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Name : Syarifah Jinan Rahima

Student ID : 2006102020079

Understanding the key terms in an argumentative text.


Argumentation (2)

Refutation (5)

Proponent (6)

Opponent (1)

Counter Argument (CON) (4)

Pro Argument (PRO) (3)

1. a person who disagrees with something and speaks against it

2. the act or process of forming reasons, drawing conclusions, and applying them to a case in

3. point or statement that supports one’s ideas and/or thesis

4. point or statement in opposition to the argument being made in a written document or speech

5. the process of discrediting the arguments that oppose your thesis statement

6. someone who argues in favor of something; advocate

Argument is a discussion on a certain topic that contains several perspectives in it. An
argument can not be formed if there are no two opposite sides in it. Therefore, the agreement and
disagreement play an important role in this activity, where the agreement is in charge of giving favor
to the topic, while the disagreement is in charge of rejecting the favor.

Argumentative writing is a genre of writing that asks students to carry out argument
activities in the writing process, such as investigating topics, collecting and evaluating evidence, etc.
The goal of this writing is to provide readers with opinions on controversial topics, and explain,
clarify, and illustrate opinions to support the validation of the author's opinion. Another goal is to
encourage readers and convince readers that the author's opinion on the topic deserves to be
reconsidered by giving evidence, facts, examples or even statistics.
In making argumentative text, we need to pay attention to the key terms and also the
structure of the text. The key terms contained are argumentation, refutarion, proponent,
opponent, counter argument (CON), and pro argument (PRO). Argumentation is an activity where
you collect reasons, form conclusions and then apply them to the topic of discussion. refutation is an
action to oppose the thesis' statement. Then, the Proponent will be in charged of advocating the
statement by providing points or statements that support the thesis (pro argument), whereas the
Opponent will do the opposite by showing a statement that refutes the thesis (counter argument).
Argumentative text has 3 stages, which are the introduction paragraph, the body paragraph, and the
concluding paragraph. The introduction paragraph provides general background of the case and the
thesis statement. The body paragraph concludes topic sentences, evidence, commentary, counter
argument, and rebuttal. On the last part which is the concluding paragraph, there are restatement
of the thesis and suggestion.

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