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Manz AG in cooperation with PEM Motion

Cell Contacting Systems Used Today ............................................................................................. 2

Future Cell Contacting Systems ....................................................................................................... 5

Production and Assembly of Cell Contacting Systems ............................................................... 7

Market Development of Cell Contacting Systems ........................................................................ 9

Typical Performance and Ampacity Requirements .................................................................... 12

Quality Features of the Cell Contacting System .......................................................................... 14

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Cell Contacting Systems Used Today

Basics and functions of the cell contacting system

In electrically powered vehicles, the cell contacting system (CCS) represents the first level of electrical
power transmission between the battery cell and consumers or power sources. Electric vehicles have
a few hundred to a few thousand battery cells that are connected. A fully charged lithium-ion single
cell usually has a maximum voltage of 4.2 V and, depending on the capacity, can deliver currents of a
few amperes up to several 100 amperes. Battery systems for passenger cars operate with voltages
between 400 V and 800 V and must be capable of delivering currents of up to 500 A (sometimes even
higher). To reach these voltage and current levels, individual battery cells are connected in parallel and
in series.

To do this, the battery cells are combined into several functional groups or blocks, which in turn are
electrically connected to form the overall battery system. These blocks are braced in a housing and
referred to as a battery module. While the battery modules are usually connected in series, the battery
cells within the modules are connected both in parallel and in series. If the battery cells are small, such
as in the cylindrical design, many (from about 10 and up to high two-digit numbers) battery cells are
connected in parallel. With large battery cells, sometimes only two are connected in parallel or there
is even a pure series connection. It is precisely this electrical interconnection of the battery cells at
module level that is taken over by the CCS. These therefore exist in numerous designs and geometries,
specifically adapted to the respective battery module.

In addition to the electrical connection of the individual battery cells, other functions are also
implemented and integrated into the CCS. These are primarily the potential taps for voltage monitoring
and temperature-dependent resistors (thermistors) for temperature measurement at neuralgic points.
Furthermore, these signals must be forwarded to the battery management system (BMS) at module
level, also known as cell monitoring unit (CMU) or BMS slave. These additional functions further
expand the options for the structure, geometry, and materials of the CCS.

Requirements of the cell contacting system

To fulfil its function, the CCS must be able to compensate for the tolerances between the individual
battery cells that arise during module assembly and contact the battery cells with the lowest possible
resistance over the entire life cycle. The CCS is exposed to vibrations and shocks during operation as
well as the change in size of the battery cell due to charging and discharging. Different temperatures
in the system also cause additional mechanical stress due to different expansions. If the properties of
the connection between the battery cells change or fail completely, this causes undefined conditions
in the battery system. Thus, individual battery cells are less charged or discharged due to a change in
resistance or are completely decoupled. This places a higher load on the remaining battery cells, which
in turn leads to increased ageing and an increased safety risk. Direct failure or functional impairment
is also conceivable. For this reason, the CCS is an extremely quality- and safety-relevant component
in the battery system.

Designs of the cell contacting system

Basically, CCS can be differentiated according to the design and choice of material of the individual
components as well as their integration into a complete CCS. In addition, there are considerable
differences in the design of the CCS for the various battery cell formats (cylindrical, prismatic & pouch).
Not every design is suitable for every cell format. The basic component of the CCS for the electrical
connection between the individual battery cells is a stamped, folded and sometimes additionally

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lasered sheet metal part, which is referred to in the following as a busbar. The materials used are
nickel-plated copper, coated aluminum, or steel.

This can be positioned directly as an individual part on the battery cells or first mounted in a plastic
frame, which then contains all the connectors for an entire battery module. The plastic frame can also
hold the conductor tracks or cables of the sensors or the entire printed circuit board (PCB) of the CMU,
which converts the analogue sensor values into digital ones and passes them on to the central BMS
(the BMS-master). This integration significantly reduces the time and effort required to mount the CCS
in module production. In addition, wires for the potential connections can be partially substituted by
direct connections of the busbars to the BMS slaves. Another possibility for integrating the individual
components is the production of a laminated CCS. In this case, the components are laminated into a
multi-layer component made of composite foils or applied to a carrier foil. In addition, flat plastic parts
can be used in this design to stabilize the composite. Here, too, the advantage is that the effort
required for module assembly is significantly reduced, as only one component needs to be placed
and connected.

The sensors in the CCS are connected to the CMU either in cable form or as flexible printed circuit
(FPC). In the version with cables, each potential tap / thermistor receives an individual cable. These
are usually mounted in a complex manner either in the CCS or in the module assembly process and
connected to the CMU. Using an FPC, on the other hand, creates a single component that combines
the various sensors and cables and is connected to the CMU with a connector. On the sensor side,
this is either connected directly to the cell terminal or attached to the bus bar. This is done by welding
or bonding. The version with cables is either mounted directly in the module production or connected
to a carrier frame in the production of the CCS. With the use of FPCs the connections laminated into
the CCS to create an integrated part.

Differences of the cell contacting system regarding the different battery cell formats

Cylindrical battery cells have a high number of parallel connections. One pole is tapped at a terminal
on the top of the battery cell, the other pole is tapped at the housing. The latter can be done either on
the top or the bottom of the battery cell. Contacting from the top side is the preferred option for
technical reasons. Due to the high number of serial and parallel connections and the close distance
between the two poles, CCS for cylindrical battery cells have comparatively complex geometries. After
successful assembly, distance compensation is less important for cylindrical battery cells, as they are
either embedded in a potting compound/casting resin or fixed in plastic cell holders and hardly expand
during charging. With cylindrical battery cells, there is also the special feature that the busbars are
sometimes not contacted directly on the battery cell. In this case, the busbar is contacted to the
battery cell by wire bonding or foils soldered to the busbar. Here, the cell contacting fulfils the function
of a single cell fuse, which is intended to melt in the event of overload or high currents before the cell
is overloaded.

In prismatic battery cells, usually no more than four cells are connected in parallel. The contacts are
either on the upper side or the end faces of the battery cells. Expansion during charging and vibrations
during operation play a significant role here, as these cells are not firmly encapsulated and, due to
their design, larger volume changes can occur during charging. Tolerance compensation in the
busbars is therefore important and is realized by a curved bridge in this connector. Currently, the CCS
for prismatic cells are usually pre-assembled in a plastic frame and attached to the pre-tensioned
battery module during module assembly. However, laminated CCS are also increasingly used.

Pouch cells are usually also connected in parallel to no more than four cells. Here, however, contacting
takes place at the end faces of the battery cells. The flexible tabs of the pouch cells pose a challenge
here. In contrast to the other cell formats, these are not rigidly attached directly to the housing, but
are designed as easily bendable cell tabs that protrude from the battery cell. Therefore, in the
assembly of the battery module, a plastic component is first placed on top, which brings the arresters

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into a defined position. Then the busbars are put on, the tabs are bent onto the surface and welded.
Due to the two-sided assembly and the flexible arresters, all the individual components of the Pouch-
CCS are only joined together in the module assembly. Complete pre-assembly of the CCS is not
possible here. In the pouch module, the sensors are usually placed as FPCs above the battery cells
and connected to the tabs on both sides.

Figure 1: Differentiation of various CCS designs with differentiation according to the cell format

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Future Cell Contacting Systems

Future trends in battery systems and development of the battery system landscape

In future battery system architectures, significant changes will be visible compared to systems known
today. Some of these changes are already emerging in battery systems from vehicles released during
2022. These changes have two main goals. Firstly, the energy density is to be increased by reducing
the materials that are not actively involved in energy storage. Secondly, the assembly effort is to be
reduced by making the systems simpler, more uniform and made of fewer components. As a result,
the number of units can be increased, and the costs reduced.

The technical implementation of these goals results in several trends that are emerging in the
construction of battery systems. The best-known trend is the implementation of Cell-To-X (CTX) battery
systems. While in the past the structure of a battery system was standard in the three levels of battery
cell, battery module and battery system or battery pack, this architecture is increasingly being replaced
by the elimination of these clear boundaries. Three approaches can be distinguished. In this context,
Cell-To-Pack refers to the direct integration of the battery cells into the battery pack. For assembly
reasons, the cells are often pre-assembled into groups first. The Cell-To-Chassis approach is similar,
in which the battery pack is fused with the chassis and the battery cells are installed directly in the
underbody of the vehicle. Both approaches are suitable for pouch cells to a limited extent. For these,
the third approach, Module-To-Chassis, is particularly suitable. Here, ready-assembled modules are
installed in the underbody of the vehicle. Since pouch cells do not have an inherently stable housing
and must therefore be installed in modules, this design is the alternative for Cell-To-Chassis for pouch

All approaches have in common that both the individual battery cells and the battery modules or cell
clusters will become larger in the future. This is another aspect for avoiding inactive masses and thus
improving energy density. In addition, a trend towards simplifying the structure and reducing the
number of components can be seen in all systems. The elimination and simplification of numerous
components also increases the degree of integration of the battery system into the overall vehicle. In
the future, battery systems with prismatic battery cells will also increasingly feature lateral contacting.

For cylindrical battery cells, the future trend will be a new standard diameter of 46 mm instead of the
current 21 mm, which is equivalent to a fivefold increase in volume and thus energy content. For
prismatic battery cells, the average energy content will more than double from 100 Ah to over 200 Ah.
The energy content of pouch cells will also increase significantly, although the increase is more
difficult to quantify here. In regard of battery modules or cell groups, the trend is also clearly towards
a single-digit number of assemblies in a battery system.

Regarding the development of the market shares of the different battery cell formats, no clear trend
is discernible - all three cell formats remain relevant. However, it is becoming apparent that prismatic
and cylindrical battery cells will achieve higher market shares than pouch cells by 2030.

Current examples of architectural changes in battery systems

Current examples of CTX approaches include the Tesla Model Y and Tesla Model 3, where the chassis
underbody is also the battery system/pack. At the same time, this system uses larger battery cells
than before. These are installed in the 46800 format (46 mm diameter, 80 mm height) instead of 21700
(21 mm diameter, 70 mm height) and thus have a significantly higher energy content.

Another example is BYD's "Blade" battery systems. These are based on the battery cell of the same
name, which has a width of 900 mm and thus advances into new dimensions. Depending on the
model, one or two rows of these battery cells are installed in the vehicle underbody, stacked in the
direction of travel, and contacted from the side.

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Figure 2: Future developments in battery systems and their consequences for the CCS

Technological derivation of the effects of the respective trends on the cell contacting system

For the CCS, the trends described above mean above all increasing requirements in terms of costs
and quality, but also in terms of installation space and weight. The assemblies of the CCS are
becoming larger and have a higher degree of integration to have as few work steps and thus costs as
possible in the assembly of the CCS in the module assembly. As a result of these trends, the CCS to
be manufactured will grow from less than 50 cm at the longest edge to up to 200 cm in some cases.

Since the assembly of the battery cell modules is sometimes only completed in the underbody of the
vehicle, the positioning and welding of the CCS is also only possible after the cells have been installed.
This underlines the trend towards largely completely pre-assembled CCS. If we look at the trend within
the pre-assembly of TCS, it is moving towards laminated composite components. CATL uses this type
of CCS construction, for example, in the battery systems of the NIO ET7 and in the Tesla Model 3 and
Model Y for the prismatic battery cells. Another advantage over a plastic frame is that the design tends
to be flatter, which means that a few millimeters of installation space can be gained in the vehicle

Due to the generally higher degree of integration and the more difficult disassembly, repairs to battery
systems will be more costly and thus less economical in the future. Tesla, for example, encapsulates
its entire 4680 battery system with structural polyurethane foam at the end of production. In the event
of a defect, such an approach may make it necessary to replace the entire battery system. This
increases the demands on the quality of the entire battery system and its components, which also
affects the CCS. A production defect here can mean a recall with replacement of the complete battery
system. At the same time, the larger dimensions of the CCS also increase the demands on
manufacturing tolerances, positioning accuracies and tolerance compensation (vibrations, cell
breathing, thermal fluctuations). The electrical demands on the CCS are also increasing due to larger
battery cells and higher charging power of the vehicles. As a result, higher currents or voltages must
be transmitted through the CCS than is the case in today's vehicles. The increased requirements due
to higher voltage levels in the battery system are dealt with in a separate section.

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Production and Assembly of Cell Contacting Systems

Introduction and overview of the production of cell contact systems

In the manufacture and assembly of CCS, a basic distinction can be made between two areas. On the
one hand, the production of the individual components of the CCS and, on the other hand, the
assembly into a complete system. In the case of the components, the manufacture of the bus bars,
the sensors, and other components such as HV terminals, plastic frames or foils differ fundamentally
from one another. During the assembly of the CCS, various process chains are used, such as
assembly, welding, gluing, foiling, soldering, ablation, sealing and cleaning, as well as various quality
controls. In the case of pouch cells, there is usually no CCS pre-assembly, and in the case of cylindrical
and prismatic battery cells, busbars without a carrier frame or foil can also be used, which are also not
pre-assembled to form a CCS. In these designs, the CCS components are only assembled during
module assembly, which is why they are not considered below.

Production of the individual components

Busbars are manufactured in large-scale production in several punching and forming or bending steps.
The desired geometry is produced step by step from a sheet metal strip made of conductive material
such as copper, aluminum, or steel in a progressive die or on an automatic stamping and bending
machine. For smaller quantities or as a supplement, laser and bending processes can also be used.
The frequently used plastic carrier frame is produced as an injection-moulded part. FPCs are produced
by laminating very thin (approx. 0.07 mm) copper strips between two PET layers. These PET layers,
usually 0.05 mm thick, are coated with a thermosetting adhesive that is activated during the lamination
process. In addition, thermal sensors as well as connection points for voltage and current
measurement are integrated on the cell terminals during the lamination process. At the other end, a
connector is contacted for connection to the CMU. If wires are used instead of FPCs, these are usually
combined in a pre-assembly group to form an LV cable harness, which can then also be fitted with a
connector for transmitting the temperature, current and voltage values to the CMU.

Assembly of the individual components to form the complete system of the cell contacting system

In the assembly of the CCS, the individual components are assembled step by step to form a complete
system. In the process, the individual components are first taken from the respective work stock and
fed into the process. Then the busbars are placed on the carrier, either the foil or the plastic frame,
using the pick-and-place process. They are fixed to the plastic frame either by hot caulking or by snap
fits during assembly. If the carrier is a foil, the parts are joined by gluing, by applying an adhesive layer
to the foil. In the next step, the FPC or LV wiring harness (not used with laminated systems) is placed
and fixed. At this point at the latest, the thermal sensors are covered with heat conducting pads.

In the case of the wiring harness, this is clipped into the carrier frame, which presents a challenge to
the repeatability of robotics and automation technology. Alternatively, this process step is carried out
manually, which is why this design is used less frequently in large-scale production. If an FPC is used,
it is placed together with the busbars on the carrier frame or sometimes also threaded into clearances.
Guide elements such as recesses or pins are often inserted into the plastic frame to enable a defined
position and prevent slippage. In some cases, the FPC is also glued or hot-pressed onto the carrier.

If the FPC is laminated, the positioning is done on the adhesive carrier foil. Depending on the geometry
and wiring, an additional foil with corresponding cut-outs can also be used. In the next step, the current
and voltage sensors are connected to the busbars at the appropriate points. To do this, the
corresponding surfaces must be cleaned, which is done by plasma or laser cleaning at this point at

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the latest. Welding of these components is usually done with the ultrasonic welding process, but
increasingly also with the laser welding process.

Optionally, after the individual components have been assembled, a cover or protective film can be
applied to the CCS with a carrier frame, but this must be removed again before welding to the battery
cells. In the case of laminated CCS, the last layers are glued after the components have been
assembled so that a closed system is created. The edges are usually closed (closed mould).

Finally, cleaning steps and an end-of-line test (EoL) are carried out. The EoL test includes a visual
inspection, an insulation test, and an electrical test of the sensor system. The special features of the
CCS quality will be discussed in more detail in a later section. The individual CCS can also be marked
by laser engraving.

Challenges in the production of cell contact systems

The manufacturing steps described above present numerous challenges. On the one hand, many
small components must be placed with high speed and accuracy using the busbars. On the other
hand, flexible components such as cables, FPCs or carrier foils must be handled and positioned
precisely. These aspects place high demands on automation, assembly, and gripping technology. At
the same time, the demands on quantities, cycle times, quality and costs are constantly increasing.
The increased trend towards laminated CCS also means a change in production for CCS manufacturers
towards increased handling of flexible and adhesive components. In return, such laminated systems
in combination with large and standardized CCS offer the advantage of developing production more
in the direction of a continuous process. For this reason, continuous development of the
manufacturing processes and the product is necessary.

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Market Development of Cell Contacting Systems

General market development of battery electric vehicles (passenger cars, light duty vehicles; BEV,

The market development of cell contacting systems (CCS) is directly linked to the market development
of electric vehicles (EVs) and the battery systems installed in them. Political framework conditions and
ambitious electrification plans of the major car manufacturers will lead to strong growth in the market
for EVs worldwide in the coming years. In the process, not only the absolute number of EV sales but
also the share of EV sales in the overall passenger car market will increase strongly.

In 2021, around 6.6 million EVs were sold worldwide, which includes plug-in hybrids as well as pure
battery electric vehicles. Of these, 36 % of sales were in Europe and 10 % in the USA. The market
development figures presented below are based on the evaluation of several current forecasts, the
results of which are shown in figure 3. According to these, the market for EVs will continue to grow
strongly until 2030, so that worldwide sales of EVs will amount to almost 19 million vehicles in 2025
and around 39 million EVs in 2030. This represents a market growth of over 400% relative to 2021,
with the US market experiencing stronger growth than the European market over this period, although
the European market will remain almost twice as large as the US market in 2030 due to the significantly
higher sales figures already seen in Europe. This stronger growth is additionally driven by US
government measures such as the Inflation Reduction Act. In Germany, too, it is highly likely that
further programs will be initiated to promote electromobility in the future. The German government
repeatedly confirms ambitious expansion targets, such as most recently at the Mobility Summit 2023,
where the goal of 15 million fully electric passenger cars on the road by 2030 was expressed.

Additional conditions in the battery systems market

In regard of the battery cell format, there is still no clear market decision. Currently, all three battery
cell formats (pouch, cylindrical, prismatic) are produced and used to a significant extent. How the
future demand for battery cells will be divided among the battery cell formats can only be estimated
on the base of current developments and announcements. The evaluation of different studies
concludes that all three battery cell formats will continue to be used to a relevant extent in the next
ten years, with the prismatic battery cell having the highest market share. This is followed by the
cylindrical battery cell, which is the only battery cell format that can achieve significant gains in market
share. Well-known German OEMs, for example, show that cylindrical cells will also be used in future
alongside prismatic battery cells. The pouch cell has the smallest market share of the battery cell
formats, but at 26 % in 2030 it will only be five percentage points behind the cylindrical battery cell
and thus continues to be highly relevant. The multi-sourcing strategy of the car manufacturers in
regard of battery cells also suggests that the battery cell formats will continue to be evenly distributed.

Looking at the production structure, it is already apparent that vehicle manufacturers are striving for
the shortest possible transport routes for battery cells, modules, and systems. All major vehicle
manufacturers are focusing on local production and local assembly of these battery cells by keeping
the distances between the supplying battery cell production, the associated battery module and pack
production and the supplied vehicle plant short. A short transport route means that the transport can
take place within 1-2 days by rail or truck. Short transport distances are also aimed for when the battery
cells are produced by a joint venture or a supplier. In some cases, different suppliers are chosen for
different markets, who set up battery cell or component production in relative proximity to the plants
to be supplied. This strategy can be seen in the example of the Asian battery cell manufacturers CATL,
BYD, LG or Samsung, which are also increasingly manufacturing their battery cells in Europe and the
USA to supply the battery system and vehicle productions there.

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Impact on the market for cell contacting systems

The consequence of this is that the battery module and system assemblies are in many cases either
directly attached to the battery cell or vehicle production or accessible via short transport routes. It is
at this point in vehicle production that the need for CCS arises. This means that in spatial proximity to
locations with a traditionally strong automotive industry, there is also a high demand for the supply of

On the one hand, competences in classic manufacturing processes such as stamping, forming,
injection molding are needed for CCS, and on the other hand, considerable know-how is required in
the assembly area (gripping technology, robotics, pick-and-place, cleaning, welding, quality control).
The existence of competences in this area thus represents a relevant location factor to produce CCS.
At the same time, the transport of CCS is far less critical than that of battery cells. On the one hand,
significantly less mass and volume must be transported per manufactured vehicle, and on the other
hand, the safety regulations for transport are significantly lower than for the energy storage units
themselves. Due to the high degree of automation in the production of CCS, personnel costs play a
subordinate role in the location decision. Overall, location factors such as favorable supply chain and
production conditions, the availability of suitable personnel and an intact service network in
mechanical and plant engineering come to the fore for CCS manufacturing.

Figure 3: Market development of EV sales

In the coming years up to 2030, the CCS will remain a product with a low degree of standardization
and great potential for differentiation between the individual vehicle manufacturers and battery cell
formats. Consequently, there will be no accumulation in the market to a few CCS manufacturers, but
rather a diversification of CCS manufacturers with specialization on the different requirements
regarding battery cell format and system design. In competition, it is therefore crucial to provide a
product and production concept for a specific system design as early as possible that meets the
requirements of the car manufacturers in terms of costs and quality. At the same time, a certain degree

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of flexibility is required to react to design changes as needed. In the above contexts, mechanical and
plant engineering plays a key role in the implementation of such production concepts.

Figure 4: Market shares of battery cell formats

For the markets in Europe and the USA, according to market forecasts, there is a total demand for
CCS for just under 7.5 million EVs in 2025 and over 15 million EVs in 2030. For each battery system,
an average of about 1000 cylindrical battery cells and 100 - 200 pouch and prismatic battery cells must
be interconnected. In future, these cells will be grouped in comparatively large units (4 - 10 battery
cell groups per battery system), each of which will then have a CCS. As a result, the number of CCS
and individual components will be many times higher than the number of vehicles. At the same time,
carmakers demand the highest possible degree of pre-assembly for the CCS to keep the additional
effort in battery module and system production as low as possible. Thus, on average, seven CCS with
up to 30 individual parts must be produced per vehicle. From the point of view of machine and system
manufacturers, it is therefore crucial to provide feasible system concepts that can produce this large
number of individual components cost-effectively and reliably with a high degree of pre-assembly.

Figure 5: Exemplary production network with machine and plant manufacturer in the center

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Typical Performance and Ampacity Requirements

Advantages of higher voltages in electric vehicles

In future battery systems, the trend will be towards higher voltages in the range of 800 V and partly
above. This will successively become established in vehicles in the mass market, starting with higher-
quality vehicle models. It is expected that the market share of 800 V battery systems in new
registrations will exceed the 50 % mark in the second half of the 2020s.

The high system voltage offers advantages especially about the external connections of the battery.
For example, the charging cables can have a thinner cross-section with the same power. The same
applies to the high-voltage wiring inside the vehicle between the chargers and inverters and the
battery. Furthermore, the electric motors can achieve a higher power density at a higher voltage.
Overall, a relevant weight saving can be achieved at vehicle level. Line losses are also reduced due to
the lower amperage.

Figure 6: Differences between 400 V and 800 V battery systems

Challenges of higher voltages and currents in electric vehicles

The increasing current flow due to the higher voltage, however, places higher demands on the
material, geometry, connection, and thermal design of the electrical connectors (busbars). At the
same time, the requirements for fast charging of the vehicles and the growing battery cell sizes
result in higher currents in the DCS. The charging power and battery cell size correlate directly with
the current flow at battery cell level.

Above all, the requirements regarding increased creepage distances are problematic in the design of
DCSs. Due to the higher voltage, arcing is possible over significantly longer distances. The
prevention of such arcs can be achieved on the one hand through better insulation and on the other

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hand through greater distances between current-carrying components with high potential

Challenges for cell contact systems and their assembly

To produce CCPs, this means that laminated or encapsulated systems are gaining in importance. In
these designs, the current-carrying components are almost completely encased by a film or potting
compound made of dielectric materials. This considerably reduces the risk of electric arcing. In the
assembly itself, production errors during lamination thus pose a significant risk.

The higher currents also increase the quality requirements about the connection to the battery cell.
Here it is particularly important that the positioning and flatness of the busbars are maintained within
exact tolerances. The quality of the weld seam for the cell contacts and for the sensor cable is also
becoming more important.

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Quality Features of the Cell Contacting System

General quality characteristics of the cell contacting system and their effects

For a CCS to fully perform its function over the entire service life of a battery system, it must meet
various quality criteria. These include, for example, requirements regarding the fatigue strength,
corrosion resistance and thermal resistance of the CCS. Failure to meet the quality requirements can,
in the worst case, lead to a defective battery system or sensor technology. This would necessitate
repairs or possibly a replacement of the battery system in which the CCS is installed and cause high
costs for the manufacturer or customer. Such a case of damage can be prevented by an appropriate
design and development of the CCS and product-specific, qualified manufacturing processes by
ensuring, checking, and continuously documenting the quality-relevant properties during the
manufacture and assembly of the CCS.

Quality features of the individual components

The individual components of a CCS are produced by different processes. For busbars, for example,
punching, forming, and bending steps are carried out on an automatic punch-bending machine. Here,
among other things, attention must be paid to precise material feed and exact strip guidance to ensure
dimensional accuracy. In addition, the rigidity of the automatic machine and the pressing force also
influence the quality of the workpieces. A press force monitoring system can provide inline quality
assurance here, for example. Various process parameters also have an influence on the quality when
the support frame is manufactured as an injection-moulded part. Here, for example, the thermal
expansion of the mould and the temperature of the material are important parameters, as they directly
influence the dimensional accuracy of the support frame during assembly. Depending on the design
and requirements of the subsequent assembly steps, technical cleanliness on delivery can also be an
important quality criterion for the individual components.

Quality features during assembly to the cell contacting system

The assembly of the individual components to the CCS must also be considered within the framework
of quality assurance, as the quality of the CCS can also be decisively influenced here. Different process
steps require different, automated pick-and-place operations, such as the merging of busbars and
carrier frame or foil or the insertion of the sensor cable or cable spider. The precision of the pick-and-
place process plays a very important role here, to bring the two components together with an accurate
fit and to ensure the further assembly process. A prerequisite for a stable process here is a high repeat
accuracy of the robot at high speeds and the dimensional accuracy of the individual components. If
these prerequisites are not met, this can possibly lead to damage to the components, such as the
breaking off snap-in hooks in the plastic or other damage. To safeguard the pick-and-place process, it
is possible to check the relevant features in the assembly line, e.g., optically via a camera system or
directly via the axes.

In all bonding processes, such as bonding thermal sensors with heat conducting pads or bonding
busbars to the carrier foil, the technical cleanliness of the contact surfaces should be ensured.
Contamination of these could have a significant negative impact on the connection quality. For this
purpose, cleaning can take place immediately before the respective process steps. Plasma cleaning
is usually preferred here. In the case of bonded joints, there is the additional advantage of surface
activation in this process. Alternatively, the components can already be cleaned and delivered in
protective packaging. In this case, suitable measures must be taken to prevent contamination of the
assembly steps before the bonding process.

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Welding processes are also used during assembly, e.g., to connect the current and voltage sensors
to the busbars. For the ideal weld seam quality, technical cleanliness must also be ensured here, as,
for example, lubricant residues from the manufacture of the busbars adhere to their surface.
Depending on the welding method used, different requirements are placed on the process to produce
a high-quality and permanently stable joint. For ultrasonic welding, for example, special requirements
must be ensured for the surface conditions of the contact partners, while laser beam welding can only
bridge a gap between the contact partners to a limited extent and thus places higher demands on the
manufacturing tolerances. In return, faster production processes can be carried out with laser welding
since less repositioning of the tool or workpiece must take place due to the non-contact processing
by means of laser optics. This reduces the susceptibility to positioning or repetition errors. For the
final assurance of the joint quality, there are various possibilities, such as the direct inspection and
control of process parameters or the inspection of the weld seams with the help of optical sensors or
electrical tests.

Quality controls in the production of cell contacting systems

The end-of-line test (EoL) represents an important final step in assuring the quality of CCS. It is
possible to check different functions of the CCS and thus detect quality defects. Possible tests
within the scope of an EoL test can include, for example, a visual inspection of the external shape of
the CCS, an electrical test of the functionality of the sensor system or a check of the insulation
properties of electrically insulating components of the CCS. Since the EoL tests are elaborate and
time-consuming, it should be weighed up how detailed the individual CCS are tested. The more
extensive the EoL tests are, the more CCS with quality defects will be detected and thus not
installed in battery systems. For this reason, as with other electrical components, 100 % testing is
required and the aim is to have as few rejects as possible. CCS experience and mastery of
production, as well as its know-how in quality control, is therefore a decisive component in the
design of highly automated production technology for the economic manufacture of reliable and
safe cell contact systems in large quantities. The competences of the partner in machine and plant
construction therefore represent a central criterion for success for manufacturers of cell contacting

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