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MAC → define the network connection of the computing devices.

Its main purpose is to locate unique

computing device. And it is burned into NIC. It is 48 bit in length and expressed as 12 hexadecimal
digit(0-F). one hex digit represent 4 binary bits. The first 24 bits are used to describe the vendor who
manufactured the card. The rest 24 bits used to describe the card uniquely.

IP address:
identifies the device’s host network and the location of the device on the host network.
It contains 32 bits which is divided into 4 octet (8bits). There are 5 class of IP address depending on the
first octet of the address. Let us, for example, take class c IP address. with submask the first 3 octet represent the network id, and the last octet represent the number of
hosts. So there 256 address are available but the first address which is network address and
the last address is broadcast address. As a result can not be assigned to hosts. So totally
we have like 254 ip address are available in class C address.
Sometimes dividing the networking into subnet is very important to enhance performance as well as to
take security measure.
Network mask used to determine the network part and host part. It is used by router during routing.

Networking devices
Are hardware devices that are used to connect computer, printer and any other electronic device. Like
switch, hub, router, firewall, access point (AP),NIC
NIC is a network adapter used to connect the computer to the network. It is per-installed in computer
by default.
AP which establish wireless local area network. It actually can connect to wired router, switch, and
Firewall is the security device that monitor and either blocks or allow traffic based on a set of rules.
Let's go to switch and router.

Setting up network.
To create this kind of design, first we have to evaluate our need. Like what data speed do we need,
what types of cable we use, how many device need to be hooked up. So different devices can be
connected with straight-through cable like hub to pc, hub switch, switch to router... Same device can be
hooked up together with crossover cable. Like switch to switch, router to router, hub to hub.

Both straight-through and crossover cables are Ethernet cable(twisted pair cable) which are cost-
effective and suitable for local area network. It is even easy to make this cable too. There are other
cable type like coaxial and fiber optic. Both are better than twisted pair cable in speed among other
things. Fiber optic provide fastest speed than Ethernet and coaxial.



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