Jquery Questions

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Jquery Workout questions


1. set 3 images & also set 3 checkboxes for representing each image, and on a button click jquery event(name the bu
tton as "update"), set the width of the 3 images to 600px & set border property as dotted at the same time using jquer
y each. create another 2 buttons to hide & show the images. create another button ("delete") And on checking a chec
kbox, and when clicking on delete button, the checked checkbox which represent the image, that image should be re

2. there is an string array of 3 words, set 3 p tags content with each word in the array, and (using jquery animate) on
mouse over of each p, update each p tag font-size to 3em and toggle the opacity to 0.5 with slow effect.

3. (use the correct jquery selector) set 4 span tags inside a div, set the background-color of last span to green, set font
-size of even spans to 3em, and finally set 3rd span border in dash style.

4. create a .txt file, add some content to it. now using jquery ajax get() in html file, set the .txt file content inside a di
v on ajax success function.

5. set a form with 2 input fields, using jquery ajax post () (set some invalid url), try to send form data (datatype as js
on) , as we are using invalid url, to ont success, so try to alert an error message in ajax error funtion.

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