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Balloon Volleyball
Age/Level: Young learners Time: 10-15 minutes Players: 2 teams Preparation: A

Aim: To keep a balloon airborne while saying words from a category.

This energetic category game helps students to revise categories of words. This game is
exactly like volleyball, but instead of a ball, a balloon is used.


Put the students into two teams. If you have a large class, make more teams and create a
volleyball tournament.

Start the game by shouting out a category, e.g. adverbs.

Every time the balloon is hit, either to another player or over to the other team, the student
hitting the balloon must say a word from the category.

If the balloon hits the floor, a word is not said, or a word is repeated the opposing team wins
a point.

Play for five minutes and then change sides or teams accordingly. ©20I3 Permission granted to reproduce for classroom use.

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