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Report on

Learning and Development

Module: Human Resource Management (HRMM628)


Submitted by: CHAIFEE GROUP
Name Registration No: Peer Rating
Tanushree Adhikary 12303166 10
Ipshita Nayak 12303028 10
Palak Kumari 12314796 10
Manya shahi 12322642 10
Akhil .S.A 12302435 10
Akash Guiya 12323115 10
Piyush Sharma 12302096 10
Mandeep 12305650 07
Mohana Sudha 12302158 10
Ripudaman 12307672 10
Anushka 12320528 10

Under supervision of

Mittal School of Business

Lovely Professional University,Phagwara, 144401 Punjab,
Annexure-V- Cover Page for Academic Tasks

Course Code: HRMM628 Course Title: Learning and Development

Course Instructor: Dr. Rashmi Mathur Academic Task No.: 01

Academic Task Title: ADDIE Model and TNA Date of submission: - 15/02/24

Student Name: Tanushree Adhikary Section: Q9E23

Student’s Roll No: 38 Student’s Reg. No: 12303166

Evaluation Parameters: (Parameters on which student is to be evaluated- To be mentioned by

students as specified at the time of assigning the task by the instructor)

Learning Outcomes: The report discusses the implementation of ADDIE and TNA at Chaiffee,
highlighting the learning outcomes achieved. It highlights the key activities and outcomes achieved,
such as identifying skill gaps, designing engaging eLearning modules, partnering with external
providers, launching blended learning programs, and measuring training effectiveness.


I declare that this Assignment is my individual work. I have not copied it from any other student’s
work or from any other source except where due acknowledgment is made explicitly in the text,
nor has any part been written for me by any other person.


Evaluator’s comments (For Instructor’s use only)

General Observations Suggestions for Improvement Best part of assignment

Evaluator’s Signature and Date:

Marks Obtained: Max. Marks:
Brand Name: CHAIFEE

It’s an abbreviation taken from merging the words “CHAI & COFFEE” – “CHAIFEE” The
brand name is short, memorable, and relevant to the product. The document presents a
Training Needs Analysis (TNA) conducted at Chaiffee, a renowned cup company, to align
with its organizational goals and address the specific requirements of the newly created
Digital Marketing Manager position.

TNA Purpose:
• Identify skills and knowledge needed for Digital Marketing Manager role.
• Assess current skillsets and knowledge gaps of potential candidates.
• Develop targeted training program on content marketing and SEO.
• Enhance Digital Marketing Manager's effectiveness and contribute to Chaiffee's marketing goals.

The TNA outlines the job description, responsibilities, required skills in content marketing and SEO,
industry trends, target audience, and current capabilities of potential candidates or the appointed
individual for the Digital Marketing Manager position. The TNA findings suggest a targeted training
program covering content marketing fundamentals, SEO in content marketing, social media
marketing, content analytics and reporting, and industry trends and best practices.

By conducting a comprehensive TNA and developing a targeted training program, Chaiffee can
ensure its Digital Marketing Manager has the necessary skills and knowledge to contribute
significantly to achieving organizational goals. This, in turn, can maintain the company's charismatic
work environment and demonstrate its commitment to employee development and success. The
framework can be customized by incorporating specific details about Chaiffee's company culture,
target audience, and marketing objectives, and the impact of the training program on individual and
organizational performance can be quantified using data and metrics.
Target Audience
Why this training?
o Prospective and Benefits for Company
 Reach a wider audience
 Boost brand awareness and engagement
 Drive sales and conversions Gain valuable customer insights Stay ahead of the competition
o Prospective and Benefits for Employees
 Career Advancement
 Personal Growth and Satisfaction
 Enhanced Problem-Solving Skills
 Improved Collaboration and Communication
 Increased Job Security

Benchmarking Competencies and Skills in Content Marketing

• Content Creation Skills: Assessing creativity, attention to detail, and adaptability to target
• SEO Knowledge: Understanding keyword research, on-page optimization, and backlinking
• Analytics Skills: Proficiency in using analytics tools to track content performance and user
• Social Media Management: Knowledge of different social media platforms, scheduling tools, and
best practices for content distribution.
• Graphic Design and Multimedia Skills: Proficiency in using graphic design tools and multimedia
editing software.
• Project Management: Proficiency in project management tools for content planning and execution.
• Communication and Collaboration: Proficiency in communication tools for remote collaboration
and team coordination.
• Content Strategy Development: Understanding of audience research, content mapping, and funnel
• Continuous Learning and Adaptability: Participation in industry forums, webinars, and relevant
• Measuring ROI and Performance: Ability to track KPIs and calculate ROI for content marketing

 Here is the poster we have prepared for training:

Training Design
Mode: Designing training for SEO involves a combination of understanding the fundamental
concepts of SEO, keeping up with the ever-evolving landscape of search engines, and practical
implementation techniques.
1. Understanding SEO Fundamentals
2. Keyword Research and Analysis
3. Practical Exercises and Case Studies
 Assess Audience Needs: Understand the knowledge level and experience of the target
 Develop Training Modules: Each module should have clear learning objectives, topics to be
covered, and associated resources.

Conducting TNA
How did we analyze the need for training?

The path for TNA followed as follows:

Identify Organizational Goals > Identify Job Roles and Responsibilities > Collect Data > Analyse
data > Prioritize training need > Identify Training Objectives > Determine Training Method >
Develop Training Content > Implement Training Program.

Survey: We analyzed the need for training via surveying among the employees we had. We asked
questions given in the form of

Through this, we recorded the responses, and then we analyzed the skill gap. From the responses, we
found the skill gap in “digital marketing." Then I planned and designed the training program.

The process followed as follows:

 Identify organizational objectives: Understood the company's digital marketing goals and
objectives. By looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive website traffic, and
improve conversion rates.

 Defining Digital Marketing Roles and Responsibilities: Identifying the different roles within the
digital marketing team, such as social media manager, content marketer, SEO specialist, PPC
specialist, email marketer, etc.

Outlined are the specific tasks and responsibilities associated with each role.

 Gather input from stakeholders: Conducted interviews or surveys with freshmen, digital
marketing team members, managers, and other stakeholders to understand their perspectives on
current skill levels and training needs.

Considering feedback from employees regarding areas where they feel they need additional training
or support.
 Assess current skill levels: Evaluated the current skill levels of digital marketing team members in
areas such as:

 Social media marketing

 Content marketing
 Search engine optimization (SEO)
 Email marketing

Identified any skill gaps or areas where improvement is needed.

 Identify emerging trends and technologies: By staying updated on the latest trends, tools, and
technologies in digital marketing and determining if there are any emerging areas where employees
may need training to stay competitive,.

 Prioritize training needs: prioritize training needs based on their relevance to organizational goals,
their impact on performance, and the urgency of addressing them. Focused on areas where skill gaps
are most significant or where new knowledge and skills are required to adapt to changes in the

 Define training objectives: Based on the identified needs, define clear training objectives for each
area of focus.

8) Select training methods and resources: Choose the appropriate training methods and resources
to address each training objective. Options included online courses, workshops, webinars,
conferences, mentoring programs, or in-house training sessions.

9) Develop a Training Plan: Develop a detailed plan outlining the training activities, timelines, and
resources required for implementation. Assign responsibilities to team members or training
coordinators for organizing and delivering the training.

10) Implement Training Program: Roll out the training program according to the defined plan and
ensure that participants have access to the necessary resources and support.

Analyzing TNA:-
For a digital marketing manager who specializes in content marketing, analyzing Training Needs
Analysis (TNA) entails determining areas for improvement inside the company as well as skills.

Establish Goals: Clearly state the company's goals for content marketing. Establish the precise
objectives that the digital marketing team hopes to accomplish with content marketing. This can
entail raising consumer involvement, producing leads, enhancing website traffic, or raising brand

Evaluate the Present Situation: Examine the procedures, performance indicators, and content
marketing plan currently in place. Examine previous campaigns, conversion rates, audience
engagement metrics, and content assets. Determine the advantages and disadvantages of different
content production.
Identify Competencies: Identify the essential skills needed for successful content marketing in the
modern digital environment. Skills in social media management, analytics, SEO (keyword research,
on-page optimization), writing, design, and video production, as well as strategic planning, may fall
under this category.

Employee Skills Inventory: Evaluate the members of the digital marketing team's abilities and
expertise. Surveys, interviews, and performance reviews can all be used for this. Determine each
person's strong points and any areas in which they can use further guidance or assistance.

Benchmarking is the process of comparing the abilities and proficiencies of the digital marketing
team to best practices and industry norms. Determine any areas where the team might be falling
behind or where implementing new methods or resources could be advantageous for audience
distribution and performance monitoring strategies.

Determine Training Needs: Determine the precise training requirements for the digital marketing
team based on the assessment. This could be workshops on strategic planning, the development of
artistic abilities (like graphic design and narrative), or technical skills training (like using content
management systems and SEO tools).

Training Area Prioritization: Set training area priorities according to how important they are to
reaching content marketing goals and how urgent it is to close skill shortages. Pay attention to areas
where enhancements can result in notable gains in performance or competitive advantages.

Create a Training Plan: Create a thorough training program that targets the needs and goals that have
been determined. This could entail a mix of mentorship programs, outside classes or workshops,
internal training materials, and opportunities for on-the-job training.

Implementation: Carry out the training program, making sure team members have access to the tools
and assistance they require to advance their abilities. Keep an eye on developments and offer advice
and comments as needed.

Evaluation: Keep a close eye on how well the training programs are filling up skill shortages and
enhancing content marketing outcomes. Collect input from team members, monitor important
performance indicators, and modify the training program as necessary to meet changing demands and

Finalizing the Training Plan

1. Finalizing the training plan the main skills needed for a digital marketing manager include strategic
thinking, data analysis, knowledge of key digital marketing channels and techniques, knowledge of
marketing funnel, marketing metrics, and KPIs, visual marketing expertise, and user experience and
customer experience. Once these skills have been identified, it is important to assess the current
skills and knowledge and identify any gaps that need to be filled through training and development

2. Digital marketing is a diverse field encompassing various aspects of capturing, controlling, and
retaining the customer's attention and interest. Therefore, it is important to continuously learn and
update skills through courses, mentors, peers, and case studies.
3. Certifications can help advance a digital marketing career and showcase the skills and knowledge
employers are looking for. Developing a digital marketing portfolio can also help showcase skills
and experience.

Designing the Training of Chaiffee for Digital Marketing

The following actions should be taken into consideration when creating a comprehensive content
marketing training program that effectively uses data visualization and covers important needs, gaps,
and priorities:

Needs Evaluation:
-To find the present knowledge and skill gaps in your team or target audience, conduct a thorough
needs assessment.
-Employ questionnaires, interviews, and performance reviews to acquire information about certain
areas that require development.

Define Learning Objectives:

-Clearly state the learning objectives based on the priorities and needs that have been determined.
-Make sure your goals are time-bound, relevant, measurable, achievable, and precise (SMART).

Creation of Content:
-Provide information that addresses important subjects including distribution, analytics, strategy,
development, and optimization.
-To accommodate various learning styles, employ a range of formats, such as interactive modules,
case studies, presentations, and practical exercises.

Integration of Data Visualization:

-Throughout the instruction, incorporate data visualization approaches to clarify topics and highlight
the significance of data-driven decision-making in content marketing.
-Employ visual aids such as charts, graphs, and dashboards to improve the accessibility and
comprehension of complex data.

Interactive Learning Tasks:

-Include interactive exercises to promote involvement and strengthen learning, such as workshops,
role-playing, and group discussions.
-Give participants challenges and circumstances from the real world to put their knowledge and
abilities to use.

Assessment and feedback:

-Use assignments, tests, and quizzes on a regular basis to determine participants' comprehension and
-Provide constructive criticism to assist people in identifying their areas of weakness and to reinforce
what they have learned.

Continuous Improvement:
-Get participant input to determine the training program's strong points and areas for development.
-Update and improve the content frequently in response to user input and shifts in the content
marketing industry.

Resource Availability:
-Make sure that participants have easy access to training materials, tools, and resources for continued
review and reinforcement of what they have learned.
Measurement of Impact:
-Determine the training program's impact on participants' abilities, knowledge, and performance by
establishing key performance indicators (KPIs).
-Analyze data to monitor development and assess how well the program is accomplishing its goals,
use data analytics.

By following these steps and incorporating data visualization effectively, you can design a
comprehensive training program in content marketing that addresses key needs, gaps, and priorities
while enhancing learning outcomes and driving measurable results.

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