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English with @fhelson

Lesson #6


Present Simple

• I drink tea

Used for: general habits and facts; not activities happening “now”.

~ They drink tea everyday

~ He plays tennis in the morning

~ I never drink coffee

Use of adverbs

Adverb: a word that describes or give more information about another word. Express a
relation of place, time, frequency, manner, cause, degree, etc.

Where to place adverbs of frequency?

1° After verb “to be”

~ I usually on time

2° Before other verbs

~ I never eat breakfast

3° Between auxiliary verbs and main verbs

~ She would always visit me

0% 10% 30% 50% 80% 100%

never rarely sometimes often usually always
Almost Occasionally Frequently Most All the
never or many of the time
times time

Past Simple

•I drank tea

Used for: finished actions; actions where we know the specific date.

~ I drank tea yesterday

~ You played football last night

~ She ate cake on 6 O’clock

Past Simple of some verbs:

Present/Past Present/Past Present/ Past Present/Past

Be was, Have Had Speak Spoke Arise Arise
were Meet Met Drow Drew Bear Bore

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