
• advise less seriously affected casualties to apply these measures to
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