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42 英文單字連鎖記憶手册

Unit 2D «•****«*««

境畛以三 i1 分鐘背熟下面的 i 钊 I
I ((A)boom[bum](二 business prosperity ) n.興盛 v. i.發出隆隆聲; L 1(B) boon
[bun] ( = favor = bl es sing) n.恩惠;福澤
?. f (A)bosom["buzam](二 breast ) n.心胸
1 (B)blo8som[ "blasom](二 flower ) n.(樹)花 f 指結果實的花樹;灌木; 樹木。
〔辨 字〕bloom n&v・(不結果實的)花
〔慣用語〕⑴ in full bloom 盛開;in full blossom^ 開
(2)bosom friend (知心丽友)二 near friend 二 close friend
= fast friend = intimate friend
c. f bow ing acquaintance = nodding ( speaking ) acquaintance (點
姣之交)二 speaking terms
fair-weather friend (酒肉朋友)
side-kick (形影不離的密友);pen・pal (筆友)
f(A)boil [boil] v.沸勝
& < (B)broil [broil] v•烤;燒;炙熱
L(C)oil [oil] n.油
〔詞變〕boiler n.汽鍋
〔慣用語〕⑴ boiling point 沸點
⑵boiling w&ter 正在沸騰的水
⑶boiled water 開水(未必是熱的)
(4)boil down to (總結;濃縮爲)
二 condense to = shorten to= cut down to= summarize
f (A) bold [bold ] ( = fearless) adj.大膽的
4 1(B)old [old] adj.年老的
along in years (年事漸長)
二 on in years = advanced in years = get on in years
二 get along in years 二 elderly = growing old
((A)boot [but ] n.長善匕
I(B)root [rut] n.根(root for 支持;root out 根除)
〔慣用婿〕⑴ die in onez« boots (shoes)(死於非命;絞死)
=die with one's boots (shoes)on
二 not die in bed 二 die on the scaffold
(2) the boot is on the other (or wrong) foot ( or leg)
(① 錯誤在他人;錘實恰相反)
①=the fault lies with the other person
®— the opposite is the truth
(3) U boot (① 額外;②除••…•之外)
① 二 something extra
② 二 in addition = at that
⑷lick someone^ boots (對某人諂媚、献殷勤)
=lick someone's shoes - show him abject submission
二 be servile towards him
=toady him
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 43

\ 用»試以十分鐘做完下面的聯考要題
L Every market is___________ ・
(A) booming (B) booning
KffiElSC 2. The steady rain came as a _____________to the farmers.
E (A) boom (B) boon
lATBlETDir 1 May I ask a ___________of you ?
(A) boom (Bi boon
(AIEKIE 4. The azaleas are in full _____________in spring.
CE (A) bloom (B) blossom (D) bosom
lAlBHCfDim 5. Do you find cherry____________beautiful ?
(A) blooms (B)blossoms (C) bosoms
fATKircrgiin & John is a __________friend of mine.
(A) bloom (B) blossm (C) bosom
EWEEJL 7. John has been a nodding acquaintance of mine for the last seven
E years. ( 68 選錯)
(A) I know John only si ightly.
(B) John and I are no close friends.
(C) I have known John intimately for the last seven years.
G»When passing in the streets, John and I would exchange nothing
more than a nod upon recognition.
EWEItS & To blow out means to____________.
E (A) explode (B) exchange ()C) explain (D) express (E) expel
amsfEiu 9.A11 his talk___________down to the fact that he didn't want
to go.
(A)boiled (B)broiled
EIEEIEp 10.______________________________________________________I
] alive.(活活地給熱死) (A) boiled (B) broiled

fflEFStE 11.They al 1 come to see a man die in his_______________.

CE (A) boots (B) roots
EIEKIOI 12.1 paid what he asked for and gave him two dollars to
(A) boot (P)root
[ATE© 13.He says it was his brother who broke the window, but the
四圜 ___________is on the other foot.
(A) boot (B) root
fAiBiicinsirE 14.What you have heard is a lie, and a malicious lie
(69 大)
1(A) 2(B) 3(B) 4(A) 5L(B) 6(C) 7.(C) & (A) 9. (A) 10. (B)

*4 11(A) 12(A) 13.0) 14.(A)

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