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Have you ever wondered what energy is? Well it is a ability to do work.

We need energy
for everything we do. Energy is used all around us. Energy can be found in a number of
forms. Heat E. light E. Sound E. due to this there are many different ways in which we
use energy. For example: you go to school in the morning, it’s a sunny day. The sun gives
off energy. It gives light and heat energy which are two forms of energy. You and your
friends are carying backpacks, heading towards the school gate. You are using energy to
move thing. Let’s say you mom drives a scooter to pick you up at school. The scooter is
using energy. In a barbecue restaurant, people make a fire in the grill to cook food. The
meat is cooked thanks to the energy it got from fire. On the playground, a kid is flying a
kite. Energy is helping it flies. When you eat your body breaks down the food and gives
you energy to study. The phone plays songs using energy from its battery.
So we’ve just learned that Energy is used all around us everyday. Energy is used by
people to move, talk and play. Energy is used by other things like scooters, radios,
phones, toys and fires. There are many ways to use energy.

Energy can neither be created or destroyed. Energy can only be transferred from one
object to another. For example, energy from the air can be transformed in electricity, and
this can be transformed in thermal energy to warm a room by means of a radiator. We
obtain energy from two sources renewable and non renewable. Renewable energy reffers
to those limitless energy sources present in nature like wind sunlight and sea waves. On
the other hand, non renewable energy refers to the limited energy sources that we exhaust
with use like oil or coal.
Energy properties.
Energy prossesses 4 fundamental properties you should know about.
Energy transforms. For instance, when we use battery for a flashlight, the chemical in the
battery transforms in electric energy.
Energy is transferred, from one object to another. For example when we mix hot and cold
water, thermal energy passes form hot water to cold water.
Energy is transported, and can move from one place to another, this way energy travels
through electric cables and reaches our houses.
Energy can be stored. For example, mobile phone batteries are used for storing energy.
Let’s recap. Energy transforms is transferred and can also be transported ans stored.
Essensially, energy is what causes things to happen in the real world. So the main things
that we have to be aware of is that energy is always conserved. You got various forms of
energy like: gavitational protential energy which is to do with the energy gained by an
object that moved away from the earth’s surface. You’ve got kinetic energy which is
energy of an object that’s as a result of its movement. Tou know you’ve got these all the
other things thermal energy or heat energy…you’ve got all these different forms. The
main thing here is that energy isn’t ever created or destroyed it’s just transferred between
one form to another. This’s very important for you to understand all of this when you do
calculation in your examinations. Let’s take a look to a few example how this might
So kinetic energy is simply the energy of a moving object. And how do we calculate the
kinetic energy. Well you’ve got the formula KE equals haft times mass times velocity
squared, so the unit for any forms of energy is just joules. So you’ve got haft, you’ve got
mass which is obviously in kgs and you’ve velocity which is obviously in meters per
second. So when you got these values you know you can calculate kinetic energy.

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