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humani­t arian
and Foreign
affairs ­


Eva Joly: French
Presidential Candidate

Soft Power perspectives

Joseph Nye:
Global Power Shifts
As global economic power microcredit
shifts, the face of trade and No Miracle Cure
aid is changing.
A global telecommunications
company. Built around local
businesses, local needs
and local people like us.
Content  0111
PERSPEcTIVe – a humani­tarian and Foreign affairs magazine

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06 OP-ED
Valerie Amos, head of the UN
emergency relief agency, sums
the resources and skills of a leading multinational telecoms company being up the key challenges facing
applied to benefit local communities and help meet local needs. the aid sector in a time when
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18 profile:
eva joly
Eva Joly started out as an
au-pair and became France’s
most militant anti-corruption
magistrate. Now she is aiming
to be elected President of the


Joseph Nye, Harvard profes-
sor and former US Assistant
Secretary of Defence for Inter-
national Security Affairs, dis-
cusses whether the US will be
able to compete with China in
the future.


Chinese state businesses are
heavily involved in construc-
tion and industrial devel-
opment in Africa. Less well
known is the fact that small-
scale Chinese shopkeepers and
café owners are creating their
own African dream.

Foto: Scanpix
Critics claim that not only is
microfinance failing to lift peo-

This advertisement features Telenor Group employees

ple out of poverty, it is also
hampering economic moderni-
sation in the developing world.
Emerging powers are entering the humanitarian field, thereby changing the face of aid.
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Telenor Group is an international provider of tele, data and media communication services. Telenor Group has mobile operations in 11 markets in the Nordic region, Central and Eastern Europe and in
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NO. 01.2011 3
Growth comes from truly understanding the needs of people to drive relevant change.
The Dilemmas of
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Editor in chief Erik Giercksky
Editor Harriet K. Rudd OPT
s this edition of Perspective goes to humanitarian aid, and the giving of aid has Production manager Erik Tresse


press we were all impressed how, in always had at least two motives: firstly to al-
the face of strong opposition, young leviate suffering, thereafter to transform cash
Writers and contributors DR CONGO
Marianne Alfsen, Olaf Gunnar Alteren,
and inexperienced protesters in Tunisia and gifts into political influence. Over the years, Valerie Amos, Gunhild Forselv, Grete
Egypt mobilized popular support for democ- Western powers have shaped a set of com- Gaulin, Linda Jeanette Gresslien, Kaia SUDAN
racy and better leadership. Despite police mon rules to try and balance out these two Haldorsen, Robin Hammond, Amr AFGHANISTAN
Hamzawy, Roald Høvring, Ragnhild
violence and the threat of military interven- objectives. The rules are not always followed, M.W. Jordheim, Joeph Nye, Elisabeth
tion, they returned to the streets day after but they have set a standard that state donors Rasmusson, André Savik, Richard SOMALIA
day: committed, disciplined and united. - at least in principle - try to live up to. Skretteberg, Birgit Vardal, Rolf Vestvik, SRI LANKA

New state donors do not necessarily Tonje M. Viken and Adam Zyglis
n Libya, however, broke whatever illusions agree with all these rules – or they may still Circulation Services KENYA
we might have had about peaceful revolu- be formulating their aid policies. Differing Naweed Ahmed
tions. Gaddafi went to war on his people, ways of providing aid, however, are triggeri-
IVORY COAST The Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC) is an inde-
and the United Nations authorized military ng debates on what constitutes “good aid”.
action to protect civilians - an admirable, In the article Changing the Face of Aid we
Sales LIVBERIA pendent, humanitarian non-governmental organisation
Pineapple Media Limited,
if highly unclear, mission. The news was to examine what characterizes the aid-giving 172 Northern Parade, Hilsea IRAQ which provides assistance, protection and durable so-
go from bad to worse. Following the war of the newer regional powers, and discusses Portsmouth, Hempshire PO2 9LT UK PAKISTAN lutions to refugees and internally displaced persons
in Libya and the natural disaster in Japan, whether they are revolutionising the whole OPT worldwide.
Design Teft Design as
countries such as Bahrain, Syria and Yemen concept of aid provision. LEBANON
cracked down on protesters. Printing Gamlebyen Grafiske COLOMBIA
n The article African Dream explains why Circulation 20,000 DR CONGO
n Given this situation it is even more impor- many African countries are of the opinion GEORGIA
tant that the protesters in Egypt and Tunisia that Chinese infrastructure projects and Cover photo Scanpix
are able to achieve substantial change. If the investments are more advantageous than Publisher
protesters wish to influence future develop- Western aid money. None the less, there is The Norwegian Refugee Council
ments, they must be able to transform from no doubt that China also focuses its atten-
Questions regarding the NRC should
non-ideological activists to political actors tions on areas that can provide energy and
be directed to:
taking part in political processes. Perspective raw materials for its domestic industry.
has asked two leading experts on Arab poli- From a humanitarian point of view, it is im-
tics whether - in their opinion - the protest- portant that donors adhere to norms that en-
The views expressed in Perspective
ers will be able to shape future politics. You sures aid is not reduced to simply being an
do not necessarily reflect the views
can read their answers in the article Revolu- implement of foreign policy or a means by of the NRC.
tions without politics. which recipient governments gain political
advantages over opposing groups. However,
Norwegian Refugee Council
n Earlier this year, a less symbolic, but more it is important that we do not one-­sidedly Box 6758 St. Olavs Plass
fundamental change in world order oc- focus on the weaknesses of new donors. 0130 Oslo
curred. China passed Japan as the second Western government are not always princi- Norway
largest economy in the world - and China is pled donors. Nothing undermines standards
not the only rising star on the horizon. Coun- more than double standards. Consequent-
tries such as Brazil, India, South Africa, and ly, if the humanitarian community wishes to
Turkey are becoming regional powers, with promote principles of humanitarian assis-
both the ambitions and the abilities to influ- tance, it is imperative that donors are evalu-
ence world politics. ated on the basis of their actions, rather than  he Norwegian Refugee Council
their rhetoric. (NRC) is an independent, humanitarian
n Economic and political power have always non-governmental organisation which
provides assistance, protection and
determined the politics and principles of durable solutions to refugees and in-
ternally displaced persons worldwide.

4 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
Given the complexity of the environment in which we operate, the main
challenge in the years ahead will be ensuring that the aid sector operates
as effectively and cohesively as possible.

Coordinated Action is
the Only Way Forward

he demand today for humanitarian aid is un- And we have responded. Over 350 aid agencies
precedented. Global humanitarian needs are work together on disaster preparedness, and on
rising because of long-running conflicts in improving the relationship between emergency re-
places such as Somalia and the Democratic Repub- sponse, recovery and development.
lic of the Congo, and new ones in Cote d’Ivoire and The generosity of donors, be they governments,
Libya. individuals, companies or foundations, have also
improved and the most urgent humanitarian needs
Valerie Amos is the Natural disasters are happening more frequently are usually funded. However, we still need to do
United Nations Under- and with more ferocity than ever before. Unpredict- more to keep the many chronic, underfunded
Secretary-General for able and unprecedented weather patterns across emergencies in the public eye to maintain support
Humanitarian Affairs
and Emergency Relief
Africa, Central America, and South and East Asia and funding.
Coordinator routinely displace millions of people. Large-scale
disasters such as the flooding across Pakistan last Tackling insecurity , and its impact on our work,
year may well become the new normal, making us is an area that requires all of our attention. In re-
think again about the speed, scale, and effective- sponse to growing concerns regarding the insecuri-
ness of our response. ty of aid operations and the resulting decline in hu-
n n Population growth, resource scarcity, and vola- manitarian access, a study recently commissioned
Maximising tile food and fuel prices are compounding an al- by the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitar-
efficiencies ready difficult situation in many countries. ian Affairs (OCHA) has identified and documented
strategies and practices that have enabled humani-
and minimising At a time when aid is most needed , humanitarian work- tarian organisations to maintain effective opera-
overlaps will ers face more danger. The level of threats and the tions in places with high security risks.
give us a better number of deliberate attacks on aid organizations
– our people, equipment and facilities – have risen We now know more than ever about what’s working in
chance of dramatically. Afghanistan, Pakistan and Somalia high risk environments, and why, and what lessons
reaching all lead the way in the numbers of deaths, kidnappings we can learn from each other. Best practice in the
those in need. and attacks, but Sudan, Chad and DRC, for exam-
ple, are becoming increasingly dangerous places to
way aid workers can manage risks and still deliver
on the ground have been identified. As a commu-
work. Over the last decade, aid- worker casualties nity we have started to identify ways to balance hu-
tripled, reaching over 100 deaths per year. manitarian principles against the increasing need
And if negotiating these challenges were not for armed protection in some places, and to ensure
enough, the humanitarian community is also deal- national staff is getting an adequate level of care
ing with increasing financial pressure. We are being and protection, equal with that of their internation-
urged to do more with less because of the global al counterparts. Now we need to turn those lessons
economic downturn, and also because the peo- into practice.
ple in donor countries want to know more about The need for principled, coordinated humanitar-
how the money is being spent. They want value for ian action is as clear today as it ever was.
money, and they want recipient Governments to Given the scale of the challenges we face, we
be accountable. must continue to work together if we are to make a
difference. n
Maximising efficiencies and minimising overlaps will
give us a better chance of reaching all those in need.
Illustration by Adam Zyglis: Zyglis is the staff cartoonist for The Buffalo News. His cartoons are internationally syndicated and have appeared in many
publications around the world, including The Washington Post, USA Today, The New York Times and Los Angeles Times.

6 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 7
Hot Spots 27.5
At the end of 2010, the number of people internally displaced
by armed conflict, generalised violence, and human rights viola-
tions stood at approximately 27.5 million worldwide. 12, 2 %
Increase last
Source: Norwegian Refugee Council / 5 years
Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre
1 2006 2007 2008 2009

24.5 26 26 27.1
1 police storm protesters 4
Afghanistan: air strike kills children
Libya: Gaddafi wages war on rebels
Ivory Coast: armed conflict is forcing people to flee

yemen libya
March 2011, Yemen’s capital Sanaa: Inspired by the success-
Mourners shout slogans at the funeral ful uprisings in Tunisia
of anti-government protesters. The and Egypt, serious un-
popular uprisings in the Arab world rest broke out in Libya in
spread from North Africa to the Mid- mid-February 2011. After
dle East. armed rebels took control
In Yemen large demonstrations over several towns in the
forced President Saleh to promise to east, Muammer Gaddafi
step down in 2013, and give assuranc- threatened war against
es that the presidency would not be his own population, and
handed over to his son. However, pro- launched military attacks
reform demonstrations continued, against rebel-held areas.
and in March Yemeni police stormed a When Gaddafi stepped

PHoto: Scanpix
protest camp, killing several and injur- up his military campaign,
ing hundreds. the United Nations passed
Several ministers have resigned a resolution authorising
from the government since the pro- “all necessary means”
tests started, the army is divided, and afghanistan to protect civilians from
several military officers have joined CIVILIANS Gaddafi’s forces.
the ranks of the protesters. UNDER FIRE
Yemen has been plagued by internal An effigy of President Obama
unrest for several years. There are sep- being burnt at an anti-NATO
aratist groups both in the north and demonstration in Kabul in

PHoto: Scanpix
south of the country and, in addition, March 2011. Following an allied
Yemen is an Al-Qaeda stronghold. air strike that killed nine chil-
dren in the Kunar province, Af-
ghan president, Hamid Karzai,
asked NATO and the US to stop
all military operations in the ON THE BRINK OF CIVIL WAR
country. Casualty figures indi- Unrest has continued to escalate after last year’s presidential elec-
cate that the number of civil- tions. The two presidential candidates are still in deadlock over who
ians killed in Afghanistan may won the election. Incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo pronounced
reach a new record high this himself winner, but his opponent Alassane Dramane Ouattara was
year. In 2010, 2,777 civilians endorsed by the UN, The African Union, the US and EU. In Decem-
were killed as a result of the ber, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon rejected a demand by Mr
conflict, the highest number Gbagbo that UN and French forces leave the country. In February the
since the ISAF forces were de- UN warned that increased violence between rival groups had brought
ployed. Several countries tak- Ivory Coast close to civil war. In April and March several hundred
PHoto: Scanpix

PHoto: Scanpix
ing part in the fight against the thousand people fled their homes because of heavy fighting between
Taliban will start withdrawing government forces and groups loyal to Mr Ouattara. An estimated
their troops this year. one million refugees have fled the violence.

8 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 9
■  INTernational affairs  Emerging Donors

New donors: a man waves the Chi-

Aid to poor countries is no longer the sole domain of nese flag as the first group of 60
rich, Western states. Countries which belong to what Chinese disaster relief personnel
destined for Haiti board an Air Chi-
is traditionally referred to as third world are emerg- na flight in Beijing on 13 January,
2010. Photo: Scanpix
ing as regional powers. They are now looking to
translate their growing economic clout into regional
influence by giving aid.

the Face
of Aid
By: Harriet K. Rudd og Tonje M. Viken
Photo: Scanpix

Now, countries such as Brazil, Russia In- are a more influential force, and everyone
dia, China (the BRIC countries), Saudi is looking for patterns in their behaviours,”
Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are says Stacey White, senior research consult-
entering the playing field, but not neces- ant at the Center for Strategic and Interna-
sarily by Western rules. This shake-up of tional Studies in Washington DC.
the traditional aid landscape has caused
a blend of unease, criticism and curiosity A matter of definition
among the traditional donors and human- There are various definitions of who the
itarian organizations. new donors are, and whether they should
in fact be called “new” at all. For instance,
Looking for patterns China has provided aid to Mali since the
Since the end the Cold War, the so-called 1960s, and India ran aid programs in Nepal
architecture of aid has changed fundamen- as early as the 1950s. One way of angling
tally. “Aid architecture” refers to the num- the issue is to distinguish between North-
ber of countries who donate money for
aid, how the money is disbursed, and how
projects are run in the field. During the n n  We enter a
last 20 years, the number of state donors
has increased significantly, and the over- world which is very
all aid contributions have also increased.
Recipient countries have to deal with an
disorderly. The world
increasing number of donor nations, from
an average of 12 in the 1960s to 33 by 2005.
is no longer bipolar,
Currently, at least 30 countries are jug- but multipolar.
gling more than 40 donors each.
Stacey White, senior research consultant at the
“We enter an era which is very disorderly. Center for Strategic and International Studies in
In this multipolar world, emerging powers Washington DC.

10 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 11
■  INTernational affairs  Emerging Donors

Vietnam War: Red Cross personnel assisting a soldier wounded in the Vietnam War. Conflict and Long history: the debate over principles for Saudi aid: the arrival of aid supplies from Saudi Arabia for Pakistani flood victims in 2010. Several new donors have given substantial contributions to
natural disasters are often the reason for humanitarian crises.  ”good” aid dates back to the time when mission- natural disaster emergencies over the last years. 
aries ran schools and hospitals in the colonies.

South and South-South cooperation. An- tion, lack of transparency, bilateralism ly, India is not capable of efficient coor- their scope for humanitarian aid. Since
other possibility is to distinguish between Humanitarian giving as and constricted geographical focus. dination with other actors in the field, Humanitarian aid 2000- 2005, Gulf donors have started to give
DAC and non-DAC donors, i.e. donors that percentage of nominal GDP The example of India clearly confirms Subhash explains. For example, India is 2008- ten largest non-DAC more humanitarian aid to other regions.
are members of the Development Assis- – top 8 non-DAC donors this notion. When it comes to coordi- in Afghanistan, but does not coordinate contributors Another characteristic has been the
tance Committee (DAC) of the Organization nation, Subhash Agrawal, analyst and with other donors. The same applies to penchant for bilateral giving, meaning
for Economic Cooperation and Develop- 1. Russia founder of the private think-tank India India’s operations in Africa. India does 1. Saudia Arabia that emerging donors prefer to disburse
ment (OECD), and those who are not.
2. India
Focus, points to the lack of a national cen- not coordinate its operations with other 2. South-Korea their money directly to the host govern-
Exactly who constitutes the members tralized aid agency. Various actors, such major donors. “To put it bluntly: India’s ment, instead of organizations such as
of this group of many names, is also a
3. Brazil as the Reserve Bank of India, the Ministry aid ambitions have exceeded its capacity 3. United Arab the UN. This is, however, much less pro-
matter of dispute. Most include the BRIC of Power, the Ministry of Social Welfare as to give aid,” he says.
Emirates nounced than it used to be. There has
countries and the Gulf States. Some also 4. Mexico well as specialized desks within the Min- been a marked shift among a majority
count Indonesia, South Africa, and a few istry of External Affairs are all involved The donor next door 4. Kuwait of the non-DAC donors towards giving a
Eastern European countries. At the heart 5. Turkey with various aspects of India’s foreign aid. A marked feature of the emerging do-
5. Russia larger share of their humanitarian aid to
of the matter, however, is the fact that all The most organized and resourceful or- nors is their inclination to concentrate multinational institutions.
the new donors are countries that have 6. China ganization in India when it comes to aid is their aid in their immediate neighbour- 6. Turkey In 2005, India donated all of its hu-
experienced rapid economic growth, and in fact the army, which was called to pro- hood. India, for example, focuses mainly manitarian aid bilaterally. By 2010, less
are fast becoming regional powers.
7. Indonesia vide aid in times like the Asian Tsunami on Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhu-
7. China than 40 per cent was channelled directly
8. South Africa in 2004. “There are huge overlaps and tan and Afghanistan. Russia is heavily 8. Quatar to recipient countries. Russia, Turkey
Strong ambitions ‒ weak coordination no lines of demarcation. Even the Prime involved in Eastern Europe and Central and the Gulf States are part of this trend.
Even though emerging donors constitute ( Gulf States are not included in this table) Minister of India does not really know Asia, whereas Brazil is a key player in Hai- 9. South Africa However, figures show that Indonesia,
a diverse group, there are some general 2010 Statistics how much India gives,” Subhash says. ti. The Gulf countries, on their hand, op- 10. India Mexico and China have gone the opposite
trends in the way that they are perceived. This diffuse structure also hampers col- erate in Somalia, Sudan and the Occupied way. More than 80 per cent of aid from
Source: Emerging Powers, Emerging Donors Source: Humanitarian Policy Group
Emerging donors are associated with lack lective learning, efficient reporting and Palestinian Territories. There are how- these countries is given bilaterally.
of internal, as well as external coordina- budgetary transparency. Consequent- ever signs that some donors are widening There are however recent examples posi-

12 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 13
■  INTernational affairs  Emerging Donors

tive coordination efforts among other non- White, it seems to be a strategic priority
traditional donors. In 2009 the United Arab for emerging powers to develop regional
Emirates sat down the UAE Office for Co- disaster management capabilities and
ordination of Foreign Aid (OCFA), which is even demonstrate regional leadership in
tracking all foreign aid provided by the gov- the aftermath of disaster.
ernment, and the following year the OCFA Natural disasters are costly and po-
published the first coordination report for tentially destabilising. Several emerging
foreign aid from the UAE in history. powers are situated in regions heavily af-
fected by natural disasters. It is therefore
Global trends important for them to increase both their
The emergence of new aid actors coin- own and neighbouring countries’ ability
cides with some sinister global develop- to respond and recover quickly, so as to
ments, such as the financial crisis, climate mitigate expenses and refugee flows. In
change and the peak of the oil age. The this, they have a mutual interest with tra-
financial crisis is adding pressure to de- ditional donor governments, who want
liver more efficient aid for less money. At to prevent large scale migration flows.
the same time, there is increasing rivalry
between nations to satisfy their growing Less space for humanitarianism
need for energy in a time where oil and Climate change and resource scarcity has
gas resources are running low. White ar- put a new spin on the debate over how aid
gues that this will also affect humanitar- should be best conducted. Traditionally,
ian development actions. there has been a fundamental agreement
A poignant example is China, which that humanitarian aid should be provided
clearly invests in countries that can pro- on the basis of needs, with a view to alle-
vide oil and raw materials for its domestic viate humanitarian suffering. In practical
industry. “Certainly China’s role in some terms, humanitarian aid after for instance a
countries may be related to longer- term tsunami typically consists of going in quick-
strategic thinking about securing natural ly to provide tents, food, water and blan-
resources for the future,” says White. To kets, and to make sure that no group or po-
a certain extent, this also applies to India. litical elites are favoured or denied help.
“Both countries are population giants and Development work, on the other hand,
are looking to secure the well-being of focuses on long term results through
their own peoples while at the same time strengthening institutions and building
actively pursuing a role in foreign aid.” capacity. This requires close cooperation
Another driving factor is the increasing with host governments and can be prob-
number and severity of natural disasters lematic in cases of ongoing conflicts, par-
linked to climate change. According to ticularly if the government is perceived as
corrupt or illegitimate. In short, handing
Top 5 humanitarian donors 2008 out food supplies according to independ-
i n US dollars ent priorities is very different from provid- China in Pakistan: Chinese aid workers arrive in Thatta, in September 2010 to take part in the humanitarian mission following the devastating floods in Pakistan.
US  4.4 billion ing high quality seed to a village by one
EC  2 billion particular ethnic group at the request of a
UK  1 billion government belonging to that same group.
Germany  751 million The humanitarian community is under
Saudi Arabia  727 million increasing pressure as the space for im-

Top 5 DAC-donor recipients

partial, neutral and need based assistance n n  There are huge requirements. This pragmatic approach across the board, not just among the so- sation and Relations Management, Inter-
is shrinking. Contributing to this shrink- on behalf of the emerging donors is tanta- called emerging powers but more broadly national Federation of Red Cross and Red
1. Sudan
2. Afghanistan
age is the growing preference by military overlaps and no lines lizing to recipient countries, but is subject across the whole of the international hu- Crescent Societies, elaborates the point:
3. Ethiopia
4. Occupied palestinian territories
armies to use aid for strategic purposes
in conflicts such as Afghanistan, Iraq and of demarcation. Even to some criticism from traditional donors.
The ones who seem to be most con-
manitarian community,” says White.
Climate changes causes disaster to
“Is it right to have a humanitarian portfolio
to deal with the drought in Ethiopia, and
5. Somalia the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
the Prime Minister of cerned about maintaining a sharp distinc-
tion between humanitarian and develop-
happen more frequently. There is also
a very real danger that disasters such as
a development portfolio to deal with food
security? They are intrinsically linked“,
India does not really
Top 5 non-DAC recipients
Contested division ment aid are the original OECD players. In droughts and changing rain patterns may he says. “You cannot give millions to the
1. China
A main criticism of emerging donors is some cases, these large aid organizations become chronic. It seems increasingly emergency, and nothing to prepare for the
2. Yemen
3. Occupied palestinian territories that they tend not to distinguish between know how much or international NGOs who used to direct harder to explain why it is a good idea to next disaster. That is why I see this division
4. Myanmar aid and development. They also tend to the agenda are now being side lined by a distribute food in an area with frequent as artificial. It has to be one cycle.”
5. Sudan move more quickly from aid to develop- India gives. whole new pattern of engagement. drought, while at the same time not pro-
Source: GHA report 2010 ment than traditional donors, who have Subhash Agrawal, analyst and founder of the “The modalities for disaster response viding irrigation systems. «Dark Africa»
more rigid budget lines and assessment private think-tank India Focus and humanitarian assistance are changing Simon Missiri, Head Resource Mobili- The debate over principles for good do-

14 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 15
■  INTernational affairs  Emerging Donors

Total Official Development Aid in

billion US dollars
2006  103.2
2009  130.1

Global humanitarian assistance 2006 and

2009 in billion US dollars

Total: 12 9.3
Governments: 9.3
Private donors: 2.7 2.7

Total: 15.1
Governments: 11
Private donors: 4.1 4.1

Source: GHA report 2010

Goodwill Ambassador: Princess Haya Bint Al Hussein of Jordan, with Secretary-General Koffi China-African Hope: the China-African Hope project, an edu cational aid program, was launched by the Chinese Business Association and the China Youth Development Foun-
Annan and head of OCHA, Jan Egeland at UN headquarters in 2007. The Princess was at that time dation in March 2011. On the picture, a Chinese entrepreneur poses for a photo during the foundation laying ceremony at a school in Tanzania.
Goodwill Ambassdor for the World Food Programe.

norship is rooted in a long history of aid

dating back to the time when missionar-
and equality,” says Djénéba Traore, re-
gional coordinator, Educational Research
n n  You cannot give raise your flag and make sure that your
constituencies see it. You can still be rec-
lessons from emerging donors could ben-
efit both national response mechanisms
will ever be finished,” says Missiri. “I don’t
think there will ever be pure humanitarian
ies operated schools and hospitals in «the
heart of darkness». Over the decades, DAC
Network for West and Central Africa.
“An important factor is that aid for de-
millions to the emer- ognized and thanked for your contribu-
tion, but you will be much more efficient,
and the foreign aid thinking of traditional
donors. “One might argue that we could
aid. I have not seen it once. The only thing
we can do, is to push both donor commu-
countries have come to question the char- velopment bestowed by the new donors is gency, and nothing your money will work better, and it will actually be learning from some emerging nities and recipient communities to stay
ity driven aid of yesteryears, which placed not conditioned by the forced implementa- be much better for the beneficiaries if you donors when it comes to mechanisms along the already established lines for good
the recipient in a passive and dependent tion of democracy and human rights rules, to prepare for the are part of the international group. “ for our own response efforts. It is no se- donorship, listen to the recipients, coordi-
relationship to their gracious do-gooders.
South-South cooperation grew out of
as required by the countries of the North,”
says Traore. Traditional donors view this next disaster. That Missiri praises the Gulf countries for
participation in what he describes as a
cret that we [US] need to work on our
domestic capabilities post-Katrina, and
nate, and don’t compete.” n

the movement of non-Aligned states,

which was founded in 1961 as a coopera-
as non-conditionality on behalf of the non-
DC countries as uncritical. On the other
is why I see this divi- “constructive dialogue”. “We just ask
questions we think are good. Why do you
following the BP Deepwater Horizon oil
spill in the Gulf of Mexico,” she says. Sources: Stacey White, “Emerging Powers,
tion project between Yugoslavia, India,
Egypt, Ghana and Indonesia. The move-
hand, this makes non-DAC donors attrac-
tive partners for recipient countries.
sion as artificial. It give preference to countries that are pre-
dominantly Moslem, and not countries State of concern
Emerging Donors: Teasing out Development Pat-
terns,” A report of the CSIS Program on Crisis,
ment dedicated itself to struggle against This goes to the core of a very difficult has to be one cycle. which are vulnerable? And they come Thirdly, “donor governments of all kinds, Conflict and Cooperation, February 2011.
”A brave new world of ‘emerging, ‘’non-dac’ do-
imperialism, colonialism, and all forms of dilemma for aid workers. To what degree back to us and say, well, look, we have both traditional and non-traditional, are nors and their differences from traditional donors,”
Simon Missiri, Head Resource Mobilisation and
foreign aggression, occupation, and inter- should they cooperate with governments Relations Management, International Federation our brotherhood. This is our preference, realizing that they cannot ignore the state NORRAG News, september 2010.
ference. At the core of their solidarity pro- who might also be party to an internal con- of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies our view of the world. We help those we anymore”, White says. She is critical of es- Adele Harmer and Ellen Martin (eds.),”Diversity in
ject lie the principles of non-intervention flict, abuse human rights or hamper de- feel are closer to us. And from this argu- tablishing delivery systems parallel to gov- Donorship: Field lessons”, HPG Report 30, Hu-
manitarian Policy Group, March 2010.
and respect for other states’ sovereignty. mocracy and a fair economic distribution? ment flows quite a healthy debate.” Mis- ernment institutions in emergencies unless Axel Dreher, Pete Nunnenkamp, and Rainer Thiele,
“My personal thought is that the inter- In reality, the extent to which traditional Engaging the newcomers siri gives credit to the Gulf States for their absolutely necessary. “In the aftermath of “Are ‘New’Donors Different? Comparing the Allo-
vention of non-DAC donors has brought donors demand democracy in return for “One of our priorities is to engage with growing will to coordinate with the tradi- a disaster, it is critical that governments are cation of Bilateral Aid between non-DAC and DAC
significant changes in the way traditional aid varies. Nonetheless, there is a genuine emerging donors,” says Missiri. There is permitted to perform and to nurture the Countries”, Kiel Working Paper No 1601, Kiel Insti-
tional donors. The BRIC countries, how-
tute for the World Economy, March 2010.
donors look at Africa. The setting up of concern that the aid will not reach the in- a need to challenge them to do better and ever, are lagging behind in this respect. state-society contract through responsive- Kemal Dervis, Homi Kharas, and Noam Unger,
the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness tended recipients it is channelled through contribute to established and collective “Maybe because they are newer in this ness and accountability.” “Aiding Development Assistance Reform for the
in 2005 is one of the consequences. It is regimes with no regard for democracy or systems for aid. We are passing on the business”, he muses and adds that “we Both White and Missiri recognize the 21st Century”, Brookings Blum Roundtable 2010.
Adele Harmer and Lin Cotterrell, ”Diversity in
to hope that the goal of non-DAC donors non-corruption. This concern, however, message, at various levels and in differ- are talking to them quite intensively”. danger of eroding neutrality as the hu-
donorship: The changing landscale of official hu-
is to free Africa from the economic and reflects a lack of trust that does not ring ent forums through our member national Every new disaster brings new insight manitarian aid component is increasingly manitarian aid,” HPG Report 20, Humanitarian
technical dependence and to build a part- well with concepts such as mutual respect societies, that it is good to be coordinat- to the table, and White argues that with linked to development. “That is not a fin- Policy Group, September 2005.
nership based on respect, human dignity and partnership with recipient countries. ed in a multilateral fashion. You can still very real disaster experience themselves, ished debate. To be frank, I doubt that it Global Humanitarian Assistance report 2010.

16 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 17
■  profile Eva Joly

For Eva Joly, the tailor’s daughter from Oslo turned Green party politician,
a more just system will be the main campaign issue as she stands for presi-
dent of France. Perspective met her in Brussels and Strasbourg.

From Au-pair to
Presidential Candidate
By: Birgit Vartdal, Brussels

“This is a great day for me,” says Eva Joly, closing the door be- over the huge desk where she keeps her documents sorted in
hind her as she enters one of the many conference rooms in tidy stacks.
Brussels’ European Parliament building. Joly has just chaired a “But I believe politics have been hijacked by professional poli-
meeting in the Committee on Development, and her enthusiasm ticians who have been in ‘the business’ for forty years or more.
is clearly visible. Her upcoming report on tax havens was among I consider their way of doing things to be old-fashioned. I look
the issues voted on. myself as someone who represents civil society, someone who
“I made almost all my points,” she smiles, adding “develop- can prove that politics can be conducted differently. Politics is
ment policy is pointless as long as we allow Western corporations not just for the people who have worked the party systems. It is
to loot developing countries by utilizing tax havens. This report is for citizens with ideas and opinions as well. If I were to become
the reason why I stood for election. I have worked fourteen years president, I would not discharge my duties in the same way that
for this. So I am happy, but exhausted. I have had almost no sleep. Sarkozy does. I would respect the Constitution and assemble a
At four o’clock this afternoon I am going to Tunisia, but I have sev- cabinet that does its job properly. I want a functioning parlia- EVA JOLY
eral speeches to make before that,” and with that she disappears ment, functioning institutions, and a judiciary that is truly inde-
Born: 1943 in Oslo, Norway.
through the door on her way to the next meeting. pendent. That is the goal.”
Profession: barrister at law.
“And why me?” she asks, and answers the question herself.
Family: she became a French citi-
BUSY SCHEDULE “Because of my record. During my investigation, I was con- zen when she married Pascal Joly,
Eva Joly’s timetable is not for the faint-hearted. It is so crammed fronted with the roadblocks of French society, but I managed to the eldest son in the family where
that she employs several assistants at the European Parliament, move on, despite the thousands of people who told me to quit,” she worked as an au-pair.
both in Brussels and Strasbourg, to help her keep track of inquir- she says. Fighting corruption: in the
ies and appointments, and to read the approximately 4,000 in- 1990s, she led the investigation
into allegations of corruption by the
coming e-mails that arrive every month. When she is not travel- RESILIENCE
French oil corporation, Elf Aquit-
ling the world she commutes between the two cities and Paris, Once Eva Joly has started talking, it is hard to interrupt her. aine. The investigation led to the
where she has an apartment, children and grandchildren. Life Asked to describe herself, the first word that she came up with conviction of a number of industri-
became no easier for this member of the European Parliament was the French resilience. alists and several leading French
when she became the front runner for the Green party’s candi- “It is the ability to start over as if nothing had happened, never
Politics: Member of the European
dacy in the upcoming French presidential elections. The prepa- mind how exhausting things have been. Large amounts of men-
Parliament for Europe Écologie, the
rations for the election campaign have now been given priority tal resilience! My parents taught me that doing things is actually French green party, since 2009.
over everything else. quite easy. All you have to do is set a goal and start placing one
We had met in her office in Strasbourg’s circular parliament foot in front of the other. In the end, you’ll get there,” she ex-
building the previous week. She had been dressed in black, but was plains.
not wearing her characteristically conspicuous red reading-glasses. Eva Joly attained her law degree by following this rule of life;
Her voice was mild and cordial, except when she mentioned Presi- she studied for two hours a day whilst working as a secretary. By
dent Sarkozy who, since he came to power, has mostly been on the the time she passed her final exam she was 38 years old . After a
receiving end of her pungent criticism. This critic is now aiming to few years working for Ciri, an organization that assists troubled
take over the presidential palace herself. What makes a Norwegian- companies, her career skyrocketed. In the 1990s she was the in-
born woman believe she can become President of France? vestigative judge investigated allegations of corruption by the the
French oil company, Elf Aquitaine, resulting in the indictment,
AUDACIOUS and subsequent conviction, of prominent French politicians and Time off: Eva Joly in Ile de Groix, Brittany, where she has a second home. She often stays there when she has the possibility of having a break. Here she
“It is a pretty audacious goal, is it not?” She laughs, and leans industrialists. can read, relax, and enjoy the company of her grandchildren.  Photo: Scanpix.

18 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 19
■  profile Eva Joly

8 quick questions
a. French cheese or Norwegian goat CHeese? e. Yoga or jogging?
 Both. I have Norwegian brown goat  Jogging
cheese on my crisp bread every morning,
and I have been doing that for forty years. f. Obama or Sarkozy?
b. Facebook or postcards?
 Facebook g. Sea or mountain?
c. BBC or CNN?
 BBC h. a Womens best years – 30 s or 60 s ?
 My life is certainly better now that I am over ­
d. Gardening or the kitchen? sixty than what it was when I was in my
 The garden thirties.

Senegal: Joly speaking to Senegalese women during the World Social Forum in Dakar, Victory: Eva Joly, together with fellow party members of the French Green Party, celebrating her 2009 election to the European Parliament. Demanding an end to nuclear power: Eva Joly taking part in a demon-
8 February 2011.  Photo: Scanpix  Photo: Scanpix. stration in Paris, 13 March 2011, demanding an end to nuclear power in
the wake of the nuclear emergency in Japan. Photo: Scanpix

SAVOIR FAIRE OPINION POLLS velopment she flies around the globe, but at home she has at- ny can earn 400 times more than a blue collar worker? If you
When Joly is portrayed in the French media, emphasis is of- The enemies she made in the 1990s have not disappeared, even tempted to offset that part of her CO2 balance sheet. have an annual income of half a million euros, you can afford a
ten placed on her climb up the social ladder – from au pair though it has been years since she needed body guards. It remains “I have sold my car. Well, that is not entirely true. I have a car at high income-tax rate. Currently, people with low and medium
to presidential candidate. Has this ascent changed her as a to be seen whether she will again have a need for hired protection. my home in the country, but I only use it in summer to ferry babies, incomes are those who contribute most to taxes. People who
person? The last polls, published by the paper Liberation, show she has a grandchildren, folding chairs and parasols to the beach, so it clocks make a bundle pay very little. I want to change that.” The need to
“I still feel I am the same. The only difference is that I have support rating of eight to ten percent in a possible bid for the pres- up no more than about 300 kilometers a year. When I am in Paris I increase tax revenues in France is not just a question of justice.
learned savoir faire, i.e. how to behave in different circum- idency, depending on the candidate on the socialist ballot. often ride the tram, even though I am hardly, if ever, left alone. My The national budget deficit amounts to 150 000 million euros.
stances. I have passed exams and learned the rules of public “You cannot get caught up in opinion polls,” she smiles. “The 60-square-meter apartment only has one radiator, and the windows “For the last thirty years, French politicians have not had
speaking. Some doors that were previously closed to me have election campaign will show if I can become president. I have to face south, so I find I have little need to heat it up. And I use the the political courage to exact taxes. They have financed society
also been opened. Now I can appreciate good music, litera- be able to convince the French people that my solutions will work, country house mainly in summer, so the energy consumption there through loans,” she says.
ture, art, and beauty. In a way, the French system refines you, that all those small things you can do to protect the environment is also low. But when I travel to Norway, it is obviously by plane. I “What are the most pressing challenges for Europe and the Eu-
but it does not alter the essence of your being.” can make a positive contribution. I have to make them understand feel it is very important to be environmentally responsible, but I do ropean Union today?”
“Some French newspapers portray you as being cold. Why that working for greater economic growth no longer makes sense. not lead an ecology-based, boring lifestyle,” she points out. “To stick together, and not allow the financial crisis to bring
is that?” Our resources are limited. The growth model that was supposed about disintegration, and to continue to build our peace project
“I was very shocked when that image began to gain accept- to lead people to affluence does not work anymore. That is why JUSTICE and to improve our institutions. We have experienced a back-
ance in the media because, in a way, it sticks to me. I believe we have to start living our lives in another way. In order to secure Eva Joly reveals that justice will be her main campaign issue. Not lash. Right now, the situation in Europe does not fill me with
it derives from my role as investigative leader and judge, both our own future, and that of our children and grandchildren, we just in judicial terms, but also in the social context. If she is elected pride. National populism is on the rise. But that does not mean
authoritarian functions. But it is more than that. I also be- have to take care of our planet.” president, her first interior policy move will be to establish a com- we give in. We will continue the struggle and we want reforms,”
lieve this supposed trait of character is being maliciously pro- mittee charged with assessing how the tax burden is distributed says a battle-ready Eva Joly. n
pounded by people who want to make things difficult for me,” SOLD HER CAR across the country. Joly wants a top-bracket capital gains tax.
she says. As chairperson of the European Parliament’s Committee on De- “How can you have a just society when the owner of a compa- Treslated by: André Savik

20 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 21

Global Power Shifts

he twenty-first century began with a multinational corporation, maybe the Catholic
a very unequal distribution of power re- Church – but you had to be pretty wealthy. Now,
sources. With five per cent of the world’s anybody has that capacity, if they have the price of
population, the United States accounted for about entry into an internet cafe – the last time I looked,
a quarter of the world’s economic output, was re- it was something like a pound an hour – and if you
sponsible for nearly half of global military expendi- have Skype, it is free. So capabilities that were once
tures, and had the most extensive cultural and edu- restricted are now available to everyone.
cational soft power resources. All this is still true. That does not mean that the age of the State is Economic distribution: The Chinese economy is growing rapidly, but is a Military power: The US has strong political and military allegiances in
Joseph S. Nye Jr. However, global power is changing, and there over. The State still matters. But the stage is crowd- long way behind the US when it comes to per capita income, and China still the Pacific. This picture is from the US-Japan military exercise in the Pa-
is University Distin- has large underdeveloped areas. Photo: Scanpix cific Ocean, December 2010. As China grows stronger, these relations are
guished Service Profes- are two types of changes I want to discuss. One ed. The State is not alone. There are many, many growing in strategic importantance. Photo: Scanpix
sor and former dean of is power transition, which is a change of power actors. Some of that is good, for example Oxfam, a
the Harvard’s Kennedy amongst states. And that is the simple version of great non-governmental actor. Some of it is bad. Al
School of Government.
He has served as U.S.
the message, it is moving from West to East. The Qaeda, another non-governmental actor. But think
Assistant Secretary of other is power diffusion, the way power is mov- of what it does to how we think in traditional terms
­Defense for Interna- ing from all states, West or East, to non-state ac- and concepts. We think in terms of war and inter-
tional Security Affairs, tors. Those two things are the huge shifts of power state war. And you can think back to 1941, when the
Chair of the National In-
telligence Council, and in our century. And I want to tell you about them government of Japan attacked the United States at there. The narratives that we use now tend to be States. But be very careful of believing that such pro-
Deputy Under Secre- each, separately, and then how they interact and Pearl Harbor. It is worth noticing that a non-state the rise and fall of the great powers. And the cur- jections give you an accurate picture of power tran-
tary of State for Secu- why in the end, there may be some good news. actor attacking the United States in 2001 killed rent narrative is all about the rise of China and the sition in this century. Let me mention three reasons
rity ­Assistance, Science more Americans than the government of Japan did decline of the United States. Indeed, with the 2008 why it is too simple. First of all, it’s a linear projec-
and Technology.
When we talk about power transition, we often talk in 1941. You might think of that as the privatization financial crisis, many people said this was the be- tion. History is not linear. There are often bumps
about the rise of Asia. It really should be called the of war. So we are seeing a great change in terms of ginning of the end of American power. The tectonic along the road, accidents along the way. The second
recovery, or return, of Asia. In 1800 more than half diffusion of power. plates of world politics were shifting. And President thing is that if the Chinese economy passes the U.S.
of the world’s people lived in Asia and they made Medvedev of Russia, for example, pronounced in economy in, let us say, 2030, which it may, that will n n
more than half the world’s product. Now fast for- The problem is that we are not thinking about it in 2008 this was the beginning of the end of the United be a measure of total economic size, but not of per We need a
ward to 1900: half the world’s people – more than
half – still live in Asia, but they are making only a
very innovative ways. So let me step back and ask:
what is power? Power is simply the ability to affect
States power. But in fact, this metaphor of decline
is often very misleading. If you look at history, in
capita income – it will not tell you about the compo-
sition of the economy. China still has large areas of
new narrative
fifth of the world’s product. What happened? The others to get the outcomes you want, and you can recent history, you will see the cycles of belief in underdevelopment. And per capita income is a bet- if we are to
Industrial Revolution, which meant that all of a sud- do it in three ways. You can do it with threats, of American decline come and go every 10 or 15 years ter measure of the sophistication of the economy. understand
n n
den, Europe and America became the dominant
center of the world. What we are going to see in
coercion – sticks, you can do it with payments – car-
rots, or you can do it by getting others to want what
or so. In 1958, after the Soviets put up Sputnik, it
was “That’s the end of America.” In 1973, with the
And when it comes to per capita income the Chinese
will not catch up or pass the Americans until some-
power in the 21st
Asia is gradually the 21st century is Asia gradually returning to being you want. And that ability to get others to want oil embargo and the closing of the gold window, that where in the latter part, after 2050, of this century. century. It is not
returning to being more than half of the world’s population and pro- what you want, to get the outcomes you want, with- was the end of America. In the 1980s, as America just prevailing at
more than half ducing more than half of the world’s product. That
is important, and it is an important shift.
out coercion or payment, is what I call soft power.
And that soft power has been much neglected and
went through a transition in the Reagan period, be-
tween the rust belt economy of the Midwest to the
The other point that’s worth noticing is how one-
dimensional this projection is. It looks at economic
war, though war
of the world’s much misunderstood. And yet it is tremendously Silicon Valley economy of California, that was the power measured by GDP. It does not tell you much still persists.
population and To understand power diffusion it is important to
comprehend that computing and communications
important. Indeed, if you can learn to use more soft
power, you can save a lot on carrots and sticks. Tra-
end of America. But in fact, what we have seen is
none of those were true. Indeed, people were over-
about military power, does not tell you very much
about soft power. It is all one-dimensional. And also,
producing more costs have fallen a thousandfold between 1970 and ditionally, the way people thought about power was enthusiastic in the early 2000s, thinking America when we think about the rise of Asia, or return of
than half of the the beginning of this century. That is a big, abstract primarily in terms of military power. For example, could do anything, which led us into some disas- Asia, as I called it a little bit earlier, it is worth re-
world’s product. number, but to make it more real, if the price of
an automobile had fallen as rapidly as the price of
the great Oxford historian, A.J.P. Taylor, defined a
great power as a country able to prevail in war. But
trous foreign policy adventures, and now we are
back to decline again.
membering Asia is not one thing. If you are sitting
in Japan, or in New Delhi, or in Hanoi, your view of
computing power, you could buy a car today for we need a new narrative if we are to understand The moral of this story is that all these narratives the rise of China is a little different than if you are sit-
five dollars. Now when the price of any technology power in the 21st century. It is not just prevailing at about rise and fall and decline tell us a lot more ting in Beijing. Indeed, one of the advantages that the
declines that dramatically, the barriers to entry go war, though war still persists. It’s not whose army about psychology than they do about reality. Gold- Americans will have in terms of power in Asia is all
down; ­anybody can play in the game. So in 1970, if wins; it’s also whose story wins. And we have to man Sachs has projected that the Chinese economy those countries which want an American insurance
you wanted to communicate from Oxford to Johan- think much more in terms of narratives and whose will surpass that of the U.S. by 2027. So we have got, policy against the rise of China. So these simple pro-
nesburg to New Delhi to Brasilia simultaneously, narrative is going to be effective. what, 17 more years to go before China’s bigger. Now jections of the Goldman Sachs type are not telling us
you could do it, the technology was there. But to be Now let me go back to the question of power someday, with a billion point three people getting what we need to know about power transition.
able to do it, you had to be very rich – a government, transition between states and what is happening richer, they are going to be bigger than the United But you might ask, well so what? Why does it mat-

22 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 23
ter? Who cares? Is this just a game that diplomats and ize networks to deal with these kinds of problems and
academics play? The answer is it matters quite a lot. to be able to get cooperation.
Because, if you believe in decline and you get the an- Another way of putting it is that as we think of pow-
swers wrong on this, the facts, not the myths, you er in the 21st century, we want to get away from the
may have policies which are very dangerous. Let me idea that power is always zero sum – my gain is your
give you an example from history. The Peloponnesian loss and vice versa. Power can also be positive sum,
War was the great conflict in which the Greek city where your gain can be my gain. If China develops
state system tore itself apart two and a half millennia greater energy security and greater capacity to deal
ago. What caused it? Thucydides, the great historian with its problems of carbon emissions, that is good for
of the Peloponnesian War, said it was the rise in the us as well as good for China, as well as good for every-
n n power of Athens and the fear it created in Sparta. No- body else. So empowering China to deal with its own
How do we tice both halves of that explanation. problems of carbon is good for everybody, and it’s
produce global Many people argue that the 21st century is going to re-
not a zero sum. Now I do not mean to be Pollyannaish
about this. Wars persist. Power persists. Military pow-
public goods, peat the 20th century, in which World War One, the er is important. Keeping balances is important. Hard
which are good great conflagration in which the European state sys- power is there, and it will remain. But unless you learn
for us, but good tem tore itself apart and destroyed its centrality in
the world. That was caused by the rise in the power
how to mix hard power with soft power into strategies
that I call smart power, you’re not going to deal with
for everyone at of Germany and the fear that it created in Britain. the new kinds of problems that we are facing.
the same time? There are people who are telling us this is going to
be reproduced today, that what we are going to see So the key question that we need to think about as we
is the same thing now in this century. No. I think that look at this is how do we work together to produce
is wrong. It’s bad history. For one thing, Germany global public goods, things from which all of us can
had surpassed Britain in Industrial strength by 1900. benefit? How do we define our national interests so
And as I said earlier, China has not passed the United that it is not just zero sum, but positive sum? In that
States. But also, if you have this belief and it creates a sense, if we define our interests, for example, for the
sense of fear, it leads to overreaction. And the great- United States, the way Britain defined its interests in
est danger we have of managing this power transi- the 19th century, keeping an open trading system,
tion of the shift toward the East is fear. To paraphrase keeping a monetary stability, keeping freedom of the
Franklin Roosevelt from a different context, the great- seas – those were good for Britain, they were good for
est thing we have to fear is fear itself. We do not have others as well. And in the 21st century, you have to do
to fear the rise of China or the return of Asia. And if an analog to that. How do we produce global public

Take an international masters

we have policies in which we take into account that goods, which are good for us, but good for everyone
larger historical perspective, we’re going to be able to at the same time?
manage this process. There are ways to define our interests in which,
while protecting ourselves with hard power, we can

degree in International Studies

Let me say a word now about the distribution of power organize with others in networks to produce, not only
and how it relates to power diffusion and then pull public goods, but ways that will enhance our soft pow-
these two types together. If you ask how power is dis- er. So if one looks at the statements that have been

or Peace and Conflict Studies

tributed in the world today, it is distributed much like made about this, I am impressed that when Hillary
a three-dimensional chess game. On the top board: Clinton described the foreign policy of the Obama ad-
military power among states. The United States is the ministration, she said it was going to be smart power,
only superpower, and it is likely to remain that way as she put it, “using all the tools in our foreign policy
for two or three decades. China is not going to replace tool box”. And if we are going to deal with these two
the U.S. on this military board. The middle board of great power shifts that I have described, the power
this three-dimensional chess game: economic power shift represented by transition among states, the pow-
among states. Power is multi-polar. There are balanc- er shift represented by diffusion of power away from One semester in Norway, courses developed and taught by PRIO
ers. The U.S., Europe, China, Japan can balance each all states, we are going to have to develop a new narra-
other. The bottom board of this three-dimensional, tive of power in which we combine hard and soft pow- (Peace Research Institute Oslo). Remaining semesters taught at Stellenbosch
the board of transnational relations, things that cross er into strategies of smart power. And that is the good
borders outside the control of governments, things news I have. We can do that. n University, South Africa or The Australian National University, Canberra.
like climate change, drug trade, financial flows, pan-
demics. Here nobody is in charge. It makes no sense This article was originally a talk given by Joseph Nye
to call this unipolar or multi-polar. Power is chaotical- for TedTalks. The lecture is drawn from Nye’s new book
ly distributed. And the only way you can solve these “The Future of Power”.
problems – and this is where many of the greatest chal- The article is published with the permission of
lenges are coming in this century – is through coopera- You can hear the speech at http://www.ted.
tion, through working together, which means that soft com/speakers/joseph_nye.html
For more information:
power becomes more important, that ability to organ-
24 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
cricos code
■  WORLD FOOD SITUATION Jentesoldater i Uganda  tema  ■

For many years it hast been an accepted truth that we must either
reduce global fertility rates or face widespread hunger. Today, ­
new evidence suggests otherwise: given the will it is possible
to feed the entire population of the world.

Food for All

BY: Grete Gaulin  

Pessimists have long warned that the anism is on the offensive – paradoxically - land, 400 million hectares of which the
world is quickly reaching that point in because we are living in an era where fer- FAO defines as highly fertile soil. In ad-
time when the planet will not be able tility rates, even in developing countries, dition to increasing croplands, food pro-
to sustain its growing population. Now, are decreasing dramatically, and there is duction can be increased by improving
however, the United Nations and food ex- enough food to feed 10, or even 20 000 yields, raising cropping intensity, and
perts are challenging that belief. They say millions. According to both the UN, and reducing losses. For example, while Rus-
the planet can produce enough food as to experts on food security and global ag- sia’s cornfields yield only 1.85 tons of
long as we use our resources sensibly. ricultural potential, the outlook for the corn per hectare, the UK produces 6.36
The Malthusian doctrine is based immediate future looks extremely posi- tons per hectare, whilst India’s annual
on premises that we all – more or less tive. There is almost a queue of reports crop loss is a staggering 30 per cent. All
­– ­accept without question. Firstly, the proclaiming that it will be possible to feed this contradicts Malthus’ theory of land
earth’s population is growing faster than the world’s growing population, even limitations as a barrier to prosperity.
its resources can support and, secondly, though we take into account that, on av- “The quantity of land has stopped be-
the problem of over-population does not erage, people will eat more than they do ing the primary determinant of a coun-
originate and, therefore, cannot be solved today – and, despite the fact that, in some try’s output. We can make a lot more
in the West. The solution to over-popula- areas, we must expect lower agricultural stuff in a lot less space,” according to
tion is to be found in Africa, where birth productivity because of climate change. an article by development economist
and fertility rates are constantly high. Or Two years ago The Food and Agricul- Charles Kenny in Foreign Policy.
as – Malthusian par excellence – Jeffrey tural Organization of the United Nations Will it be possible to repeat the green
Sachs, expresses it in his book Common (FAO) published statistics on the world’s revolution that trebled global food pro-
Wealth – Economics for a Crowded Planet: agricultural reserves. They showed that duction from 1950 to 1980? According
“If the fertility rates remain constant, the while the world’s arable lands constitute to the experts it is. Climate change will
global population will soar to nearly un- almost four billion (4.000,000,000) hec- make it more difficult to increase food
imaginable levels, and will almost surely tares, only 1.5 billion hectares are cur- production in the south, but also result in
trigger Malthus’ “positive checks” (war, rently used for crops. A shift from meat more arable land in the north. Further-
disease, famine). The stunning fact is that to corn production, in other words, using more, this coincides opportunely with
all of the world’s population will growth arable land to grow corn for human con- the world’s population peak – an estimat-
come in today’s developing countries.” sumption rather than grazing or animal ed maximum of ten billion in 2060. The
In other words the world must speed feed, would be an important contribu- population will not grow beyond that
up the process of demographic transition tion toward doubling food production in point, and consequently – says the Brown
– the shift within a given population from the developed world. This is the level of University’s World Hunger Program – we
high to low fertility and mortality rates, growth that experts have estimated will will have enough cultivated and arable THOMAS MALTHUS: published his Essay on two hundred years the world’s population has THE BOTTOM BILLION: Why the Poorest Coun­
the Principle of Population in 1798. His cen­ grown by 5 thousand million. At the same time tries are Failing and What Can Be Done about
thus creating demographic stability. Con- be necessary in order to feed nine billion land to feed the world forever. tral theory is that population increases in a we are better nourished today than ever be­ It is a book by the British Professor of Eco­
sequently, Jeffrey Sachs argues, we must people in 2050. geometric ratio (1,2,4,8,16), while means of fore. None the less, Malthusians have both set nomics, Paul Collier. In his book, Collier exam­
renew our efforts to reduce fertility rates THE PROBLEM OF DISTRIBUTION subsistence increases in an arithmetic ra­ the premises for, and dominated the debate on ines why the poorest countries of the world,
in countries where birth rates are high: MALTHUS GOT IT WRONG Despite these very promising prospects, tio (1,2,3,4,5). In other words, humanity was poverty, not least in the 1960s, when western The Bottom Billion, are failing to make pro­
doomed to a miserable life of poverty, hunger, feminists conducted mass sterilizations of poor gress and create better living conditions for
predominantly countries in Africa. In Russia alone, 20 million hectares of it is obvious that millions of people are wars and sickness. women in India and China with support from the their citizens.

Foto: Scanpix
wheat fields lie fallow – an area equal to already suffering from food shortage and Today we can somewhat more optimistically governments of Norway, Sweden and the US.
PARADOXES all the arable land in the UK. In Africa starvation – even before we have reached conclude that Malthus was wrong. Over the last And now they are on the offensive once again.
Sachs is not alone in this view. Malthusi- there are 1 billion hectares of unutilized the demographic peak. And what is the

26 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 27

cause of this sad fact? The answer to
that is the unequal distribution of food
– a problem the experts label as “more
Marx, than Malthus”. A contributory fac-
tor was also a feeling of self-satisfaction
is consumed in the West - where the esti-
mated number of over-weight people has
now reached 1.6 billion. However, to the ir-
ritation of many developing countries, the
living standards in Asia and Africa are of-
World Food Consumption
that developed in the 1980s when the in- ten blamed for high food prizes. Two years
Kilos per person, 2006/2007 Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture
ternational community, after thirty years ago the Indian government became so an-
of hard work, concluded that they had noyed about the increasing tendency to
successfully managed to rectify global blame India (and other developing coun-
underproduction of food. tries) for rising food prices that it officially
2,5 Institutions working on increased food
security were financially smothered. Rich
recommended Americans to reduce their
food consumption, instead of ascribing us EUROPe CHINA INDIA
countries cut funding for agricultural de- price rises to increasing prosperity in Asia.
velopment in the developing world by In the US an average person eats
more than 50 per cent, and the World 3,770 calories a day. An average Indian
Bank reduced its agricultural loans from eats 2,440 calories. The ten per cent of
almost eight billion US dollars in 1980 to people who make up the world’s poor-

THE WORLD a two billion in 2004. The world’s leading est only receive 0,6 per cent of global

institute for research on rice, the Inter- income, and Sub-Saharan Africa only
national Rice Research Institute, believes contributes two per cent to the world’s
that it has the answer to how the world’s green-house gas emissions. It is not Afri-
poor can increase their rice production, ca that is threatening world resources.
7,28 2,89
6,37 but lacks the funds to do tests in the field. 44,5 kilos 15,3 kilos 7,6 kilos 1,8 kilos
Funding for combating plant pests and OVERCONSUMPTION
Algeria Egypt diseases is also in short supply. But despite all these facts, would not a re-
duction in population growth still have a

UNSTABLE MARKETS positive effect? No, say demographers.
Into this deplorable web is woven a dis- The women who will be giving birth to
pute over organic food and small-scale the greater part of the children who will
7,17 4,96
7,48 production versus industrialized farm- contribute to the demographic peak have
ing and/or genetically modified produce. already been born. In other words it is al-
That debate, however, is more about how
101 kilos 252 kilos 76 kilos 64 kilos
ready too late to reduce expected popula-
Ethiopia Kenya to feed the world, rather than whether it tion growth over the next 40 to 50 years.
is possible to do so. In addition fertility rates in Africa have
Far more important is the fact that the plunged by 50 per cent over the last 50

world’s food markets have become more years.
unstable, and that dramatic increases African women of today give birth to the
7,18 3,40
6,0 in food prices are forcing many people same number of children European wom-
to cut down on their food consumption. en did in the 1960s. Furthermore, the UN
Morocco Namibia Soaring food prizes are the result of sev- Population Division long ago concluded
41,8 kilos 17,5 kilos 5,4 kilos 1,3 kilos
eral factors: increased demand from the that countries without population-control
new middle classes in the poorer coun- programs have had the same demograph-
tries, the transition to biofuels, export re- ic curve as countries without such pro-

strictions, and speculation. grammes, with one exception – China.
6,55 5,04
5,97 Food has become a stock-market com- The problem in the world today is not
modity and is therefore subject to the over-population but over-consumption.
Nigeria Senegal same mechanisms as all other products “It is clear that, population boom or
on the market, but higher food prices are not, there simply isn’t enough of the Eu- 753 kilos 122,8 kilos 107 kilos 13 kilos
not being triggered by reduced supply as ro-American way of life to go around,”
a result of lower production. According says Julian Cribb in his book The Coming
to FAO the wheat harvest of 2010 was the Famine: The Global Food Crisis and What
third largest ever, and last year’s rice har- We Can Do to Avoid It.
vest was even larger than that in the re- And that problem does originate in Rice
cord year of 2008/2009. the West – US cows eat the same amount
sudan South-Africa of food as that required to feed the en-
”THE BOTTOM BILLION” tire bottom billion of the world’s popu-
Fertility in Africa – selected countries in 1950 The problem is that only a small amount lation. n 13 kilos 5,4 kilos 95,8 kilos 76,5 kilos
and 2025. Projections based on already de­ of world food production ends up on the
clining ­ratios. Source: UN Population Division
table of the bottom billion. The greater part Translated by: Harriet K. Rudd

28 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 29
■  the chinese in Africa

Everywhere in Africa today, no matter how remote the

village or town, you will find a Chinese restaurant, a
Chinese shop, or a local Chinese trader. Chinese small-
scale entrepreneurs dream of a better life in Africa, but
are these profit-seeking Chinese with their Made-in-­
China products contributing to prosperity in Africa?

The African
BY: Linda Jeanette Gresslien

China is now Africa’s largest trading part- Frontier Advisory; South Africa’s lead-
ner. Earlier this year the Chinese govern- ing research and strategy consulting firm
ment announced that its two-way trade specialising in emerging markets, China
with Africa had increased by almost 45 is trying to replicate its own recipe for
per cent in 2010 to reach a record of 114.8 economic success in Africa. The basic in-
billion US dollars. gredient of this recipe, says Dr Davies,
China needs more natural resources is the establishment of dedicated zones
such as oil, gas, and minerals to feed its of foreign and domestic capital. Such
rapidly growing economy. Roughly 70 zones were established, as experiments
per cent of African export to China comes in market liberalization, along the Chi-
from four countries; Angola, South Af- nese coastal provinces in the mid 1980s.
rica, The Democratic Republic of Congo They attracted capital, technology and
and Sudan. 70 per cent of this export con- management skills into China’s domestic
sists of crude oil. economy. The approach was formally ini-
Chinese engagement in Africa is often tiated in 2006 when the Chinese govern-
criticized in the West, and perhaps most ment committed itself to establishing five
strongly for exploiting the continent in or- zones across Africa.
der to extract its natural resources. Many Ian Taylor is a professor at the Univer-
Africans, however, consider the Chinese sity of St. Andrews’ School of Interna-
are doing an excellent job. So, why is Chi- tional Relations. He agrees that China has
na, despite an obvious interest in getting managed to bring much needed invest-
its hands on Africa’s raw materials and ments and capital to Africa. In his opin-
energy sources, so popular in Africa? ion, one major difference between the
western and the Chinese approach in
CUT AND PASTE FROM CHINA Africa is that China provides investment
For African countries, China is a trad- but does not really question governance
ing partner, investor, and a developmen- issues. The west, on the other hand, fo-
tal actor. Several experts claim that Chi- cuses on governance issues but its pri-
na, unlike the West, is implementing a vate business sector is not that interest-
business-driven model of development, ed in investing. “Which approach is best
rather than just coming up with band-aid depends on whether you think develop-
solutions for a continent requiring wide- ment or democracy should come first,”
spread structural development. Taylor says.
According to Martyn Davies, CEO of Martyn Davies’ “cut and paste” theory

30 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 31
■  the chinese in Africa

Infrastructure corridor
Zones –operational
When joining the dots from the zones or under
(planned and operational) we get an
economic belt stretching from Lobuzo construction
in Angola to Dar Es Salam in Tanzania. Zambia
Dar Es Salam is actually the ending China’s first SEZ was established
point of the Tanzam line built by the in February 2007, in Chambishi,
Chinese in the 1970s. The Chinese are in the heart of Zambia’s copper
currently in the process of rehabilitat- belt region. A sub-zone, still un-
ing the line, which links Zambia’s min- der construction, is located in Lu-
ing regions to the coast, and thus is of Republic saka. Both zones focus primarily
high strategic importance to Zambia of congo TAnzania Dar es Salam on copper mining. In 2009 the
and Tanzania. Lubito Luao
Malonga Chinese Ministry of Commerce
While the Tanzam line links Zambia to the east coast, the Lubumbashi
Benguela approved a grant of 450 million
Benguela line links the copper belt straddling Zambia angola Zambia Kapiri Mposhi US dollars to these two zones. By
and the DRC to the west coast. Together the Tanzam and 2010, 3,500 local jobs had been
Benguela lines bisect sub-Saharan Africa, and will – for created in Chambishi.
the first time- create a functioning east-west infrastruc-
ture corridor across the continent. Mauritius
The locations of China’s SEZs have been chosen in light The zone in Mauritius has been
of these infrastructure corridors. According to Davies, granted offshore financial sta-
the challenge now is to include private business along the tus. The zone has strong trad-
corridor. ing links with Africa, as well as
Sino-African relations: In February 2007, Hu Jintao visited Lusaka, Hopes for the future: Liberian children welcome President Hu Jintao in southern Asia, and is described
Zambia to inaugurate the economic zone in Zambia’s Copper belt province, the capital Monrovia in February 2007. China’s investments in Africa are ex- as China’s “springboard for en-
which has become a key source of copper for China’s growing economy. pected to make a significant contribution to industrialization in Africa. try into Africa”. It is expected
 Photo: Scanpix  Photo: Scanpix to earn an annual 200 million
US dollars in export when it be-
comes operational, and China
is expected to invest up to 750
is supported by a report from The Afri- increased investments, technology trans- getting into it. The government’s role has a free highway in the process, as well as “When I sit with investors from the million US dollars in the zone
over the next ten years. The
can Development Bank Group. Their fig- fer, development of labour skills and ex- been largely to drive growth through the capitalizing the lending for a period of Western part of the world, they do a pow- SEZ in Mauritius is intended to
ures show that China’s increased direct port promotion. The terms of the zones enablement of capital formation by cre- 15 to 20 years,” Davies says. “Traditional er point presentation, about projection, serve as a manufacturing hub.
investment in Africa’s manufacturing are negotiated between Beijing and Afri- ating a phenomenal environment of ex- western firms on the other hand mostly cash-flows, profit, income statements, The government has just com-
industry is mainly through these special treme competition which again is driving will perhaps offer a few roads, - round the balance sheets, all these flamboyant pleted constructing the off-site
can governments, who in return for re-
infrastructure, including access
economic zones (SEZs). ceiving committed Chinese investments, the growth,” Davies says. mine”, he continues. The Chinese have graphs. I have never seen those with the roads, sewage and water infra-
offer tax breaks, custom duty waivers, According to Davies, Chinese econom- already completed 30.000 kilometres Chinese. They probably do them on their structure, and connecting the
SPECIAL ECONOMIC ZONES and discounted land. ic success is based on three factors. Most of roads in Africa. own, but when they come here, they just zone to the power grid.
The idea of economic zones is not new. Today there are seven special econom- important is the investment in infrastruc- No wonder then ask for the incentives. Where is the piece
There are many hundreds of economic ic zones in Africa: one in Mauritius, two tural projects such as railways, airports that western min- of land where we can begin to work? “ Nigeria is in the process of es-
zones or export-processing zones in Af- in Zambia, two in Nigeria, one in Ethio- and roads. Such investments have been ing companies are tablishing two SEZs - one in the
rica already, but most have failed, mainly pia, and one in Egypt. the primary driver of China’s growth the under great pres- CHINESE POLICY Lekki Free Trade zone and one
in Ogun State. These zones will
due to lack of government commitment “If successful, the zones may encour- last 20 years. Secondly, education, and sure if they want to In addition to criticism for not involving
mainly focus on manufactur-
and high costs in- age further liberalization by the host Af- thirdly the direct allocation of capital compete with the themselves in human rights and democ- ing machinery and mineral ex-
volved in building rican governments, thereby serving as into projects – like the zones. “We can all Chinese. racy issues the Chinese are sometimes traction.
sufficient infra- catalysts for broader industrial activity in agree to infrastructure creating growth, Davies also em- criticised for operating with sub-standard
Frontier Advisory Egypt
structure, an es- these economies,” Davies says. and that education is important to de- phasise the ability –Their jobs depend working conditions, and with little inter-
The zone in Suez is operational.
sential factor for Davies emphasizes that China’s domes- velopmentally succeed. The contentious of the Chinese to on good implemen- est in environment and transparency in The capital is invested in automo-
such zones to suc- tic success was not down to a few zones area, however, is on how the capital is al- `get things done´. tation, and that is economic management. tive components, electronics, lo-
the China model; gistics and clothing sectors.
ceed. alone: China succeeded because of free- located.” The Chinese way brilliant implemen-
Taylor stresses the importance of re-
In the Chinese- IAN TAYLOR  market forces. He stresses the impor- forward is by mak- tation. membering two key points when evaluat- Ethiopia
initiated zones the University of tance of understanding that thirty years BRILLIANT IMPLEMENTATION ing a series of prag- ing Chinese business activities in Africa. The Oriental Zone in Ethiopia is
St. Andrews
Chinese govern- ago, private sector’s contribution to the The Chinese are also quite willing to en- matic decisions “First, Chinese actors do not do anything still under construction and plans
– Which approach
ment has allocated Chinese Gross Domestic Product (GDP) gage in long-term commitments. Davies taken on a daily basis. Chinese bureau- in Africa they do not do at home. Secondly, to attract capital for extraction
is best depends on
of mineral resources. China has
capital to develop whether you think was negligible. Nowadays, approximate- says that most western bankers have an crats don’t question the plan, they im- Sino-African relations are not part of a cen- pledged to invest 100 million US
the required infra- development or ly two- thirds of China’s GDP comes from investment horizon of five minutes to five plement it. “Their jobs depend on good trally directed and controlled plan.” The dollars in an industrial park where
democracy should
structure, while private enterprise. years, while the Chinese horizon is from implementation, and that is the China Chinese Ministry of Commerce, he says, is electric machinery and iron works
come first.
private business- fifteen to twenty years. “The Chinese in- model; brilliant implementation” Davies often unaware of the presence, never mind will be the main activities.
es are invited to THE RECIPE FOR SUCCESS vestments allow for these packages of says. the behaviour, of various Chinese actors in In addition China has plans of es-
set up units. While the export -process- “The great success of China is not so construction to come together,” Davies How this implementation varies from Africa. Taylor further explains that the mi- tablishing logistic hubs in Angola,
ing zones are just industrial enclaves, the much the story of a strong state, but rath- says. When planning to invest, the Chi- the Western approach is well described by lieu in Africa is often a reflection of China’s Mozambique and Tanzania.
SEZs are integrated townships with fully er the extremely rapid creation of a pri- nese will offer package deals of infrastruc- the Trade and Industry minister of Zam- own situation and does not necessarily
developed infrastructures. vate sector and this has been done by the ture. “They will offer hundreds of miles bia, Felix Mutati, when interviewed for suggest a lack of respect for Africa, Afri-
The zones are designed to encourage state exiting the economy, rather than of railways, a few schools and a port, and the documentary When China met Africa. cans, or African conditions.

32 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 33
■  the chinese in Africa

“What critics may not always realize is businessmen were only allowed into the
that Chinese workers in China frequently country as investors, not as ”vendors or Direct capital allocation
also work under often dangerous condi- shoe-shiners.”
The Chinese approach avoids corruption
tions for little pay. China’s reform process
problems by channeling funds through the
and the attendant turn to capitalism (wide- SMALL-SCALE CHINESE BUSINESS Export – Import Bank of China (China Exim
ly applauded by the West) has arguably set According to Davies there are three sorts Bank) and by granting Chinese contrac-
the stage for such conditions in China itself of Chinese businesses moving into Africa: tors the responsibility for construction pro-
jects, thereby making them accountable
; it can thus be no surprise that sharp prac- state owned companies, private compa-
for funds and progress.
tices, such as cutting corners even when nies, and migrants or entrepreneurs.
it comes to employee safety and welfare, The African Development Bank Group ■■ Infrastructure projects undertaken by
abound among some Chinese-owned busi- reports that Chinese enterprises invest- Chinese companies are often financed
by soft loans from the Chinese govern-
ness enterprises in Africa. This is not to let ing in strategic sectors such as oil, ores
Chinese employers off the hook for such or infrastructure are mostly state-owned ■■ The loans are disbursed by China Exim
behaviour but merely to put their activities or subsidized with Chinese grants or by Bank, one of the largest institutions of
in their proper context.” state-owned banks. Chinese investments this kind in the world.
■■ The construction companies are chosen
in Africa by medium to large-sized enter- by the Chinese government through a
JOBS ONLY FOR CHINESE prises are mainly found in manufacturing, competitive tendering process.
In addition to concern over working con- telecommunications and wholesale trade ■■ Government-endorsed contracts en-
ditions in Chinese enterprises, there is sectors. Small firms or so-called micro en- able Chinese companies to secure the
necessary low-cost capital required to
growing concern that Chinese business- trepreneurs are in the light industry and cover expensive start-up costs.
es and investments are not creating new retail sectors.
jobs for Africans. New job opportunities Due to weak African institutions the Source: China’s role in the Development
are instead being filled by imported Chi- micro entrepreneurs are not properly of Africa’s Infrastructure. Report written by
Lucy Corkin, Christopher Burke and Mar-
nese labour. captured in official statistics. Conse- tyn Davies, Centre for Chinese Studies,
quently, although the SMEs certainly play Sellenbosch University.
an important role, and are present all
n n  Regarding the over the continent, it is difficult to assess
exactly how many small Chinese busi-
micro entrepreneurs, nesses are present in Africa. However, as SEZ
we have heard, the inflow of Chinese en-
they just want to trepreneurs is obviously seen as a prob-
■■ Special Economic Zones are desig-
nated areas within a country that have
start a better life in lem in some African countries.
“Regarding the micro entrepreneurs,
been granted advantageous economic
regulations that differ from those in oth-

Africa. They see a they just want to start a better life in Af-
rica. They see a good opportunity,” Davies Chinese entrepreneurs in Africa: Once a private Chinese sub-contractor undertakes a project, the company will use the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge and
er areas in the same country.
■■ These regulations tend to contain
measures that are conducive towards
good opportunity. says. He has observed many Chinese ar- experience of the local environment in an attempt to identify
than in China.
additional opportunities. Due to intense competition in the home market, profits are usually higher in Africa attracting foreign direct investment.
■■ Conducting a business in a SEZ usually
riving with their suitcases at the airport,
MARTYN DAVIES Frontier Advisory means that a company will receive tax in-
wearing flip-flops. Three years later, they centives and the benefits of lower tariffs.
are driving around in BMWs. “This is
Neither Davies nor Taylor finds this the African dream for Chinese entrepre- Source:
criticism accurate. Davies stresses that in neurs”, he says. “Africa is open for busi- tially, a pattern emerges whereby one or owned stores). Meanwhile, Africans Sources:
the special economic zones, the vast bulk ness. Chinese traders are drawn towards two Chinese entrepreneurs set up shops simply see a Chinese incursion every- Frontier Advisory: China’s developmental model
comes to Africa: The case of Special Economic
of labour will be local and Taylor says the high profit margins in Africa, plugging selling cheap products. These business- where. Zones, The African Development Bank Group.
that it is a mistake to presume that high- into the supply chain back home to sell es are quickly copied – either by the Chi- So are these Chinese entrepreneurs When China met Africa, a film by Nick and Beneficial impacts
salary Chinese-created jobs are always Chinese products.” nese nationals they formerly employed, setting up shop all over Africa - the ul- Marc Fancis,
Annual Report on Sino- African trade and The SEZs have had the following benefi-
given to imported Chinese workers – but Ian Taylor explains how manufactur- or by other Chinese who have heard of timate proof that China is colonizing cial impacts in many countries:
economy, released by the Ministry of Com-
sometimes Chinese companies feel that ers in China receive no more than ten their success. However, since they all Africa - or is it simply a sign that Africa merce.
it often is more efficient and sometimes per cent of total trade profits. Foreign sell the same sorts of products, compe- is becoming a flourishing place of busi- The China Monitor – a report on China’s in- ■■ Rapid employment generation, espe-
necessary to bring in Chinese because brand owners, wholesalers and retailers, tition between them increases, leading ness? In Martyn Davies’ opinion the volvement in African infrastructure bi Martyn cially for women
Davies and Christopher Burke. The centre for ■■ Higher average pay levels
they have the skills and language to deal mostly Americans, share the remaining to a fall in prices and a decline in prof- Chinese are of great benefit for Africa ■■ Higher economic growth rates
Chinese studies issued the report in 2007
with the bosses. ninety per cent. International conglom- its. This in turn encourages some trad- - providing the continent with the nec- ■■ Expansion of non-traditional export in-
However, African communities are per- erates like the American Wal-Mart cause ers to seek out new markets in other essary building blocks for creating eco- dustries
high competition on the domestic market towns, where the process is repeated, nomic growth and prosperity. And, he ■■ Generation of new skills
haps most concerned about the small-
■■ Transfer of modern technology
scale Chinese shop-keepers and trad- leading to oversupply, thereby encourag- until one finds Chinese shopkeepers says, because of the Chinese industri- ■■ Attraction of both local and foreign di-
ers that are appearing on their streets ing Chinese factories to look elsewhere eking out their livings in the smallest ousness in Africa, the West is starting rect investment
and in their villages. Earlier this year the for markets. villages. In other words, dynamics in- to sit up and take notice of what is hap-
Source: Report on the draft policy special
BBC reported that Chinese workers were The pressure to export is propelling trinsic to market competition explain pening there. At least one thing seems
economic zones; Republic of Kenya, Min-
ordered out of Tanzania. The Deputy the spread of small-scale, Chinese-run, why African markets are saturated with clear – as Martyn Davies says - “Africa istry of Trade ( 2010)
Minister in Tanzania said that Chinese retail emporiums across Africa. Essen- Chinese-made products (and Chinese- is open for business.” n

34 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 35
■  global review

Western Sahara War-wounded treated at Mogadishu hospitals in 2010 NUBMERS TREATED LAST

Morocco Responsible for Civilian Deaths In 2010, the number of war-wounded
 report by the Moroccan human rights organi-
A not intended for publication, was leaked to the out- treated in hospitals in Mogadishu Increase 2008: 2,800
zation The Royal Advisory Council for Human
Rights (CCDH) holds Moroccan authorities re-
side world. Of the people identified in the report, a
majority, more than 200, including several children,
reached its highest number for a decade. of 2009: 5,000
40 per cent of those treated were women
sponsible for the murder of 352 civilians in West- were killed at military bases or in prison camps.
and children caught in cross-fire. 1,000
ern Sahara between 1958 and 1992. The CCDH 144 were killed in battle, but their families were Source: International Committee of
is a national institution, and the report, which was never informed of their fate. 2010: 6,000
the Red Cross

Japan Humanitarian aid

Triple Uk Cuts Funding

Emergency for Multinationals
Japan faces serious short and The UK government has cut fund-
long-term challenges in the after- ing for four multinational organi-
math of the earthquake, tsuna- sations because of poor results.
mi and resultant nuclear power In March, the UK Department for Interna-
emergency in mid-March. tional Development (DFID) published a
On 11 March Japan was shook by an earth- multilateral aid review. The review looked
quake of magnitude 9 on the Richter scale. at the strengths and weaknesses of the 43
The quake triggered a tsunami that caused multilateral organisations in which the UK,
enormous damage along Japan’s northeast until recently, have invested aid money.
coast. The combined force of the earth- The organisations were evaluated on the
quake and tsunami caused major problems extent to which they contributed to British
at several of Japan’s nuclear power plants. humanitarian and developmental goals.
At the Fuushima Dahichi plant, leaks of ra- As a result of the review the British
dioactivity caused dangerously high levels challenges: A Japanese soldier looks out at the devastation reflected in the window. It has been government decided to cut funding for
estimated that damages amounting to some 235 billion US dollars were caused by the disaster.
of radioactivity both in the near vicinity, in four organisations because they did not
 Photo: Adam Dean/Panos Pictures /Felix Features
food produced in the wider region, and in “make a significant difference on the
drinking water. Tens of thousands of peo- ground, and whose work overlapped
ple died as a result of the natural disaster, down temporarily, thereby causing concern in the region also hold debts in Japanese yen with more effective institutions”. The
and several hundred thousand were made that the Japanese economy would suffer and will suffer if inflation mounts. four organisations are the International
homeless, or had to be evacuated to avoid a serious setback. Most experts, however, The disaster has also brought about a Labour Organisation, the UN Internation-
radiation. Despite severely stretched re- seem to agree that the short term economic broad international debate on the safety of al Strategy for Disaster Reduction, UN-
sources, Japanese authorities, with the as- losses will be offset by the boost in building nuclear power plants, causing a number HABITAT, and the UN Industrial Develop-
sistance of a few international rescue teams, and construction, and higher employment of countries to review their nuclear-pow- ment Organisation.
were able to implement rescue operations, levels will be generated by extensive rebuild- er programs. Nuclear power accounts for Of the organisations reviewed, DFID
and, in large measure, provide for the basic ing operations. There is concern that the about 14 per cent of the world’s electric- deemed nine to offer very good value for
needs of the population. widespread reconstruction efforts will result ity supply, and has been widely advocated aid value: On 2 February this year UK foreign minister William Hague visited Tunisa. During his visit money, 25 to offer good or adequate value
he annonced 8 million US dollars in aid for Tunisia. The UK government has, on the other hand, decid-
In the immediate aftermath, a number in inflation, thereby weakening the export- as a means of producing clean energy with ed to cut funding for several multinational organisastions that do not offer “good value for money”. for money, while nine were characterised
of Japanese factories and businesses closed driven Japanese economy. Many countries which to replace fossil fuels.  Photo: Scanpix as offering poor value for money.

IMMIGRATION SURVEY percentage of people who think the Government is doing a poor job in immigration management: ARMED CONCLICT IS Key findings from the report:

613 220
Transatlantic Trends: Immigration 2010 is a
comparative survey measuring the percep-
EDUCATION In Afghanistan there 220 schools were
were 613 attacks on destroyed in Yemen

73 % 70 % 61 % 58 % 54 % 43 %
tion of immigrant groups and immigration and The Education for All Global Moni-
integration policies in Canada, France, Ger- toring Report 2011 reveals that, schools in 2009 between 2009-2010

28.000.000 79 %
many, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, the UK despite some progress in the num-
and the US. ber of children receiving primary ed-
The survey revealed that - compared to 2009 ucation in poor countries, the posi-
- more people overestimated the percentage tive trend has slowed down. In fact, Only 79 % of children in conflict-affected
of the population that had been born abroad. if the current trend continues, there 28 million children do not attend school in conflict- countries are literate, compared to 93 %
will be fewer children enrolled in affected poor countries, i.e. 41% of the world total. in other poor countries.
With the exception of Canada there was also school in 2015 than there is today.
overwhelming disapproval with the immigra- The situation is especially worrying
tion policies of the respective governments. us uk spain france netherlands canada in conflict-affected poor countries.

36 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 37
■  NORTH AFRICA  Crumbling Dictatorships

Would you say Also, the drive against corruption - a very agendas (such as undermining the politi-
that these revolu- significant factor - has led the revolutions cal control of the judiciary) that are re-
tions are a-polit- to target many leading businessmen who sponsive to the revolutionary programs.
ical? had thrived on the economic changes of
No; just the op- the past two decades. So I think they will Is there a future for party politics in
posite. They are make neo-liberal policies more difficult, North Africa and the Middle East?

Nathan J. Brown, pro-
deeply politi- but otherwise they do not have a specific Yes, the real question is whether pro-
fessor of political sci- cal. They are not policy agenda. test movements can transform them-
ence and internation- driven by a spe- selves into political parties. It is often
al affairs at George cific ideology, but Will the revolutionary movements be said that the Islamists are the only organ-
Washington Univer-
sity, and non-resident
the agendas of the able to influence the further political ized political parties. They are indeed
senior associate to opposition have development in their respective coun- organized, but the protest movements
the Carnegie Endow- largely focused tries? have shown an ability to mobilize large
ment for International

Is there such
on remaking - or Absolutely - at least in Egypt and Tu- numbers of people. Those mobilization-
at least serious- nisia, they are continuing to drive much al skills could be translated into electoral
ly reforming - the of the political process. For instance, in ones if they are converted into perma-

a thing?
political system. A host of economic, Egypt, they brought down not merely nent organizations with clear programs.
cultural, and other grievances have been the president, but forced the military to There are attempts to do that with liberal
presented in the form of demands for po- appoint a different cabinet. As the pro- groups, labour groups, and so on.
By: Nonje M. Viken and Harriet K. Rudd litical reform. Constitutional reform - and cess of writing new constitutions goes
especially the concentration of authority forward, they have articulated clear pro-
There seems to be a broad consen- of the movements and individuals in the hands of the executive - has been at grams - for reining in the security ser-
sus that the revolutions sweeping central to the uprisings is their lack the centre of the entire controversy. vices, for cleaner elections, for more
North-Africa and the Middle East are of ideology and political experi- effective parliaments, and for judicial in-
rooted in deep social and political ence. Being perceived as non-polit- Can a-political groups or individuals dependence. These demands will be dif-
dissatisfaction. The revolutions have ical is increasingly associated with provide solutions to political prob- ficult to ignore. n n  The real ques-
been portrayed as led by a broad concepts such as integrity, credibil- lems?
coalition of young adults with no ity, fairness and unity. An expres- The groups leading the rebellions were Is it likely that technocratic cabinets tion is whether pro-
ties to political parties or ideologi- sion of this is the demand for so- often less ideological (though Islam- will have the strength to confront the
cal organizations. It took them only called technocratic cabinets. ists and leftists were involved). They are old establishments and carry the rev- test movements can
weeks to topple the governments of
Tunisia and Egypt. The question is
But is it possible for leaders with
neither political experience nor ide-
not pushing a specific set of policies, a
specific ideology, or even a specific ap-
olution forward?
Not by themselves but, if backed by
transform them-
what next for these countries, which
are in need of governments who can
ologically based beliefs to provide
credible and coherent solutions to
proach to policy. The solutions they are
pushing involve making a better political
strong social and political movements,
they might be able to. Technocratic cabi-
selves into political
deal with broader political ques- fundamentally political challenges? system. That is not to say that their suc- nets, where they were created in the past parties.
tions such as job creation, taxation, To what degree will the protest- cess would bring no effects on policy. For in the Arab world - such as Salam Fayy-
education and a fairer distribution ers be able to two influence the pol- instance, in Egypt, public sector workers ad’s in Palestine—have served in a largely
of wealth. These questions are, how- itics of the future? have played a significant role. If they gain authoritarian context and had no political
ever, inherently political. Perspective put the question to a greater voice in the political system, basis. But the post-revolutionary ones in
One of the perceived strengths experts on Middle East politics. this will work specific political effects. Cairo and Tunis have been able to pursue

17 December 2010 28 December 13 January 14 January 28 January 29 January 1 February 2 February 4 February 10 February 11 February
The spark Jasmine revolution President promised Ben Ali resigned Curfew New Vice-President March of a Million Fighting in Tahrir Day of departure Fatal speech Victory
The 26 year old street The first demonstrations took place in pro- to resign in 2014 Ben Ali stepped down Following days of wide- General Omar Suleiman was More than a million peo- square Large numbers of pro- Statements by mili- President
vendor, Mohamed vincial towns, but unrest soon spread to Tunisian president and went into exile in spread protests, Egyp- appointed vice-president, and ple took part in demon- Fighting broke testers gathered in tary leaders suggest- Mubarak
Bouazizi, set fire to him- the capital, Tunis. By this time, the demon- Zine al-Abidine Saudi Arabia. tian President Mubarak, thereby Mubarak’s successor. strations across Egypt. out between Tahrir Square demand- ed that Mubarak was stepped down
self after his illegal vege- strations had evolved into anti-government Ben Ali said he imposed a dusk-to- In Cairo several hundred anti-government ing that Murbarak re- ready to step down.
table cart was confiscat- protests. Several trade unions came out would not stand dawn curfew in Cairo, thousands joined in the protesters and sign. Instead, President
ed by police. The event on strike in solidarity with the protesters. for re-election in 25 January Alexandria and Suez. 31 January demonstrations. Mubarak Mubarak sup- Mubarak made a tel-
triggered hundreds of Over the next days and weeks the pro- 2014. Unrest in Egypt The curfew was largely Army declares protests promised to step down af- porters in Tahrir evised speech saying
young Tunisians to take tests intensified. On several occasions the Anti-government dem- ignored, there were vio- “legitimate.” ter the presidential elec- Square. 6 February he would stay in office
to the streets in order to police responded violently to demonstra- onstrations erupted in lent clashes between The army also said it would tions in September. The Talks until September. The
protest against high un- tions. According to the UN at least 219 Egypt. protesters and police, not use force against pro- protesters demanded he Suleiman held talks speech infuriated pro- Sources: BBC
employment levels. people were killed in the uprisings. and reported looting. testers. resign by 4 February. with opposition groups. testers. and Al Jazeera

38 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 39
■  NORTH AFRICA  Crumbling Dictatorships

Would you say Gaddafi, but also the state of the Social- old establishment and carry the revo-
that these revolu- ist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya that lution forward?
tions are a-polit- Gaddafi has created. If the technocratic cabinets are backed
ical? by the social movements, they can con-
The current so-
cial movements in
Can a-political groups or individuals
provide solutions to political prob-
front the old establishment. For this rea-
son, they need to maintain their connec-
Egypt: Evaluating Proposed
the Arab World try
to alter the poli-
The citizens who joined the social
tions with the street. If they lose their
contacts with the social movements, they Constitutional Amendments
ties not the poli- movements will not be able to provide will be without an autonomous power
Christoph Schumann, cies. By new polity solutions for practical problems. This basis.
Professor of politics the demonstra- is not their job, but the job of the politi-
and contemporary his-
tory of the Middle East tors want to see cians. However, the social movements Is there a future for party politics in The amendment to Egypt’s constitution recently an- is the master of its decision” by giving the Supreme
at the Institute for the fall of the re- can keep the pressure on the political North Africa and the Middle East? nounced by Chancellor Tareq Bishri’s commission Constitutional Court jurisdiction to rule on the validi-
Political Science, Uni- gimes (Arabic: ni- elite to provide better solutions than in The roots of the Arab party system in – if adopted by the Supreme Council of the Armed ty of deputies’ membership in the People’s Assembly
versity of Erlangen- zam), but they do the past. the Levant and North Africa go back to Forces and approved by a majority of citizens in a and the Shura Council.
not want to over- the 1920s, if not the pre-World War I era. general referendum – will lay the foundation for con-
throw the states Will the revolutionary movements be With growing freedom, the party system straining the near-absolute powers granted to the Article 189: Require the elected People’s Assembly
(Arabic: dawla). In able to influence further political de- will flourish. Under authoritarian condi- president by the 1971 constitution. and Shura Council to choose a constituent assembly
other words, they want to see the end of velopment in their respective coun- tions, the parties will remain a facade. They are also a positive step toward administering of 100 members to draft a new constitution for Egypt
Amr Hamzawy is
all emergency laws and a return to con- tries? For the monarchies on the Arab Pen- research director and pluralistic legislative and presidential elections be- within six months of the election of the two cham-
stitutional government. The constitu- If the social movements are able to mobi- insular the situation is different. Politi- senior associate at the fore the end of the current transitional phase. Some bers.
tional changes they have proposed up to lize continuously for their political goals of cal parties have a weak tradition. The ar- Carnegie Middle East of the proposed amendments would help rein in
Center in Beirut.
now are fairly moderate. Most impor- freedom, civic rights, democracy, and so- ticulation of societal interests has mainly presidential power in Egypt by affecting the follow- Despite these proposed amendments, the 1971 con-
tantly, they strengthen the parliament cial security, they will be able to intervene worked through family networks and in- ing constitutional articles: stitution supports an authoritarian system of govern-
and the judiciary vis-à-vis the president. time and again in the political process. formal channels, while the engagement ment that gives too much control to the president,
This call for change of the political order in ideologically guided party activities Article 77: Shorten presidential terms to four years violates the powers of the legislative and judicial
is tremendously political. However, the Is it likely that technocratic cabinets was limited to rather small groups of ur- and limit presidents to a maximum of two consecu- branches, and suspends citizens’ liberties and rights.
large majority of the demonstrators do will have the strength to confront the ban intellectuals. tive terms. It is therefore unsuitable for managing a safe transi-
not want to be involved in (party) politics. tion to democracy, which requires a parliamentary
From this perspective, we are witnessing n n Article 148: Constrain the president’s powers to an- constitution and balanced powers among all three
a revolt of the citizens, not the politicians.
Besides, the term «revolution» is prob-
They are also nounce a state of emergency and require a popular
referendum to extend the state of emergency be-
branches of government – along with strong mecha-
nisms of inter-branch oversight and accountability.
lematic in the case of Egypt and Tunisia. n n  The citizens who joined the social a positive yond six months. Amending the current constitution is not enough,
On the one hand, the backbone of the old
movements will not be able to provide step toward but these proposed amendments help ensure that a
regimes, namely the army, is still in pow-
administering Article 179: Void presidential power to suspend citi- new constitution will be written for a free democrat-
er. The transition to democracy, which
we all hope for, will take many years. On
solutions for practical problems. This is not pluralistic
zens’ civil liberties and political rights. ic Egypt after the legislative elections. n

the other hand, the demonstrators do not their job, but the job of the politicians. legislative and Article 76: Allow for pluralistic presidential elections (Previously published in the Los Angeles Times)
even want to overthrow the existing po-
litical orders, i.e. the state. As mentioned
presidential in which multiple candidates compete, rather than
restricting candidacies to members of the National
above, they rather aim at realizing the val- elections Democratic Party’s general secretariat. To be eligi-
ues that are already written down in the before the end ble to run, presidential candidates must now secure
constitutions of Egypt and Tunisia. This
is vastly different from the revolutions
of the current either the support of 30 elected members from the
People’s Assembly and the Shura Council, or 30,000
led by Jamal Abd al-Nasser or Ruhollah Transition and democracy transitional voters from at least 15 provinces – with at least 1,000
Khomeini, which completely replaced the Both Egypt and Tunisia are still in political tur-
moil, and the protests have continued with
After Mubarak stepped down in February, Egypt
has been under military rule. In late March there
phase. votes from each province; or they must have mem-
old order with a totally new one. This in- bership in a political party with at least one elected
cluded even the renaming of the state. varying intensity. The protesters have de- was a referendum on constitutional reform. 77 seat in the two parliamentary chambers. In addition,
manded the resignation of ministers linked per cent voted for the proposed changes. Many
As regards Bahrain and Libya, the op- to the old regime, and that the interim gov- democracy activists criticised the changes, say- the amendment states that a higher judicial commis-
position movement has revolutionary as- ernments press ahead with reforms. In mid- ing they did not go far enough, and demanding sion oversee presidential elections.
pects. In Bahrain, the demonstrators call March, police opened fire on a demonstration a complete rewrite of the constitution before
now for the fall of the king, and many of march through Tunis, killing several people. general elections are held. The referendum re- Article 60: Stipulate that a higher judicial commis-
Since the overthrow of Ben Ali’s regime, Tunisia sult will probably lead to parliamentary and pres-
them go even further and openly ques- has had several interim governments. Ironically idential elections within months. Critics say early sion supervise the elections and the referendum.
tion the monarchy. In Libya, the demon- the youth-led revolution has resulted in an in- elections favour existing political parties and the This will restore complete judicial oversight of elec-
strators show their criticism of the ex- terim president and interim prime minister aged Muslim Brotherhood, who already have organi- toral processes and place voting and vote counting
78, and 84 respectively. There are plans to hold sations in place. The new national assembly will under the supervision of judicial committee mem-
isting order by using the flag of the old
elections for a national assembly in July. This write the new constitution, and will therefore
kingdom. This is not to say that they want assembly will be given the task of rewriting the play a decisive role in the shaping of the future bers.
to re-introduce the monarchy, but they constitution, before general elections are held. Egyptian political system.
question not only the rule of Muammar Article 93: Abolish the principle that “the council

40 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 41
■  SPECIAL REPORT  “Shoot to Kill”

Abdel-Wahid points
to his gunshot wounds
1 – 2 – 3 – 4 – 6 – 7.
at least 85 migrants
and asylum seekers have
been shot dead by
Egyptian border ­g uards
on the Egyptian-Israeli
border since 2007.
BY: Robin Hammond and Marianne Alfsen Panos/Felix Features
Photo: Robin Hammond Panos/Felix Features

42 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 43
■  SPECIAL REPORT  “Shoot to Kill”

he mixed flow of migrants, of him, behind a myriad of barbed-wire by, a man from a rival tribe, and they
refugees, and asylum seekers fencing, he could discern the promised feared that the nature of their relation-
entering Israel via the Sinai land: Israel. ship would result in their being killed.
Desert has increased in the Along with his eight travelling com- Consequently, the couple left the Ivory
course of the past few years panions he had to leap, or crawl on his Coast and travelled across the entire Afri-
– and especially after 2009 - when Libya stomach in order to negotiate the wir- can continent in order to reach Israel.
and Italy signed an agreement that effec- ing. Then he heard gunshots. The men It was a long and difficult journey.
tively shut down one of the most popular scattered. Abdel-Wahid tried to follow, Eventually only one obstacle remained –
migrant sea routes from Africa to Europe. but his clothes became entangled in the a set of three barbed-wire fences. Charles
According to William Tall, the United Na- barbed wire, ripping open his skin, and, and his wife managed to get past two of
tions High Commissioner for Refugees at the same time, leaving him trapped. them. Then, they heard the alarming rat-
(UNHCR) representative in Israel, more Suddenly the firing stopped and silence tle of empty cans; Egyptian border guards
than 1,000 people a month, illegally ensued. For ten minutes Abdel-Wahid hang such cans along the fences to alert
crossed the Egyptian-Israeli border in tried to free himself without attracting them of illegal border crossings. Confu-
2010. In Israel they seek a better life and the attention of the border guards. He sion instantly followed. It seemed as if
refuge from violence and abuse. Very few could hear them searching for survivors. there was gunfire and lights everywhere.
achieve this goal. The noise of their approach came closer Voices could be heard shouting “they
Abdel-Wahid’s (name changed for pro- and closer. Then a flashlight blinded him. shot me, they shot me,” Charles recalls.
tection reasons) story is sadly familiar. A voice (in Arabic) yelled: Charles quickly flattened the barbed
He is from Darfur, one of Sudan’s most “Hey, you bastard! Today will be your wire fence in order to help his wife across
conflict-torn regions, which erupted in last.” the last barrier. Then, suddenly, she
violence in 2003. His mother hid him un- And with that the guard fired seven dropped to the ground. He picked her up
der the bed when Janjaweed militiamen bullets into Abdel-Wahid’s body. and there was blood everywhere. He car-
dragged away all the male members of Lying in bed in a women’s hostel in Is- ried her over the last fence and into the
his extended family in the age range of 15- rael Abdel-Wahid recalls that moment. arms of the Israel Defence Forces (IDF),
40. He lay there all day. The family feared He was sure he was going to die. He who, alerted by the gunfire, had just ar-
the worst when, in the evening darkness, thought about his mother and father. rived. An ambulance took her away.
gunshots could be heard at no great dis- How would they survive? His two broth- Three days later he was informed that
tance from the village. The next day their ers had already been murdered, and now she had died.
fears were confirmed. The bodies of 40 he was going to die too. There would be PARALYZED: Abdul-Wahid was paralyzed when he was shot seven times on the Egyptian-Israeli border. He is very worried about how his parents in
men lay face down in the dirt. All had nobody to take care of them. Shaking un- NECESSARY SHOOTINGS war-torn Darfur are going to survive and he has no idea how he will support himself in the future either.
been shot in the back. Abdel-Wahid was controllably, Abdel-Wahid tries to stand Why do Egyptian border guards shoot
the village’s only male survivor. He knew with the aid of a walking frame, but he and kill unarmed migrants and asylum
what he had to do to stay alive. Run. falls back on the bed, sobbing. His shoul- seekers trying to leave Egypt? According
ders shake and he covers his face with his to the Governor of North Sinai, General
THE LONG TREK hands. “I used to run and jump. I was a Muhammad Shousha (in an interview rationale for the use of lethal force. Ac- material assistance offered to asylum a person more than once if you really are
Thus the long trek began: firstly, across good football player. Now I cannot even with the English edition of the independ- cording to the Christian Science Monitor, seekers and refugees in Egypt. Instead, just trying to stop them and arrest them.
Africa’s largest country, Sudan, there- stand,” he says. ent Egyptian newspaper, Al Masry Al Lt. Commander of the Liaison Agency the overwhelming majority of those pre- It shows that Egypt is shooting these peo-
after into Egypt and across the Sinai Yuom, 9 September, 2009) the policy of with International Organizations told re- sumed to be asylum seekers and refugees ple to kill them,” she says.
Desert to the Israeli border. When, at MANY FATALITIES shooting illegal migrants is necessary. porters in September 2008: “We shoot in- have so far used Egypt as a transit coun- Navi Pillay, UN High Commissioner for
night, he finally reached the border, he Human Rights Watch, maintain that - in “Of course it’s not a mistake that we filtrators. We do not shoot migrants.” try to reach Israel. When trying to cross Human Rights, corroborates her view:
had nothing but the clothes on his back. the period between June 2007 and Janu- shoot them – it is necessary to shoot the border, these people enter a prohib- ”The sheer number of victims suggests
The Bedouin people-smuggler who had ary 2011 – at least 85 people were shot them. To deal with an infiltrator, he has SHOOT TO STOP OR SHOOT TO KILL ited military zone and obtain help from that at least some Egyptian security offi-
guided him across the desert had stolen and killed by Egyptian border guards to be fired at. If we say, ‘stop where are According to Mohamed Dayri, the UN- people-smugglers, who at times shoot at cials have been operating a shoot-to-kill
his remaining possessions. It was of no when trying to cross the Egyptian-Israeli you going?’ he is not going to stop so we HCR representative in Egypt, Egyptian Egyptian border staff, sometimes causing policy. It is unlikely that so many killings
consequence – some ten metres ahead border illegally. Of these, at least 28 were have to shoot him.” border troops have rules of engagement casualties. would occur otherwise,” she wrote in
killed in 2010 alone. In their report, Sinai Perils, Human allowing shoot-to-stop measures and not The Egyptian authorities claim that The Huffington Post on 2 March, 2010.
There are no official Egyptian statistics Rights Watch say that these harsh tac- shoot-to-kill ones. “All migrants, poten- border guards have orders to fire pre- ”While migrants often lose their lives

n n  Of course it’s on how many have been killed or injured

along the 266 kilometre-long border, the
tics are aimed at smuggling networks, at
those smuggling arms into the Gaza Strip,
tial asylum seekers and refugees are tar-
geted by these measures, because all are
liminary warning shots. However, none
of the more than 100 asylum seekers
accidentally when travelling in crowded
boats, or trying to cross remote land bor-
not a mistake that total length of which is defined as a re-
stricted military zone. There have been
and at the passage of Palestinian fighters
in and out of Gaza.
deemed to illegally cross the border as
‘infiltrators’,” says Mohamed Dayri.
and migrants we spoke to had heard any
warning shots before being fired upon.
ders, I know of no other country where
so many unarmed migrants and asylum
we shoot them no investigations into these shootings,
and the number of people killed is prob-
Egyptian officials also cite anti-terror-
ism objectives, referring to the terrorist at-
Dayri explains that the position of the
Egyptian government is based upon the
Sara Robertson, a volunteer with Phy-
sicians for Human Rights, an organisa-
seekers appear to have been deliberately
killed in this way by government forces,”
– it is necessary ably much higher. The youngest known tacks that have been directed against tour- legal principle that genuine asylum seek- tion offering free medical help to asylum Pillay continued.
victim is a seven-year old girl. ist and government targets in the Sinai ers and refugees, though entering Egypt seekers in Israel, is in no doubt what the
to shoot them. Charles’ wife was among those who since 2004. In an official statement issued illegally, should present themselves to policy entails: ISRAELI PRESSURE
General Muhammad Shousha,  did not survive. She had the misfortune on 11 August, 2007, the Egyptian military the Egyptian authorities or to UNHCR to ”We have had two cases of people shot ”The use of lethal force, which began in
the Governor of North Sinai. to fall in love with, and become pregnant authorities provided a national security receive and benefit from the legal and seven times. There is no reason to shoot mid 2007, may be a result of Israel’s pres-

44 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 45
■  Special report

n n  I held him through

his dying breaths and
eventually closed his eyes.
Tommy who served with the IDF on the border to Egypt

BULLET WOUNDS: Gabriel was shot five times PEOPLE SMUGGLERS: Gabriel paid a group of Bedouins 2500 US dollars to guide him across Egypt to the Israeli border. He travelled together with seven fellow Eritreans. One of his travelling companions was
and seriously injured by Egyptian border guards killed when the border guards opened fire.
whilst trying to cross the border into Israel. For
the last seven months he has been chained to a
hospital bed in Israel.

sure on Egypt to reduce the flow of peo- which Egypt would re-admit migrants where Egypt ends and Israel begins, cut border crossing they had to assume there kind of blood on its hands. No one can posals on how to tackle the issue of illegal
ple crossing the border into its territory who cross into Israel, and would take across an astonishing desert landscape of would be injuries. justify the killing of people for no other border crossings in a humanitarian way.
without authorization,” Amnesty Inter- measures to prevent further infiltrations. sand dunes and craggy mountains. Tommy particularly recalls one in- reason than for trying to cross the border “Indeed, the phenomenon of ‘irregular
national stated in 2009. According to Human Rights Watch, Tommy, (name changed for protec- cident. When his team arrived at the from one country to another. movements’ of people is growing along
Both Israel and the United States have the first known border-shooting fatality tion reasons) who recently completed his scene, 16 refugees had succeeded in pass- Tommy is not alone in his concern. the Egypt- Israeli border with worrisome
put pressure on Egypt to stop the flow of was reported only a few weeks after that three-year compulsory military service, ing the barbed-wire fences. Two had not. The UNHCR is in dialogue with the Egyp- consequences,” he concludes.
goods and people across the porous Sinai meeting, and occurred even before the of- part of which he served with the IDF on One of the victims was very young, per- tian authorities concerning the shoot-
frontier. In June 2007 former Egyptian ficial posting: Haja Abbas Haroun, seven the border, says that the people the IDF haps no more than 14 years old. A bullet ings. UNHCR’s representative in Egypt, NO SAFE HAVEN
President, Hosni Mubarak, and the then months pregnant, and fleeing the bloody encountered coming over the border had pierced his heart. Mohamed Dayri, says that the UNHCR Even for those refugees who do succeed
Israeli Prime-Minister, Ehud Olmert, met conflict in Darfur, was killed on 22 June were for the most part very exhausted, “I held him through his dying breaths has encouraged the authorities to deter in entering Israel, the ordeal is not over.
to discuss the issue of border security. 2007 as she attempted to cross into Israel. hungry, and completely dehydrated. and eventually closed his eyes,” says illegal border crossings by other means, Many are summarily returned to Egypt,
According to a briefing on the Israeli For- Usually the IDF would know that people Tommy, and adds that in his opinion, no and has initiated a discussion with the despite the fact that Israel is well aware
eign Ministry website, posted on 1 July, FRUSTRATED SOLDIERS were crossing the border because they matter what attitude one has to immigra- Egyptian government to provide Egypt that Egypt violates its obligations under
2007, the two reached an agreement by The rows of barbed wire, that mark heard gunfire. Every time there was a tion, no country can afford to have this with a set of measures and concrete pro- the Refugee Convention. Egypt has, for

46 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 47
■  SPECIAL REPORT  “Shoot to Kill”

instance, forcibly returned asylum seek-

ers to Eritrea and Sudan without allow-
ing them the opportunity of formally
applying for asylum, or in complete dis-
regard of the fact that their asylum cases
are still pending. In Eritrea and Sudan
returned refugees face persecution and a
substantial risk of torture. Egypt also de-
tains asylum seekers on grounds of ille-
gal entry. Such cases are brought before
a military tribunal and carry a penalty of
between one and three years in prison.
For those who are allowed to remain
in Israel, life is in limbo. “Israel offers a
form of temporary protection for Suda-
nese and Eritreans”, says William Tall.
They are granted renewable three-month
visas, but no permit to work.
“The authorities are afraid work per-
mits will be an incentive for more people
to arrive,” Tall explains.


Gabriel (name changed for protection
reasons) is from Eritrea. He does not
want to discuss why he fled his home-
land. When he crossed the border into Is-
rael he suffered five gunshot wounds. For
seven months Gabriel has been lying in
a hospital bed in Israel. When he sleeps
he sometimes dreams, and in his dreams
he is able to do the things he was able to FROM SUDAN: Two Sudanese refugees on their way to the Israeli border. LIVING ROUGH: Levingsky Park, a stones throw from Tel Aviv’s enormous bus station, has become home to hundreds of immigrants from Africa.
do before; the ordinary everyday things Many refugees crossing the Sinai Dessert suffer abuse at the hands of
that occur in any family. Then he wakes people-smugglers.
up, and the sight of his mutilated body
makes him feels as if he is a completely
different person. Israel grants him only
Abuse at the Hands
Israel’s Dilemma
basic medical treatment, as he, of course,
has no health insurance and, consequent-
ly, there is no hope of the physiother-
of People Smugglers
apy or counselling required to helping
him regain some semblance of a life. His Being shot at the border is not the only risk facing migrants
greatest fear is what will happen when trying to cross the border between Egypt and Israel. Abuse at Until 2005, Israel had received only a torical identification with the plight of have refugee status, and even they have
he leaves the hospital. People fleeing the the hands of people-smugglers is rampant. few hundred non-Jewish African refu- people escaping from violence and per- to apply for renewal of their status an-
brutal Eritrean regime risk imprisonment In late November and early December 2010, traffickers shot or gees and asylum seekers. Today the secution. nually.
or even execution if returned to Eritrea. beat to death six Eritreans. They were among a group of several number is 35,000, and poses a serious “Israel prides itself on being sophisti- Mr Tall says that the Israeli authori-
”To be optimistic is okay, but this life is... hundred asylum seekers and migrants who had been held at a lo- dilemma for the authorities. cated when it comes to integrating refu- ties are alarmed by the sharp increase
it is better to die." n cation near the Israeli border since late October. Human Rights gees, but they have no experience in in arrivals, and as a result more spe-
Watch reports that traffickers at that time held more than 100 Eri- The majority, 85 per cent, are from non-Jewish immigration”, says Tall. cific policies are underway. Among
Sources: Initial research and interviews treans captive for ransom in underground rooms. Eritrea and Sudan. Many, particularly “Integration of non-Jewish immi- the measures to stop the influx is the
­conducted by Robin Hammond in Israel.
The organisation has reviewed 30 statements from people for- among the Sudanese, have struggled grants in Israel is not a possibility,” construction of a barrier wall along
Additional research and interviews with
­U NHCR-s representatives William Tell (Israel) merly held by people- smugglers. The former captives report hav- for years to make a living in Egypt, be- claims the UNHCR representative, the border with Egypt, the building of
­and Mohamed Dayri (Egypt), conducted by Mari- ing been shackled burned with hot iron bars, whipped with elec- fore coming to Israel. Others have trav- pointing to the fact that non-Jewish im- which started at the end of 2010. Israel
anne Alfsen. Amnesty International, Human trical cords and beaten. Women are particularly vulnerable. Many elled directly to Israel from their coun- migration, in the long run, will threaten is also planning to open detention cen-
Rights Watch (particularly the reports Sinai Per-
ils and Rights on the Line), Christian Science
are raped. try of origin. the state’s Jewish foundation. Israel is tres in which to hold migrants.
Monitor, BBC Online, Huffington Post, and the ”We have recently received serious reports of abuse, torture and Israel has been the safe haven for per- a signatory to the Refugee Convention, “The nature of the centres are not yet
report African Migration to Israel, by the Fein- systematic sexual abuse in the hands of smugglers,” confirms Wil- secuted Jews, and, says William Tall, but their policies to deal with non-Jew- known”, says Tall, and adds that the
stein International Center. liam Tall, the UNHCR representative in Israel. UNHCR’s representative in Israel, the ish asylum seekers are underdeveloped UNHCR is concerned about develop-
Jewish population feels a special his- and indecisive. Less than 200 people ments. n

48 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 49

For several years, microfinance was believed to be a miracle cure for lifting peo-
ple out of poverty, but today this financial model is subject to mounting criticism.

Why Microfinance
Does Not Work
BY: Grete Gaulin

”Microfinance policy was a brilliantly in poverty reduction. The picture emerg- formal financial services at average rates
marketed and politically vital concept, ing from thirty years of microfinance is of between 20 and 40 per cent and are
but it was actually an empty vessel,” Mil- startlingly grim. designed not only to benefit the poor, but
ford Bateman writes in his book Why Both the reports and Bateman’s book also to secure profit for Western loan insti-
Doesn’t Microfinance Work? come to the following conclusions: tutions. The banks maintain that the high
Microfinance was pioneered by Mu- ●● To some entrepreneurs, microcredit has interest rates are brought about by the
hammad Yunus, the founder of Grameen been helpful, leading to the establish- high administration costs associated with
Bank, almost 40 years ago. Yunus has re- ment or expansion of a few microenter- small loans. However, the high interest
ceived both the United States’ highest ci- prises. The payoff, on the other hand, is rates also result in poor people incurring
vilian honour and the Nobel Peace Prize not measurable in the terms of income, debt burdens far beyond what would be
for his work. Even so Yunus’s theories consumption, health or education. accepted in the western part of the world.
are disputed. ●● A majority of the borrowers do not use Not surprisingly, this has led to harsh
We often identify poor people with their loans to start or expand a busi- criticism from institutions who still be-
small-scale economies and production, ness; instead they finance other needs lieve that microfinancing should remain
a small patch of land, a home-made irri- such as “household consumption, TV, an idealistic business. One of the largest
gation system, or a few dollars credit to or a daughter’s wedding”. Between players in this new market is the Mexican
Microcredit: this hair salon is one of 16 million small enterprises found in various corners of the world and which, according to the World Bank, have
establish oneself as a seamstress or a tele- 50 and 90 per cent of microloans are bank Compartamos, which is accused by been established with the help of microcredit.  Foto: Alfredo Caliz/ Panos Pictures/Felix Features
phone-cards salesman. spent on ordinary consumption. Muhammad Yunus of committing “a mo-
Small-scale entrepreneurship is exactly ●● Microloans have reduced, rather than nopolistic exploitation of poor people”.
what microcredit is all about, and it is increased the workforce. Studies indi-
exactly this small-scale way of thinking cate that this is the result of unproduc- AS POOR AS BEFORE
that Bateman vigorously challenges in his tive workers, employed on request To Milford Bateman, microcredit for prof- concludes that in 2007 the village was August 2009, Asia Times Online reported the majority of people in developing and
book. from local loan sharks, being laid off. it is tantamount to reallocating resources just as poor as when the project was that poor Cambodian farmers in heavy transition countries, their country’s di-
●● Microfinancing does not empower away from the poor in order to enable it launched at the beginning of the 1970s. micro-debt were lining up to sell their version into microfinance has actually
NO MIRACLE CURE women; instead their husbands take to be shared between wealthy western in- Sofia Begum ended her days living in ex- land. In India, Sudhirendar Sharma, a undermined previous and ongoing efforts
While Bateman’s book has been met with over the business. stitutional investors and stockholders of treme poverty, no wealthier than before former World Bank analyst, and now di- to reduce poverty, unemployment, ine-
fire and brimstone, he is by no means ●● Rather than benefiting the poorest, mi- microfinance institutions. He finds it even Yunus took his lending scheme to Jobra. rector of the Delhi-based Ecological Foun- quality and underdevelopment,” and, he
alone in his scepticism. Two independ- crofinancing mainly helps low and me- worse, however, that even in its purer The bigger picture confirms this trend. dation, thinks microfinance is partly to continues, “Rather than fight collectively
ent reports, published in 2010, under- dium-low income groups. form, microcredit does not seem to fulfil In Africa, there is both an increasing ten- blame for 87,000 famers committing sui- through the state or trade unions or so-
pin the conclusion that microcredit is no All this refutes the myth that, in the its purpose. dency towards de-industrialization and cide between 2002 and 2006. “The rural cial movements and other forms of social
miracle cure for poverty. Some critics go long run, microfinance helps reduce pov- Jobra, in Bangladesh, was the first vil- a lack of investment in the agricultural suicides cast a dark shadow on the fledg- mobilization, or argue for land reform or
even further, arguing that micro- finance erty. At the same time a new type of mi- lage to implement Muhammad Yunus’s sector. Entire cities shift from large-scale ing microfinance sector,” Sharma says. wealth redistribution, or vote in a pro-
is actually preventing money from being croloans has emerged. These loans are microcredit system, and Sofia Begum economies to private small-business com- poor government (if you had the oppor-
used in the most effective manner, and provided by commercial banks in and out- was his very first customer. A study con- mitments. In Mexico, small and medium- WASTE OF CAPITAL tunity), it was hoped that the poor could
thereby reversing years of effort invested side of Wall Street, hedge funds, and other ducted by the newspaper Bhorer Kagaj, sized enterprises are displaced, and in In his book, Bateman argues that “for now be encouraged to settle for informal

50 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 51

Providers of Microfinance
Providers of Microfinance services can be
divided into four general categories:

Informal financial-service providers

These include moneylenders, savings col-
lectors, and input supply shops. These pro-
viders are part of the local community; they
understand the financial circumstances and
can thus offer very flexible, convenient and
fast services, which may also be costly. In
addition, informal services involving savings
are often risky.

Member-owned organisations
Include self-help groups, credit unions and
a variety of hybrid organisations. They are
generally local and small. Poor people ma-
nage them, and operation costs are there-
fore low. However, such providers may lack
financial skills, and members, therefore, risk
losing money.

NGOs, such as the Grameen Bank, are
popular providers of microcredit loans.
More specifically, the NGOs are non-formal
providers of microcredit loans. They have
proven innovative and pioneering banking
techniques, for example solidarity lending,
village banking, and mobile banking which
have overcome barriers in serving poor po-
pulations. However, with boards that do not
necessarily represent either their capital or
their customers, their governance structu-
Micro-advertising: a sign advertising loans in the Kibera slums of Nairobi, Kenya.  Foto: Jacob Silberberg/Panos Pictures /Felix Features Popular loans: 27 year old Hibisat Kassaye has borrowed money from a microcredit scheme and res can be fragile, and they can become
established her own shop in Nazreth, Ethiopia. Microcredit is very popular in many poor communi- overly dependent on external donors.
ties, and an impressive 98 per cent of them repay their loans.
 Photo: Petterik Wiggers/Panos Pictures /Felix Features Formal financial institutions
In addition to commercial banks, these in-
clude state banks, agricultural-development
banks, savings banks, rural banks and non-
microenterprise activity instead, support- Economies, or the newer East Asian Ti- the opinions of humanitarian organiza- this argument claiming that it is rather banking financial institutions. They are re-
ed by microfinance.” n n  There is a place ger economies, and so also patiently tions; they are not convinced that re- the other way round – families with chil- gulated and supervised, offer a wider range
of financial services, and control a branch
Essentially, critics claim, microfinance
is just a way for the poor to pay for their for microcredit in build relatively sophisticated and scaled-
up industrial and agricultural sectors
placing microfinancing with western
economic modernization is the right
dren in school are keener borrowers
than others.
network that can extend across the coun-
try and have international connections. Ho-
own escape from poverty.
”It was soon clear that microfinance
the campaign to from the ’bottom up’, then the growing
emphasis on microfinance as develop-
path to choose. They say that micro-
finance has not been around for long
Microcredit is still popular. Despite
the high interest rates, poor people in
wever, they have proved reluctant to adopt
social missions and, due to their high costs
programs were starting to absorb the val- help the world’s ment policy was leading them in com- enough to determine whether it has po- Latin America are queuing up to receive
of operation, are often unable to deliver ser-
vices to poor or remote populations.
uable financial resources that might oth- pletely the wrong direction.” tential to develop. financial assistance from Compartamos. More than 2.7 billion people still have no
erwise have been channelled into institu- poor; it is just not a According to the Economist, there Microfinance institutions are popping access to formal financial services that are
cheaper and more reliable than the informal
tions, industrial districts, networks, local
industrial policy and , technology devel- very big one. SOLID BORROWERS
This was what happened in Eastern Eu-
are, so far, surprisingly few credible esti-
mates on the effect microfinance has had
up all over the world, and an estimated
150 million poor people now have such
alternatives. Microfinance reaches 150 mil-
lion borrowers worldwide – no more than
opment,” Bateman claims. Dean Karlan research and economy professor rope in the decades following the break- on poverty. Still, it is beyond all doubt loans The Economist reports that 98 a fraction of the global need. Nonetheless,
With that, Bateman places himself in down of the Soviet Union, when many that microfinancing has made it possi- per cent of these borrowers repay their over the last 20 years, microfinance has
the middle of an ongoing debate about medium-sized businesses went under and ble for many poor entrepreneurs to start loans. grown enormously, and is now a major sup-
plier of a wide range of financial services to
which strategy is most effective: on the weavers working by themselves. “There were replaced by small-scale businesses. their own businesses, and at lower inter- This is a very good score, far bet- millions of people in the emerging world.
one hand small-scale development or, on is a place for microcredit in the campaign ”Africanizacija,” - Africanisation is the bit- est rates than were obtainable from the ter than the so-called subprime loans.
the other hand, modernization, skills de- to help the world’s poor; it is just not a ter reaction among people who used to local loan sharks, and thus many poor So perhaps the question should be re- Sources:
velopment, and industrialization. very big one,” research and economy participate in industrialized economies entrepreneurs have improved their qual- phrased? With a solid customer’s share
According to the authors of a research professor, Dean Karlan, says. now supplanted by tiny and individual ity of life. equal to 98 per cent, why cannot the
report from the Massachusetts Institute Bates agrees wholeheartedly with their business initiatives. “Africanisation” has Earlier studies have concluded that poor be offered loans in ordinary banks ”Access for all: Building Inclusive Financial
of Technology, microfinancing draws the conclusion, pointing out that if: become a synonym for neglect of indus- microfinance borrowers send their chil- at ordinary interest rates? n Systems,” Brigit Helms
Microfinance Banana Skins Report 2011
shortest straw. The report concludes that “poor African, Latin American and trial development and major investment dren to school more often than other
forty weavers working in a textile plant South-East Asian countries serious- in tiny and individual initiatives. families, at a ratio of 64 to 34 per cent. Translated by: Linda Jeanette Gresslien
are much more productive than forty ly wanted to emulate the rich Western This type of criticism has yet to change However, experts have disseminated

52 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 53
Care International, one of the world’s leading humanitarian organizations,
has worked with microfinance for more than 20 years. They say
microfinance is helping the poor to create their own opportunities.

Changing Lives
With Microfinance
BY Linda Jeanette Gresslien

CARE sees access to affordable financial COMMERCIAL BUSINESSES CHALLENGES

services as central to addressing poverty, Khan says the negative impacts of micro- Khan emphasises that microfinance does
and has promoted microfinance through finance are partly a result of microfinance not only include loans but, also, the provi-
a variety of methods, and at various lev- institutions aggressively seeking out cus- sion of a range of other equally valuable
els, as a key part of its economic develop- tomers, and of loans sometimes being financial services. These include savings
ment projects. given to those who have no real capacity accounts, insurance and money transfers –
“Of the world’s 500 million micro- and to repay. most ‘good’ MFIs usually have many more
small business owners, less than 2 per “It is apparent that in recent years mi- savers than borrowers. In fact, the greatest
cent have access to financial services and crofinance has become a commercial benefits to poor people often come from
the business training vital for the suc- business, as it has become evident that providing secure savings services.
cess of their enterprises,” says Dr. Ajaz providing poor people with financial ser- Khan says that, as a whole, there are a
Ahmed Khan, Microfinance Advisor at vices can be very profitable,” Khan says. number of general challenges that are fac-
Care International UK. To some extent, providers of microfi- ing the microfinance industry. They in-
nance have shifted their focus towards clude building permanent microfinance
90 PER CENT WOMEN less poor clients. “Ironically, something institutions that can provide a range of
Currently, CARE has 131 microfinance that was created to help the poorest lift financial services to poor people and, in
projects in 39 countries. 90 per cent of themselves out of poverty may soon mar- addition, maintain a balance between
the people being provided assistance ginalise them once again,” he says. providing affordable and accessible fi-
by means of the projects are women. nancial services and ensuring that their
“We have seen that poor people in PROTECTING LENDERS provision is financially sustainable. In
general, and poor women in particular, As a result of Care’s microfinance activi- addition, there is a need for improving
invest their loans wisely, not only in in- ties and the potential vulnerability of the the management and governance of mi-
come generating activities, but also in the poor people they work with, they have de- crofinance institutions; developing and
welfare of their families,” Khan says. signed a consumer-protection code that strengthening the supervision and regula-
Khan stresses, however, that it is nec- protects the rights of the clients and part- tion of the sector to secure that best prac-
essary to recognise research showing ners. Any microfinance institution that tices are followed as widely as possible.

It takes the right ideas

that in certain circumstances (for ex- CARE has established, developed or with “Because I have seen microfinance at
ample, in patriarchal societies, where whom they are partners, must adhere to its best, I know it is a valuable poverty
loans received by women have been the code of conduct - and also undergo a alleviation tool, but it is most effective
appropriated by male relatives) micro- strict screening procedure to ensure that when, as with anything, best practices
to shelter our planet.
finance has had a limited or even nega- not only does it meet certain financial cri- are employed and effective safeguards
tive impact on poverty, by - for exam- teria but, in addition, has a strong social- are put in place to protect the poor and Konica Minolta products present concepts and features
ple - adding to the debt burdens of poor development mission. vulnerable,” Khan concludes. n which make it easy to consider the environment.
people. In the Lend-With-Care project in Indone-
“Certainly, microfinance is not a pana- sia and the Philippines, the microfinance Eco-friendly innovations can be found throughout the entire
lifecycle of every device, including strict production standards,
cea, and on many occasions the provision institutions that CARE co-operate with n n efficient operation and intelligent recycling. Furthermore, the
of microfinance by itself is not sufficient are financial cooperatives that are owned
to alleviate poverty. Often it must be ac- and often managed by the members (bor- Ironically, something that was manufacture of consumables, the transport of products and
our procurement policy are part of the Konica Minolta mission
companied by other investments such rowers and savers) themselves. Khan says created to help the poorest lift to save resources and create new value.
as improvements to rural infrastructure,
technology, and services such as market-
that in many cases senior members of staff
within these institutions come from the lo-
themselves out of poverty may soon There’s only one world. We know it takes a great deal of
ing and the provision of skills training to cal communities they serve. “They have marginalise them once again. effort to keep it a friendly place.

have a more positive impact on the lives risen through the ranks, and continued to
of poor people,” Khan explains. be micro entrepreneurs,” he says.
Konica Minolta Business Solutions Norway AS · Nydalsveien 26 · 0484 Oslo ·

54 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
■  korea

Two Countries –
One Nation
The Korean people are divided by a 248 kilometre long and 4 kilometre broad de-
militarized zone. Both sides of the border are patrolled by heavily armed soldiers.
In spite of this divide, Koreans still consider themselves as part of one nation.
BY: Richard Skretteberg, SEOUL

56 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 57
■  korea

  though Koreans think of them- the Koreans say they feel like “shrimps North Korea
selves as “han nara”, i.e. one na- among whales”.
tion, the division into two differ- Population: 2.9 million
ent states is beginning to result in growing THE WORST OF TIMES Area: 120 540 sq km
dissimilarities. One example of this can During my visit to North Korea in 2001, I Life expectancy at birth: 66.8 years
be perceived in language development. had a strange feeling that I was being sys- Government:
The dialects are becoming distinctly dif- tematically duped, presumably to direct Communist, single-party state
ferent and, at the same time, in the south, my attention away from what I was not
more and more English words are being meant to see. If I had not, quite by mis- ■■ North Korea’s present ruler Kim ■■ The war ended with an armistice,
Jong-il is the son of former leader Kil which, however, has never been re-
incorporated into the language, thereby chance, opened the wrong door in a hos- Il-sung, who ruled the country from placed by a peace agreement.
making the South Korean vernacular in- pital in Haeju - a town situated south of 1948 till 1994.
■■ North Korea declared itself a nu-
creasingly more difficult to understand for Pyongyang en route to the South-Korean ■■ The Korean War (1950-1953) clear power in 2005.
people from the north. border – the dire situation of the North was a conflict between the commu-
Today there is absolutely no commu- Korean people would have remained ab- nist Democratic People’s Repub- ■■ Through the so-called six-party
lic of Korea supported by China and disarmament talks, involving North
nication between people in North Ko- stract - something I had been told by Unit- Korea, South Korea, Japan, China,
the Soviet Union and the Republic
rea and people in South Korea: no tel- ed Nation officials or in the form of dry of Korea supported by the Western the US and Russia, North Korea has
ephone, no post, no e-mail connection. If statistics, and which I had carefully writ- powers. An estimated 2.5 million been offered extensive economic aid
you escape from North-Korea you leave ten down in my notebook. people died as a consequence of the and security guaranties in return for
conflict. abandoning its nuclear program.
all of your past behind you, for there is However, I did open that door, and
no way back. If these two countries were heard a gasp from my guide as a row of
ever to reunite, it would mean the merg- children appeared on the other side.
ing of two very different worlds, both They were perhaps four or five years old,
mentally and economically. all with hollow cheeks and straggly hair.
The older generation consider the It was too late to prevent me from see-
partition to be both unnatural and un- ing what had so diligently been kept from
fair. They remember the time before the me. Quickly the children were ordered to
country was divided. Prior to 1953, the stand up and greet us. The boy closest to
Chosum dynasty had ruled Korea for me bowed deeply before falling over, ex-
1300 years and, furthermore, Korea had hausted by the effort. To my dying day I
not been one of the aggressor-states dur- will not forget that scene.
ing the Second World War. Quite the con- The situation in North-Korea was at
trary, they had been subjected to a brutal its very worst at the end of the 1990s.
occupation by Japanese imperial forces. The North Korean regime continued as
Nonetheless these elderly North Koreans before, even though the Berlin wall had
are realists: they know full well that, even long been dismantled and various pieces Food shortage: along the bank of the Yalu river, which forms part of the border between North Korea and China, North Korean soldiers unload Collective farm: a woman dries corn outside her home on a collective
today, Korea is the victim of super-power of the debris placed on souvenir shelves sacks of food coming from China. As a result of the serious food shortage, the North Korean authorities have also accepted food assistance farm in North Korea. This woman is old enough to remember the 1960s,
from South Korea. Foto: Scanpix. when North Koreans were more affluent than their fellow Koreans in the
rivalry. With US, Chinese, and Japanese in thousands of homes all over Europe. south.  Foto: Scanpix.
interests in play, it is not surprising that When the Soviet Union collapsed, the
flow of subsidised goods being sent to

to worse. Per capita income fell from father, the son and the party, Kim il-Jong rean. This clearly shows to which extent ous plants, and undernourished mothers
n n  2460 dollars in 1991 to 719 dollars in 1995. succeeded his father as President. rice is the basic ingredient in all Korean did not have enough breast milk to feed
5 million North Kor- At the same time the regime suffered
political backlashes; the Soviet Union
Kim il-Sung had once promised that,
every day, all North Koreans should have
cooking. But, in the mid 1990s, it was no
longer available. Over the course of the

eans are dependent opened diplomatic channels with South a meal of white rice and stew. But in the 1990s, between 600,000 and two mil- ESCAPE
Korea in 1990, to be followed by China 1990s everything went into decline. Food lion North Koreans died as a result of the My recent visit to Korea took place in
on food assistance. two years later. became scarcer and the quality poorer. crisis. People did not just starve to death. early spring, and I knew that the sun
Many schools stopped providing their Chronic undernourishment reduces the would soon be able to warm up the ice-
North Korea stopped and, without cheap A FAMILY DYNASTY students with school meals. Less and less body’s ability to fight infections, and ill- cold houses in the north. However, it is
oil and industrial parts, the North Korean Kim il-Sung died at the age of 82, on 8 rice was available, and people started us- nesses that are normally non-lethal be- in spring that food shortages are at their
economy came to a standstill. Satellite July 1994, just in time to save at least a ing grass or plants for food instead. Any- came deadly. Diarrhoea turned into dys- most extreme - yet the next harvest is still
photographs of East-Asia at night showed fraction of his legacy after his death. All thing edible, even frogs and small birds, entery and a common cold developed several months away. According to the
an area the size of England in complete grown-ups in North Korea remember this were caught, killed and eaten. into pneumonia. As a result of a shortage Wold Food Program, 5 million North Ko-
Ten years on: in 2001, Perspective’s journal-
ist, Richard Skretteberg, visited North Korea. Ten darkness - North Korea. The shortage of day. All over the country people gathered The public distribution of food col- of electricity the sewage system broke reans are dependent on food assistance.
years later, in February 2011, he met several electricity, fuel, fertilizers, cheap food at bronze statues of the great leader to lapsed, and in 1995 the regime requested down, and that lead to outbreaks of ty- In 2010 the food rations shared out to
North Korean refugees now living in South and medicines was a serious blow to the leave bunches of chrysanthemums, Asia’s assistance from the UN. By that time peo- phoid. Typhoid can be cured by antibi- each individual covered only 2/3 of the
Korea. They told him of their dramatic escapes flower of mourning. The country’s found- amount required by a single person in or-
population of North-Korea. In addition ple were totally dependent on their own otics, but there were no antibiotics to
from the north, and of the harshness that, for
years, has been the lot of the North Korean the country was hit by flooding and fail- ing father had died, but was proclaimed ingenuity if they were to survive. Rice be had. Small children were unable to der to be well-nourished.
people.  Foto: Flyktninghjelpen. ing harvests. North Korea went from bad President for Eternity. In the name of the and food is the same word, bab, in Ko- digest soup made from grass and vari- In March the ice starts to melt on the

58 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 59
■  korea

rivers that form the border with China. with Chinese men, according to the book
Fewer people attempt to escape from Ordinary Lives in North-Korea by Barbara
North Korea when the spring floods are Demick, published in 2010.
at their highest, although some do still Jae-Hee had hoped that once she ar-
try. Between 1953 and 1998 only 923 rived in China, she would be able to lo-
North Koreans fled to South Korea. By cate relatives supposed to be living there
November 2010 the number had ex- and that she would be able to engage
ceeded 20,000. In addition more than their help in order to travel on to South
100,000 North Koreans were living in Korea. There is a large Korean popula-
China. tion in Manchuria, so large in fact, that
In downtown Seoul I met two Korean signposts in the border area are written
women at a little restaurant near the Ho- in both Chinese and Korean.
tel Plaza. They had both escaped from the It is an irony of fate that many Kore-
hunger crisis in the north. Jae-Hee Kom ans living in China fled to North Korea at
was pale and seemed tired. She was sitting the beginning of the 1960s during Mao’s
on the edge of her seat with hands folded. “Great Leap Forward”, which led to cata-
She bowed her head and a tear ran down strophic consequences for the Chinese
her cheek. “I have a son, but I will never people. At that time the North Korean
see him again,” she said quietly. economy was stronger than the econo-
mies of both China and South Korea, and
SOLD INTO MATEROMONY even Koreans living in Japan were attract-
In February 1999, Jae-Hee Kim crossed ed back to North Korea. It is important to
the frozen Tumen river, one of the riv- recognise these facts in order to under-
ers that form the border between North stand present-day North Korea. North
Buying wives: Disabled by polio, the disadvantaged Li “bought” a North Korea and China. The Tumen is nar- Korea was not an underdeveloped coun-
Korean wife several years ago. His wife has since moved on to Beijing, but
row; it freezes early in the autumn, but try; it is a country that experienced a dra-
their son lives with his father. Many of the Chinese men who “buy” North
Korean wives are either poor or disabled, and have great difficulty finding a is easy to swim across in the summer. matic fall in living standards. The elder
wife in their local environment. Since the 1990s, thousands of North Ko- generations of North Koreans remember
 Foto: Qilai Shen/Panos Pictures/Felix Features reans have crossed the Tumen river into a time when they had a better supply of
China, usually in the middle of the night electricity and more food than people in
or at dawn. The refugees slip money or the south.
Chinese goods into the pockets of North
Korean policemen and soldiers, whilst,
on the other side, people-smugglers pay n n  Of the more
Chinese border guards to look the other
way, until they have made contact with
than 100,000 North
the refugees.
Jae-Hee Kim fled together with ten oth-
Koreans that have
er people. When they finally found their fled to China, three-
guide waiting for them on the Chinese side
of the river, Jae-Hee Kim knew what sort of quarters are women
future lay ahead of her. After a twelve hour
march they approached a house. There she and more than half
was sold to a Chinese man.
There is a large excess of men in rural
of them live with Chi-
China, and North Korean women are of-
ten sold to older, single Chinese men. Be-
nese men.
fore the people-smugglers left they whis-
pered to Jae-Hee that, after some time Jae-Hee tells of a happy childhood. She
had passed, she ought to run away so lived in the capital Pyongyang until she
that they could sell her a second time. was 14 years old, at which time her fam-
But Jae-Hee stayed. The man she had ily moved to Chengjin on the east cost.
been sold to was kind to her in the begin- There she went to university and trained
Graduation Day: North Korean, Lee Ryeon-hee (20), escaped ning and she thought she had been lucky. as a teacher. She specialised in The His-
HANAWO CENTRE: The Hanawo centre is situated 77 kilometres south of from North to South Korea as a child. In February 2011, she and tory of Kim il Sung and sang in the party
Seoul, the South Korean capital. All North Korean refugees are sent to 43 other North Korean students graduated from the Hangyeore MOSTLY WOMEN choir. Jae-Hee put off marriage because
Hanawo when they first arrive in South Korea. At this centre they are intro- Middle and High School in Anseong, an institution built specially
duced to all aspects of the new life facing their. for the education of North Korean refugees. Hand on heart, the Of the more than 100,000 North Koreans she wanted to serve the party. North Ko-
 Foto: Scanpix. South Korean flag behind her, she proudly accepts her diploma. that have fled to China, three-quarters are rean authorities do not encourage early
 Foto: Scanpix. women and more than half of them live marriage. Young people should serve

60 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 61
■  korea

n n  In the same way as the old caste system in China, family 43 MILLION DISPLACED
status is inherited down through the generations and it is almost
impossible for a person of low status to better his position.

their country first. The ideal age for mar- glers and people who had crossed the Chinese goods would undermine their
riage is considered to be 30 years for border in order to find food. At worst she authority,” said Ji-Yeon.
men and 28 for women. would have spent the rest of her life in a An absolute regime is based on absolute
kwanliso, a labour camp for those found power – and that required that all supplies
A CASTE SOCIETY guilty of political crimes. be provided by the regime. Local neigh-
However, it was difficult for Jae Hee to Jae-Hee had every reason to be nerv- borhood informants, collaborated with
be accepted as a party member. Her ous. Prior to the Beijing Olympics in and reported to the Ministry for Protec-
grandparents originally came from South 2008, Chinese authorities increased se- tion of State Security, and there was at
Korea. They had fled north during the curity measures. Roadblocks were set up least one informant for every 50th citizen.
Korean War. The family therefore had in border areas and, in some instances Ji-Yeon was forced to make a heart-
“tainted” blood, and in North Korea chil- North Korean police were allowed on to rending choice when she learned that
dren pay the price for the “sins” of par- Chinese territory in order to infiltrate her mother was in China. She loved her
ents and grandparents. The authority’s refugee communities. The local popula- father, step-mother and little sister, but
division of the population in different tion were promised 40 US dollars if they missed her mother terribly. On 3 Febru-
categories has little or nothing to do with disclosed common-law marriages be- ary 2010 Ji-Yeon crossed the Tumen river.
Marxism. However, it fits well with Con- tween Chinese men and North Korean Her mother was waiting for her at the
fucian philosophy that all people have a women. Feeling desperate, Jae Hee set other side. Ji-Yeion turned and looked
place within a social pyramid. off on a life-saving journey, first she trav- back. North Korea and the rest of her
At the bottom of this pyramid are de- elled across China, then through parts of family were still close, but her farewells
scendants of landowning families, reli- Vietnam, before ending up in Cambodia. were forever.
gious leaders and those who have shown With the assistance of the South Korean With the help of Korean missionaries
pro-Japanese or pro-American sympa- embassy in Cambodia, she travelled on to living undercover in China, Ji-Yeon and
thies. For example after the Korean War South Korea, arriving in Seoul on 31 Oc- her mother were smuggled to Thailand.
many South Korean prisoners were nev- tober 2007. There they were first arrested as illegal
er released. In 1956 these prisoners were immigrants, but received help from the
given North Korean citizenship. Many ESCAPED LAST YEAR South Korean embassy and were sent to
ended up working in mines or in labour Ji-Yeon Kim is 19 years old. She arrived in Seoul on 1 April 2010.
camps. In the same way as the old caste South Korea a year ago and I interviewed
system in China, family status is inher- her together with Jae-Hi. Ji-Yeon spent her Hanawon
ited down through the generations and it childhood in the North Korean town of As the Chinese authorities do not allow
is almost impossible for a person of low Musan, close to the Chinese border. North Korean refugees to make contact
status to better his position. The only mo- “Life was very hard,” she said, “and with the South Korean embassy in Bei-
bility in this rigid structure is downward. one day, in 2001, when I arrived home jiing the refugee routes from China to
from school my mother had left us.” South Korea go either south, through
LIVING WITH FEAR One year later her father remarried. South-East Asia or, alternatively, north-
“Kim il Sung was king, and Marxism was Her father’s new wife made Toufu, bean west to Mongolia.
replaced by Kim il Sung’ism in the 1970s. stew, which she sold. The small, extra in- In South Korea Ji Yeon was sent to
I had no future. I had to leave, even if it come from the sales made life easier. Hanawon, a repatriation centre, an


meant being sold,” says Jae-Hee. But her ”Many families sold almost everything hour’s drive south of Seoul. All North
amiable Chinese husband changed once they owned in order to buy food. The Korean refugees spend their first

she had born him a son. Jae-Hee was only thing left hanging on the walls was months in South Korea at this centre,
thrown out of the home and had to take a portrait of Kim il-Sung. It was illegal to where they undergo extensive interroga-
a job at a restaurant. She never found the sell that,” Ji-Yeon explained. tion intended to uncover possible north-
relatives she thought were living in China. There was also severe political repres- ern infiltrators. In addition the refugees
Every day she feared being caught by the sion. must learn such things as the South Ko-
Chinese police and being sent back to “The more there was to complain rean version of history, and practical
North Korea. If she had been returned, about, the more important it was that no skills such as how to use a cash outlet.
she would, at best, have been placed in a one voiced displeasure. The authorities Normally a refugee spends almost three
kyohuaso, a re-training camp for smug- were afraid that a black market filled with months at Hanawon. n
62 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
■  culture, books and MEdia

“These are tools of communication. They don’t ­Action, the work widely celebrated as having inspi-
determine what you are going to say. That requires red protesters across North Africa and the Middle
something more than technology. Some people don’t East, when asked by Reason Magazine of his gene-
INTERNET USERS: more than 2 billion people are now c­ onnected to the inter- recognize that.” ral feeling on the relationship between non-violent
net world wide.  Source: International Telecommunication Union Gene Sharp, author of The Politics of Nonviolent struggle and new media.

Books to Read

David Bezmozgis
The Free World
Published: March 2011,
Farrar, Straus & Giroux.
This novel, by Latvian-born
People: What is the name of this top UN official?  Photo: Scanpix Bezmozgis, introduces
us to the young, Jewish,
Krasnansky brothers,
people ROME: Afghan President, Hamid Karzai, speaks at the launch of the exhibi- their wives, parents and
1.  What is the name of the top UN official depicted above, and what tion “Crossroads of the Ancient World” at the British Museum.  children, fleeing from
position does she hold?  Photo: Scanpix Soviet Latvia to Italy at
2.  Why is Eva Joly a well-known person?
3.  What made Thomas Malthus famous? the end of the 1970s.
British Museum They end up in an Italian vil-
4.  What is the name of the microcredit pioneer who founded
Grameen Bank?
5.  Who is head of state in North Korea?
Afghanistan, Crossroads lage surrounded by other Jewish ref-
ugee-families all waiting and hoping
Refugees and humanitarian affairs of the Ancient World to find permanent homes in the West.
1.  What characterises the largest group of people escaping from Together they experience the exciting
North-Korea? and confusing start to their new lives;
In 1989 staff at the National communications in the an-
2.  What does the abbreviation DFID stand for?
3.  And the abbreviation DAC? Museum of Afghanistan in Ka- cient world. Afghanistan lay on love affairs, money, crime, freedom and
4.  Name the three largest donors of humanitarian aid in 208? bul carefully hid away some of the Silk Road, the main trad- exile.
5.  What is the definition of humanitarian aid - as opposed the museum’s most priceless ing route from China to the
to development aid?
objects to keep them safe dur- Mediterranean, and was criss-
1.  In which year was Korea divided into North and South Korea?
ing times of unrest. In 2004 crossed by travelling routes Rome: National demonstration against the decree media law was held in the Piazza Navona, in June Peter Taylor :
they were taken out of hiding from all directions. last year. Photo: Scanpix
2.  In which year did the Russians launch Sputnik?
and since then they have been One of the finest treasures Talking to Terrorists
3.  The “green revolution” took place when?
4.  Which country occupies Western Sahara? touring the world. These ob- on display is a magnificent gold EU
Published: March 2011, Harper Press.
Press Freedom under Attack
5.  In which year did Egypt gain independence? jects are now on display at the crown, probably made for a
BBC-reporter Peter Taylor covered
Politics British Museum in London. nomadic princess. The crown
the Northern Ireland conflict for more
1.  Name the world’s three largest economies? The exhibition includes can easily be dismantled into
2.  What term is frequently used to characterise China’s involvement in than 30 years. After 9/11 he switched
200 Afghan artefacts, span- six pieces in order to make it Media professionals and experts are con- punish reporting that is not “politically
developing countries? his focus towards investi-
ning from 2,000 BC to the first easy to transport. cerned that press freedom is under at- balanced” has created serious tension
3.  What is the name of the Chinese currency? And the gating the Al Qaeda and
Japanese currency? century AD, and tell the story The exhibition is open until tack in several EU countries. At a confer- within the EU. According to the direc-
Islamist extremism. In this
4.  In which year is it projected that the Chinese economy will surpass of Afghanistan as a centre of 3 July 2011. ence organized by the EU parliament’s tor of Romania’s Centre for Independent
that of the US?
book, Taylor draws on his
socialist group in March 2011, in Hungary, Journalism, the Romanian parliament is personal experiences
5.  How large is Egypt’s population, and what per cent of the population
is below the age of 26? Bulgaria, Romania, France and Italy were currently discussing a law that imposes and face-to-face meet-
World Tour pointed out as of particular concern. annual psychiatric control of journalists. ings with terrorists and
World Press Photo Exhibition President Berlusconi’s extensive con- The criticism raised at the conference their victims in order to
trol of Italian media outlets has long been is supported by the latest Press Freedom shed light on questions
The 2011 World Press Photo winning photographs are criticized, and in France the newspaper Index, compiled by Reporters Without
4. 2027. 5. 84.6 million (52,3 %).
Politics: 1. US, China, Japan (in that order). 2. “Trade, not aid” 3. Yuan (China), yen (Japan). and dilemmas concern-
History: 1. 1953, 2. 1958, 3. 1950-1980, 4. Morocco, 5. 1922 Exhibition opens in Am- chosen for their news value Le Monde recently accused the president Borders. That organization expressed ing whom terrorists
suffering, and maintain human dignity,” while development aid focuses more on long-term poverty sterdam on 22 April. In the and creative skill, and give a of using intelligence agencies to identify concern that several EU-member coun- are, and how they are being
EU Commission and Saudi Arabia (in that order), 5. Humanitarian aid aims to “save lives, alleviate
ment for International Development. 3. OECD Development Assistance Committee. 4. The US, course of the next 11 months unique insight into the news a source that had given it information. tries continued to fall on their index. dealt with by governments and security
Refugees and humanitarian affairs: 1.The largest group consists of women. 2. UK Depart- the exhibition will visit some events of the previous year. The most disquiet, however, concerns They even went so far as to say that: “If agencies.
45 countries worldwide. You can read more about the Eastern-European countries, all of it does not pull itself together, the Eu-
4. Muhammad Yunus. 5. Kim il-Jung
ric ratio (1,2,4,8,16), while the means of subsistence increase in an arithmetic ratio (1,2,3,4,5).
Essay on the Principle of Population. His central theory is that population increases in a geomet-
European Parliament, and a candidate in the coming French Presidential Election. 3. Author of the
On display are the winning the exhibition and touring which have imposed, or are discussing, ropean Union risks losing its position
OCHA), 2. She is a prominent French politician (member of theThe Green Party), a member of the images of this year’s World dates at: www.worldpress- new restrictive media laws. Hungary’s as world leader in respect for human
Press Photo Contest. The new legislation, allowing authorities to rights.”
People: 1 . Valerie Amos, Under-Secretary-General and Emergency Relief Coordinator (Head of

64 Perspective
NO. 01.2011
NO. 01.2011 65
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Internal displacement: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

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FYR Macedonia 954,000–
Russian Federation Armenia
6,500–78,000 At least 8,000
Up to
About 3,400
Undetermined Economics • Plant Science


• Ecology - Tropical Ecology and Manage-

About About 75,000
225,000 Georgia

the countries
Kosovo Up to Afghanistan
18,300 258,000 At least 352,000
ment of Natural Resources
and regions Bosnia and Herzegovina

Up to 208,000

At least 980,000

About 50,000 We offer: High quality, frequent teacher-student interaction and a pleasant social and physical
Internal Displacement Occupied Palestinian Territory
At least 160,000 India
At least 650,000
environment characterise education at UMB.
Global Overview of Trends and
Note: Public universities in Norway do not charge tuition fees, this also applies to interna-
Chad Bangladesh
171,000 Undetermined

Developments in 2010

the analysis
Senegal 2,800,000 Laos

tional students.
Mexico 10,000–40,000 Undetermined
Syria Sri Lanka
About 120,000 Liberia At least At least
Undetermined 433,000 327,000 The Philippines
At least 15,000
Côte d´Ivoire Lebanon
Undetermined At least 76,000

UMB’s Main Objectives are:

Guatemala Togo Yemen Myanmar
Undetermined Undetermined About 250,000 At least 446,000
Eritrea Indonesia
Niger About 10,000 About 200,000 Timor-Leste
Undetermined Undetermined

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3,600,000–5,200,000 Ethiopia
Nigeria About
Undetermined CAR 300,000
Peru Somalia

environmental science, land use and natural resource management, as well as associated and
About 150,000 4,500,000– Republic of About 1,500,000
5,200,000 the Congo Kenya
Up to 7,800 About 250,000

technical subjects;
DRC Uganda
About At least 166,000
1,700,000 Rwanda
Angola Burundi

• to actively contribute to business development and continue to strengthen the scientific basis for
Undetermined Up to 100,000

agriculture, aquaculture and other industries based on the utilisation of natural resources. More information:

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