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Revisia(Literat) Page

Q1Tae oet does hot uactly mehan th

tca he mothed oeth aud yet
the ditet
techniqual Diauis
R loct kanala Das wes hoete deito Cenpa
as ashen' Ti ashen tae ia Lihe taat acor

Copad to 'a lat oitod moon'y


a suival beiaiuye a.
to nthe
panento Thek aent any
availab to the fur a

statu aa 4e ant.
QAhat stotagy did illian brugles endunbe
dosn te use
As As hillian Douaa
eheenbeed hi
shotagt h
rom the bottom thu oo aud coue
a condl to the ace In heas midithe hit
bottom: But the in
He looked tor ohes laddos and wat wings
mot Then he would lie

Aa n look do ta Who Aait

T and oho does 'hin' stand kor and
oid he athee so tall ?
:T im stand gor MHamel
franz Qad him
M Hamel abheaned tal hot beause cf his
height but the þrids he had ad elo kor
he eaches Even thougu he
teaa french ye he contiauc
to donou
his posctioa a a teaehe ith dignity
bring out the tontrast ro hortraed by ths
& the
sten Dutsde he ca oihh tata
poet's mother tusida th car

Ang'Twida the as, Hhe oet'k otho looks clos like a

body'Her aleeping (dozing) oith heout,
Corpse Coead and oeth weeas outsidathe
can, the po oatelues oung theos shnin tug 4haltt
eldn Loming

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