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Sunday Mass Reflection

Name: Ruth L. Madayag BSNI- N05 Date: October 8,
Church Name: Macamilco Grace Baptist Church
Church Affiliate: Youth
Church Leader: Igmar Rentino

On this day of Sunday church day, pastor tackled about is in the book of
Psalms1:1-2. Which says, Psalms1:1 and 2 “ 1Blessed the man who follows not
the counsel of the wicked nor walks in the way of sinners, nor sits in the company of the
insolent,” and “2 But delights in the law of the LORD and meditates on His law-day and night.”
The passage talked about the true Christian and way of life. We must not rejoice in worldly
doings, being or choosing God as Christian will make you unique from the others in a way that
you are distinguish to be different from others and people will find you boring. Example if the
world or the people is engaged in worldly deeds like drinking alcohol here in the world you will
please those people are like you, but if you do different like go to church on Sundays instead of
going cock-fighting, gambling, and drinking the Lord will be please. And the world will not brand
you as its citizen but a citizen of heaven. Being a Christian will make us different from the world.
Men will not be going to like us, but that does not matter as long as the Lord does we will
continue to do so.

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