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The Stele of Hammurabi
The Stele of Hammurabi, which was composed in the language
of the inhabitants of Babylon, was left up in public spaces all
around the kingdom. As a result, everyone with access to
literacy was able to read the Hammurabi Code and understand
how the laws affected their daily life.
Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus
The Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus is a marble Early Christian
sarcophagus used for the burial of Junius Bassus, who died in
359. It has been described as "probably the single most famous
piece of early Christian relief sculpture." The sarcophagus was
originally placed in or under Old St. Peter's Basilica.
Donatello’s Bronze
Statue of David
Donatello's David, a groundbreaking early
Renaissance sculpture, showcases a return to
ancient Greek and Roman appreciation for the
human body. This bronze masterpiece, featuring a
nude David in contrapposto pose, symbolizes
Florence's triumph over Milan and the Medici
family's connection to the city's greatness.
A Faun Teased
by Children
This sculpture conveys the concept of a clash
between divine love and earthly lust. Instead of
taunting the faun (who represents animalistic
passion), the two putti, who represent divine
love, reject his impudent aggressiveness.
Magdalene Penitent
The statue was carved after Donatello himself
suffered a long bout of illness in Padua. It
seems likely that Donatello's own reckoning
with his mortality informed his piece
portraying Mary.
Statue of David
The statue was created by a single block of
marble that exemplifies a young man of valor
in which it perfectly defines Renaissance and
the emblem of Florentine's liberty.
Apollo and Daphne
A human-sized sculpture by Gian Lorenzo Bernini, represents unwanted
pursuit and predation. In the myth, Apollo falls madly in love with Daphne, a
woman sworn to remain a virgin. Apollo hunts Daphne who refuses to accept
his advances. Right at the moment he catches her, she turns into a laurel tree,
a scene famously depicted in Bernini’s Apollo and Daphne sculpture.
Venus Victrix
A semi-nude life-size reclining neo-Classical portrait
sculpture by the Italian sculptor Antonio Canova.
Reviving the ancient Roman artistic traditions of
portrayals of mortal individuals in the guise of the gods,
and of the beautiful female form reclining on a couch.
and Music
This sculpture expresses the smooth and graceful
curves that the Rococo style was known for,
specifically within sculpture. A soft piece that
expresses a common interest within arts and
sciences. Playful and intimate, Claude Michel’s Poetry
and Music is a great sculpture coming out of the
Rococo style of the eighteenth century.
Milo of Crotona
In many images of this period, his killer is portrayed
as a lion rather than wolves. In Pierre Puget’s
sculpture, Milo of Croton (1682), the themes are the
loss of strength with age and the ephemeral nature of
glory as symbolized by an Olympic trophy lying in
the dust.
The Bronze
The Age of Bronze caused a critical scandal for its
extreme naturalism and ambiguous subject
matter. Fashioned over a period of eighteen
months and based on a live model, the sculpture
depicts a suspended moment of human
awakening, either to suffering or to joy.
Standing Youth
The statue's gothicized, lengthened bodies with
their lanky positioning, and the display of
emerging from the earth, lean toward a
representation of modern heroism in sculpturing.
It is an abstract structure that is
completely stationary, as opposed to a
mobile, which can move with air
currents.The shape of Flamingo alludes to
the natural and animal realm.
La Rivière is a lead or bronze sculpture by
Aristide Maillol. The Unusual pose arose from the
original terms of commission. Maillol conceived
the sculpture as a work on the theme of war, a
woman stabbed in the back, and falling. When
the commission fell through, he transformed the
idea into The River.
The Gate of
The Kiss Gate is part of the three works of Brancusi,
erected in honor of the Romanian heroes dead in the
First World War. The kissing gate looks like a triumphal
arch, symbolizing the triumph of life over death.
All done
1. Aaron Grayson Cañeban ( Editor & PPT Creator )
2. Marylle Jhane E. Martinez
3. Michelle B. Tingal
4. Nissi M. Fernandez
5. Chrislyn B. Binondo
6. Aljo R. Guba
7. Betlehem Languido
8. Mhyzel D. Judaya
9. Hannah Mae Commendador
10. Mary Cris P. Sumalinog
11. Dolly de Jesus
12. Angelique O. Taghoy ( Reporter )
13. Aura Sophia C. Vios
14. Febbie Mhae L. Ysulan
15. Keesha Yumi Jane A. Bontilao

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