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1. Differentiate between heat and temperature.

2. Define the term heat capacity and state its SI unit.
3. Differentiate between heat capacity and specific heat capacity.
4. Why is the base of a cooking pan generally made thick?
5. Give one example of each, where high specific heat capacity of water is used
1. In cooling 2. As heat resistor.
6. A solid of mass 50 g at 150°C is placed in 100 g of water at 11°C, when the
final temperature recorded is 20°C. Find the specific heat capacity of the
solid. (Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2 J/g°C)
7. State two factors upon which the heat absorbed by a body depends.
8. Calculate the mass of ice required to lower the temperature of 300 g of water
at 40°C to water at 0oC. (Specific latent heat of ice = 330 J/g, Specific heat
capacity of water = 4.2 J/g°C)
9. What do you understand by the following statements:
(a) The heat capacity of the body is 60 J/K
(b) The specific heat capacity of lead is 130 J/kg K
10. Rishi is surprised when he sees water boiling at 115°C in a container. Give
reasons as to why water can boil at the above temperature.
11. 50 g of metal piece at 27°C requires 2400 J of heat energy so as to attain a
temperature of 327°C, calculate the specific heat capacity of the metal.
12. A hot solid of mass 60 g at 100°C is placed in 150 g of water at 20°C. The final
steady temperature recorded is 25°C. Calculate the specific heat capacity of
the solid. (Specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kg oC)
13. Define calorimetry.
14. 200 g of hot water at 80°C is added to 300 g of cold water at 10°C. Calculate
the final temperature of the mixture of water. Consider the heat taken by the
container to be negligible. (Specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kg oC)

15. Answer the following:

(a) Give one example, where high specific heat capacity of water is used as a
heat reservoir.
(b) Give one example, where high specific heat capacity of water is used for
cooling purposes.
(c) Does land cool at a slower or faster rate than water? Give one reason.
(d) Explain, why steam pipes warm a building more effectively than hot water
pipes in cold countries?
16. 40 g of water at 60°C is poured into a vessel containing 50 g of water at 20°C.
The final temperature recorded is 30°C. Calculate the thermal capacity of the
vessel. (Take specific heat capacity of water as 4.2J/g oC).
17. Some hot water was added to three times its mass of cold water at 10°C and
the resulting temperature was found to be 20°C. What was the temperature
of the hot water?
18. Give two reasons, why copper is preferred over other metals for making
19. A thermometer shows a certain, temperature on its scale. When its bulb
covered with a piece of cloth, soaked in spirit, it is observed that the reading
of the thermometer decreases. Give reason for this observation.
20. It is desired to increase the rate of evaporation of a given quantity of a liquid.
Suggest two ways, excluding the direct heating of the liquid, which can be
used to bring about this increase in the rate of evaporation.
21. A central heating system has radiator pipes into which steam enters at 100°C
and water leaves at 100°C. Can this system succeed in heating a room? If
‘yes’, please explain the reason for your answer.
22. How is the transference of heat energy by radiation prevented in a
calorimeter? (ii) You have a choice of three metals A, B and C, of specific heat
capacities 900 J/kg oC, 380 J/kg °C and 460 J/kg °C respectively, to make a
calorimeter. Which material will you select? Justify your answer.
23. Answer the following:
(a) What is the principle of method of mixtures?
(b) What is the other name given to it? What is the principle of method of
(c) Name the law on which the principle is based.
24. Specific heat capacity of substance A is 3.8 J/g K, whereas the specific heat
capacity of substance B is 0.4 J/g K –
(a) Which of the two is good conductors of heat?
(b) How is one led to the above conclusion?
(c) If substances A and B are liquid, then which one would be more useful in car
25. How is the heat capacity of the body related to its specific heat capacity?
26. A certain amount of heat Q will warm 1 g of material X by 3°C and 1 g of
material Y by 4°C. Which material has a higher specific heat capacity?
27. Answer the following:
(a) Name the liquid which has the highest specific heat capacity.
(b) Name two factors on which the heat absorbed or given out by a body depends.
(c) What is the principle of method of mixtures?
(d) Name the law on which this principle is based.
28. An equal quantity of heat is supplied to two substances A and B. The
substance A shows a greater rise in temperature. What can you say about the
heat capacity of A as compared to that of B?
29. Explain, why water is used in hot water bottles for fomentation and also as a
universal coolant?
30. Water falls from a height of 50 m. Calculate the temperature of water, when
it strikes the bottom. (g =10 m/s2; specific heat capacity of water = 4200 J/kg
31. Answer the following:
(a) Name the radiations which are absorbed by greenhouse gases in the earth’s
(b) A radiation X is focused by a particular device on the bulb of a thermometer
and mercury in the thermometer shows a rapid increase. Name the radiation
(c) Name two factors on which the heat energy liberated by a body depends.
32. Water in lakes and ponds do not freeze at once in cold countries. Give a
reason in support of your answer.
33. Answer the following:
(a) What is the principle of Calorimetry?
(b) Name the law on which this principle is based.
(c) State the effect of an increase of impurities on the melting point of ice.
34. A copper vessel of mass 100 g contains 150 of water at 50°C. How much ice is
needed to cool it to 5°C? Given: Specific heat capacity of copper = 0.4 J/g °C
Specific heat capacity of water = 4.2J/g oC Specific latent heat of fusion of ice
= 336 J/g
35. A calorimeter of mass 50 and specific heat capacity 0.42 J/g oC contains some
mass of water at 20°C. A metal piece of mass 20 g at 100°C is dropped into
the calorimeter. After stirring, the final temperature of the mixture is found
to be 22°C. Find the mass of water used in the calorimeter. (Take specify heat

capacity of the metal piece = 0.3 J/g oC, specific heat capacity of water =
4.2J/g oC)
36. In a laboratory experiment to measure specific heat capacity of copper, 0.02
kg of water at 70°C was poured into a copper calorimeter with a stirrer of
mass 0.16 kg initially at 15°C. After stirring, the final temperature reached
to 45°C. Specific heat of water is taken as 4200J/kg °C –
(a) What is the quantity of heat released per kg of water per 1°C fall in
(b) Calculate the heat energy released by water in the experiment in cooling
from 70°C to 45°C.
(c) Assuming that the heat released by water is entirely used to raise the
temperature of calorimeter from 15°C to 45°C calculate the specific heat
capacity of copper.
37. A piece of iron of mass 2.0 kg has a thermal capacity of 996 J/°C –
(a) How much heat is needed to warm it by 15 °C?
(b) What is its specific heat capacity in SI unit?



1. A force ‘F acts on a body such that line of action of force passes through the
point of rotation of the body. Find the magnitude of moment of force.
2. Write the relationship between the S.I. and C.G.S unit of moment of force.
3. Scissors for cutting cloth have blades much longer than handles. Why?
4. Give any three applications of turning effect of force (torque).
5. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) Two equal and opposite parallel forces not acting along the same line form a
(b) Two equal and opposite parallel forces acting along the same line form a
(c) Two equal and parallel forces not acting along the same line form a couple.
(d) Two unequal and opposite parallel forces not acting along the same line form
a couple.
(e) Any two forces acting along a line form a couple.
6. Why a couple cannot produce a translational motion?
7. A uniform meter scale is in equilibrium as shown in the diagram:

(a) Calculate the weight of the meter scale.

(b) Which of the following options is correct to keep the ruler in equilibrium
when 40 gf wt is shifted to 0 cm mark - F is shifted towards 0 cm or F is
shifted towards 100 cm?
8. A uniform metre rod is balanced at the 70 cm mark by suspending a weight of
50 gf at the 40 cm mark and 200 gf at the 95 cm mark. Draw a diagram of the
arrangement and calculate the weight of the metre rod.
9. A half metre rod is pivoted at the center with two weights of 20 gf and 12 gf
suspended at a perpendicular distance of 6 cm and 10 cm from the pivot
respectively as shown below –

(a) Which of the two forces acting on the rigid rod causes clockwise moment?
(b) Is the rod in equilibrium?
(c) The direction of 20 gf force is reversed. What is the magnitude of the
resultant moment of the forces on the rod?
10. A boy of mass 30 kg is sitting at a distance of 2 m from the middle of a see
saw. Where should a boy of mass 40 kg sit so as to balance the see saw?

11. A man can open a nut by applying a force of 150 N by using a lever handle of
length 0.4 m. What should be the length of the handle, if he is able to open it
by applying a force of 60 N?
12. A uniform metre scale is kept in equilibrium when supported at the 60 cm
mark and a mass M is suspended from the 90 cm mark as shown in the

figure. State with reasons, whether the weight of the scale is greater than,
less than or equal to the weight of mass M.
13. A couple is formed by two equal and opposite forces of 40 N each. The
distance between line of action of forces is 5 m. Calculate the moment of
couple. If the point, about which rotation takes place, is shifted, will there be
any change in moment of couple?
14. Two forces each of 5 N act vertically upwards and downwards respectively on
the two ends of a uniform metre rule which is placed at its mid-point as
shown in the diagram. Determine the magnitude of the resultant moment of
these forces about the midpoint.

14. Calculate the resultant torque from the following diagram:

15. A body is subjected to a couple, each of magnitude 2 kN separated by a

distance of 50 cm. The net force acting on the body is –
(a) 10 N
(b) Zero
(c) 100 N
(d) 1 N


1. In a beam balance when the beam is balanced in horizontal position, it is in

………… equilibrium.
2. A cone is placed in position (A) and (B) as shown in the figure. Which of the
following statement is true?
(a) Position (A) is the stable equilibrium position of the cone and position (B) is
unstable equilibrium position of the cone.
(b) Position (B) is the stable equilibrium position of the cone and position –
(c) Position (A) is unstable equilibrium position of the cone. (c) Position (A) is the
stable equilibrium position of the cone and position (B) is unstable
equilibrium position of the cone.
(d) Position (A) is the neutral equilibrium position of the cone and position (B) is
unstable equilibrium position of the cone.
3. State the difference between stable and unstable equilibrium.
4. State any two examples of dynamic equilibrium.


1. What is the difference between the center of mass between the ring and disc
of same size and same material?
2. How can we determine the center of mass of an irregular shaped body?
3. Which of the following position is better in terms of stability in for a person
travelling in a moving bus – Standing or sitting? Justify your answer.
4. Where is the center of gravity of the following objects situated –
(i) Ring
(ii) Rhombus
(iii) Scalene triangle
(iv) Cylinder
(v) Circular lamina
(vi) Triangular lamina
5. When a person standing on one foot, bends forward and his second leg
automatically goes backwards. Why?
6. Name a factor on which the position of center of gravity of body depends.

7. Is it essential that the center of gravity should be always situated within the
8. In which of the following objects the center of gravity is not situated within
the object – (a) A L shaped object (b) A cone (c) A triangular lamina
9. Differentiate between the center of gravity and the center of mass?
10. In which of the following postures the center of gravity will be outside the
human body?
(a) Posture (B)
(b) Posture (C)
(c) In all posture, canter of gravity will be inside the human body.
(d) Posture (A)

11. State the difference between center of gravity and center of mass. At what
condition will these two physical quantities will be same?


1. Which of the following remains constant in a UCM?

(a) Acceleration
(b) Centripetal force
(c) Speed
(d) Velocity
2. State two differences between centripetal and centrifugal force.
3. State one similarity between centripetal and centrifugal force.
4. How many types of velocities are there in an UCM? Name them along with
their direction.
5. In what form does centripetal force is balanced in an UCM?
6. A stone of mass ‘m’ is rotated in a circular path with a uniform speed by tying
a strong string with the help of your hand. Answer the following questions:
(a) Is the stone moving with a uniform or variable speed?
(b) Is the stone moving with a uniform acceleration? In which direction does the
acceleration act?
(c) What kind of force acts on the hand and state its direction?

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