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axcD sxwdxiLNi iNaaisaHd-iNn 触淵 J

MVU.O3 SO33d MMM :訓* g, 漏 1。£岫堀廉典岫 g :

拼法上易於混漏的形学 71

70 英文單字連鎖記憶手册

Unit 3D EE:i
•(A)affirm ( == declare firmly ) v.t.斷言
(B) confirm [kan^^m](二 make stronger ) v.t.證實;施堅信禮
(C) conform [kon'form](二 be in agreement with)v.i.順應;遵守;符合
(Dj deform [di^orm] ( = spoil the appearance of ) v.t.不正常
(E) inform [inform](二 tell ) v.t.通知
(F) infirm [ inff3*m] ( = not firm ) adj.不穩的
(G) perform [pa'form](二 do act ) v.i.執行;表演
(I® reform [ri^orm](二 try to make better ) v.t.改革;改進
.(I) transform [traes'form] ( = change the shape ) v.t.變形
(A) compute [kam^pjut ] ( = calculate ) v. t.計算;估計—computation n.
(B) depute [d/pjut] ( = authorize ) v.t.授權一* deputation or deputy n.
(C) dispute [dis'pjut](二 argue 二 debate ) v.t. & n.爭辯—>disputation

.(D) impute [im'pjut](二 consider as the outcome of ) v. t. 歸罪; 歸咎 t imputation n.

EK 變〕computer 計算機;電腦
"(A) assist [o'sist] v. t.協助
(B) consist [kon'sist] v. i.由…組成
(C) exist [ig'zist] v.i.存在
< (D) insist [ insist ] v.i.堅持(接 on )
(E) persist [po'sist ] v.i.固執(接 in )
(F) resist [ri'zist] v.t.抵抗
、(G) subsist [sab'srst] v.i.維持
r(A) conserve [k^n'sw](二 keep from loss , decay , etc ) v.t. 保存 conservation n.
(B) deserve [di'z3*v](二 be entitled to ) v.t.應得
(G) observe [0b'z3*v](二 watch ) v.t.觀察―► observation n.
(1$preserve [pri^w] ( = keep from harm , decay , etc ) v.t.保存 preservation n.
(E) reserve [rirz3*v](二 keep ) v.t,存留;預定 t reservation n.
、(F) serve [s3«v] v.t.服務;適用—► service n.
〔詞 變〕observation n.觀察;observance n.遵守;
observatory n.天文台 conservative n.保守份子;conservatory n.保溫室;
preservative n.防腐劑
(A) constitute [ fkanstit jut ](二 form ) v.t.組成-> constitution n. 憲法;體格
(B) destitute [fd£strtjut ] ( = poor ) adj.貧窮-^destitution n.
(C) institute [Fmstitjut] ( = organization ) n.機構 institution n.
>(D) subitute [ fsAbstitjut ] v.t.代替—>substitute/substitution n.
□D 拼法上易於混漏的形学 71

>聯考戦堤 >瀕!診**策*蛔我 j 珏 mMl

1 John was baptized when he was a month old and
smn ____________________________________________________________________
when he was at the age of twelve. (A)affirmed (B) confirmed (C) infirmed
囚[U 皿
(^conformed (E) reformed
2 Can you_____________that a statement is true ?
圜 (A)affirm 但)confirm 们)infirm (D)conform (E)reform
3L You should____________to the usages of society.(社會習慣)
(A) affirm (B) confirm (C) conform ® reform (Ej deform
4. Ever since that accident, he has become a _________________________ed man.
(A) conform (B) deform (C) inform (D) reform (E) transform
囚囱目 5 The boy has a ________________ed foot and cannot play games.
皿] (A) conform (B) deform (C) inform ©) reform (Ej transform
fOTT 匂冋 & They_____________d the accident to the driver's carelessness.
ID (A) compute (B) depute 们)dispute (D) impute
7. He____________d his losses at L50 -
(A)compute (B)depute ©dispute ® impute
iATBlfCin 8. This is beyond_______________the 5est book on the subject.
(A)compute (B)depute ©dispute ® impute
囚[SEISEl 9. She s in wearing that old hat.
(A)assist (B)insist (G)persist (0)subsist (E)resist
lAir^jicTui 10. I cannot____________ buying that beautiful dress.
■7 ■ (A)assist (B) insist 们)persist ([$subsist (Ejresist
11.A writer_____________s by the pen.
(A)assist (B) insist (C)persist (D) subsist (E)resist
m 12 Twelve months a year .
(A) constitute (B)desti tute (C) institute (功 substitute
囚 13.They set up a(n)_________________ to help the poor.
(A) constitute (B)destitute (C) institute (I#substitute
IAJLBJICJL 14. A ball -pen is a good_________________ " a fountain pen.
(A) constitute (B)desti tute (C) istitute (D) substitute
园 UMI 回 15.When he died, his wife and children were left___________________________.
(A)constitute (B)destitute (C) institute ® substitute

有 金 1(B) 2(A) a(C) 4. (D) 5L(B)6(0) 7. (A) & (C) ft(C) 10. (E)

會 W 11(D) 12(A) 13.(c) 14.(D) 15.(B)

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