12 Amazing Features in Postman 1690214891

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12+ Amazing


With Snapshots
Aram Tchekrekjian @AramT87
Workspaces and Collections

A workspace can include its own collections, APIs,

environment configurations, variables and many other

You can assign specific team members to work on

specific workspace

This is a great way to streamline collaboration between

all the different parties of your team as well as
stakeholders and clients.
Workspaces and Collections
Examples per Request

Within each request you save, you can add as many

examples you want

Examples can be quite handy when you are trying to

test different use cases for each request.
Environments & Variables

An environment encapsulates variables that can be used

across any of the collections within a workspace.

A variable can contain 2 values: Initial value and dynamic


You can use the Environment editor or the quick view

editor to modify the variables, by adding, updating,
deleting the variables or their values.
Environments & Variables
Importing & Exporting

You can easily import other postman collections or

OpenAPI specification files into your workspace using :

A shared Postman link

Postman collection file or files (through a folder)
OpenAPI specification file (json or yaml)
raw text or cURL
or even through source control

Exporting a collection or environment is likewise easy

and straightforward.
Importing & Exporting
Pre and Post-request Scripts

Postman supports writing commands using JavaScript,

which can be run either before a request or after it

Pre-request Script
Combine 2 or more requests together to build one unit
of work where you can take the response from the first
request and use it as an input to the second request.

Post-request Script (Tests)

This is executed after a request is run, usually this is
helpful when you are trying to update environment
variables with the response of your request.
Pre and Post-request Scripts

Postman supports writing commands using JavaScript,

which can be run either before a request or after it.

Using the scripts you can access different parts of your

workspace components, such as collection variables,
environment variables, request and response data, as
well as you will be able to write logs into Postman’s
Pre and Post-request Scripts

Pre-request Script
Combine 2 or more requests together to build one unit
of work where you can take the response from the first
request and use it as an input to the second request.

Post-request Script (Tests)

This is executed after a request is run, usually this is
helpful when you are trying to update environment
variables with the response of your request.
Pre and Post-request Scripts
Run a Collection

Navigate to any collection, click on the 3 dots beside it

and choose run collection:
Run a Collection
Then choose the run order and specify some configs and
press run.
Console Debugging
At anytime you can see the logs for how the HTTP
request/responses are being transferred between you
and the targeting destination URL.
Formatting of XML and JSON
You can use the beautify button to swiftly format any
text of XML or JSON structure
Mock Server
This acts like a web server to enable you test your APIs
as if there is an actual web server, the mock server
feature of Postman will accept API requests, and return
different HTTP responses.
Mock Server
Code Snippet Generator
You can instantly generate a code snippet from any
request you want.

Choose the <> icon on the right side of the postman

screen, it will expand a side panel with the required
languages to select from:
Code Snippet Generator
You can use the raw cURL request, which is language
agnostic and you can share it with anyone to use it with
whatever way is preferred.
Code Snippet Generator
Or, you can choose from a wide range of programming
or scripting languages to generate the code snippet for
API Builder
Create, manage, publish, test, automate and deploy
APIs. You can use existing collections or even connect
your git-based source control
Access to Worldwide Public APIs
Postman allows you to explore all the public APIs over
the web with the ability to instantly import them into
your workspace and start consuming them.
Bonus Features
Postman CLI
You can easily perform all the tasks you can do with a
collection using the powerful Postman CLI.

The Postman CLI is a separate downloadable component

that can be installed into different operating systems,
including Windows, Mac and Linux.

It features a set of different capabilities like supporting

sign in and sign-out to postman account, checking API
definition against API security rules and many others.
Bonus Features
Postman Flows
This is a great way to graphically represent the flow of
your APIs.

Using this feature, you can easily building your product

starting with your APIs.

It allows you to integrate between 2 API-enabled

products with chaining requests and reading data from
one API to another.
Bonus Features
WebSocket API Support

You can now easily connect to any WebSocket API

endpoint and start sending / receiving messages in real-

This beta feature supports customizing the headers and

query parameters to make the WebSocket connection

In the messages panel, you can instantly view all the

incoming/outgoing messages
Bonus Features
WebSocket API Support
Bonus Features
WebSocket API Support
Any more
Postman Features?
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Aram Tchekrekjian


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