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University Of Benghazi

Faculty of Engineering


Fluid mechanics lab
Seventh semester

Experiment name: Flow through a Venturi-meter

Delivery date: 29-11-2022

Student name:‫ناصر عبدالغني يوسف‬

Student number: 26767

A venturi meter is a measuring or also considered as a meter device that is usually
used to measure the flow of a fluid in the pipe. A Venturi meter may also be used to
increase the velocity of any type fluid in a pipe at any particular point. It basically
works on the principle of Bernoulli's Theorem. The pressure in a fluid moving
through a small cross section drops suddenly leading to an increase in velocity of the
flow. The fluid of the characteristics of high pressure and low velocity gets converted
to the low pressure and high velocity at a particular point and again reaches to high
pressure and low velocity. The point where the characteristics become low pressure
and high velocity is the place where the venturi flow meter is used. The Venturi meter
is constructed as shown in Figure. It has a constriction within itself. The pressure
difference between the upstream and the downstream flow, Δh, can be found as a
function of the flow rate. Applying Bernoulli’s equation to points 1 and 2 of the
Venturi meter and relating the pressure difference to the flow rate yields

The objectives from the implement of this experiment are study the principles of
Venturi meter and to determine its coefficient (Cd) by comparing the measure flow
rate (Qactual) with the ideal flow rate (Qtheortical). Typically, the discharge
coefficient (Cd) has a value between , and . The actual value of Cd is
dependent on a given Venturi meter, and even it may change with Qactuual.

As shown in figure, the Venturi meter is used for measuring the discharge in the long
pipe. It is consisting from converging cone (contraction section) with angle about (15-
20˚ ). This section is accelerated the fluid and lead it to a throat section, which has
cross-sectional area smaller than the pipe (the flow area is the minimum), so that, the
fluid velocity through the throat is higher than that in the pipe. This increase of
velocity is accompanied by a fall in pressure, the magnitude of which depends on the
rate of flow, so that by measuring the pressure drop (the pressure difference between
the upstream side of the cone and the throat), the signal for the flow rate is provided
and the discharge is calculated. Then the fluid slow down in a cone with smaller angle
about (5-7 ˚), where, most of the kinetic energy is converted back to pressure energy

The Equations
The theoretical (ideal) piezometric head coefficient=

The actual piezometric head coefficient=

Equipment and apparatus:

the Venturi meter. Water enters from the hydraulic bench to the Venturi meter which
consisting of a short nozzle, a throat, and a long diffuser. Next, the water flows into a
rapidly diverging section followed by a settling length where the flow again adjusts to
uniform conditions.
Hydraulic bench
Venturi-meter apparatus
weighting tank and Stop watch
1.Stand the apparatus on top of the hydraulic bench. Connect the bench supply hose to
the inlet pipe and secure it with a hose clip. Connect a hose to the outlet pipe and put the
other end of the hose in the hole leading to the bench volumetric tank
2. Open the outlet valve, then switch on the bench pump and open the bench supply
valve to admit water to the apparatus.
3. Partly, close the outlet valve, so that water is driven in manometer tubes. Then,
carefully close both valves so that you stop the flow whilst keeping the levels of water in
the manometers somewhere within the range on the manometer scale.
4. Level the apparatus by adjusting the leveling screws until the manometers each read
the same value.
5. Open both valves (inlet and outlet) and carefully adjust each one in turn until you
obtain the maximum differential reading (h1-h2) whilst keeping all the water levels
within the range on the manometers scale. If necessary, adjust the general level by
pumping air pipe into the reservoir or releasing air.
6. Record the manometer reading (h1, and h2).
7. Measure the flow rate (Qact) by timing the collection of water in the bench
volumetric tank.
Data Table:

QTY T H1 H2 104Xq (h1 – h2) (h1 – h2)1/2

(kg) (s) (mm) (mm) (m3/s) (m) (m1/2)
45 100.9 247.5 6.0 4.46 0.2415 0.492
45 103.6 246.0 13.0 4.34 0.2330 0.483
45 110.7 232.5 26.5 4.06 0.2060 0.454
30 80.2 215.5 41.0 3.74 0.1745 0.418
30 87.9 201.0 56.0 3.42 0.1450 0.381
30 101.5 181.0 69.5 2.96 0.1115 0.334
30 118.5 159.5 79.5 2.53 0.0800 0.283
15 84.4 136.5 97.0 1.78 0.0395 0.199
15 134.9 121.0 105.0 1.11 0.0160 0.126
Q VS (h1 – h2)1/2 and estimate the Venturi/discharge
coefficient “C”

Measurement of (h1 – h2)1/2 & Q


y = 0.1103x +



0 1 2 3 4 5

Sample of calculations:
The slope = 1103
The graph become:
(h1 – h2)1/2 = 1103 Q
Then: - Q= 0.906 x 10-3. (h1 – h2)1/2

From equ (6.4) in the lap sheet we can get:

Calculate and plot the discharge coefficient at different flow rates (C -

104XQ (h1 – h2)1/2 C

4.46 0.492 0.940
4.36 0.483 0.938
4.06 0.454 0.920
3.74 0.418 0.930
3.42 0.381 0.938
2.96 0.334 0.928
2.53 0.283 0.930
1.78 0.199 0.932
1.11 0.126 0.925
Sketch the theoretical and measured pressure (non-dimensional)
distribution along the Venturi meter

 Theoretical

QTY T H1 H2 104Xq (h1 – h2) (h1 – h2)1/2

(kg) (s) (mm) (mm) (m3/s) (m) (m1/2)
45 100.9 247.5 6.0 4.46 0.2415 0.492
45 103.6 246.0 13.0 4.34 0.2330 0.483
45 110.7 232.5 26.5 4.06 0.2060 0.454
30 80.2 215.5 41.0 3.74 0.1745 0.418
30 87.9 201.0 56.0 3.42 0.1450 0.381
30 101.5 181.0 69.5 2.96 0.1115 0.334
30 118.5 159.5 79.5 2.53 0.0800 0.283
15 84.4 136.5 97.0 1.78 0.0395 0.199

Actual pressure distribution at Q= 4.46X10-4

Piezometer Tune No n Hm Hn – H1 Hn – H1

A 247.5 0 0
B 228.5 -0.019 -0.077
C 140.5 -0.1075 -0.429
D 6.0 -0.2415 -0.961
E 26.0 -0.2215 -0.880
F 112.0 -0.1355 -0.540
G 150.5 -0.0970 -0.388
H 176.0 -0.0715 -0.297
J 193.0 -0.0545 -0.216
K 204.0 -0.0435 -0.173
L 209.0 -0.0385 -0.153
Actual pressure distribution at Q= 1.8x10^-4 (m³/s)

Piezometer Tune No Hm Hn – H1 Hn – H1

A 247.5 0 0
B 228.5 -0.019 -0.077
C 140.5 -0.1075 -0.429
D 6.0 -0.2415 -0.961
E 26.0 -0.2215 -0.880
F 112.0 -0.1355 -0.540
G 150.5 -0.0970 -0.388
H 176.0 -0.0715 -0.297
J 193.0 -0.0545 -0.216
K 204.0 -0.0435 -0.173
L 209.0 -0.0385 -0.153
distance along venturi (mm)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180


dimensionless pressure







Q ideal QL=1.8*10^-4 (m³/s) QH=4.63*10^-4 (m³/s)
Discussion and Conclusion:
In this Experiment (Flow through a Venturi-meter) , We studied another application
of Bernoulli's theory and the connection between a duct's flow area, pressure head,
velocity head, and head loss and how it relates to the calculation of flow rate and
determine the discharge coefficient for various flow rate.
And also calculate theoretical pressure distribution
(non-dimensional) and compare it to pressure distribution at highest flow rate value
that is equal to(Q=4.63x 10-4 m3/s) and the lowest flow rate value is equal to(1.8x 10-4
We find that the calculated flow rate is less than actual flow rate ,and the range of
discharge coefficient between and wher the average discharge
coefficient equals to
And from pressure distribution of actual flow rates and theoretical flow rate we find
that there is consensus between Bernoulli’s thermo and actual measurement of
pressure because :The venturimeter always have smaller convergent portion and
larger divergent portion. This is done to ensures a rapid converging passage and a
gradual diverging passage in the direction of flow to avoid the loss of energy due to
separation. In the course of flow through the converging part, the velocity increases in
the direction of flow according to the principle of continuity, while the pressure
decreases according to Bernoulli’s theorem. The velocity reaches its maximum value
and pressure reaches its minimum value at the throat. Subsequently, a decrease in the
velocity and an increase in the pressure take place in course of flow through the
divergent part. The angle of convergence ≈ 20° The angle of divergence = 6° - 7° →
It should not be greater than 7° to avoid flow separation
There is some error rate in experiment , which lies in the lack of calibration of the
device and some errors in taking readings due to not waiting for a period of time
between each reading and the other until the device reaches a stable state, which
affected the accuracy of the results, and Some of the bubbles are inside some tubes
and the pressure on the manometer tube to take the reading from the gradient of the
numbers leading to its removal from its position and the rise of the liquid inside the
manometer tube as a result of the pressure on it.

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