Business Finance

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Unit 1: Introduction to Financial Finance is a broad field that deals with

Management activities in the financial system. It has

three areas of study that interact with
Finance each other: financial institutions and
-deals with the study of how the markets, investments, and financial
components of a financial system management.
manage resources and formulate ● Financial institutions and markets,
important and sound decisions. such as banks, insurance
-is different from accounting. Accounting companies, and investment
is concerned with recording, preparing companies help facilitate the flow
periodic reports, analysis, and of funds between savers and
dissemination of information about a borrowers or investors.
company’s assets, liabilities, and equities. ● Financial management involves
(Financial managers utilize this accounting financial analysis and planning, as
information and the information obtained well as decisions on investment ,
from financial markets to decide how a financing and capital structure,
business should manage its assets, and asset-management to achieve
liabilities, and equity.) business goals.
-according to experts, finance relate with
the activities of acquiring, spending, and Financial Management
managing money and other financial -is one of the areas of study in finance.
assets by individuals, institutions, -it is “the science and art of managing
governments and businesses (Melicher money” (Gitman and Zutter 2012)
and Norton 2017). -involves application of management
❖ Personal finance deals with functions such as planning, organizing,
saving, investing, and spending leading, and controlling financial assets to
money depending on personal achieve organizational goals.
goals and desires.
❖ Public finance involves The Financial System
government taxation, budgeting, -exists when people, businesses, and
spending, and debt to provide governments interact to facilitate and
services to the public. expedite the flow of funds or financial
❖ In businesses, finance deals with capital between savers and borrowers or
obtaining, managing, and using investors, or from savings to investments.
funds to achieve the company's -consists of financial institutions, financial
goal of maximizing shareholder markets, and
value. financial instruments where the exchange
of funds occurs.
Financial Markets
-pave the way for the financial manager to
acquire funds from various sources
(Kaliski 2007).
-the exchange of financial resources
happens in financial markets, which can
either be capital or money markets.
➔ Capital markets deal with long-
term debt and corporate
shares(include securities which are
Figure 1. The financial system facilitates traded through brokers and
the flow of funds from sources to users. dealers).
➔ Money markets involve short-
term debt securities(such as
Financial institutions treasury bills, commercial paper,
-is an organization that directs the and negotiable instruments from
transfer of financial resources from its the government and other
source to potential users (Kaliski 2007). financial institutions)
-plays the part of an intermediary,
managing the efficient flow of funds
between savers and borrowers (Collins
-involved with deposit taking, finance,
insurance, investment, pension, and risk
management (Kaliski 2007).
-categorized as either depository or non- Financial Instruments
depository institutions. -instrument is referred to as any contract
-commercial banks, investment banks, which produces a financial asset of one
and credit party while creating a financial liability or
unions are examples of depository equity instrument of another (IFAC 2020).
institutions -Corporate bonds, checks, futures, option
-finance companies, insurance contracts, and shares of stock are
companies, brokerage firms, and pension examples of financial instruments.
funds may be classified as non-depository
(Collins 2012).
Shareholders’ Wealth Maximization The Corporate Organizational Structure
-the overall goal in business finance -To maximize the wealth of the owners,
-balances short-term and long-term financial managers need to determine the
benefits in a way that profit-maximizing appropriate assets for a business, how to
goals cannot (McLaney 2009, 23). acquire them, and how to use them to get
-Wealth maximization is the idea of the best possible financial return from
increasing the business's value to their use.
increase the value of shares held by its -A common corporation is divided into
stockholders. various departments, each of which is
➔ requires the management to responsible for a different set of tasks.
constantly seek the
highest possible returns on
invested funds while decreasing
any associated risk of loss.
➔ holds the objective of ensuring the
maximum return to shareholders
➔ to do this, managers should
consider the risk and timing linked
with expected earnings per share
to maximize the stock price.
-Profit maximization, unlike wealth
maximization, is a short-term goal.
➔ company may maximize its short-
term profits at the expense of its The Board of Directors
long-term profitability.
-A corporation is guided by a board of
➔ to do this, company may need to
borrow money to increase sales or directors (BOD) which are elected by
expand production capacity. the shareholders.
-The BOD represents the
shareholders in overseeing the
business. The following are some of
the responsibilities of the board of
1. Set direction for the business and
establish corporate policy
2. Hire and terminate members of
the top management including the
3. Determine the compensation of
the key executives
4. Review and disclose major
business decisions
The President and Chief Executive Vice-President for Production
Officer (CEO) -The production department is
-The employed management of a responsible for the creation of goods and
services. The Vice-President for
corporation is headed by the
Production heads this department, and
President and Chief Executive Officer has the following responsibilities:
(CEO). The following are some of the 1. Provides leadership and management
responsibilities of a President and CEO: to the production team and tracks the
1. Carries out the strategy and policy of development of the products
the board of directors 2. Oversees maintenance staff that is
2. Provides leadership for management responsible for the equipment
and employees 3. Plans, directs, and coordinates the
3. Sets long-term operational direction development and manufacture of all
4. Takes accountability for all company products that meet customers' demands
activities and results in the BOD 4. Ensures that the company uses the
(In some companies, the President and most efficient, effective, and economically
the CEO are separate persons and viable methods for the production of the
entities; in this case, the CEO is the company's products
highest officer in the company, and the
president is the second-in-command. The
CEO focuses on growing the company's Vice-President for Administration
value and maximizing its wealth, while the -This office conducts much of the human
president works to ensure business resources and general management
operations and other short-term goals activities. It is headed by the Vice-
such as profit maximization.) President for Administration who has the
following responsibilities:
Vice-President for Sales and Marketing 1. Ensures security and safety in
-The Sales and Marketing department is publications activities.
generally responsible for growing the 2. Coordinates with finance and sales and
revenue and client portfolio of the marketing departments
company. The Vice-President for Sales and 3. Provides property management
Marketing, who heads this department, 4. Assists in recruitment
has the following responsibilities: 5. Assists with payroll , employee training,
1. Generates campaigns, business, and and performance reviews
market development
2. Provides strategic direction promotion
and advertising
3. Develops strategic sales plans based on
company goals that will promote sales
and customer satisfaction
4. Creates collateral materials, and
management of market research
5. Oversees the developments in sales and
marketing, including the activities of the
team members
Vice-President for Finance
The Vice-President for Finance or the The Roles of Financial Manager
Chief Financial Officer (CFO) supervises all -Financial managers also make decisions
phases of financial activity, and is based on the information they obtain
responsible for planning and managing from the financial system.
the company’s financial resources. The -The four important roles of a financial
following are the responsibilities of the manager are financing, investing,
Vice-President for Finance: operating, and dividend policy.
1. Acquires funds through financing
2. Leads and formulates investing
3. Plans and control funds for operating
4. Formulates effective dividend policies

● Under the CFO are several

managers. The top-level financial
managers in many companies are
treasurer and controller. Both of
these positions are supported by a
number of financial specialists.
● The treasurer handles external
financing matters and has
responsibility for the management
of a company’s cash, investments,
and other financial resources as In accounting, you might have learned that
well as relationships with investors dividends are part of the corporation's earnings
and creditors. which the company distributes to its investors.
● The controller is concerned with The factors affecting the dividend decision of a
internal matters such as being in company are the following: earnings, stability of
charge of accounting and the dividends, growth prospects, cash flow positions,
financial records of the and preference of shareholders. It is the financial
organization and provides support manager’s responsibility to determine the best
for executives and other dividend policy which maximizes the market
managers in understanding and value of the firm.
using financial data and reports.
Investing Decisions
Financing Decisions -Investments are made to obtain the
-Financial managers determine when, assets needed for business operations.
where, and how a company will acquire One of the most important roles of a
funds. These funds can be obtained in financial manager is to help the company
different ways. The two major methods make effective profitable investments.
are equity financing and debt financing. Investment also involves short-term and
❖ Equity financing allows an long-term decisions of using the funds
ownership interest in the from selling assets.
company to investors. ❖ Short-term investment decisions
Corporate equity financing are the decisions related to the
is done through the sale of everyday operation of a business.
stock. In other words, if the These are also called working
funds come from the capital decisions because they are
company or owners related to current assets and
themselves, then it is current liabilities such as cash,
referred to as equity inventories , receivables, etc.
financing. ❖ Long-term investment decisions
❖ Debt financing is the use of are all such decisions that are
borrowed money to obtain related to the investment of funds
needed assets. Individuals for a long period. They are also
or institutions providing called Capital Budgeting decisions.
debt financing are the
creditors who receive Operation Decisions
payment in the form of -involve the daily operations of the
principal and interest. company. In relation to this, the financial
Simply put, if the company manager needs to determine how to
borrows funds from other finance working capital accounts like
organizations to finance its accounts receivables and inventories, and
activities, then it is deemed to plan objectives and goals concerning
to be debt financing. routine tasks. The company has options
❖ The combination of equity on whether to finance working capital
and debt used by a needs by long-term or short-term sources.
company to finance its
operations and growth is Dividend Policies
known as the company’s - A common goal of all business ventures
capital structure. is to earn profit or to have a positive
return. In the case of profitability, the
financial manager decides how much
should be distributed among the
shareholders and how much should be
retained for future contingencies

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