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1. University of new south wales: HR Law and Policy

2. Monash: public sector governance and regulation
3. The University of Sydney: Master of adm law and policy
4. University of western Australia: master of legal practice
Subject: law and lawyering (Foundations of Law and Lawyering [LAWS4101] : Handbook
2024 : The University of Western Australia (

Foundations of public law Foundations of Public Law [LAWS4108] : Handbook 2024 : The
University of Western Australia (

Legal intrepetation

Adm law

Government accountability

Innovations in lawyering

5. Macquire university: master of law (Master of Laws | Macquarie University Sydney

Subject: Anti-discrimination law
Indigenous ppl and the law
Hr law and dilemmas

6. Australian National University: Master of Law, specialization: public law

Public Law Specialisation - ANU

7. Flinders: master of public policy


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