GROUP WORK - Module-on-Volunteerism-1

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GROUP WORK- Module-on-Volunteerism-1

Group Members: Ipan, Cris John James

Lomibao, Xavier Angelo
Mateo, Ralph Emerson
Montero, Arronne Marc
Tomas, John Lee Von

Activity 2.3
Group work
Background: Being a volunteer in an organization can be a fulfilling and fun
experience, but creating or starting a volunteer organization is another story.
This requires lots of hard work, dedication, and passion to fulfill its goal.
Although there are a lot of things to consider, a successful organization starts
with a well-defined vision, mission, goals, and objective statement. From there,
you can start recruiting your member and serve your purpose.
Task: In a group of five (5), make a Vision, Mission, Goal, and Objective
statement of the volunteer organization of your choice. Brainstorm your ideas
about the cause/purpose of your organization, the target beneficiaries, and its
long-term goal.
Consider the following in making a VMGO statement of your volunteer
● Identify the specific elements of a cause to focus on.
● Select an obtainable goal in order to guide your organization.
● Determine the action steps that your organization will take.
● Combine your focus, objection, and action steps to write a mission statement.
● Create a name for your volunteer group/organization.
(provide rubrics and example output)
Organization Name: “Compassionate Hearts Volunteer Network”
 "To create a world where every individual, regardless of their
circumstances, has access to essential resources, opportunities, and
support, fostering a global community united in compassion and

 "Compassionate Hearts Volunteer Network is dedicated to mobilizing
volunteers worldwide to address pressing social issues, uplift marginalized
communities, and promote sustainable development. Through
collaborative efforts and unwavering empathy, we strive to make a
positive and lasting impact on the lives of those in need."
 “To empower individuals and communities through volunteerism,
promoting equality, education, healthcare, and socio-economic
development. We aim to build a network of compassionate individuals
who actively contribute to creating positive change and fostering a sense
of unity among diverse communities."
1. Community Empowerment: Develop and implement programs that
empower local communities by providing access to education, healthcare,
and economic opportunities.
2. Volunteer Mobilization: Build a diverse and committed volunteer base,
fostering a culture of empathy, inclusivity, and active engagement in social
3. Sustainable Development: Collaborate with local and international
partners to implement sustainable development projects that address long-
term community needs, focusing on environmental conservation, economic
empowerment, and healthcare.
4. Advocacy and Awareness: Raise awareness about social issues and
advocate for policy changes that promote inclusivity, equality, and social
justice at local, national, and global levels.
5. Emergency Response and Relief: Establish a rapid response team to provide
immediate aid and relief to communities affected by natural disasters,
conflicts, or crises, emphasizing a swift and coordinated approach.
6. Education and Skill Development: Create programs that enhance
educational opportunities and skills training, empowering individuals to
break the cycle of poverty and contribute meaningfully to their
 Compassionate Hearts Volunteer Network aims to address the root causes
of social issues, promoting sustainable solutions and fostering a sense of
global responsibility. Our focus includes but is not limited to education,
healthcare, environmental sustainability, and economic empowerment,
with an overarching goal of creating a more equitable and compassionate
Target Beneficiaries:
Our organization is committed to serving marginalized and underserved
populations globally, including but not limited to:
 Communities facing economic hardship
 Vulnerable and at-risk populations
 Children and youth lacking access to quality education
 Individuals without adequate healthcare resources
 Victims of natural disasters and conflicts
 Communities struggling with environmental degradation
Long-Term Goal:
 To establish a global network of compassionate volunteers and
sustainable development projects that actively contribute to creating a
world where every individual has the opportunity to live a dignified life,
free from poverty, inequality, and injustice. We aspire to be a driving force
behind positive social change, influencing policies, and inspiring
individuals to become lifelong advocates for compassion and empathy.

5 4 3 2 1 Points
Vision and Clearly Vision and Vision and Some aspects Vision and
Mission articulated mission mission of the vision mission
Alignment vision and statements are statements are and mission are statements are
mission mostly clear present but lack unclear or not unclear and not
statements that and aligned clarity or aligned with aligned with
align with the with the alignment. organizational the
organization's organization's activities. organization's
activities and activities. activities
Goal The organization Substantial Some progress Limited Little to no
Achievement demonstrates progress is has been made, progress has progress has
significant evident, but but there are been made, been made
progress toward there are areas notable gaps in and there is a toward
achieving its for achieving the need for achieving the
primary goal, improvement in primary goal. significant primary goal.
with achieving the improvement.
measurable primary goal.
positive impacts
on targeted
Objective Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are Objectives are
Implementa- well-defined, mostly well- present but lack somewhat poorly
tion actively defined and clarity or face implemented, implemented,
implemented, implemented, challenges in with significant and there is
and have with some areas implementation. room for minimal
demonstrated for improvement. evidence of
positive improvement. positive
outcomes. outcomes.
Cause/Purpose Clear and Good Understanding is Limited Poor
and Target comprehensive understanding, present, but the understanding understanding
Beneficiaries understanding but some cause/purpose or of the of the
of the aspects of the target cause/purpose cause/purpose
organization's cause/purpose beneficiaries are or target or target
cause/purpose or target not well-defined. beneficiaries, beneficiaries.
and identified beneficiaries with significant
target need gaps.
beneficiaries. clarification.
Long-Term Goal Strong evidence Substantial Some progress Limited Little progress
Progress of progress progress, but has been made, progress, with a has been made
toward there are areas but there are need for toward the
establishing a for notable gaps in significant long-term goal.
global network improvement in achieving the improvement
and influencing achieving the long-term goal. toward the
positive social long-term goal. long-term goal.

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