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Name: Shane L. Renta

Program & Section: BSN-1A

1.1 Reflection

1. “ The state shall promote a just and dynamic social order that will ensure he prosperity and
independence of the nation.” In what ways can the country’s development be promoted?

The state, or the government, is responsible for making laws that ensure everyone is
treated fairly under the law and that private property is protected. It must provide steady
money and the law of contracts. It must defend the country. It must stop corruption and
favoritism of certain parties. Government officials who violates laws and policies shall be
punished and withdraw because I believed that in order for a country to function well a leader
must be good and have the integrity to motherland . As a Filipino we must give more attention
and patronage our own local products. Promoting and giving appreciation to what our fellow
Filipino can do. Flexing in a humble way.

It must encourage both domestic and international trade. It must safeguard the
freedom of citizens to launch successful businesses on their own initiative. It has to control
banking, credit, money supply, and inflation to ensure that they support and encourage private
initiatives. It must encourage the development of organizations that look after people' needs in
the areas of health, education, child care, the environment, and care for the elderly and
chronically ill. It must facilitate migrant and individual movement.

A country’s development can be promoted by starting on the very core of our just and
dynamic social order which is the law. The lawful authorities should formulate a law that will
enhance the ability of the country to patronize our country’s produce thus establishing
independence. We should eliminate or at least lessen the idea of crab mentality in the market.
By imposing a law that will prioritize the interest of Filipino producers rather than foreign ones
we start to build an independence in which the country can rely on its resources. One good way
initiate steps is to start off with focusing on our small scale farmers and producers and to
provide them with benefits since they impart a great share in our economy.

2. What is the vital role of the youth in nation-building?

The youth are crucial to the growth of any society's economy and nation. They will
determine the direction of the nation's destiny and are its future leaders. This may be achieved
in a variety of ways, including by offering scholarships, mentorship programs, and training and
internship opportunities. As the nation's future leaders, the kids are crucial to both nation-
building and economic growth. They have the capacity to affect good change and significantly
advance society. The youth must be provided with the chance to take part in decision-making
and have their opinions heard. They ought to be given the tools they need to become engaged
citizens who can influence the course of their nation.

There are a number of ways in which the youth can contribute to economic
development. The youth has always been a driving force behind economic development, and
this will continue to be the case in the future. So it is important that we invest in our young
people and provide them with opportunities to learn, grow, and succeed. Youth participation in
social change is crucial to building a better future for all of us. Youthful persons possess new
drive for the change of the society. Just like what our hero Jose Rizal said,” Filipino is the hope
of our country”.

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