An Analysis of Lots and Hots Questions in Bahasa Inggris For Senior High School Grade 12-1

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Group 3
1. Ziyadatul Ikhsan (1906102020022)
2. Rasmika (1906102020008)
3. Syarifah Jinan (2006102020079)
4. Thara hendri Safitri
5. Wilda Marjana (1906102020033)


LOTS (Low Order Thinking Skill) is thinking process which only in a

remembering cognitive level. HOTS (Higher Order Thinking Skill) are a thinking

process of students at a higher cognitive level. This study aims to understand the context

of LOTS and HOTS questions and also to find out whether the questions in students’

textbook already achieve the desired imperatives or not through a guide for the levels of

cognitive based on revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The writer analyzed the reading

comprehension questions in the textbook of Bahasa Inggris for Senior High School

Students Grade 12 revised edition of the 2013 curriculum.

Keywords: LOTS, HOTS, Students Textbook.

As one of the learning sources, textbooks play an important role in English

teaching and learning process to facilitate students in knowing and obtaining

teaching materials easily. Damayanti (2019) states that English textbooks contain

several material, instructions, and tasks to improve student’s ability in English. From

those explanations, it is very helpful both for students and teachers, specially to help

teachers to give appropriate materials to students systematic.

The Indonesia Ministry of Education and Culture has recently the 2013

curriculum, known as the revised edition of the 2013 curriculum. In this new

2013 curriculum, students are required to think more deeply to develop their

cognitive competencies and emphasize their critical thinking. It involves analyze,

evaluation, and create, which is usually called higher-order thinking skills

(HOTS).The government therefore expects students to be more critical thinking and

analytical in their creation so that they can solve the problems they face in their daily

lives. Therefore, Linggasari (2015) states that the Indonesian government through

the Minister of Education has decided to raise the analytical test or the issue of higher-

order thinking to 10% each year. Based on the policy of the Directorate for Secondary

Schools (2015), it is stated that teacher are expected to encourage students to be creative

and to support their independence in solving problems. From the above explanation,

the researcher believes that higher-order thinking reading skills are very important

in reading, because in reading activities students must be able to answer reading

question and students are more accustomed to them when dealing with problems that

occur so will create independence.

The researcher thinks that reading the HOTS distribution exercises in textbooks

is very important. The Ministry of Education and Culture of Indonesia revised the

2013 curriculum, known as the 2013 revised curriculum to play an important role in

building student’s and textbooks related to reading complements.

HOTS (High Order Thinking Skill) questions are questions that have a difficulty

level from medium to very difficult. HOTS questions are useful for improving students’

thinking skills in answering questions.

Higher order thinking skills are strategic thinking skills to use information in

solving problems, analyzing arguments, negotiating issues, or making predictions (Sani,

2019). Furthermore, according to Resnick (1987), Higher Order Thinking Skill is a

complex process in describing material, making conclusions, building representations,

analyzing, and building relationships involving the most basic mental activities. So it

can be concluded that the HOTS questions are designed to train students’ thinking

levels in describing, concluding, analyzing, and solving a problem.

Based on Bloom’s Table Taxonomy, cognitive level is divided into two parts.

The first is lower order thinking skills Second, higher order thinking skills

which include: are:

(C1) remember (remembering), (C4) analyzing skills (analyzing),

(C2) understand, and (C5) evaluate (evaluating), and

(C3) applying (applying). (C6) create / create (creating).

This analysis uses quantitative method in analyzing the context. This aims to

understand the implementation of HOTS questions in the textbook of Bahasa Inggris for

Senior High School Grade 2 from Chapter 1 to chapter 11. The writer only concludes

reading comprehension question for the analysis. The writer will refer to cognitive

domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy do sort of the total of LOTS and HOTS questions.

According to cognitive domain of Bloom’s Taxonomy, there are six levels of cognitive

domain. They are C1 (remember), C2 (understand), C3 (apply), C4 (analyze), C5

(evaluate), and C6 (create). Those levels are divided into LOTS and HOTS. C1 to C3 is

included in LOTS question while C4 to C6 is HOTS.

The writer will choose all the reading questions from every chapter and sort them out

based on their cognitive level based on Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. For instance, the

question of “what is the purpose of the text?” question will be put in C1 level, because

the question will have just to mention what the purpose after reading the text. In other

simple words, the question is included in C1 level according to the guide in Bloom’s

Taxonomy. On the other hand, the question of “why do you think so?’ will be put in C5

level because the question needs a critical thinking to answer it. In addition, it also

because in 5 there is a keyword “opinion”, which really suits the question. Thus, those

are how the writer will collect the data of LOTS and HOTS questions in 12 th grade

Senior High School Students English Textbook.


The writer has collected the materials and questions. In this aspect of analysis, the writer

has found out 77 reading comprehension questions in total. The writer collected the
questions in every chapter, from chapter 1 to chapter 11. The table of the questions

analysis will be listed below.

No. Cognitive Domain of Bloom’s

Chapter Reading Comprehension
Low Order High Order
Thinking Thinking
C1 C2 C3 C4 C5 C6

1. What do you expect to see and ✓

enjoy there?

2. Complete the blanks with suitable ✓


3. Please complete the following ✓

sentences by refering to previous
reading text.


1. What is the type of the following

2. Why do people write such text? ✓

3. To whom is the letter sent? ✓

4. Who wrote the application letter? ✓

5. What is the purpose of writing the ✓


6. What position is being ✓


7. How did Lilis Handayani know the ✓


8. What is Lilis’ current position? ✓

9. What has her current position ✓

provided with?

10. What other responsibilities does ✓

she have at the moment?

11. Do you think that Lilis is confident ✓

about her competence? How do
you know?

1. What is the purpose of the text? ✓

2. How are the ideas in the text

3. Where are apartments usually
found? ✓

4. What do apartments generally
look like?

5. How are apartments different
from houses?

6. What is the source of the text?

7. What is the text about? What is

the social function of the text?

8. Which one is the headline? Write
it down.

9. Why do you think living in ✓

apartment is getting popular?

10. Can you identify some regulations
of living in an apartment? What
are they?

11. Who sets the regulations?


1. What is the main problem faced
by the parents?

2. Why did the parents feel ✓

disappointed with the online

3. Who was rejected from school ✓

due to his/her height?

4. What happened to Nuraisyah ✓

Paransa’s son?

5. Mention some technical problems

in the registration using the ✓
online system!

6. What makes the online system ✓

problematic this year?

7. Why do people prefer public ✓

schools to private schools?

8. If you were one of the parents,
what would you do to deal with
the problems in the online

9. What do you think about the
acting governor’s response to the
parents’ protests?

10. If you were the acting governor,
how would you respond to the
parents’ concerns?

7 Task 3

1. What was the main agenda of the ✓


2. What was probably the main ✓

reason for holding the

3. Why was Surabaya selected to be ✓

the conference venue?

4. How important was the
conference for Indonesia?

5. Has Indonesia implemented the ✓

three Rs so far?

6. What did Rismaharini believe to ✓

be the best municipal waste

7. What made the mayor very

convinced about her waste ✓
8. How did the mayor educate ✓
students to live zero waste life

9. What do you think about the
mayor’s concept on municipal
waste management?

1. What are their functions? ✓

2. Why do you think so?

3. What information about leopard ✓
geckos did you get from reading?

4. What is the text talking about? ✓

5. What is the purpose of the text? ✓

6. What parts does the text have? ✓

7. How many materials are needed ✓

to make?

8. How many steps are there? ✓

9. What are they? ✓

10. Why do you think so?

11. What should we do if we want to ✓
have male or female leopard

12. What is the text discussing about? ✓

13. What is the purpose of the text? ✓

14. How many parts does the text ✓


15. How many steps are there? What ✓

are they? ✓
16. Why do you think so?

10 Task 2

1. How many Photoshop tools are
introduced in the text above?

2. What is the most important
element in Photoshop?

3. Why should you always label your


4. What can you do with layers?

5. How can you customize your own

color in the Photoshop?

6. What should you do to add text to
your photo?

7. Do you think you Custom Brushes
& The Brush Tool determine the
position of the text?

8. If you want to show only part of
your picture, what tool will you

9. Do you think the text is originally
finished or it is continued other

10. What further information do you ✓

need so that you can really
operate Photoshop?

11 Task 2

1. What does the composer

compare the world with?

2. How does the composer describe

the world that we live in now? ✓
Mention some phrases from the
lyrics that can support your
answer. ✓

3. What dream does the singer have

about the world? Quote some
phrases from the lyrics. ✓

4. How can the dream be realized?

Show the lines that tells so.

5. What is one thing that can solve

problems in this world? ✓

6. What do you understand about

these lines : “make a little space
make a better place ...”
51 6 1 12 7 0
66,2 7,79 1,29 15,5 9,09 0
Total % % % 8% %
75,31% 24,59%

According to the result of an analysis that we did in the 12 th grade English book

in reading comprehension section show that LOTS questions dominate more than

HOTS questions. The questions in reading comprehension of this book are more using

the first part of bloom taxonomy in its cognitive skill that is C1 which known as

“remember”. For examples question in chapter 9 “what is the text talk about?”, in this

question students are asked to find out and tell what is the text talk about which

basically they just have to remember about what they have read before. However, it is

one of characteristic of LOTS question which says that just want the ability to

remember the memory of the knowledge that has been taught.


In our opinion, this book is still unable to achieve the desired imperatives because

basically the 2013 curriculum book must be assembled so that students are able to think
critically not only referring to understanding and following the learning path just like

that. This is also in accordance with the theory put forward by Steffen Saifer (2018) in

the book HOT Skills: Developing Higher-Order Thinking in Young Learners, he stated

that the questions in the form of LOTS only teach students to imitate, memorize and

follow the rules according to what has been set. this is of course different from the hots

question system which hones students' critical thinking skills so that they can better

adapt to the surrounding environment

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