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From : Sinai Field Gen Mgr / S.F.Operations Gen Mgr / S.F.

Drilling & Workover Gen Mgr

To : Operations Gen Mgr / Deputy Operations Gen Mgr / Drilling & Workover Gen Mgr

Date : 17-Feb-2024
Daily Drilling Activity RPT
Last Csg TD plan Depth [m] Time (days) Cost, MM$ NPT
Rig name Well Name Target fm Drilling Activity put on Daily Next Well
Next Csg [m] Target Actual Prog Act. AFE ACT.
prod. (hrs)

Compl. l/d rss bha, p/up & rih 8 1/2" rotary assy to btm @ 3789 m (avg losses: 18 bph/200 gpm), rotary
Nubia, 9 5/8' x 10 3/4" @ re-drld 8 1/2" hole to 3818 m, had complete loss, opened pbl, spotting 50 bbl (280 ppb lcm pill) -
L.Sen/Turo 2890 m ongoing. Sidri-47
EDC-55 ARS-15 ST 4283 3818 / 3950
Next Opers: Secure losses, drill 8 1/2" hole to 3850 m, pooh to surface for logging.
69 66 22 7.114 5.904
nian -------------- Civil Work 90%
7" liner @ 3870 m (L.senonian @3683 m, U.senonian@ 3522m, Paleocene @ 3478 m, Eocene@ 3102m, A.zen @ 2996 m,
Nukhul @ 2903 m, Rudies @ 2415 m, Bel. @ 2157 m, OBM 1.18 kg/l, 37.84° inc, 259.64° azm @3633 m)

Compl. rih 8 1/2" rotary slick assy till tag cmt@2455 m, cleaned out 9 5/8" shoe track to 2513 m,
displaced well w/ 1.05 kg/l, clean out cmt & shoe to 2530 m, drld 8 1/2" hole to 2550 m, chc, pooh to
9 5/8"x 10 3/4"CSG @

Nukhul, Lower 100 m - ongoing.

2520 m Sidri-49
EDC-59 SIDRI-46 Senonian & 3683 2550 Next Opers: Compl. pooh to surface, p/up & rih 8 1/2" rss assy to btm, drlg ahead 8 1/2" hole to well 60 36 24 9.422 3.567
Nubia -------------- Civil Work 5%
TD@ +/- 3682 m.
7" LNR @ 3682 m
(RUD @ 1912 m, KAR @ 1824 M, S.GH@ 1633 M, ZEIT @ 1347 M, PM, OBM 1.75 kg/lit, 9.25° inc,
251.59° azm @ 2491 m)

Rss drld 8 1/2" hole to 3784 m, fixed top drive malfunction, Rss drld 8 1/2" hole to 3890 m - ongoing.
9 5/8" csg @ 3700 m Next Opers: Drlg ahead 8 1/2" hole to TD@ + 3935 m, chc, perform wiper trip to 9 5/8" csg shoe, chc,
Asl 1.5 hrs on
NDC-10 NEFERTITI-5R --------------- 3925 3890 pooh to surface for logging. 88 116 12 10.069 9.688
sandstone NDC co.
7" LNR @ 3935 m (Rudies @ 3634 m, Kareem @ 3394 m, Baba @ 3286 m, Fieran @ 3103 m, Bel @ 3015 m, S.GH @ 2595
m, Zeit @ 2288 m, EMEC OBM, 1.15 kg/lit, 44.01 inc°- 307.83 azm°@ 3850 m)

113-211 Ready w/ 22" CP @ 31 m.

112-199 Ready w/ 22" CP @ 30 m.
SIDRI NORTH 1X Performed committee & sent fax to cairo on 26/01/2021 for approval.

BLS-27 Performed committee, location rejected, proposed new coordinates and send fax to cairo on 14/4/2022 for approval.
113-A-86 & 113-
performed committee, locations rejected, proposed new coordinates and send fax to cairo on 17/02/2023 for approval.
113-A-88 performed committee, location rejected, proposed new coordinates and sent fax to cairo on 28/02/2023 for approval.

113-220 performed committee, location rejected, proposed new coordinates and sent fax to cairo on 18/10/2023 for approval.

113-218 performed committee, location rejected, proposed new coordinates and sent fax to cairo on 18/12/2023 for approval.

SIDRI-48 performed committee, location rejected, proposed new coordinates and sent fax to cairo on 04/02/2024 for approval.
SIDRI-49 sent job order to sp. Project to start civil work on 09/02/2024.

_________________________________ _________________________________ _____________________________

Drlg & W.O. Gen. Mgr Field OP. Gen. Mgr Field Gen. Mgr
Date : 17-Feb-2024
Daily Workover Activity RPT
Exp. Net TIME, days COST, MM$ NPT
Rig Name Well Name Oil W.O Reason W.O Target Operations Description Put on Next Well
Act. AFE ACT. (hrs)
bbls/d Prod.
Open SSD, SBHP Survey, Control well w/ 7% KCl , WBCO, Repostion
CMT squeeze job to isolate intervals (2578 - 2600) MT, Compl. POH e.line and R/D, Worked on CSG from section 2570-2410 m several times, POH 7" WBCO Strg and L/D, P/U BM-34
PN-4 200 WBCO, 4 5/8" TCP guns (5 SPF) Re-perforate 19 MT and Rih Test Strg (253 jts) and CHC prior to set the PKR, - ongoing. 9 0.354 (pltf. MWP-1)
(pltf. MWP-1) ( Zone "IV-A"+ ''V'') +
KAREEM FM (O.B) , Vacuum job, Restore prod ESP Next Opers: Set test PKR @ 2427 m and perform injectivity test and POOH, Perform WSO/CMT job as per plan. 113-M-83
producer from Zone "IV-A"+''V" 4 (pltf 113-M-04)
W.S.O. Record SBHP survey, RIH 7” WBCO T.O. fill, RIH 6” T. Mill strg Compl. RIH 5" B.Plug on HST Tool Strg to btm, R/U E.line and perform depth correlation, POH and R/D E.line, Space-out 4
(Gross Prod Rate: 220 T.O. fill, Set 5” B. Plug @ 2525 m, Dump cmt w/ dump bailer
and set B. Plug @ 2522.7 m DD (2525m L.D) and POH w/ HST Tool Strg to surface and L/D BHA - ongoing
113M-55 move
ZOSER 100 BPD, Water Cut: 62.4 %, above B. Plug (two runs), Perform vacuum, scale removal & 4 0.490
(Plt. MWP-02) duracaps jobs, resume pumping as ESP producer from Kareem Next Opers: Compl. L/D HST tool BHA, R/U E.line w/ shooting nipple and dump cement w/ bailer (2-runs). P/U and RIH +
Net Oil: 82.7 BPD),
FM. Vacuum Strg and perform vacuum job. 5

(Kareem FM)
D.H.E.F 4
BM-120 Open SSD, Record SBHP survey, control well, POOH & L/D POH 4-1/8" Guaging/Acid Strg and L/D, P/U and M/U Novomet ESP Pump "NBV 250-500" BHA - ongoing.
(RATE 315 BPD, W.C. move
TR-16 (PLTF 315 Prod strg, RIH w/ 7" WBCO strg, check fill, resume well Next Opers: Compl RIH Novomet "NBV 250-500" ESP Prod. Strg, N/D BOP and N/U Xmas Tree and Test, prepare surface 2 0.853 Release Rig
0.4%, Net Oil: 314 BPD +
BM-03) pumping as an ESP producer from Rudies FM. connections and Put well on production, observe well to stabillize, secure well and prepare to "Relaese Rig".
"ZONE Rudies") 9
POH w/ 5-3/4" O/S Fishing Strg & recovered one joint w/o X-Coupling. p/U and RIH rope spear to 565 m and POH
Open SSD, record SBHP, control well w/ Brine, POH & L/D (recovered: 9.3 m cable), P/U and RIH w/ 5-3/4" O/S Fishing Strg and tagged TOF @ 565m, Jar-up strg parted , POH w/ 5-
ESP prod stg, 7” wbco strg/check fill (last t.o.fill @ 3/4" O/S Fishing Strg enage fish @ 576.2m enage fish and POH (recovered only half X.Coup + 1m cable pc), re-RIH 5-3/4"
DHEF { RATE 505 BBLS, O/Shot Fishing Strg and enage fish @ 576.2 m - ongoing.
BM-22 3014m), Scrape 5 1/2" liner, perform vaccum test,
EDC-34 170 W.C 71.3% , ZONE
perform demulsifier job, perform scale squeeze job, Next Opers: P/U and RIH O/S Fishing Strg and engage fish, run 2-1/8" Dummy Cutter followed by Hall. Jet Cutter and cut
6 Fishing 0.156 BM-24
resume well pumping as ESP producer from zone (Rudies string above CV @ + 2055 m, Recover cut prod strg and fish ESP Pump BHA.
FISH-IN-HOLE:- 154 jts 2-7/8” TBG + SSD/CV + 92-jts of 2-3/8” TBG + ESP Pump BHA (Cable lost: ± 9.2 MT, Recovered: 23 X
2 7/8" X. Coup., Exp. T.O.FISH @ 576.17 MT).
Compl. Re-RIH Expro Test PKR and set @ 135 m and performed tested both annuli A & B. by Pumping thru strg and 3
113-20 Check Fill, convert Well to Water-Disposal, Washing & return from annulus press (both annuli pumped 100-bbls ea @ 400/500 psi 4 BPM losses 90 BPH), Unset PKR and POH to move
EDC-99 N/A Water Disposal
Acid Treatment may be considered Fishing 0.053 113-A-51
disposal surafce - ongoing. +
Next Opers: Compl. recover and fish all the Inj. Strg and L/D, P/U and RIH 7" WBCO Strg 4
Scrape 7” liner with WBCO assembly & check fill, Record 2
ISOLATE WATER SOURCE Compl. P/U and RIH 5" B plug on HST strg to setting depth, correlate with e.line and set 5" B.Plug @ 2865 m dd (2858.5
CAST-V CBL., Re-Perf zone II w/ 27⁄8” TCP Overbalance., move
EDC-67 113-194 100 {RATE 63 BPD, W.C 86.1 % m l.D), POH w/ HST tool strg (42 of 276 jts) - ongoing. 4 0.216 Need
Set 5” B.plug @ 2865 m., Perform Vacuum test for zone +
II., Restore well pumping as SR or ESP producer f/ zone II. Next Opers: Compl. POH w/ HST tool Strg and L/D, P/U and RIH Vacuum Strg and perform Vacuum Job. 16
POH Prod Strg, RIH W/ 7” w/ WBCO & Check T.O.Fill, 1
D.H.E.F Compl. N/U BOP and N/U THAF Xmas Tree and tested, prepared surface connection and put well on production @
Perform Vacuum & Chemical Treatment Jobs For L. Sen. move
Sidri-23 200 RATE 220 BPD, W.C 7.3% 14:30Hrs, well Under Observation @16 AMP 400 psi pinching, secure well, Released Rig @ 16:30 hrs - ongoing. Already 0.179
FM, Resume Well Pumping as ESP Producer From L. Sen +
NPSCO-7 "ZONE L.SEN Next Opers: WODL, T/D Rig and move rig from well Sidri-23 to Well 112-122 and R/U.
FM. 8
T/D Rig and move rig from well Sidri-23 to Well 112-122 (T/D: 40%, Rig Move: 10%, R/U: 0%), WODL - ongoing. 1
112-122 Move 0.012
Next Opers: WODL, T/D Rig and move rig from well Sidri-23 to Well 112-122 and R/U. move
P.W.O.R (380 BPD & W.C.: Compl. N/D BOP and N/U THAF Xmas Tree, Complete surface line and put well on production @ 20:00hrs, Well Under
NPSCO-3 SID-43 257 32 % , NET OIL: 257 BPD) Observation @ 25 AMP 400 psi pinching , Secure well and Release Rig @ 24:00 Hrs - ongoing. Already 0.184
Zone Nubia Next Opers: WODL to T/D Rig and move Rig from Well Sidri-43 to well BLS-01
R/U E.line and RIH dummy run perform Jet Cutter run to 2730 m and POH, RIH 2.03" Jet Cutter ad cut strg @ 2712 m, 3

(RATE: 380 BPD & W.C.: Record SBHP survey, Control well w/ brine 7% KCl, POH
POH and R/D E.line, POH and L/D Cut Prod Strg (65 of 286 jts) - ongoing move
EDC-2 113-138 110 73%, NET OIL: 102 BPD) w/ esp prod strg, 7" WBCO scrape 7" csg & check fill Fishing 0.096
condition & poh, Run new esp prod. Strg.
Next Opers: Compl. POH ESP prod strg and L/D, Press. Test WH/BOP, Dress and Fish PKR & ESp Pump BHA, P/U and RIH +
Zone (IV)
7" WBCO Strg to check TO Fill and POH. 4
D.H.E.F POH ESP Prod strg, Record SBHP survey, Control well w/ Compl. L/D REDA ESP pump ( found pump sec loose & free, motror: shorted), Press. Tested BOP & WH, P/U and RIH 7"
ST-26 112-71 250 RATE 1070 BPD, W.C 77% brine 7% kcl, RIH w/ 7" WBCO Strg, check fill condition & WBCO strg and tagged @ 2023 m, POH w/ 7" WBCO Strg ( 52 of 211 jts) - ongoing. 2 0.057 113-152
"ZONE I-B poh, p/up & rih w/ new esp prod. Strg. +
Next Opers: Compl. POH w/ 7" WBCO Strg and L/D, P/U and RIH REDA ESP Pump "D1150" prod strg.
P.W.O.R. Compl. POH w/ Jet Pump Guide Strg and L/D BHA - ongoing.
NPSCO-1 Sidri-13 100 (RATE: 849 BPD & 91 % Next Opers: Compl. L/D jet pump BHA, P/U TCP strg and perf 5m of Nukhul FM (U.B) and POH, RIH 7" WBCO Strg and 6 0.291
W.C, NET OIL: 76 BPD) POOH, Set B.plug @ 2547m
P.W.O.R, 30 BPD & W.C.: Compl. P/U and RIH RHB Anchor Pump S.Rod Strg, adjust and and set anchor pump @ 1508 m, test same at 500 psi -Ok,
113-32 20 37.9 % , NET OIL: 18.6 BPD check recovery - good, secure well. Release rig @ 14:00 hrs - ongoing Already 0.004 BLNW-06
NPSCO-2 Zone III + IV Next Opers: Compl. T/D and Move Rig fro well 113-32 to BLNW-06 and R/U.
POOH W/ S.ROD STRG, RECORD SBHP SURVEY, RIH W/ T/D and Move Rig fro well 113-32 to BLNW-06 (T/D 100%, Rig Move 50%, R/U 30%) - ongoing 1
Move 0.002
Next Opers: Compl. T/D and Move Rig fro well 113-32 to BLNW-06 and R/U. move
Compl. Mix and pump perform demuslifier job, P/U andRIH RHB Anchor Pump and set @ 2758m, filled strg and tested
ARM-37 20 Test TBG, Pull S. Rod and run new S.Rod prod strg. pump @ 500 psi -OK, Checked recovery -GOOD, Secure Well -WODL - ongoing Already 0.004 ARM-10
Next Opers: T/D and Move Rig to ARM-10
Compl. T/Dand Move Rig from ARM-37 to well ARM-10 (T/D 100%, Rig Move 100%, R/U 65%) Secure Well -WODL -
Test TBG, Pull S. Rod and run new S.Rod prod 1
ARM-10 ongoing Move 0.004
strg. move
Next Opers: WODL, Compl. R/U @ well ARM-10 and POOH S.Rod Strg.
Drilling 0 3 0 3
Workover 4 9 0 13
TOTAL 4 12 0 16
________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
Drlg & W.O. Gen. Mgr Field Oper. Gen. Mgr Field Gen. Mgr

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