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78 英文單字連鎖記憶手册

l<(A) deject [difd3ekt ] ( = dishearten ) v.沮喪-^dejection n.
(B) eject [ ifd3Ckt ](二 compel to leave ) v. t.逐出一> eject ion n.
(C)inject [m'd3£kt](二 drive something into ) ▼”.注射一* injection n.
(D) object [ab'd3£kt](二 be opposed to ) v.反對-* objection
(E) pro
ject [prafd3£kt ] v.投射;計劃(c.f project ['prad3£kt」 )
—* projection n.
(F) reject [rird3ekt ] ( = turn down ) v. t.拒絕 rejection n.
•(G) subject [sab^djEkt ] v.受制(c.f subject [ * sAbdsekt ] n. & adj.) —> subjection n.

2 C deliberate [di Uibaret] ( = consider carefully ) v.熟思 adj.故意的 liberate [Uibaret J

. (二 set at liberty ) v.解放—> liberation n.
r(A)delicate delikit ](二 finely flavored 二 frai 1 ) adj.精巧;脆弱;
< (B) dedicate ['dediket ](二 devote ) v. t.奉獻-^dedication n.
(C) abdicate [raebdaket ](二 give up ) v.放棄-^abdication n.
'(D) addict [ zaedikt ] v.沉溺於;嗜好―♦ addict ion n.
〔慣用語〕(1) dedicate ( devote ) oneself to 早 Vftig (n.)致力於;献身於
(2) be addicted to + Ving (n.)沉溺於;嗜好

4. Kdelicious [di^ijas] ( = giving delight ) adj.可口的 delirious [di lirias](二 in a state of


delirium ) adj.精神狂亂
r(A) delight [di'lait ] ( = please ) v.t.使喜悅;n.欣喜;喜悅;愉快 f
< .delightful adj.
1(B) light [lait] n.光線
r(A)delude [dirIjud](二 deceive ) v.t.欺騙
deluge [,deljud3](二 great flood ) n.洪水
7. |(A)depart [di'part ] v.i.離去—> departure n.
1(B) department [difpartmant ] n.部;部門;系
〔慣用語〕⑴ department store 百貨公司
(2)Department of Foreign Affairs 外交部 ⑶ Department of English 英文系
r(A) deplete [dr'plit ] ( = empty ) v.t.用盡-^depletion n.
8. < (B) complete [kmm'plit] ( = finish ) v. t. & adj.完成;使完善—►completion n.
4C) replete [ri'plit](二 filled ) adj.充滿
f(A)deprecate ['dEpriket] ( = express disapproval of ) v.t.抨撃;反對 t(B) depreciate
[difprijiet](二 lessen in value etc. ) v.t.輕視 f (A) despise [dis fpaiz ](二 look down upon ) v.t.
10 f
. 1(B) despite [dis pait ](二 in spite of )儘管
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 79

A 試以十分鐘做完下面的聯考要題
ffllUcJSE L The troops were scattered after a serious _____________________.
(A) defect (B) defence (C) defeat (D) feat
EWStSL Z Rabies (狂犬病)is a_______________disease •
S (A)dead (B) dying (C) deadly (D) death
KHEMIE 3, People in the Chinese Mainland are waiting for their
SIEEJIS 4. If you___________all the time , you won't have time to do
E what you want to do.
(A)deliberate (B) liberate (C)delicate (D) reject (E)project
囚 5L The medical students______________the frogs.
EEE3CE (A)dissent (B) dissect (C) descent (功 decent
6L I strongly ____________from what you have said.
EB (A)dissent (B) dissect (C) descent (D) decent
囚 7. What a __________ cake this is !
IUC31EI (A)delicious (B) delirious
& He _________(e)d his life to the service of his country.
(A)delicate (B) dedicate (C) abdicate (0) addict
ixi 国 9. Chicken is more_____________than beef.
Tgrgi (A)delicate (B) dedicate (C) abdicate (0) addict
EKUCJE 10.Donf t __________yourself with false hopes.(勿以虛幻的希望自欺)
ELI (A)delude (B) deluge
fAimfUTgir IL I need one volume to_______________my set of Dickens.
(A) deplete (B) complete (C) replete
SJESEE 12They live in a home _______________ with every modern
E convenience . (A)deplete (B) complete (C) replete

囚回可回 13. Hasty action is to be _______________ .

CE (A) deprecate (B)depreciate
囚 面 ©:a
14.Don't___________my efforts to help.
匡] (A)deprecate (B) depreciate
SUEJEC 15.Don't___________the poor.
E] (A)despise (B) despite (C) look down upon
(0 look up to

亠 白 1(C) 2(C) 3,(0 4.(A) 5.(B) & (A) 7. (A) &(B)9. (A) 10. (A)
拼法上易於混淆的形似字 79

寧 1Z(C) 13.(A) 14.(B)15.(A)(C)

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