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The Analytical Geometry of the Conic Section

 The Element of Co-ordinate Geometry- S.L Loney 11-09-2023

Pair of Straight line:
An equation which is such that in each termth sum of the indices
of x and y is the same is called homogenous equation. 18-09-2023
2 2
x +xy+y =0
Homogeneous equation of 2nd degree: Lecture:-2
Let us consider the homogenous equation of second degree

On multiplying it by a it may be written in the term,

a2x2 + 2ahxy + aby2 = 0………………………(1)

(ax) 2 + 2(ax)(hy) + (hy) 2 + aby2 - h2y2 = 0
(ax + hy) 2 – {(√ℎ2 − 𝑎𝑏)y}2= 0
(ax + hy + y√ℎ2 − 𝑎𝑏)(ax+hy-y√ℎ2 − 𝑎𝑏) = 0 … … … … (2)

The equation (2) represent the two straight lines

Whose equation are,
ax+hy+y√ℎ2 − 𝑎𝑏=0
and ax+hy-y√ℎ2 − 𝑎𝑏=0
Each of which passes through the origin.
These two straight lines are real and different if h2>ab
Real and coincident if h2=ab
And imaginary if h2<ab
 Find the angle between the straight lines given by the
equation a2x2 + 2ahxy + aby2 = 0
 Soln: Given that,
a2x2 + 2ahxy + aby2 = 0………………………(1)
Let separate equations to the two lines be,
y = m1x and y = m2x
y - m1x = 0 and y - m2x = 0……..(2)
So that, (1) must be equivalent to
 b(y - m1x)(y - m2x) = 0
 by2 – bm1xy – bm2xy + bmmx2 = 0
 by2 – b(m1+m2)xy + bm1m2x2 = 0……(3)
Equating the co-efficient of xy and x in (1) and (3). We get,
2h a
-b(m1 + m2)= - and m1m2 = ……..(4)
b b
If 𝜃 be the angle between the straight lines (2) we have,
m1 + m2
tan θ =
1 + m1m2
√(m1+m2)2 - 4m1m2
1+ m1m2
√(- 2h )2 - 4 a
b b
= a

√4h -24ab

2√h2 - ab
2√h2 - ab
∴ = tan-1
Which is the required angles.
If tan θ = 0, then
2√h2 - ab
h2 - ab=0
h2 = ab
 h = √ab 20-09-2023
General equation of second degree:
 Find the equation condition the general of 2nd degree:
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
may represent two straight line.
Multiplied by (a), we get,
a2 x2 + 2ahxy + aby2 + 2agx + 2afy + ac = 0
(ax) 2 + 2ax(hy+g) + (hy+g) 2 = (hy+g) 2 – 2afy – 2aby2 – ac
(ax + hy + g) 2 = h2 y 2 + 2hgy + g 2 – aby2 – 2afy -ac
ax + hy + g = ±√y2 (h2 – ab)+ 2y(gh - af)+ g2 - ac
(gh – af) 2 = ( h2 – ab)( g2 – ac)
g2 h 2 – + a2 f 2 = h2 g2 – h2 ac – abg2 + a2 bc
Now, divided by (a), we get,
abc + 2fgh – af2 – bg2 – ch2 = o
This is the required condition.
H.W. 12x2 + 7xy – 10y2 + 13x + 45y – 35 = 0
 Obtain the condition that one of the origin straight lines by
the equation
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 ………..(1)
may coincide with one of the those given by the equation
a’x2 + 2h’xy + b’y2 = 0………(2)

y – m1 x = 0
y = m1 x

ax2 + 2hxm1x + bm12y2 = 0

a + 2hm1 + bm12 = 0
bm12 + 2hm1 + a = 0……..(3)
b’m12 + 2h’m1 + a’ = 0……(4)

m12 m1 1
2ha' -2h'a = =
ab ' -a' b 2bh' - 2b ' h
ha - h a' ' ab' -a' b
m12= ' ' , m1= 2(bh' -b'h)
bh - b h

(ab' -a' b)2 ha' - h'a

4(bh' -b ' h)2 bh' - b'h
(ab' -a' b)2 = 4(ha’ – h’a)(bh’ – b’h)

H.W. ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 it angle point of

hf - bg gh - af
intersection is ( ab- h2 , ab - h2 )
Homogenous equation of 3rd degree:
Proved that two of the straight lines represented by the equation ax3
+ bx2y + cxy2 + dy3 = 0
Soln: Given that,
ax3 + bx2y + cxy2 + dy3 = 0…………(1)
will be right angle if
a2 + ac + bd + d2 = 0
Let separate equation to the three lines be
y – m1x = 0
y – m2x = 0
and y – m3x = 0
So that, the equation (1) must be equivelant to
y(y – m1x)( y – m2x)( y – m3x) = 0
and therefore
m1 + m2 + m3 = - ……………….....(2)
m1m2 + m2m3 + m3m1 = d ……….(3)
and m1m2m3 = - d …………………..…….(4)
If the first two of these straight lines be at right angles, we
In addition, m1m2 = -1 ………….(5)

From (4) & (5) we have,

m1m2m3 = - d
(-1)m3 = - d
 m3 = d
and therefore, from (2),
m1 + m2 + m3 = - d
c c a c+a
m1 + m2 = - d - m3 = - d - d = - d
The equation (3) then becomes
a c+a b
– -1 = d
d d
∴ a + ac + bd + d2 = 0

 Find the condition that the equation

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy +c = 0
may represent two parallel straight lines.
Soln: If the given equation represent a pair of parallel straight
lines, then
2fgh + abc – af2 – bg2- ch2 = 0…………(1)
If θ is the right angle between the two straight lines then
2√h2 - ab
tan θ = a+b
If the two lines are paralleled then
h2 - ab = 0 ………….(2)
From (1) & (2) we get,
2fg√ab + abc – af2 – bg2 – abc = 0
(√af)2 - 2. √af. √bg + (√bg)2 = 0
(√af− √bg)2 = 0
√af = √bg
af = √abg
af = hg
a g
i.e. h = f ………….(3)
From (2) we get,
a h
= b ……………..(4)
From (3) & (4) we get,
a h g
=b = f
Which is the required condition.

 Find the condition that the equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx +
2fy + c = 0 may represent a pair of co-incident lines.
Soln: Let, l1x + m1y + c1 = 0
and l2x + m2y + c2 = 0
be two lines represented by the given pair
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
(l1x + m1y + c1)(l2x + m2y + c2) = ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c
Equating like term both sides, we get,
l1l2 = a …………..(1)
m1m2 = b ………..(2)
n1n2 = c ………….(3)
l1m2 + l2m1 = 2h ……(4)
l1n2 + l2n1 = 2g ………(5)
m1n2 + m2n1 = 2f ………(6)
If the two lines are con-incident ( i.e. the two equation , l1x +
m1y + n1 = 0 and l2x + m2y + n2 = 0 ) then,
l1 m1 n1
= m = n …………….(7)
l2 2 2

From (7)
l1m2 - l2m1 = 0 .....…(8)
l1n2 - l2n1 = 0 ..……(9)
m1n2 - m2n1 = 0 ………(10)
From (8) we get,
(l1m2 - l2m1)2 = 0
(l1m2 + l2m1)2 - 4 l1l2m1m2 = 0
4h2 – 4ab = 0
∴h2 = ab
g2 = ac
and f2 = bc
Here, h2 = ab, g2 = ac and f2 = bc are the required equation.

 Find the equation of bisector of the angle between the

straight lines represented by ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c
Soln: Let us consider (α,β) be the point of intersection of the
lines represented by the general equation is
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c ………..(1)
If we transfer the origin at (α,β), then,
x = α+X
y = β+Y
Now, put the value in the given equation we get,
aX2 + 2hXY + bY2 = 0 …………………..(2)
Now the equation of bisectors of equation (2)
X2 - Y 2 XY
= ……(3)
a-b h
According to the odd axis, if we transfer the origin at ( 0,0 )
then, Y Y’
X=x–α P(X,Y)
Now, the equation (3) becomes, O’ (x,y) M’(α,β) X'

(x - α)2-( y – β)2 (x - α)( y – β)
a-b h

 Show that the distance from the origin to the orthocenter of

the triangle from the lines.
x y 2 2 (a+b)αβ√α2+β2
+ β =1 and ax + 2hxy + by = 0 is
α aα2 - 2hαβ+ bβ2
Soln: Let, y = m1x
and y = m2x
Be the lines represented by the equation
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0 ……….(1)
So, m1 + m2 = - ………….(2)
m1m2 = b …………..(3)
Let OAB be a triangle formed by the lines OA (y = m1x), OB
x y
(y = m2x) and α + β =1.
αβ m1αβ
The lines OA, OB intersect at ( β+m α , β+m α)
1 2
αβ m2αβ
and OB, AB intersect at ( β+m α , β+m α)
2 2

Here, y = m1x
x y
α + β =1
x m1x
α + =1 Y
xβ + αmx
 =1 A
 =1
x(β+αm) = αβ B
x = (β+αm)
Similarly, y = β+m α O X

The equation of the line passing through the origin and

x y x y
perpendicular to α + β =1 if α − β =1 ……(4)
Again, the equation of the line passing through B and
αβ m1m2αβ
perpendicular to y = m1x is x + m1y − β+m α +
2 β+m2α
(1+m1m2 )αβ
= …..(5)
Let (x1, y1) be the orthocenter of the triangle.
Then, (4) & (5) becomes,
x1 y1
= = 0 …….(6)
β α
(1+m1m2 )αβ
x1 + m1y1 = ……….(7)
Solving (6) & (7) we get,
βy (1+m1m2 )αβ
 α +m1y1= β+m2α
y1= aα2-2hαβ+bβ2
and x1= aα2-2hαβ+bβ2
So, the distance between origin and orthocenter is
(a+b)2α2β4 (a+b)2α4β2
√ x2+y2 = √(aα2-2hαβ+bβ2)2 + (aα2-2hαβ+bβ2)2
= aα2-2hαβ+bβ2
Hence showed.
 The equation of the tangent at the point P(x1, y1) to the
circle x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
is xx1 + yy1 + g(x + x1) + f(y + y1) + c = 0

Normal; Normal of a curve is the line perpendicular to

the tangent through the point of contact.
x2 + y2 = a2
xx1 + yy1 = a2
Slope (− y )
y-y1 x1
x-x ×(− y ) = -1
1 1

x1(y – y1) = y1(x – x1)

 x1y – x1y1 = xy1 - x1y1
xy1 - x1y = 0 v
(x, y)
 Find the length at a tangent from a point (x1,y1) to the circle
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
Soln: The circle center and radius of the circle
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
( -g, -f) and √g2+f2-c
Respective from the figure: O(x2,y2)
OP2 = OT2 + PT2
PT2 = OP2 - OT2
= (x1 + g)2 + (y1 + f)2 – g2 – f2 + c T(x3, Y3) P(x1,y1)

Chord of contact:
The line joining the points of contact of the tangents drawn
from and external point to a circle is called chord of contact.



Equation of chord of contact:

Let, P(x1,y1) be an extend point to the circle
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
From P let us drawn PA and PB be the two tangents to the
The equation of tangents from A and B are
xx2 + yy2 + g(x + x2) + f(y + y2) + c = 0 …………(1)
xx3 + yy3 + g(x + x3) + f(y + y3) + c = 0 …………(2)
Since the tangents pass through P(x1, y1)
So, we get,
x1x2 + y1y2 + g(x1 + x2) + f(y1 + y2) + c = 0 …………(1)
x1x3 + y1y3 + g(x1 + x3) + f(y1 + y3) + c = 0 …………(2)
The equation (3) & (4) show that the point A(x2, y2) and B(x3,
y3) lie on the line xx1 + yy1 + g(x + x1) + f(y + y1) + c = 0
Hence the equation of the chord of contact through A
to B is xx1 + yy1 + g(x + x1) + f(y + y1) + c = 0

Pole & Polar:

The polar of a point with respect to a circle is
defined as the locus of the points of instraction of
the tangents drawn at the extremities of chord
through the point. T(x2,y2)


Find the equation of the polar of a point with

respect to a circle x2 + y2 = a2
Soln: Let us consider a point P(x1, y1) and QR be
any chord drawn through P.
Let the tangents at Q and R meet at T(x2, y2)
Here, the locus of T(x2, y2)
is the polar of the point P(x1, y1)
Here, QR is the chord of contact of the tangents
from T(x2, y2)
The equation of chord of contact is
xx1 + yy1 = a ………………..(1)
Since it passes through P(x1, y1) then
x1x2 + y1y2 = a ………………(2)
Hence the locus of (x2, y2) is
xx1 + yy1 = a
Which is the polar line.

Angle of intersection of two circles:

The angle between the tangent to the circle at
their point of intersection is defined s their angle
of intersection.

Orthogonal circle
Orthogonal Circle:

C1 CC2
x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2f1y + c = 0 ………..(1)
x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2f2y + c = 0 ………..(2)
C1P = radius of (1) =√g12 +f12-c
C2P = radius of (2) =√g22 +f22-c
C1(-g1, -f1) ; C2(-g2, -f2)
(C1P)2 + (C2P)2 = (C1C2)2
g12 +f12-c1+ g22 +f22-c=(g1 – g2)2+(f1 – f2)2
2g1g2 + 2f1f2 = C1 + C2

Radical Axis: The locus of a point such that the length of the
tangents from it to two circles is equal is called the radical
axis to the two circles.
PT1 = PT2

C1 T1 T2 C2

 Equation of Radical axis of the two circles:
S1 ≡ x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2f1y + c1 = 0
S2 ≡ x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2f2y + c2 = 0
Let (x1, y1) be a point length of the tangents from which to
the circles are equal
√x12+y12+2g1x1+2f1y1+c1 = √x12+y12+2g2x1+2f2y1+c2
(2g1x1+2f1y1+c1) - (2g2x1+2f2y1+c2) = 0
Hence the locus of (x1, y1) is
(2g1x+2f1y+c1) - (2g2x+2f2y+c2) = 0
(x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2f1y + c1) – (x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2f2y + c2) = 0
S1 – S2 = 0 29-11-2023
Which is the required equation of radical axis.
Proposition: The radical axis of two circles is perpendicular to
the line joining the centres ( -g1, -f1) ( -g2, -f2)
S1 – S2 = 0
2(g1 – g2)x + 2(f1 – f2) + c1 – c2 = 0

Radical centre: The point of intersection of the three radical

axis of three circles taken in pairs is called radical centre.

 Proof:Radical axis of two circles is the locus of the centre of a

circle which intersects the two circles orthogonally.
S1 T S2

C1 C2
Soln: Let us consider a circles be
x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2f1y + c1 = 0 ……(1)
x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2f2y + c2 = 0 ..….(2)
Let us consider a circles which the circles (1) & (2)
orthogonally be
x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 ………..(3)
Whose centre is (-g, -f)
If (3) is orthogonally to (1) & (2), then,
2gg1 + 2ff1 – c1 – c = 0 ……………(4)
2gg2 + 2ff2 – c2 – c = 0 ……………(5)
Substituting (5) from (4) we get,
2g(g1 – g2) + 2f(f1 – f2) = c1 – c2
2(-g)(g1 – g2) + 2(-f)(f1 – f2) – (c1 + c2) = 0
Hence, the locus of the centres (-g, -f) is
2x(g – g1) + 2y(f – f1) + c1 - c2 = 0
Which is the required axies of the even two circles.

Coaxial Circles
A system of circles every pair of which has the same radical
axies is called a co-axial system.

Equation of a system of co-axial circles:

Let us consider two circles be
S1 = x2 + y2 + 2g1x + 2f1y + c1 = 0 ……(1)
S2 = x2 + y2 + 2g2x + 2f2y + c2 = 0 ..….(2)
The radical axies of the circle is, S1 – S2 = 0 ……..(3)
Hence the co-axial system may be written as
S1 + λ(S1 – S2) = 0
S2 + λ(S1 – S2) = 0

x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y + 1 = 0 ……(1)
x2 + y2 + 6x + 2y + 1 = 0 ..….(2)
4x – 2y = 0
2x – y = 0
Suppose, λ = 1
S1 + λ(S1 – S2) = 0
x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y + 1 + 1(2x – y) = 0
x2 + y2 + 4x + 3y + 1 = 0
again, λ = 2
S1 + λ(S1 – S2) = 0
x2 + y2 + 2x + 4y + 1 + 2(2x – y) = 0
x2 + y2 + 6x + 2y + 1 = 0

Point Circle & Limiting Point: Lecture:-

Limiting point: The centres of circles of a co-axial system,
which are of zero radius are called the limiting points of the
co-axial system.

 Find the co-ordinate of the limiting points of the circles,

x2 + y2 – 2x + 8y + 11 = 0
x2 + y2 + 4x + 2y + 5 = 0
Soln: Given that,
x2 + y2 – 2x + 8y + 11 = 0
x2 + y2 + 4x + 2y + 5 = 0
The radical axies of the given circles is
x2 + y2 – 2x + 8y + 11 - x2 - y2 - 4x - 2y - 5 = 0
-6x + 6y + 6 = 0
x – y – 1 = 0
The co-axial system of the given circles are
x2 + y2 – 2x + 8y + 11 + λ(x – y – 1) = 0 ……….(4)

The centre and radius of the circle (4) are

λ λ λ λ
(1- 2 , -4 + 2) and √(1- 2) 2+ (4- 2) 2+λ-11 respectively.
Since the circle (4) is a point circle then,
λ λ
(1- 2) 2+ (4- 2) 2+λ-11 = 0
4-4λ+λ2 +64-16λ+λ2+4λ-44
 =0
24 - 16λ + 2λ2 = 0
2λ2 - 16λ + 24 = 0
2λ2 - 12λ - 4λ + 24 = 0
2λ(λ – 6) -4(λ – 6) = 0
(λ – 6)(2λ – 4) = 0
λ = 6, 2
If λ = 2 the limiting point is and λ= 6 the limiting point is
2 2 6 6
( 1 - 2 , -4 + 2 ) ( 1 - 2, -4 + 2)
(0, -3) (-2, -1)
Substitute λ = 2, 6 in centre,
The limiting point are (0, -3) and (-2, -1)

 Proof that the limiting point of the system

x2 + y2 + 2gx + c + λ(x2 + y2 + 2fy + k) = 0
c k
Subtend a right angle at origin if g2 + f2 =2
Soln: Given system are,
x2 + y2 + 2gx + c + λ(x2 + y2 + 2fy + k) = 0
(x2 + y2)(1 + λ) + 2gx + 2fyλ + c + λk = 0
𝑔 𝜆𝑓 𝑐+𝜆𝑘
 x2 + y 2 + 2 𝑥+2 + = 0 ………..(1)
1+𝜆 1+𝜆 1+𝜆
The centre & radius of (1) are
𝑔 𝜆𝑓 g λf c+λk
(− ,− ) and (- ) 2+ (- )2- =0
1+𝜆 1+𝜆 1+λ 1+λ 1+λ
Since the circle is a point circle then,
g λf c+λk
(- ) 2+ (- )2- =0
1+λ 1+λ 1+λ
g 2 λf
2 2 c+λk
 + - =0
(1+λ)2 (1+λ)2 1+λ
 =0
g2+λ2f2 - c – cλ – λk – λ2k = 0
λ2(f2 – k) – λ(c+k) + g2 – c = 0 …………….(2)
Which is quadrative in λ, let the roots of (2) be λ1, λ2
So, λ1+λ2= ………(3)
and λ1λ2= ………….(4)
For the two values of λ the limiting points are
g λ1f g λ2f
(- ,- ) and (- ,- )
1+λ1 1+λ1 1+λ2 1+λ2
Since the lines joining the origin to the limiting
points are perpendicular, then,
λ1f λ2f
0+ 0+
 1+λ1
g × 1+λ2
g = -1
0+ 0+
1+λ1 1+λ2
 λ1 + λ2=− ………….(5)
Eliinating λ1, λ2 from (4) & (5) we get,
g2-c g2
 =− 2
2 f -k f
 f2g2 – cf2 = - g2f2 + g2k
 2f2g2 = g2k + f2c
k c
 2 = f2 + g2 [ Divided by f2g2]

 Proof that the polar of a point (p, q) with respect to

the circle x2 + y2 = a2 touches (x – c)2 + (y – d)2 = b2
if b2 (p2 + q2) = (a2 – cp – dq) 2

Soln: If the polar of point (p , q) with respect to the

circle x2 + y2 = a2 is cp + dq – a2
This line touches (x – c)2 + (y – d)2 = b2
∴ =b
 = b2
(a2 - cp - dq)2=b2(p2+q2) (Proof)

 Remove the x and y terms of the following equations

1) x2 – 2y2 – 4x + 6y – 8 = 0 10-12-2023
2) 3x2 + 3y2 – 12xy – 12x + 12y – 1 = 0 Lecture:-
3) 2xy – x – y + 4 = 0
Soln: If we remove the term of x and y from the given
equation, then we are to transfer at (h, k) then the
old co-ordinate will be,
(x + h, y + k)
The given equation will be,
(x + h)2 + 2 (y + k)2 – 4(x + h) + 6(y + k) – 8 = 0
=> x2+2xh+h2+2y2+4yk+2k2-4x-4h+6y+6k – 8 = 0
=> x2+2y2+(2h-4)x+(4k+6)y+h2+2k2-4h+6k-8 = 0
Since the terms x and y are vanish, then,
2h – 4 = 0 and 4k + 6 = 0
∴h=2 ∴k= −
The transfer equation will be,
X2 + 2y2 + =0
=> 4x2 + 8y2 + …………….. = 0

 By transferring the origin suitable point reduce the

equation 12x2 + 2y2 – 10xy + 11x – 5y -2 = 0
Soln: If we transferring the origin at (h, k) the co-
ordinate of the new axis system will be ( x +h, y+ k).
The given equation will be transfer as
12(x + h)2 + 2(y + k)2 – 10(x + h)(y + K) + 11(x +
h) – (y + k) – 2 = 0
=> 12x2+24xy+12h2+2y2+4yk+2k2-10xy-10xk-
=> 12x2+2y2-10xy+(24h-10k+11)x+(-10h+4k-
If the equation containing only 2nd degree terms
then, 24h – 10k +11 = 0 ………(1)
-10h + 4k – 5 = 0 ……….(2)
Solving (1) & (2) we get,
3 5
h=- , k = -
2 2
Therefore the transformed equation,
12x2 + 2y2 – 10xy = 0
Which is homogenous equation.
3 5
If we transfer the origin at (- , - ) the given
2 2
equation as homogenous.
H.W: x2 + xy + y2 + x + 5y + 7 = 0

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