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1. Substantial parts of the tribal belts especially in north – eastern India, have been deforested
A. Mining B. Shifting Cultivation C. Infrastructure development D. Both A & C
2. The 2/3 of the surviving tiger population lived in which of the following nations?
A. India and China B. India and Bhutan C. India and Nepal D. India and Sri Lanka
3. The species belonging to a particular area are known as:
A. Rare Species B. Extinct species C. Endangered species D. Endemic species
4. Madhuca Insignis (a wild variety of Mahua ) is a ---
A. Plant B. Tree C. Insect D. Bird
5. Sacred Groves are:
A. Parts of large forests that have been left untouched by the local people
B. Places for grazing animals
C. Forests earmarked for commercial felling of trees.
D. Forests used for planting trees with medicinal properties
6. Reserved and protested forests are also referred to as
A. Unclassed forest B. permanent forest C. Open forest D. Mangrove forest
7. Which of the following conservation strategies do not directly involve community
A. Joint Forest Management B. Beej Bachavo Andolan C. Chipko Movement D.
Demarcation of Wildlife Sanctuaries
8. ------ was declared extinct in India long back in 1952
A. Andaman wild pig B. Andaman Teal C. Asiatic Cheetah D. Desert Fox

9. The Buxa Tiger Reserve in West Bengal is seriously threatened by the ongoing -----
A . coal mining B. Iron ore mining C. Copper mining D . Dolomite mining
10. Manas Tiger Reserve is located in -----
A . TN B. Kerala C. Assam D. Odisha

Short Ans
1. “Forests play a key role in the ecological system “ Highlight the value of forests in our life
2. “large scale devpt projects have also contributed significantly to the loss of forests” support
the statements by giving examples.
3. Distinguish between endangered and extinct species of wild animals . give 2 egs of each
4. What is biological diversity Why biodiversity is important for human lives?
1. Describe the role of the community in forest and wildlife conservation
2. What are the steps taken by govt to conserve flora and fauna of the country?

Map :

Major soil types : 1) Identify and shade forest and mountainous soil

2) Red soil

3) the type of soil suitable for cotton

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