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The Questelligence Workbook

(A companion of Thinking, Knowing, Doing and Being)

This is a workbook for creating things from thoughts,

performing analysis of object(ives), and implementing personal
reflective practice to improve personal and group efficacy.

Destiny Chukwuma Ogbonnaya

The Questelligence Workbook
(A companion of Thinking, Knowing, Doing and Being)

The Questelligence Workbook for the year: ......................................................

Volume: ................................................................................................................

Name: ………………………………………………………………………….

Address: ………………………………………………………………………..

Phone Number: ……………………………………………………………….

This book is a gift from ................................................................................ to

.......... ………………………. on the occasion of …………………………...

The Questelligence Workbook
1. It is recommended that you read the companion book titled

"Thinking, Knowing, Doing and Being" to understand the philosophical,

theoretical, and psychological discussions on The Questelligence theories.

2. Keep this workbook close to yourself always and carry it when you are

travelling. Write down thoughts in the relevant sections when they come to

your mind. Write whenever you feel inspired to do so.

3. This workbook is designed to enable you practice Questelligence. Feel free

to write, draw, calculate, etc. So, don't worry if it is messy, sketchy,

gappy, etc. Thinking is messy too, like sculpturing, painting, etc. Thinking is

a process, so be relaxed while the process evolves. Do your thoughts as soon

as they become knowledge. From doing, you can be generating more

thoughts. Do not wait away your thoughts, act them into existence.
4. There are three major sections in this book. The first section is for creative

thinking activities which involves synthesis of items, domains, frames,

stories, opinion, truth, wisdom, into reality. This may include developing

ideas, plans, creating a programme, product, etc. The second section is for

analytic thinking activities which focused decomposing realities into

wisdom, truth, opinion, stories, frames, domains, and items. This may

include anlysing proposals, problems, passed events, etc. The third section is

a reflective practice designed to improve your personal efficacy by

reflecting on your experiences in order to draw lessons from them and

improve your desired future outcomes. In each of the sections, use the notes

section to articulate your thoughts and draft action plans. Do not shelf action

plans, do them. Doing is the key to becoming.

5. Each page contains a quote. Try to reflect on them as well.

6. It is fundamental that you understand that thinking is domain-based

within the framework of Questelligence. This means that you can go to the

relevant section and document your thoughts. Thinking is not linear, so use

this book to shape multiple areas of your life concurrently. This is a master

key that using The Questelligence framework will hand over to you.
7. It is recommended that you use a different copy of The Questelligence

Journal for each year. This will enable you to create volumes if there are no

spaces left. You can have more than one volume in a year depending on

your thinking life. New volumes can continue a thought or focus on

realising new set of objectives for the year.

8. It will be nice to give this book as a gift to your children, partners, siblings,

close associates, and others you work closely with. You can recommend it to

people who needs a framework for translating thinking to actual physical

outcomes. The inherent benefits of the Questelligence approach to thinking

are in enhancing mutual communication, understanding and co-creations.

9. Please, try to read the section on the mathematics of Questelligence even if

you do not like mathematics. It is not difficult. It will help you to perform

thinking by gaining mathematical and logical insights into how you can

combine items of domains to think.

10. If you need additional support on how to complete The Questelligence

Journal, please send email to My

objective and passion are to ensure that you realise your destiny by

pragmatic implementation of your thinking, knowing, doing and being.

Twelve Annual Goals (TAG)
List twelve outcomes that you would like to achieve this year. The outcomes
should be S-SMART (Significant, Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic,
Time-bound). Examples of S-SMART outcomes: Register for professional
qualification; Buy a property; Have a net worth of a minimum of £200,000;
Reconcile with my parents/children/friends/co-worker; Write a book; etc.



3. …………………………………………………………………………………

4. …………………………………………………………………………………

5. …………………………………………………………………………………

6. …………………………………………………………………………………

7. …………………………………………………………………………………

8. …………………………………………………………………………………

9. …………………………………………………………………………………

10. ………………………………………………………………………………..

11. ………………………………………………………………………………..

12. ………………………………………………………………………………..
The Mathematics of Questelligence

I encourage you to buy and read the main book "Thinking, Knowing, Doing

and Being" so that you can understand how to think through a hierarchy of

thoughts which I modelled as items, domains, frames, stories, opinions,

truths, realities. Here, I have listed 127 possible frames you can think about

in creating or analysing stories, opinions, truths, and realities.

 In Questelligence, thinking is the mental permutation and combination

of the Questelligence hierarchy of thoughts to create meanings.

 Because thinking is combinatorial and hierarchical, we can focus on a

single domain at a time. Also, we can focus on more domains at a time.

 Assuming that we are interested in computing from each domain once,

seven (7) items can be generated.

 Symbols representing the domain: 1. Object (O), 2. Place (Pl), 3. Time

(T), 4. People (Pe), 5. Process (Pr), 6. Reason (R) and 7. Specific (S)


 Consider the domains as numbers: 1,2, 3, 4,5,6,7

 7! = 7 x 6 x 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 5040 (The factorial function shows how

many frames that can be created from the 7 domains without

repetition but considering the order).

 Using the mathematical formula for combination, Q = nCr = n!/r!(n-r)!;

where n is the number of domains and r is the number of domains we

choose items from to think on without repetition. There are 127

possible combinations of the Questelligence frames if the order of

items from the domains is not considered and we have only one item

from each domain.


r 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Q 7!/1!(7-1)! 7!/2!(7-2)! 7!/3!(7-3)! 7!/4!(7-4)! 7!/5!(7-5)! 7!/6!(7-6)! 7!/7!(7-7)!
=7 = 21 =35 = 35 = 21 =7 =1

Think on Think on Think on Think on Think on Think on Think on

one item two three items four items four items six items seven items
in one items from three from four from four from six from seven
domain from two different different different different different
at a time different domains at domains at domains at domains at domains at
domains the same the same the same the same the same
at the time time time time time
same without without without without without
time considering considering considering considering considering
without their order their order their order their order their order.
ng their
No one should really lack ideas if the principles of Questelligence is

comprehended. There are 127 things that you can think of or talk about for a

static set of items from each Questelligence domain. If any of the item

changes, there could be additional 127 items to think about. This is a

situation in which the mind must think dynamically to update the domains

as items within the domains change. The mathematical scenario where we

have multiple and varying items within domains is a more complex

mathematics. In the main book, I have suggested that Permutations,

Combinations and Probability can be explored for modelling thinking and

artificial intelligence.

For simplicity, let numbers 1 to 7 be used to represent the domains: Object

(1), Place (2) Time (3), People (4), Process (5), Reason (6) and Specific (7). The

following are systematic listing of the combinations that you can think on

regardless of whether you are creating or analysing or reflecting.

ONE DOMAIN1: 12 3 4 5 6 7


 12 13 14 15 16 17
 23 24 25 26 27
 34 35 36 37
 45 46 47
 56 57
 67


 123 234 345 456 567
 124 235 346 467
 125 236 356 457
 126 237 367
 127 245 357
 134 246 347
 135 247
 136 256
 137 267
 145
 146
 147
 156
 157
 165
 167

1 Object (1), Place (2) Time (3), People (4), Process (5), Reason (6) and Specific (7).
 1234 2345 3456 4567
 1235 2356 3467
 1245 2367 3567
 1236 2347 2367
 1247 2456 2357
 1354 2467 2347
 1345 2457
 1356 2567
 1367 1267
 1465 1237
 1457 1346
 1467 1347
 1567
 1357
 1365
 1567


 12345  13457
 12346  13467
 12347  13567
 12356  14567
 12357  23456
 12367  23457
 12456  23467
 12457  23567
 12467  24567
 12567  34567
 13456

2 Object (1), Place (2) Time (3), People (4), Process (5), Reason (6) and Specific (7).
 123456
 123457
 123567
 124567
 123567
 234567



3 Object (1), Place (2) Time (3), People (4), Process (5), Reason (6) and Specific (7).

Initially, you can use the suggested 127 permutations and combinations

when you are creating, analysing or reflecting. However, the ultimate aim is

to make thinking spontaneous over time as you get used to the

Questelligence framework. Simply stop at the level you get a satisfactory

outcome. Only complex things should be engaged with complex thinking.

You can start from lower complexity thinking which is focusing on one to

three domains combinations. As you progress in your thinking skills, you

can start thinking on higher numbers of domains from four to seven. As you

increase the level of complexity of thoughts, it requires more time, efforts,

and systematic reflections on the ensuing multiple linkages. You can also use

the 127 permutations and combinations as a basis of communication or co-

creating with others. However, for younger people, it is better to use lower

number of domains so that they can make linkages more easily.

Any further questions, please contact

The Questelligence Workbook
(A companion of Thinking, Knowing, Doing and Being)

Section A:

Creative Modes of
This section is for thinking about things that are yet to happen.
1. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote4

The realities of anyone is a mirror of their thinking life.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote5

Life is information. No matter how great and wise one is, people from few generations
down the timeline will not remember. But a life converted into information will last
through many generations. A life comes alive whenever information from it is read.
2. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote6

The mind does not die but the biological body must die. The minds of Einstein, Newton,
Nelson Mandela, etc are very present today even when their bodies are non-existent.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote7

7 Not only tell people how much you love them, show them through your actions.
3. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote8

8 Whatever happens, let your faith not fail. Wait on God and you will have a safe
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote9

9Don’t always think that people should know better when they don’t do better. No one
can operate above the limit of their capacity. Yes, I know it is possible to operate within
but not beyond.
4. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote10

10Expanding our capacity gives us flexibility and grace, whilst making us to be more
effective, productive, and efficient.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote11

11Many know that what they know is wrong, but they don’t know the right thing
because they are yet to do the right thing. Until we do, we will not become.
5. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote12

12 Anyone who despises serving others will be poor in spirit and in pocket.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote13

13A person who cannot be useful to self cannot be useful to others. A person who cannot
help self cannot help others. Life is lived inside out. No one can give that which (s)he
does not have.
6. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote14

14Do not stay on the floor to abuse those at the table; it makes access to your space at
the table a tougher fight.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote15

15Knowledge is freedom. The limitations and costs of ignorance can only be resolved by
knowledge. People perish without knowledge. Knowing the truth activates our freedom.
Wherever limitations abound, seek knowledge and apply same with wisdom.
7. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote16

16Planning is compulsory for everyone that must be successful. A plan is a means of self-
reincarnation. A means of living an experience twice – during thinking and doing.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote17

17One can be literate and ignorant. However, literacy hastens the rate at which one
conquers ignorance. Ignorance is a state of not knowing, but not everything known was
acquired through literacy.
8. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote18

18 You cannot make anything if you are too careful not to break anything.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote19

19One can talk too much; but one cannot communicate too much. Communication
increases understanding, talking does not.
9. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote20

20You possess virtues; vices posses you. You learn virtues; vices are natural instincts.
You form virtues to reach your purest self; and absorb vices at your peril.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote21

21I think of differentiation as the opposite of integration, but I take note of the methods.
The beauty of thinking is that it eventually empowers the mind to execute reversals -
ability to think forth and back, as well as reflect on the thoughts.
10. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote22

22 Go for details that matter. At times, details are used to distract.

Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote23

23Earthworms have no skeletal framework, but they can drill holes. Adapt your purpose
to your design. What you need to be you is in you. For me, everyone is uniquely endowed,
even you.
11. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote24

24 Learn to respect those who do not agree with you, even without a reason; that is what
it takes to engage in a democracy.
Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote25

25 Don't treat people like spoilt apples that need to be sold at a discount and don't let
anyone treat you as such. Each man carries the image and likeness of God and should be
treated and valued as such.
12. Creative Modes of Thinking
Objective domain: What do you want?

Time domain: What times are relevant to achieve the objectives?

Place domain: What places are relevant in achieving the objectives?

Process domain: What transformations or changes are required to achieve

the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations are needed to achieve the


Reason domain: What rationales should the choice of the objectives, places,
times, people, reason, and processes be based on?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reason,

processes, should be focused on?

Questelligence Quote26

26 Leaders create systems and systems create solutions.

Creative Notes

Questelligence Quote27

27The foundation of understanding is a firm grasp of background. History is first

beneficial because it helps us to understand background, fully appreciate the present and
make an intelligent forecast about the future.
The Questelligence Journal
(A companion of Thinking, Knowing, Doing and Being)

Section B:

Analytic Modes of

This section is for thinking about things that have already happened.
1. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote28

28 Let there be peace, love, equity, justice and patriotism. Who is this for?
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote29

29Have you ever dreamt under the influence of malaria? Those moments are the end of
2. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote30

30In life, many things are inconclusive. Get a full sleep and a good night rest. Make
today conclusive and leave tomorrow to worry about itself.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote31

31I saw the sun this morning like a yellow ball that could be used as football. Yet the sun
is far bigger than the earth or any other known planet. If you get this, you will
understand that your dreams and visions, when seen from far distant time, seems smaller
in significance than its actual magnitude. Keep your eyes on the ball, don't give up your
dreams. The impacts would be far reaching than you can estimate now.
3. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote32

32At such junctions of life where rules are not clearly defined, the brave and the risk
takers decide how traffic flows.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote33

33Everything is case by case. Your case is different no matter how similar it looks with
other cases. Your case will never get worse but better if you believe, think, know, do and
be. We are masters of our destiny. We can make or break it.
4. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote34

34 Leadership can either create solutions or cause problems.

Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote35

35A life without hope lacks motivation for persistence and it gravitates towards despair.
But see that life that is full of hope, even when in despair, rises and wait till
breakthrough comes. You must not give up hope no matter what; keep your gaze at the
emerging light at distant horizon. The path of the righteous shines brighter, even brighter
unto a perfect day.
5. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote36

36An excellent customer service person can make a customer who plans to leave not only
to stay but buy more.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote37

37 My slogan is "if you don't apply for anything, don't expect a chance to win". Your duty
is to apply. If you do not get it, learn. Your learning might prove profitable later.
6. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote38

38 If you have a good mother, you will have a significant chance for success.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote39

39If people are oriented towards a practical direction, they easily follow leadership.
People are not mind readers, iterate communication until your mind is fused with their
7. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote40

40If you cannot see the big picture, you cannot also see how the drainage in your front
empties into a river that is miles away.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote41

41You are a product of decisions, whether taken by you or by others. One of the levers of
control in your life is the ability to influence decisions affecting you. Effective decisions
are taken based on sound thinking, facts, information, and principles.
8. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote42

42The fire in your neighbour's stove cannot cook your food in your house; you must light
your stove to cook your meals.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote43

43You talk of answers when you have a question constructed properly. If you ask
someone to compare apple with orange, the best answers should be their differences and
not similarities. However, if you are comparing apple with apple, then you can talk of
both similarities and differences where they exist.
9. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote44

44 Never permit happenings to determine your happiness. Believe me, many do.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote45

45Be encouraged. Keep moving forward in whatever manner: crawling, walking, running,
or flying. None of these movements are permanent for those determined to move forward.
Just keep moving forward.
10. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote46

46You don't need to know everything! Know one thing so much that it can grant you
access to many other things.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote47

47 Vision is so crucial to seeing that the blind must have it in order to see.
11. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote48

48Adjusting the collective mind from competition to collaboration alters both the rules
and the behaviours.
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote49

49The culture of silence should not silence men of goodwill; it should actually signal the
need to speak up against whatever dehumanises our collective humanity.
12. Analytic Modes of Thinking

Objective domain: What was the objective?

Time domain: What times were relevant in achieving the objectives?

Place domain: What places were relevant in achieving the objective?

Process domain: What processes were used to achieve the objectives?

People domain: Who or which organisations were invited in achieving the


Reason domain: What were the rationales for the choices made for the
specific objectives, places, times, people, reason, and processes?

Specific domain: What specific objective, places, times, people, reasons,

processes stood out?

Questelligence Quote50

50The power of dreams can only be understood if it is held steadily till it becomes a
Analytic Notes

Questelligence Quote51

51 The last thing you want to hear when you have done your best is do more. But if you
listen, you will later realise that best is the greatest inhibitor to better. Only the
progressive goes for better instead of best.
The Questelligence Journal
(A companion of Thinking, Knowing, Doing and Being)

Section C:

Reflective Practice

This section is for reflecting on events and experiences.

1. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote52

52In reflecting, we think about the past in the present and shape the future in the present
in the shadow of the past and in the light of the future.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote53

53 The best things of life are immaterial. I would prefer a man who feeds me with wisdom
than a man who gives me money. With wisdom, I get money and friends and live a good
life money cannot buy.
2. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote54

54 The still small voice inside of us is usually so loud because it is usually the only sound.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote55

55 Do not be hopeless and helpless regardless of your encounters in life.

3. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote56

56If you are a listener, people will come and tell you things. If you are not, you scare
them away.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote57

57 Knowing too much tends to foolishness; knowing too little tends to stupidity. Wisdom
is balance.
4. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote58

58 Less is more in some contexts.

Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote59

59 Once a scientist gets results, communicating it becomes more of an art than science.
5. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote60

60In conclusion, any man that cannot be deceived by women's makeup has artificial
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote61

61People don't fight you; they fight your vision. Some folks are more comfortable with
the blinds. Be careful who you show your vision.
6. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote62

62 What must be done should be done as quickly as possible.

Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote63

63 Paradoxically, most of the people that will shape you are the people who appear to
disagree with you. I tell you that you need them. If you are waiting to be loved and
accepted by all before you start living, you may probably wait till eternity. Live life
amidst oppositions, tests, and trials of life. Do life as life do you; if you can, do more to
life. That is how to win in life and extract the maximum breath from your being.
7. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote64

64You should be your first customer because people will care less if you don't care for
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote65

65Did God really say, mean, command, the nomenclature of satanic
suggestions and manipulations.
8. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote66

66 The greatest human error is to judge a person you do not really know.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote67

67 You cannot have a shower at Enugu, and head to Lokoja to take your cloths.
9. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote68

68If you have not made an intentional request, the things that come to you are of less
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote69

69 Be choosy about your associates; you are co-creating your tomorrow with them.
10. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote70

70The best three approaches to build any kind of relationship are: communication, more
communication and much more communication.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote71

71Apart from the physical place, virtual/online place, there is also a mind place where
thinking takes place.
11. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote72

72 We start living the day we stop being afraid of what we could become by living; living
is different from staying alive.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote73

73The seed of an iroko tree is not a true precursor of the size of the tree itself. A seed has
all genetic endowment to become a tree and bear seeds that bear trees that perpetuate
that cycle. The seed is the tree.
12. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote74

Truth is a state. It is one (1) when the domains of Questelligence are perfectly fused

with the domains and zero (0) when they are not correctly fused.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote75

Truth is a state. It is one (1) when the domains of Questelligence are perfectly fused

with the domains and zero (0) when they are not correctly fused.
13. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote76

76The mind is a clean board on which those with permanent markers can make lasting
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote77

77 Love is the greatest, even if it a little amount of love.

14. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:
Questelligence Quote78

78 If you do not have the answer, do not answer yet – keep thinking.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote79

79 Time buries everything. Only great things remain on the surface for a very long time.
15. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote80

80 Reflective practice is not a time for self-blame but a time for self-healing and
reinforcement of good practices. A time to take as much as you can from the past into the
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote81

81Many who do not like books wish that social media should replace books. Higher level
of thoughts cannot be developed through microtexts but through robust reasoned
16. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote82

82If you cannot proceed in a direction of thought, choose different items from the
domains of Questelligence.
Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote83

83Gratitude should be expressed as soon as possible less you find a reason never to
express it all.
17. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote84

84 Resist the temptation of answering a question before it is asked.

Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote85

85 Do not be afraid of dying, fear not living.

18. My Reflective Practice
Objective domain: I can do these to position myself for a better future:

Time domain: Times and timings/schedule that should be focused on and

optimised for better future outcomes are:

Place domain: The places of concern or significance that can be focused on to

make a difference in the future are:

Process domain: The processes or approaches that should be improved are:

People domain: The people and organisations that would facilitate the
achievement of the right outcomes in the future are:

Reason domain: The rationales for searching for improvements and better
future outcomes are:

Specific domain: The specific objective, places, times, people, reasons, and
processes relevant going forward are:

Questelligence Quote86

Instead of loosing all your savings to unrealistic investments, keep it without earning

any interest until you find a worthy investment for it.

Reflective Notes

Questelligence Quote87

87 Start with love and end with love.

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