SKV-Handbook For SKMs - V2.0

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Handbook for Extension Project personnel

Subeej Krishi Vignan Project (2016-17)

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INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 3

Guidelines for employees associated with CSR projects ...................................................................................... 5

Field day Curriculum & program ........................................................................................................................... 8

Extension services for improved agronomic practices in Cotton ..................................................................... 8

Extension services of improved agronomic practices in Maize ...................................................................... 10

Demonstration of the Direct Sown Rice concept in Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Bihar ................................ 12

Extension services for Varietal substitution and adoption of standard package of practices in Rice ............ 14

Annexure............................................................................................................................................................. 16

1. Farmer enrolment under CSR projects .............................................................................................. 16

2. Expenditure reporting under CSR projects ........................................................................................ 17

3. SKV Branding guidelines ..................................................................................................................... 19

4. F&A guidelines for CSR expenditure .................................................................................................. 20

5. Impact assessment questionnaire formats ........................................................................................ 23

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Nuziveedu Seeds Limited (NSL) has undertaken the following extension services projects under the “Rural
Development” category as a part of its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative.

1) Extension services for improved agronomic practices in Cotton

2) Extension services of improved agronomic practices in Maize
3) Demonstration of the Direct Sown Rice concept in Coastal Andhra Pradesh and Bihar
4) Extension services for Varietal substitution and adoption of standard package of practices in Rice

All the projects involve delivery of extension services to farmers for promotion of improved agronomic
concepts leading to enhancement of farm productivity and profitability. The proposals have been
conceptualized based on inputs from key management personnel of the company with an aim to leverage the
experience and expertise of NSL in development of improved agronomic concepts. The implementation teams
for the proposals will be headed by Project coordinators, who shall be independent of business functions of
NSL and shall operate with dedicated staff deployed for the project purpose only.

All the above projects are based on extension services to propagate improved agronomic concepts for
technology transfer and for enhanced profitability to the farmer and do not include any marketing or product
promotion activities. No products of NSL shall be promoted or marketed through the events and activities
planned under this program. The participant farmer has the freedom of choice to use any agricultural inputs
under this program and need not necessarily use NSL’s products.

The program shall follow the standard Farmer Field School (FFS) approach for delivery of extension services.
The FFS approach involves facilitating experiential learning through result demonstration (Plots with and
without the intervention) to enable farmers understand the impact of the intervention in terms of profitability
gains through adoption of the improved agronomic practice.

By the end of the program, farmers shall gain first-hand experience of the new agronomic practices, which will
help in adoption of improved methods of cultivation and realize higher profits. Each of the participant farmers
shall also introduce additional farmers and invite them to the Impact event held at the end of the program, to
disseminate the results on a large scale and to promote the benefits of the intervention to a wider section of
the farmers.

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As a part of cluster based FFS approach the projects aim to deliver extension services to farmers in the form of
Education and awareness sessions, Method and Result demonstrations and Field days. Two types of extension
services are planned.

a. The Farmer Field sessions, demonstrations and events will be half day session designed for ~ 30 direct
participant farmers for facilitating experiential learning and practical training. The cost for these
services have been budgeted at Rs 50/- per farmer.
b. The Impact event which is conducted as a series demo sessions at the end of the season is to
demonstrate the results of the outcome of the intervention to a larger audience of 100 farmers in the
adjoining regions. The cost for these services has been budgeted at Rs 100/- per farmer.

The CSR sub-committee has suggested to emphasize and strengthen the feedback mechanism and impact
assessment in each of the CSR projects. Accordingly the following report provides the methodology for
feedback mechanism and the impact assessment for the four extension services projects undertaken by NSL in
the area of rural development under CSR.

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Extension services projects under CSR are held under the head “Rural Development” of Schedule-VII of CSR
act. The following are guidelines for CSR staff who are exclusively deployed on the projects.

1) All employees designated and deployed on CSR projects will engage exclusively in “extension
services” activities only.
2) The CSR staff will report to the Project coordinators for daily operational activities and only for
administrative reasons they can report their Regional Heads.
3) The CSR staff shall completely exclude all marketing and sales activities from extension services
4) The CSR programs under extension services have been titled as “Subeej Krishi Vignan” (SKV).
5) All awareness material, leaflets, badges, certificates related to the CSR programs should provide
display of CSR logo.
6) The NSL employees directly involved with CSR will be designated as “Subjeej Krishi Mitra” (SKM).
7) Each SKM will identify anchor farmers in his territory and enroll them into the program. Enrolment
forms supplied by National program coordinator (NPC) to be used for his purpose.
8) Each SKM has been assigned to a particular territory for conducting the CSR projects. The local
RM shall also allocate some of the regular staff to voluntarily support CSR activities.
9) The NPC shall finalize all the program schedules for all the projects and communicate to SKMs.
10) Demonstration plots owned by Anchor farmers are central to successful project implementation.
The CSR staff in consultation with District head will identify plots and Anchor farmers and get
them approved by project coordinator.
11) The designated CSR staff in coordination with the District incharge shall identify and recruit
“Anchor farmers” into the program and schedule extension activities for the season. Further the
CSR staff in coordination with Anchor farmers will identify “peer farmers” and finalize the dates
of Field days and demonstrations to be conducted on the demonstration plots.
12) Each anchor farmer will be the owner of the plot which will become the demonstration plot for
showcasing best agronomic practices.
13) Each anchor farmer will induct four other peer farmers per plot. The five farmers will be called as
Subeej Kisans who will propagate good agronomic and agricultural practices in their village or
neighborhood with a single minded goal of “Improving farm profitability”.
14) Result Demonstration that is showing of the result or outcome on the field to farmer is the key
methodology that is followed in SKM. On a farmer plot, various interventions on improved
agronomic practices are shown to the farmers and the result of increased Yield and quality and
higher farmer profits is demonstrated practically. The interventions are shown by “Method

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15) The primary unit of activity under SKV project is “Field Day” conducted in collaboration with one
host farmer (Anchor farmer).
16) Each Field day should be conducted on the plot of Anchor farmer and will have 25 invitees in
addition to five (5) Subeej Kisans. A total of 30 participants will be there for one Field day.
17) Field days will be conducted at critical growth stages of the crop in between Sowing to harvesting.
18) During the crop 5 Field days will be conducted at different crop growth stages. Each FD will last
for 3-4 hours.
19) At the end of the season or during mid-season, the SKM should plan for a Mega Field Day in
consultation with the Subeej Kisans of the territory and the NPC. The maximum number of
farmers for MFD is 100.
20) The Project coordinator in consultation with district heads will detail out the daily schedule of the
CSR staff including route to maximize the efficiency of the human resources.
21) The project coordinators shall be responsible for devising the project schedule in detail and get
approval for the same from the Nodal officer-CSR and Advisor to CMD.
22) The CSR staff will maintain a Diary with daily activities. The staff will get their Timesheets approved
on a fortnightly basis from project coordinators.
23) The project coordinators shall regularly monitor the activities as per timesheets and will be
responsible for the effective utilization of the staff.
24) The procedure for CSR expenditure/accounts management and documentation will be released
by the CSR program coordinator to all staff after approval for CSR Nodal officer and CFO.
25) The SKM has to maintain a Field Diary, Attendance register and program schedule at all times.
26) The content and course material for SKV will be provided by National program coordinator.
27) All expenditure under CSR project should be submitted strictly in the prescribed formats and bills
should be submitted not more than on the next day of the conducting the event. SKMs should
maintain 100% compliance to the Operations and expenditure rules to be circulated by NPC.
28) All SKMs should ensure and strictly keep commercial and business activities away from CSR
project work to focus with an aim to improve farmer welfare.
29) All SKMs should keep record of field data recorded during the program up to date. The field data
will include farm economics, Yield data, results of different agronomic treatments, etc. which will
be utilized for ‘Impact assessment and project evaluation” at the end of the program.
30) The below costs are maximum allowed costs and actuals to be submitted after vetting by Finance and
Accounts and approval of NPC.
a. Cost break-up for Field day (30 farmers)

SNo Item Amount (Rs)

1 Refreshments @ Rs 25/- per person 750
2 Field arrangements 500
3 Miscellaneous expenses, 250
5 Total 1500
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Cost break up for Mega Field Day (100 farmers- Also can be organized as multiples of two mega events with 50
farmers each)

SNo Item Amount (Rs)

1 Refreshments @ Rs 50/- per person 5000
2 Field arrangements, Honorarium to trainer 4000
3 Miscellaneous expenses, certificates, 1000
5 Total 10000

Costs allowed under miscellaneous costs per district are as follows.

1. Field preparation and maintenance costs like brining demonstration aids like Precision planters,
sprayers and other farm implements/equipment.
2. Printing, stationery, CSR awareness material, Flex banners
3. Audio visual aids and tools, projectors,etc.
4. Providing free demo samples of seeds and other agricultural inputs like Micronutrients, Biofertilizers,
Pheromone traps, etc.
5. Communication services like Voice call based farm advisories, etc.
6. Free demo sowing services and other services related to conducting the extension services events as
described in the proposal with approval from Program coordinator.
7. Any other services with the approval of CSR Program coordinator.

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Extension services for improved agronomic practices in Cotton
Each Field day is conducted on the Field of Subeej Kisan for a duration of 5 hours. The following is the program
schedule for the Field day. Detailed curriculum will be circulated by NPC along with plot-wise program schedule
for each district. The minimum number of Field days to be conducted on each plot of anchor farmer is three
(3) and atleast one MegaField day should be conducted per Taluk in the crop growing areas of the identified

FIELD DAY-1: ( To be conducted from before sowing to 25 DAS )

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Cotton farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Cotton Biology and Growth stages
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Cotton crop agronomy- Establishment of plant stand
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on precision sowing and Field preparation
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-2: (To be conducted from 25 DAS to 45 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Cotton farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Cotton crop production techniques
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Integrated nutrient management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Nutrient applications /Fertilizer
application methods
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-3: (To be conducted from 45 DAS to 70 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Cotton farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to crop growth regulation
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Insect resistance management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information setting up pheromone traps
Demonstration of spraying of Growth regulators
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-4: (To be conducted from 70 DAS to 100 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Cotton farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Integrated pest management
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3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Disease management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information setting up pheromone traps
Demonstration of spraying of pesticides, use of biocontrol agents,etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 100 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Cotton farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Cotton commodities and marketing
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Post harvest management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Cotton produce quality, Bollwt, Yield
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

MEGA FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 150-170 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Cotton farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Overall Summary presentation
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Session by Subject matter expert on Cotton production and protection
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Video on Cotton package of practices and Farmer interaction session
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Certificate distribution and Closing session

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Extension services of improved agronomic practices in Maize
Each Field day is conducted on the Field of Subeej Kisan for a duration of 5 hours. The following is the
program schedule for the Field day.

FIELD DAY-1: ( To be conducted from before sowing to 15 DAS )

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Corn farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Corn Biology and Growth stages
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Corn crop agronomy- Establishment of plant stand
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on precision sowing and Field preparation
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-2: (To be conducted from 15 DAS to 40 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Corn farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to crop production techniques
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Integrated nutrient management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Nutrient applications /Fertilizer
application methods
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-3: (To be conducted from 40 DAS to 70 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Corn farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Weed management in corn
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Corn growth stages and yield planning
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration on Weed management
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-4: (To be conducted from 70 DAS to 90DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Corn farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Integrated pest management
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Disease management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on spraying of pesticides, use of
biocontrol agents,etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 90-110 DAS)

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SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Corn farming
1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Corn commodities and marketing
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Post harvest management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Corn produce quality, moisture, Cob
wt, etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

MEGA FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 110 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Corn farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Overall Summary presentation
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Session by Subject matter expert on Corn production and protection
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Video on Corn package of practices and Farmer interaction session
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Certificate distribution and Closing session

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Demonstration of the Direct Sown Rice concept in Coastal
Andhra Pradesh and Bihar
FIELD DAY-1: ( To be conducted from before sowing to 15 DAS )

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on DSR production

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Rice Biology and Growth stages
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Rice crop agronomy- Establishment of plant stand
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on DSR Field preparation methods
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-2: (To be conducted from 15 DAS to 40 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to crop production techniques
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Integrated nutrient management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Nutrient applications /Fertilizer
application methods
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-3: (To be conducted from 40 DAS to 70 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Rice

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Weed management in Rice
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Crop growth stages and yield planning
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration on Weed management
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-4: (To be conducted from 70 DAS to 90DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Integrated pest management
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Disease management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on spraying of pesticides, use of
biocontrol agents,etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 90-110 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy farming

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1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Paddy commodities and marketing
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Post harvest management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Paddy produce quality, cooking
quality, HRR, etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

MEGA FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 110 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Overall Summary presentation
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Session by Subject matter expert on Paddy production and protection
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Video on Paddy package of practices and Farmer interaction session
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Certificate distribution and Closing session

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Extension services for Varietal substitution and adoption of
standard package of practices in Rice

FIELD DAY-1: ( To be conducted from before sowing to 15 DAS )

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy production

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Rice Biology and Growth stages
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Rice crop agronomy- Establishment of plant stand
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on transplanted
puddled rice and DSR field preparation methods
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-2: (To be conducted from 15 DAS to 40 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to crop production techniques
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Integrated nutrient management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Nutrient applications /Fertilizer
application methods
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-3: (To be conducted from 40 DAS to 70 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Rice

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Weed management in Rice
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Crop growth stages and yield planning
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration on Weed management
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

FIELD DAY-4: (To be conducted from 70 DAS to 90DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Integrated pest management
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Disease management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on spraying of pesticides, use of
biocontrol agents,etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

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FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 90-110 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Introduction to Paddy commodities and marketing
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Introduction to Post harvest management
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Demonstration or Information on Paddy produce quality, cooking
quality, HRR, etc.
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Videos /QA session

MEGA FIELD DAY-5: (To be conducted above 110 DAS)

SNo Period Activity/Course content/Videos on Paddy farming

1 830 AM to 930 AM Introduction, Registration and Context setting
2 930 AM to 1000 AM Overall Summary presentation
3 1000 AM to 11 00AM Session by Subject matter expert on Paddy production and protection
4 1100AM to 1200 noon Video on Paddy package of practices and Farmer interaction session
5 1200 noon to 100 PM Certificate distribution and Closing session

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Enrolment form-Subeej Krishi Vignan project

Please affix passport size

1. Name of the farmer: photograph

2. Father/Guardian’s name:
3. Age:
4. Education:
5. Experience as farmer (No.of years):
6. Name of the village
7. District:
8. Address for correspondence with Phone No:
9. Permanent address:
10. Total acerage:
11. Owned/Leased:
12. Land details (Slope/Rocky area/Sodicity/Slainity/etc. Please specify if any ):
13. Soil type: Loamy-Alluvial/Vertisol-Black/Red/Sandy/Other
14. Soil testing status( If done , please specify details):
15. Extent of use of mechanization (Please specify name of farm implement/Equipment):
16. Crop history:
Season 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015
17. Whether participated in any extension services earlier:
18. If currently member of any other associations/clubs/FFS:

This is to certify that I have conscientiously taken a decision to enroll into the SUBEEJ KRISHI VIGNAN
Extension services program being undertaken as Corporate Social Responsibility projects by
Nuziveedu Seeds Limited (NSL). I shall provide all relevant information for facilitation of learning and
training under the program as per requirement and support NSL’s CSR employees for project
execution. I am also happy to be recognized as SUBEEJ KISAN by NSL and I shall fully cooperate with
NSL for conducting field activities under the project for betterment of agriculture productivity.

Date: Signature of the Farmer

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1. Field Day Completion Report

No Item Particular
1 Field day No (1 to 5)
2 Scheduled Date of Field day
3 Actual Date of Field day
4 Subject on which Field day conducted

5 Field day /Demo plot no

6 Plot Details (Village/Taluka/District)
7 Demo plot/Soil/Physiography/Irrigation
8 Date of sowing of the plot
9 Stage of the crop during Field day
10 Agro-climatic conditions/Remarks
11 Name of the Anchor farmer & peer farmers
/Contact details
12 Name of the SKM
13 Name of the Subject Matter Expert (SME)
14 Name of the farmer participants

15 Scheduled activities conducted ( Please

provide information on Hour-wise curriculum
covered both theoretical and practical
aspects of the extension / technical services
provided by the SKM and the SME)-Please
paste photos below
16 Total budget allocation for one FD
17 Actual expenditure per FD
18 Break-up of expenditure as per approved
items list
19 Expenditure certification by Project
coordinator and the Local Finance Head ( to
be provided on consolidated basis every

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Photos of the FFS session (Please provide photos of every hour of operations- Total 5 photos)

2. Field Day expenditure report

SNo Approved Field day activity /Expenditure Amount (in Rs) Proof submitted to be
item certified by F&A.

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1. SKV logo denotes Spreading of awareness, knowledge and application of science and technology
for benefit of mankind. This symbol shows the scientific process of sunlight and photosynthesis
and also the concept of Light from knowledge.
2. SKV logo should be printed on suitable material like Flute board, Foam sheet, Flex for banners
and boards. The logo should be prominently displayed in all SKV events along with the topic of
SKV (Field day, Awareness program, Mega Field day, Insect resistance management-Pink
bollworm awareness), etc.
3. SKV logo should also be prominently displayed on all Leaflets, Education material, promotional
material. SKV logo should also be used on Monthly progress reports and on expenditure

4. SKV badges will be provided to all Subeej Kisans only. Earning an SKV badge should be a matter
of pride and can be given only to progressive farmers who consistently adopt scientific
agronomic practices.
5. SKV branding should be strictly delineated from marketing and branding activities related to
Demand generation activities.

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Do’s and Don’ts for CSR Expenditure

1. For considering salary & travel cost of designated CSR employees under CSR expenditure of the
company they should work exclusively for CSR schemes only and should not engage in any other
regular business promotion activities of the Company.

2. Employees should use separate travel claim form instead of common travel NSL claim sheet to
differentiate between CSR claim and business travel claim. For example an employee can’t claim
expenses for dealer visit and expenditure for cash collection.

3. During CSR activity we should not advertise any of the NSL products to demonstrate that this is CSR
activity not our regular business promotion activity.

4. Accounting narration in SAP to clearly have details of activity and purpose.

5. CSR expenditure booking should happen without any delays, we cannot make a provision towards
CSR expenditure it should be only actuals incurred.

6. Any change in the employee list- addition/deletion to be updated to HR and F&A at the earliest.

7. CSR expenditure submitted to the committee should be as per SAP only; no out of books
expenditure should be added.

8. F&A have created cost centers for each projects, hence expense should be booked in respective cost
center which will enable proper MIS.

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2.1 .Questionnaire for Anchor farmers

1. Name of the participant:_________________________________________________________

2. Age:_________________________________________________________________________

3. Education:____________________________________________________________________

4. Years of experience in farming:___________________________________________________

5. Ownership/tenancy:_____________________________________________________________

6. Acerage:______________________________________________________________________

7. Irrigated/Rainfed________________________________________________________________

8. Crops grown:_________________________________________________________________

9. Demonstration plot size earmarked for SKV program___________________________________

10. Agri inputs provided:

11. Whether SKV coordinator had provided the program schedule well in advance:

12. Date of the Field activity (Field day or Mega field day) :_______________________________

13. Concepts taught under Subeej Krishi Vignan:________________________________________

a. Precision sowing with planter

b. Establishment of Plant population

c. Basal dressing techniques/Integrated nutrient management

d. Critical stages of crop growth

e. Topping and growth regulation

f. Agronomic practices during Flowering and boll formation stage

14. Activities demonstrated under Subeej Krishi Vignan

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a. Sowing with precision planter

b. Topping

c. Micronutrient application.

d. Picking- New tools and machinery

15. Benefits to farmer in terms of improvement of profits, awareness about opportunities and new


a. ____________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________________

16. Key learnings__________________________________________________________________




17. Key benefits to the farmers



18. Economic Impact


19. Social Impact


20. Environmental Impact:


21. Quality of facilities and arrangements

a. Good
Page 24 of 29
b. Average

c. Poor

d. Excellent

22. Quality of delivery of lecture/demonstration by Trainer/ Coordinator

a. Good

b. Average

c. Poor

d. Excellent

23. Suggestions for areas of improvement

a. ___________________________________________________________________

b. ___________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________

24. Demonstration/Extension services required for new technologies, agronomic techniques

a. ___________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. _____________________________________________________________________

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2.2 Questionnaire for Peer farmers

1. Name of the participant:_________________________________________________________

2. Age:_________________________________________________________________________

3. Education:____________________________________________________________________

4. Years of experience in farming:___________________________________________________

5. Ownership/tenancy:_____________________________________________________________

6. Acerage:_____________________________________________________________________

7. Crops grown:_________________________________________________________________

8. Irrigated/Rainfed __________________________________________________________

9. Field days attended__________________________________________________________

10. Topic of the Field day___________________________________________________________

11. Key learnings__________________________________________________________________




12. Key benefits to the farmers



13. Economic Impact ( Changes in perception/behavior on improved profitability, reduction of costs,

overall improvement in utilization efficiency, factors of production, with respect to adoption of

improved practices vis-a vis non-adoption)


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14. Social Impact ( Changes in perception/behavior on labour, gender, relationships, social status

with respect to adoption of improved practices vis-a vis non-adoption)


15. Environmental Impact: ( Changes in perception / behavior on soil health, responsiveness to

environmental changes with respect to adoption of improved practices vis-a vis non-adoption)


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2.3 Questionnaire for Impact farmers:

1. Name of the participant:_________________________________________________________

2. Age:_________________________________________________________________________

3. Education:____________________________________________________________________

4. Years of experience in farming:___________________________________________________

5. Ownership/tenancy:_____________________________________________________________

6. Acerage:_____________________________________________________________________

7. Crops grown:_________________________________________________________________

8. Irrigated/Rainfed __________________________________________________________

9. Information source on new practices or technology


10. Whether any Mega Field day attended


11. Whether a visit to the Demo plot made


12. What techniques can create an impact for higher profitability


13. Whether interested to become directly part of SKV program and attend Field days


14. Key learnings__________________________________________________________________




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15. Key benefits to the farmers



16. Economic Impact


17. Social Impact


18. Environmental Impact:


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