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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region X- Northern Mindanao
Schools Division of Cagayan de Oro
Man-Ai National High School
Sitio Man-ai, Tignapoloan, Cagayan de Oro City


S.Y. 2023-2024

Week 1: Setting the Stage

The Department of Education's National Learning Camp kicks off with an air of
excitement as students from all corners of the country gather at a sprawling
campsite. Week one is dedicated to orientation, team building, and setting the stage
for the upcoming weeks. Ice-breaking activities and games help break the ice,
forming new friendships among the participants. The campers are introduced to
the camp's goals, which include fostering creativity, critical thinking, and a love for
Week 2: Academic Exploration
With the foundation set in the first week, week two dives deep into academic
exploration. Students participate in a variety of workshops and hands-on learning
experiences, covering subjects from science and mathematics to history and the
arts. Each day is filled with engaging lectures, experiments, and discussions led by
renowned educators and experts. In the evenings, students gather around
campfires for intellectually stimulating discussions, sparking curiosity and a thirst
for knowledge.
Week 3: Leadership and Personal Development
As the campers enter their third week, the focus shifts towards leadership and
personal development. They are divided into teams and given leadership challenges
that require cooperation, problem-solving, and decision-making. Leadership
workshops empower students to discover their leadership potential and inspire
them to become leaders in their schools and communities. Guest speakers share
their inspiring stories, motivating campers to set ambitious goals for themselves.
Week 4: Community Engagement
Week four is all about community engagement and service. Campers embark on
various community service projects, ranging from environmental conservation
efforts to supporting local schools and charities. This hands-on experience allows
them to apply the knowledge and skills they've gained in the first three weeks to
make a positive impact on the surrounding community. The sense of fulfillment
and camaraderie that arises from these activities is palpable.
Week 5: Culmination and Future Goals
In the final week, students reflect on their transformative journey at the National
Learning Camp. They present the results of their academic exploration and
community service projects. Graduation ceremonies are held to honor their
achievements and highlight the growth they've experienced over the five weeks. The
camp concludes with each student setting personal and academic goals for the
future, inspired by the knowledge, friendships, and newfound sense of purpose
gained during the camp.
The Department of Education's National Learning Camp ends with a sense of
accomplishment and anticipation. Participants return home not only with improved
academic skills and leadership abilities but also with a renewed passion for
learning and a commitment to making a positive impact on their communities. The
five weeks have been a life-changing experience, leaving an enduring mark on the
lives of all who attended, and serving as a reminder of the limitless potential of

Prepared by: Noted by:


Teacher 1 School Head

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