Statistical Treatment of Data Sample

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Statistical Treatment of Data

The following statistical tools will be used in interpreting the data to be gathered:

1. Percentage and Frequency Distribution

A percentage frequency distribution, in general, is a display of data that indicates the
percentage of observations for each data point or grouping of data points. It is a commonly used
method for expressing the relative frequency of survey responses and other data (JoVE, n.d.)
In this research, the percentage and frequency distribution through Statistical Package for
the Social Sciences (SPSS) will be considered in the pre-testing and actual survey to present the
socio-demographic profile of the respondents. SPSS is a program or statistical software designed
to undertake a range of statistical procedures (University of South Australia, n.d.).

Formula: Where: % = Percentage

f = Frequency
N= Number of sample

2. Weighted Mean
Weighted means were calculated for the Likert scales, ranging from Strongly Agree = 5
to Strongly Disagree = 1 to determine the tendency of the composite scores. Based on the
reviewed studies, the weighted mean results can be interpreted to show the degree of influence of
corporate social responsibility on the effective good governance of the Good Samaritan Colleges
and NEUST-San Leonardo Campus.

Weighted Mean = ∑ni=1 (xi*wi)

∑ denotes the sum
w is the weights and
x is the value
Table . Scale on the Data Interpretation for the Influence of Social Responsibility Practices on the Good
Governance of Public and Private School.

Rating Scale Verbal Interpretation

1 Strongly Disagree
2 Disagree
3 Neither Agree or Disagree
4 Agree
5 Strongly Agree

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