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52, Church Street.

February 12, 2023

To Whom It May Concern,

Julian Ramiro Ozbi

Subject: Letter of Guarantee

I, Julian Ramiro Ozbi, residing at 52, Church Street. Manchester, hereby provide a guarantee to
Stefandy Aditya that I will fully assume responsibility for payment of salaries and return of deposits
made by Stefandy Aditya to this company.

I offer this guarantee as a token of my full support for Stefandy Aditya and my commitment to
ensuring that [the guaranteed objective or obligation] is fulfilled as per the agreed terms.

In the event of any failure or inability to meet the guaranteed obligation, I am willing to take
necessary steps to ensure that payment of salaries and return of deposits made by Stefandy Aditya
to this company does not suffer any loss or adverse consequences.

This letter of guarantee is made voluntarily and without any coercion from any party.

Yours sincerely,

[Julian Ramiro Ozbi]


Please make sure to adjust this letter of guarantee according to your specific needs and relevant
details of your situation.

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