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MGT 211 Business Communication

Program: BBA
Department Offering: Management
Class ERP #
Faculty: Sarah Mazhar Inam

Class details

Class Timing and Room Main Campus

Session Day(s) Tuesday and Thursday

Credit Hours: 3 Credit Hours

Contact# & Email:,

Counselling Hours: open

Course Description

This course focuses on techniques of successful communication in the business world. It introduces strategies for various
business situations including business writing, meetings, presentations, reports, electronic correspondence, the job application
process and negotiation skills. The course also examines methods of organizing and presenting information for developing a
professional communication style.

BBA Program Learning Goals

1. Effective Communication Skills

Students will become effective speakers, listeners, writers and team members.

2. Knowledge of Core Business Disciplines

Students will gain a broad based multidisciplinary exposure to a range of business disciplines.

3. Critical Thinking Skills

Students will develop the ability to analyze, synthesize and evaluate business theories models, frameworks and contexts for
Effective Decision making.

4. Ethics
Students will have an understanding and awareness of ethical frameworks and responsibilities.

5. Glocal Mindset
Students will develop a focus on global connections and local Contexts through awareness of diversity across cultures and

Course Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student should be able to:
1. Understand the importance of effective communication in a business setting.
2. Present oral & written work in organized and accurate manner (PLO 103)
3. Understand and use technology-aided communication.
4. Work and communicate effectively in a team.
5. Students should be able to write English with grammatical accuracy (PLO 101)
AOL Assessment Mapping

PLG Mapped: The course is mapped with BBA program learning goal PLC1 and Program learning objectives PLO 101 and
PLO 103

Assessment Tool: Project Presentations & Assignment on Negative Messages

Teaching and Learning Methodology

LMS will be used to share reading material with the students. The pedagogy used for the course will be a combination of:
- Cases/ campaigns/ guest speaker sessions
- Videos/Short Ads/e-content and their discussion
- Role Plays/Activities/Experiential Learning
- In Class Assignments
- Slides
- Study Trips/Tours
- Readings (online and Embedded in Slides)
- Presentations – both formal and informal
- Exams
- Debates
- Self-Study
- Interaction on LMS – self-initiated and discussion-oriented

Course Learning Outcomes mapped to Program Learning Outcomes

Knowledge of
All Business Critical Skills Ethics Glocal Mindset
Learning Goals Areas


1 X X

2 X

3 X

4 X

Chapters/ Mapping to Course

Readings Learning Outcomes

Foundations of Business Communication

- Importance & Benefits of Effective Business
BCT Chap 1
CLO1 - Characteristics of Effective Communication
- The Communication Process
- Communication Networks (Formal, Informal, Internal,
BCT Chap 2 CLO1 Mastering Listening and Non-verbal Communication
- The Listening Process
- Barriers to Effective Listening
- Recognizing and Using Non-verbal Communication


Communicating in Teams
- Characteristics of Effective Teams
BCT Chap 2 CLO4
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Teams
- Team Roles and Group Development

Business Communication & the Global Context

- Intercultural Communication: Opportunities and
BCT Chap 3 CLO1,4
- The Cultural Context and Types of Cultural Differences

Writing Good-News & Routine Messages

BCT Chap 10 CLO2,5 - Approach to Writing Positive and Routine Messages
- Practice Writing Routine and Positive Messages

Writing Negative Messages

BCT Chap 11 CLO2,5 - Approach to Writing Negative Messages
- Practice Writing Negative Messages

Writing Persuasive Messages

BCT Chap 12 CLO2,5 - Approach to Writing Persuasive Messages
- Practice Writing Persuasive Messages

Conducting Effective Meetings

- Characteristics of Effective Meetings
BCT Chap 2 CLO4
- Leading and Participating in Meetings
- Writing Agendas and Minutes of Meetings

Effective Presentation Skills

BCT Chap - Characteristics of Effective Presentations
16&17 - Understand offline and online mode of presentation
- Practice Conducting Effective Presentations

Job Application Process

BCT Chap - Writing Resumes and Cover Letters
18&19 - Digital Media for Job Applications
- Employment Interviews and Follow-ups

Negotiation Skills
CLO4 - The Negotiation Process
- Styles of Negotiation

Note: Depending on the class response, 2 or 3 sessions per topic are recommended

Text Book and Pre Course Reading Material, Important Dates.

Recommended Text:
Business Communication Today, 14th Global Edition (or latest), Courtland L. Bovee and John V. Thill [BCT]

Secondary Texts:
 Guffey, Mary Ellen. (2010). Essentials of Business Communication. 10th ed. Thomson

 Effective Business Communications by Herta A. Murphy, Herbet W. Hildebrandt & Jane P.
Thomas; 7th International Edition
Other Readings/Notes:

 Business & Administrative Communication by Kitty O. Locker; International Edition

 Excellence in Business Communication - Thill and Bovee
 Business Communication Handbook, 4th edition – Judith Dwyer

Prerequisite Skills and Knowledge to take this Course

MGT201, SSC102

Assessment Due Date Remarks

Ongoing Details regarding CP are given later on in this

CP document.

Ongoing Details of the assignments will be given in class

Ongoing Details of the quizzes will be given in class
Second last week of the term Details regarding Term Project are given later on
Term Project in this document.

Mid-term Exam Week Mid-term Exam Week

Mid Term Paper
Final Exam Week Final Exam Week
Final Paper

Marks Distribution

Course Traits
Marks Total Marks
Marks Head Total Frequency Total Exempted Learning
/Frequency /Head

CP Ongoing 0 0 05

Assignments 2 0 05 10

Quizzes 2 0 05 10

Presentations 3 0 05 15

Term Projects 1 0 0 10

Exams 2 0 0 50

Total Marks 100

Class participation

I will get feedback from the entire class on the students they have learnt the most from during class. I will then assess this

information against my own observation, and then arrive at your final CP. Final veto is mine, although I am quite democratic 

1. Unsatisfactory (0-3)
• You are consistently absent/late from class
• You attend class without showing any evidence of being ‘mentally’ present
• You show disrespectful behavior towards your peers
2. Needs Improvement (3-5)
• You are present and courteous, but do not participate very much in class even when prompted.
• You hardly ever participate on LMS.
• You are essentially a passive recipient of information.
3. Good (6-8)
• When you are present and courteous, and provide guidance to your fellow students during discussion.
• The above attitude is also reflected in your case study discussions, written work and LMS discussions.
• However, you participate in activities infrequently or only when prompted.
4. Excellent - Exceptional in all Respects (8-10)
• You are present and courteous, and introduce new and thought provoking ideas, concepts and issues in class.
• This is also reflected in your case study discussions, written work and LMS discussions.
• You initiate classroom activities and discussions, and contribute immensely to class participation.
• Your classmates acknowledge your great contribution to their learning.

Course Work

A. Weekly Assignments
There will be a number of weekly assignments. Some of these will be graded but most will only be recorded. However, if you
do not submit an “ungraded” assignment on time, there will be an automatic point deduction for that assignment.

B. Presentations

Students will be required to give atleast two major presentations: one on “Bad News” and the other on “Persuasive News”. Apart
from these presentations, students will have to also present the term report and may also be required to give other presentations in

C. Formal Business Report

Submit a formal business report to the instructor in printed form by the end of the term. The topic and methodology of the Term
Report will be discussed with the students towards the mid of the semester. The formal paper must be 10 - 20 pages in length and
must include a one-page executive summary and a reference page. The report should be spiral bound and NOT stapled. No late
submissions will be allowed.

D. Exams:

There will be one midterm and one final exam this semester.

Comments and/or Suggestions

Students may see the faculty any time in case of any problem or issue that needs attention.

Technology Requirements

You can bring your laptop to class. Also bring old-fashioned pen and paper.

Academic Conduct

IBA policy

Attendance Policy

IBA policy

Plagiarism Policy

IBA policy

Withdrawal Policy

IBA policy

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