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Table of Contents

1. Safety Policy
2. Scope of Work
3. Scope of Plan
4. Basis of Safety Plan
5. DESIGNTECH Health and Safety Organization
6. Personal Protective Equipment
7. Safety Activities / Orientation Training
8. Safety Meetings
9. Suggestion System - Safety Incentive Program
10. Hazard Identification Plan
11. Work Permits
12. Job Site Safety Inspections / Audit
13. Job Site Safety Log-Book
14. Injury and Damage Reporting
15. Disciplinary Action
16. Safety Records and Reports
17. Basic Rules of Personal Safety and Conduct
18. Emergency Procedures
19. First Aid Facilities
20. Fall Protection
21. Camp Safety and Health
22. Off-The-Job Safety
23. Traffic Safety
24. Electrical Installations and Equipments
25. Plant Operations
26. Fire Prevention
27. Area Fire Wardens
28. Respiratory Protection
29. Equipment / Operator / Rigger Certification
30. Compressed Gas Cylinders and Manifolds
31. Scaffolding
32. Signs, Signals, Barricades and Lights
33. Equipment and Motor Vehicles
34. Ladders
35. Floor and Wall Openings
36. Commissioning
37. Demobilization

 No 1 - Safety Meeting Report
 No 2 - Weekly Safety Report
 No 3 - Personnel Injury Accident Report
 No 4 - Preliminary Motor Vehicle Damage Report
 No 5 - Safety Violation Notice

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Safety is an essential part of DESIGNTECH Policy. The provision of safe working

conditions is of the utmost importance to DESIGNTECH . No activity on the project will
ever be of such importance than safety. Never safety will be sacrificed for the sake of
This will be achieved by:

 Setting up a safety organization and defining the safety responsibilities for each level of
 Providing the necessary ongoing safety instructions and training for both new recruits
and employees.
 Supplying the necessary means for a safe working environment and for an adequate
personal protection.
 Supervising continuously all working activities.
 Promoting the involvement of the individuals at all organizational levels in controlling
and reporting safety standards violations.
 Ensuring accurate reporting and investigation of any accidents and for injuries.
 Encouraging, whenever possible, discussion on safety matters.
 In co-ordination with the Owner, ensuring the necessary first-aid and medical assistance.
 Providing adequate financial allowances to implement this policy.
 Prepare a suitable Method Statement for the execution of the most critical works.

DESIGNTECH ensures that it will develop and maintain a Safety Management System that
provides a safe working environment and prevent the occurrence of accidents which may
result in:

 Injury to or ill health of any person employed or not.

 Damage or destruction to Client and company installations and property.
 Shutdown of any operational activities.

Every manager and foreman will be responsible for the health and safety of its employees and
for ensuring that the working conditions do not pose any risk to the health and safety of other
persons. While DESIGNTECH management accepts safety matters as its prime
responsibility, it is necessary in order to implement this safety policy that all employees and
workers shall accept and fulfill their duties under this policy, namely they will be required.


To that end it is of fundamental importance that all project personnel realize that their
personal safety and well being depends on giving conscientious day-to-day attention to the
potential hazards in every, task that they perform. This Safety Plan is not intended to cover
every eventuality, but instead is prepared to provide a description of the safety program
elements DESIGNTECH plans to accomplish at the jobsite.
DESIGNTECH commitment for this project is to control the circumstances that can lead to
accidents. Therefore, our safety goal shall be "Zero Accident".

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The scope of work of this project includes all E & I, and Distribution as per Client


The scope of the plan is to identify potential areas of risk and unsafe acts before they occur
and to eliminate accidents by:
a) Changing the cultural attitude towards safety.
b) Defining the responsibilities for safety within the Client and DESIGNTECH ’s Project
c) Establishing a safety philosophy as an integral part of Construction Management with
responsibility at each level of management, supervision and work force.
d) Enhancing the workers skills through the provision of a comprehensive training
e) Measuring and evaluating the overall safety performance through a continuous auditing
f) Reporting of all accidents, incidents and near miss occurrences.
g) Communicating safety issues to the workforce.


a) DESIGNTECH Safety Policy and Procedures Manual

b) Client Safety Manual
c) Construction Safety Philosophy
d) Laws of Saudi Arabia


5.1 Teamwork, cooperation, concern for fellow workers and planning are fundamental to an
effective accident prevention programme.

5.2 Before work commences, all health and safety factors will be taken into consideration
and safe methods of work shall be established and agreed. With regard to that, key
items will be:

a) Safety kick-off meetings with all client and inhouse department prior to
commencement of operations.
b) Reviewing workscope and possible interface problems before work commences.
c) Ensuring that a safety organization is implemented by each department.
d) Evaluating the degree of commitment to safety and management control by each
e) Ensuring that provision is made for protective clothing and safety equipment by
each department.

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f) Ensuring that each department has a programme for preventive maintenance
routines and inspection of all equipment operated at the jobsite.

5.3 DESIGNTECH Safety Organization

The responsibility for the implementation of a site Safety Program is incumbent on all
levels of construction staff from the Project Manager through all levels of field
supervision down to all workers. This responsibility for the observance of the site
Safety Program also embraces to all.

Safety Officer is responsible for its implementation and shall, in cooperation with all
those concerned, monitor and ensure that this program is continuously complied with.
He will advise the site staff about the actions to be taken and provide technical
assistance and also he got a direct contact with DESIGNTECH higher management to
insure the implementation of Safety rules without any deviations.

DESIGNTECH will nominate a Safety Officer.

Any accidental occurrence will be investigated promptly by the responsible Safety


He will report the accident damage or loss, in writing promptly to the client Safety in-
Charge through proper channel.

All safety personnel will wear red hard hats & shirt which clearly indicate this safety
functions and responsibilities on the work site.

5.4 DESIGNTECH Project Manager

The Project Manager has the overall responsibility for safety and will be the prime
contact with client Project Management Team. He shall ensure that the Project Health
and Safety Policy and all specific legal requirements applicable to the project are
complied with at all times.

Specifically the Project Manager shall:

 Understand the company’s safety policy and the responsibility allocated to each
grade of supervision.
 Know the requirements of the Contract and relevant Saudi Arab Government
Workmen's Regulations and ensure that they are observed.
 Ensure that tenders adequately allow for sound working methods and reasonable
welfare facilities.
 Coordinate safety activities between DESIGNTECH , Client and other individual
contractors who may be working on the same site.
 Institute proper system for investigation, reporting and estimating the cost of
injury, property damage and fire loss. Initiate analysis to discover accident trends
and promote action to prevent recurrence.
 Ensure that all supervisors are qualified and that they receive adequate and
appropriate training.
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 Determine the following at the planning stage:
- The most appropriate order and method of performing the job.
- Storage areas, access, etc.
- Any hazards identified under the Hazard Identification Procedure.
- Facilities for welfare, first aid and sanitation.
- Basic precautions for dealing with fire hazards.
 Provide written instructions to establish work methods, explain the sequence of
operations, outline potential hazards at each stage, and indicate precautions to be
 Check over work methods and precautions with supervision before work starts.
 Create safety awareness by promoting safety meetings, presentations, open forum
discussions and by implementing safety training.
 Set a personal example on site by wearing appropriate protective clothing and
equipment at all times.
 Ensure that all accidents are reported to DESIGNTECH Safety Dept.

5.5 Loss Prevention / Safety Officer / Supervisor

Safety Officer / Supervisor coordinates with the Project Manager on day-to-day matters
and to the company Safety Officer on matters concerning company policy and
regulatory interpretation. He will be responsible for coordinating and advising on all
safety and health matters. He has the overall responsibility for guiding and advising all
department on safety related matters. He will define and monitor the implementation
of the safety system on a continuous basis.

He also has the duty to provide and distribute the safety documentation (Safety
Manuals, Procedures, etc.) specific for this project which will have to be prepared
according to Saudi regulations, Client requirements and in consideration of project
specific hazards.

If necessary he may seeks help from client’s Safety Supervisors in implementing the
Safety Program.

Safety Officer(s) reporting to him shall be assigned to the various work areas and shall
be responsible for ensuring that the safety programme is being applied.

His main activities include:

 Advise on the following:

- Ways to prevent injury to personnel, damage to plant and/or equipment and
- Ways to improve existing work methods.
- Legal and contractual requirements affecfing safety, health and welfare.
- Provision and use of protective clothing and equipment.
- Potential hazard on site before work starts and on the organization and fire
precautions required.
- Changes in safety requirements.
 Carry out surveys to monitor that only safe work methods are in operation, that
health and safety requirements are being observed, and welfare and first aid
facilities are adequate and properly maintained.
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 Supervise recording and analysis of information on injuries, damage and
production loss. Assess accident trends. Review and report overall safety
 Train employees at all levels.
 Coordinate the client safety orientation course for all DESIGNTECH employees.
 Initiate discussions on injury, damage and loss control.
 Keep up-to-date with recommended codes of practice and safety literature.
Circulate information applicable to each level of employees within the organization
an understanding that injury prevention and damage control are an integral part of
business and operational efficiency.
 Attend job progress meetings with safety officer for safety related items on the
 Identify and prepare safety training courses and seminars for general safety
induction courses, permit to work procedures and all other areas as identified.
 Liaise with client Health & Safety Authorities and subordinates safety staff.
 Ensure that investigation of all accidents, near miss occurrences and property
damage incidents are carried out and that reports are submitted that include
recommendations for preventing recurrence.
 Establish emergency procedures for fire, emergency evacuation and medical
treatment and provide feedback to client management and DESIGNTECH
management as appropriate.
 Call regular Client / Co-contractors / Consolation / Safety Committee Meetings to
discuss and agree proactive measures which shall be considered in eliminating and
controlling hazards, especially at interface of operations where they were not
foreseen at the commencement of an operation.
 Initiate safety kick-off meeting with all departments prior to commencement of
 Monitor that a safety organization is implemented by each departments.
 Evaluate the degree of commitment to safety and management control by each
 Ensure that provision is made for providing protective clothing and safety
equipment by the management.

5.6 DESIGNTECH Safety Officer

If necessary, considering also manpower peak, the Loss / Prevention / Safety

Supervisor will be assisted in his duties by local Safety Officer who have the duty to
carry out routine checks and inspection of site, report all unsafe conditions and take all
necessary corrective actions. They will maintain cooperative relationship with all site
supervisors talking an active role in assisting on personnel training, accident and fire
prevention, accident control and security measures.

5.7 Site Supervisors

 Organize the site so that work is carried out to the required standard with minimum
risk to personnel, equipment and materials.
 Know the requirements of the contract.
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 Be familiar with work permit procedures.
 Give precise instructions on responsibilities for correct work methods.
 Plan and provide for good housekeeping.
 Coordinate with other department and other contractors on site to avoid any
confusion about areas of responsibility.
 Position equipment effectively and ensure to electricity supply is installed, used
and maintained correctly.
 Check that equipment and tools (both power and hand tools) are maintained in
good operating condition.
 Make sure that all men know how to apply first aid properly and efficiently to all
injured persons.
 Make sure suitable personal protective equipments are used.
 Cooperate with the Safety Officer and the fire department by acting on their
 Set a personal example.

5.8 Craftsmen

 Make sure to wear proper personal protective equipment at all times.

 Understand and adhere to the company safety policy and the Project’s Loss
Prevention Program.
 Be aware of the basic facilities for welfare, first aid and sanitation.
 Understand and implement the precautions for dealing potential hazards found on
the job site.
 Be familiar with the procedures, evacuation scheme, and signals during fire and
other emergencies.
 Ensure good housekeeping.


6.1 Protective Equipment Policy

It is DESIGNTECH policy to supply all employees with the necessary protective

equipment and clothing, suitable for the type of work they are called to perform,
weather and environmental conditions. Such equipment includes, but not limited to,
hard hats, eye protection sufficient to protect against any specific danger to eyesight,
safety steel-toe boots or shoes, respiratory equipment (including breathing apparatus),
and if necessary protective suits and hearing protection. The clothing must be in good
state of repair and it shall not consist of any loose or ragged material that can become
entangled in moving machinery, wire rope, chains or other tools.

6.2 Work Attire for Personnel Protection

The basic attire on the job site will be as follows:

Mandatory at all times
Safety Helmets (Plastic - NOT Metal) Conforms to ANSI Z89.1-1981
Safety Boots (w/ steel toe caps)
Hearing Protection (in areas posted or where the noise level exceeds 85 dBA)
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Clear safety glasses

Required as determined by nature of work and at the discretion of client

General Work Gloves
Full Body Harness
Safety Belt with Line
Breathing Masks
Welder’s Masks or equivalent
Chipping Goggles
Grinding Transparent Plastic Face Shield
Protective Gloves
Welder’s Gloves
Rubber Boots provided with Steel Toe Caps
Plastic Aprons
Fire Extinguishers for Site Offices, Laydown Yards and Site
Leather Apron (Welders)
Safety Sign Placards
Under no circumstances workers will be allowed to work without shirts or in short
Sleeveless shirts and tank tops are not permitted.


7.1 Introduction Employee Orientation

All DESIGNTECH personnel regardless of prior experience will attend the client
Safety Induction before being issued with a permanent site identity pass.
The frequency will be adjusted to suit manning levels / mobilization with inductions
taking place throughout the week in close coordination with client concerned

7.2 Visitor’s Instruction Training

All visitors will attend an abbreviated induction talk by DESIGNTECH .

Also this training will be completed by specific requirements of client.

7.3 Specialized Training

Specialized training will be provided as needed on various topics to site personnel.

Topics will include such subjects as safe electrical, lock / tagout, confined spaces, etc.
Specialized training is conducted to reinforce craft and supervisory personnel's
knowledge of safe work practices, methods and procedures.

7.4 Firefighting Equipment

Training requirements will be developed covering fire prevention, fire suppression and
the duties of fire marshals.

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Personnel trained to use fire extinguishers must be readily available during all working

Fire extinguishers must be properly maintained and inspected at regular intervals by

the Safety Supervisors. Firefighting training will be done by DESIGNTECH .
Individual locations of all fire extinguishers and other fire fighting equipment must be
highlighted by prominent standard figures or markings. Access to these locations must
not be blocked.

Appropriate fire signboards will be placed on site where a risk of fire exist.

7.5 Emergency Procedures and Response

Personnel will be advised of the actions to be followed in the event of fire, explosion,
gas release and any other emergencies during the induction training and subsequent
ongoing training sessions.

The evacuation procedure will be clear and concise. The procedure will be publicized
on Notice Boards strategically placed around the site and within offices and will
include emergency telephone numbers and a basic map detailing the respective
evacuation routes, and assembly points.
Prior to mobilitation, an informative memo very handly and coloured concerning
emergency will be prepared and distributed during introduction employee orientation
to all the personnel involved in the Project.

7.6 Safety Talks

All DESIGNTECH Supervisors / Leaders helds safety talks of short duration (say 10
minutes) on at least one day each working week.
The topics to be discussed will be coordinated with the Client Loss Prevention / Safety

7.7 Safety Posters

Colorful safety posters and Ssgnboards shall be displayed to instruct and keep the
workers "safety conscious" on the work site. The posters are mainly in cartoon form
covering safety precautions and accident prevention rules and regulations covering site
cleaning-up, personal protective gear, etc.
These shall be moved and changed from time to time so as to maintain interest.

7.8 Safety Memos

Informative memos oriented to illustrate the safety status and experience data will be
published every 2 weeks by DESIGNTECH Safety Officer. They must be brief and
contain the following information:

 Information, suggestions and instructions on how to improve safe working

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 Significant construction work achieved successfully and safely.
 Work to be undertaken in the immediate future which requires special care or
attention to safety aspects.
 Statistics of each individual department as a group in attaining accident free
working manhours.


8.1 Safety Committee Meetings

A Safety Committee is to be established as soon as possible after the mobilization.

The Safety Committee shall meet weekly
The Chairman will be the client’s Project Manager supported by the Safety Officer.

8.2 Induction Safety Meetings

These will be held regularly in line with the arrival on site of new management
personnel. Induction / re-orientation meetings is to be held on a regular basis to ensure
that personnel do not tend to "Slack Off" with regard to safety matters.

8.3 Tool Box Meetings

These will be held on the place of work weekly.

DESIGNTECH Safety Department will develop a series of toolbox talks, for the use of
the department that are relevant to the project status.
The topics to be addressed will be decided by the DESIGNTECH Safety Officer.
Client Safety Loss Prevention / Supervisor can attend these talks on a random basis to
monitor quality and effectiveness.

8.4 Daily Team Talks

Each department will give a daily short safety training talk to their employees.
These talks are to include general safety and specific safety points relevant to their

8.5 Supervision’s Safety Meeting

A Supervisor Safety Meeting will be held once per week under the chairmanship of
either the Project Manager or the Safety Supervisor. The Safety officer will always
attend and address these meetings highlighting important safety events in the previous
week, establishing corrective measures where necessary.
8.6 Forms

The forms to be used for the management of safety during site works executions are in
the attachment of the plan.
In case of specific needs the forms could be modified or new ones be added.


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DESIGNTECH will encourage suggestions from all project site employees by the following

9.1 Safety Incentive Award

DESIGNTECH intends to promote two safety award schemes to strengthen the safety
awareness and the competitive spirit between department to achieve increased
standards of safety for employees, education accident / incident investigation and
personal protection. These schemes are:

Scheme One: A monthly safety shield to be awarded to the department who

achieves the best safety performance each month. A monetary
reward will also be given.

Scheme Two: Token award will be given to selected personnel for achieving
significant safety standards including the best suggestions received
during the month.

9.2 Motivation

DESIGNTECH will motivate employees by use of appropriate publicity programmes,

encouragement of good attitudes, recognition of individual / team effort safety
incentive programmes and dynamic training strategy.

9.3 Publcity

Appropriate publicity to promote safety and health, shall include signs for site safety,
health, dangers and precautions and a safety promotion board, located at the site


10.1 Hazard Identification

The hazardous nature of each material is related to the way it is transported, stored or
used - the materials with which it may come in contact and how it is disposed of or
recycled. There is no single identification system which can briefly indicate the
hazards for all these conditions. NFPA 70 - Identification of Fire Hazard Materials,
indicates the fire hazards associated with any chemical and also describes the hazards
which might be encountered in storage, transportation, use or disposal of the chemical.
10.2 Hazard Identification Plan (HIP)

Client and DESIGNTECH Loss Prevention representative to conduct a joint HIP walk
through to identify potential hazards and the same will be shown on a location map.
Hazards will be identified, and classified as A, B or C according to their degree of
potential human impact considering severity and probability (i.e. from most severe and
probable to less severe and probable). HIP will beformulated during the initial stage of
the project. The plan allows for a change in the methodology of construction that
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could reduce or eliminate the risks associated with the hazards once those hazards are
formally identifed.
Hazards will be classified into the following 3 categories:

o Class “A” - A condition or practice likely to cause permanent disability, loss of

life or body part and/or extensive loss of structure, equipment and materials.
o Class “B” - A condition or practice likely to cause serious injury or illness
(resulting in temporary disability) or property damage that is disruptive, but less
severe than Class “A”.
o Class “C” - A condition or practice likely to cause minor (non-disabling) injury
or illness or non-disruptive property damage.

DESIGNTECH is familiar with the Method Statement for the execution of critical or
potentially hazardous works. Included among these works are all construction
activities that can interfere with the other unit’s normal operations or which could
cause a fatality or a damage if not conducted properly.

- The typical activities included are in the point 25.0

- Heavy or difficult lift
- Electrical Installations and Equipments (special requirements are in the point
- Confined spaces (special requirements are in the point 27.0)

For these kinds of works DESIGNTECH 's normal practice is to prepare a report,
planning the work and the procedures to follow, to execute the operations in safe

This report has to be submitted to client personnel-in-charge of safety for approval and
authorization for the release of work permit.

10.3 Delivery to Site of Hazardous Materials

The delivery to site, usage or storage of any hazardous or flammable substance, unless
written authorization has been obtained, shall not be permitted. A copy of the relevant
hazard data sheet for the specific substance concerned must accompany the
application for an access permit.

Corrective Action

a) List all hazards identified in the HIP outline, and determine what corrective
action should be taken.
b) Only approved storage containers and facilities will be allowed on site or in
temporary facilities area.


11.1 DESIGNTECH confirms its commitment to totally conform with all client’s
Instructions, Standards and Safety Procedures.

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11.2 Station construction area will be fenced.
Arrangements for permits will be coordinated through the project’s Project Engineer
and / or Safety Officer with the identified DESIGNTECH liaison.

In "Restricted Area”, and after the relevant work permit has been obtained, a firewatch
will be foreseen when the activities are performed in the presence of combustible
materials or potential gases. If sparks cannot be prevented from failing to lower levels
while welding, cutfing, or burning, a firewatch should be stationed below with an
approved fire extinguisher. The area below shall also be restricted from entry by the
use of signs and barrier tape. Every attempt shall be made to use fire retardant blankets
or other non-flammable materials to prevent sparks and other source of ignition from

11.3 Existing equipment systems and utilities in the 'Restricted Area' will be protected prior
to commencement of any work which could damage them.

11.4 Dust control and methods to be used for dust control shall be always considereded.

11.5 Smoking will be forbidden within the work site to all personnel in "Restricted Area".
No Smoking sign, in diftrent language, will be located within the site area. Smoking
will be allowed only at the client’s designated areas.


12.1 Daily / Weekly Inspections

DESIGNTECH / Client Safety Officers will make regular and frequent inspections of
all facilities together with their respective representatives. Any infractions, unsafe acts
or poor practices uncovered will be recorded and promptly corrected.
Daily inspections will be performed by all foremen / supervisors, with a formal
inspection being conducted weekly by DESIGNTECH Loss Prevention / Safety
Supervisor, who will note observations and actions taken on the Project Safety
Inspection Form.

12.2 Corrective Actions and Report

During all inspections, corrective action(s) of existing conditions or behaviour begins

immediately upon identification of the hazard. Where safety violations are noted
pertaining to different departments, such items shall be discussed at the weekly safety
The formal inspection report will be generated noting observations, appropriate
recommendations and correction time frame for follow-up by Supervisors / Foremen.
Inspection results will be discussed in the weekly progress meeting.

12.3 Records

All construction records will be kept and maintained as per client requirement.

12.4 Safety Audits

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Safety Department will periodically visit the site to audit the safety program and for
regulatory compliance with client and DESIGNTECH Safety Regulations and
Standards. The results and recommendations generated by corporate audits are
distributed to the Project Manager and Homeoffice Executive Management


DESIGNTECH will use and maintain on site, a job Safety Log Book to record any safety
violations found during the daily safety surveillance performed by DESIGNTECH Site
Safety Officer. The log book will be filled in and filed by the Site Safety Officer and finally
approved by the client’s Loss Prevention / Safety Supervisor.

The Safety Log book will be read daily by the Project Manager who will sign it after taking
any managerial actions that the daily report will generate.


14.1 Verbal Reporting

All injuries and/or property damage shall be immediately reported verbally in order
that medical, first aid or other emergency action is taken at the earliest possible time.
Improvement in case of all:
- Fatal injuries
- Injuries requiring medical attention which result in lost time
- Damage over SR10,000 to the client station or equipment
- Damage in any amount to Client’s equipment or property
- Fires
- Damage and all accidents involving cranes and heavy equipment

14.2 Written Reporting

14.2.1 All injuries including first aid and property damage will be reported and

Site supervision shall immediately inform the Client Safety Department of all
injuries and near-miss incidents.

The appropriate injury/near-miss forms will be used by the DESIGNTECH

Safety Officer, completed by the department and promptly returned to client
Safety Supervisor.

Incidents or injuries requiring major investigation will be decided by the client.

The report shall be completed according to client’s procedures and distributed to
appropriate parties as soon as is reasonably practicable.

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The Project Manager and the Loss Prevention / Safety Supervisor will
investigate with the responsible department any incident or injury on the day of
the said incident.

If not defined by the client, DESIGNTECH will utilize ANSI Z16.4 - 1977 as
the basis for presenting safety statistics.

DESIGNTECH shall comply with the targets and objecfives set by for this
project i.e. "zero accident”.

14.2.2 For accidents resulting in DESIGNTECH employee fatalities, serious injury to

five or more employees, or damage to DESIGNTECH / Client equipment or
property, a written report shall be submitted promptly to the DESIGNTECH &
Client representative.

DESIGNTECH shall maintain, in a format approved by the client

representative, a current record showing all:
- Work Injuries
- Fires
- Incidents or property damage over SR 1 0,000
- Motor vehicle collisions
- Incidents involving damage to Client equipment and property

This record will be available for inspection at all reasonable times and shall be
submitted to client upon request.


All personnel on site will be expected to contribute towards an effective Safety Programme.
Failure to observe the defined safety requirements may lead to an individual and his
supervisor facing increasing disciplinary procedures up to and including dismissal from the


Attached are examples of forms used for all facets of the Project Safety Program. Detailed
records are kept at the jobsite including as a minimum, Site Inspection Safety Reports
Minutes of:
- Injury reports
- Sickness Reports
- Project Safety Reports
- Equipment Inspection Reports
- Accident and Witness Reports
- Client Accident Review Board Reports, etc.


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DESIGNTECH is committed to adopt the Basic Rules of Personal Safety and Conduct.
These will regard as a minimum:

17.1 Weapons

No firearms or weapons of any kind will be allowed on the construction site or any
adjacent facilities. Disciplinary action in the form of instant dismissal of the offending
party will immediately follow. Any breach of this rule and will be brought to the
immediate attention of Client security department

17.2 Housekeeping

An ongoing programme for site clean up will be maintained throughout the project
duration. It is however, the responsibility of all DESIGNTECH workers to maintain
their working areas in a high standard of cleanliness, by removing tools, equipment and
materials no longer necessary for the work being carried out as well as keeping existing
work sites to a high standard. Failure to maintain the expected housekeeping standards
will result in appropriate disciplinary action.

17.3 Disciplinary Procedure

All personnel on site will be expected to contribute towards and effecfive Safety
programme. Failure to observe the defined Safety requirements may lead to an
individual and his supervisor facing disciplinary procedures up to and including
dismissal from the project
The rules will be posted in various locations on site to stimulate worker’s safety


The following are the Emergency Procedures covering construction work in an

operating Plant and/or Substations.

18.1 Emergency Evacuation Procedures

All construction personnel (i.e. Client, DESIGNTECH including their subcontractors,

and others e.g. Visitors, etc.) must familiarize with this "Emergency Evacuation
Procedure". Each supervised subcontractor must appoint a supervisor who will be
designated "Fire Warden" to take responsibility for all company personnel (including
subcontractors personnel) at designated assembly points in the event of an emergency

DESIGNTECH will organize accordingly and define responsibilities for checking that
the work areas and offices etc., are cleared of all personnel when an emergency is

18.2 Notification and Reporting of an Emergency

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In the event of an emergency situation arising (e.g. hazardous gas and/or product or
material release, fire and/or explosion).

DIAL _______
Give the following information:
Location ______________________________________
(be as exact and precise as possible)

Nature ______________________________________
Casualties ______________________________________

Your Name ______________________________________

(job, etc. and other relevant essential details)

Concerned 110 caller should not hang up before his message was repeated by security
and asked to end the call by the seucrity.

18.2.1 Emergency Contact Persons

In case of emergency, the following DESIGNTECH Personnel can be notified.

Mr. _____________________
Project Manager
Tel. Nos. : _____________________
Mobile No. ____________________

Mr. __________________
Safety Officer
Mobile No. _______________

18.3 Dealing With Fire

In case of fire, men working near it should attempt to extinguish it with the most
suitable appliance at hand. The exception to this is where it involves an operating unit.
In these circumstances, the fire will be fought only by operating personnel and trained
firemen. No one else may assist without being specifically asked to do so. Men
working on a unit should leave the unit immediately when a fire occurs and report to
their supervisor.

18.4 Muster Points

Designated muster points for all construction personnel will be determined on site. The
details will be highlighted during the initial site induction safety training. A "handout”
showing at map of the construction site, including approved escape routes, location of
designated construction area muster points and emergency telephone numbers will be
made available to site personnel. Any further specific information necessary will be
issued to individuals during induction and prior to commencement of work on site.

18.5 Emergency Instructions for Fires

Page 17 of
On hearing the emergency alarm all construction personnel must;
a) Stop all work immediately
b) Shutdown and isolate all sources of ignition
c) Stop use of firewater from hydrants, etc.
d.) Proceed to the nearest designated Assembly Area.
e) Drivers must park vehicles at side of road and switch off engines, leave keys in
ignition and proceed to designated muster point on foot

A check of the site by DESIGNTECH Area Supervisors will take place to ensure that
all employees have stopped work and evacuated the area.
In the event of fire emergency, all permits are immediately withdrawn.


19.1 Facility

All the injuries will be treated via DESIGNTECH authorized clinic .

A trained and certified first aider shall be available at the very start of site construction
activities. Trained and certified first aider shall be knowlegeable with the following:

1. Procedures involving emergency situations.

2. First Aid fundamentals including cardiopulmonary resuscitation.

Site facilities will be equipped with Male Nurse / First Aider for initial attention to
applicable injuries or other first aid situations. DESIGNTECH Safety Officer will be
overall in-charge in maintaining of all First Aid facilities at site.


20.1 Working Place

Every working place shall be safe and of adequate dimensions. Where men, tools, or
materials could fall 1.8 meters or more, a guardrail system (consisting of toprails and
midrails) and toeboards shall be provided. Should the provision of these safeguards be
impracticable, other means of preventing falls, such as safety belts, etc. shall be used.

Parts of a structure walkways, footbridges, etc., which men use in the course of their
work for either permanent or temporary access, shall be provided with a guardrail
system and toeboards (permanent or temporary) at all edges from which men, tools, or
materials could fall 1.8 meters or more. Holes and gaps shall be guarded or securely

Stairs (permanent or temporary) shall have all treads properly secured and shall be
fitted with handrails throughout their length.

Arrangements shall be made to have safety nets at the project for use on site to protect
employees from falls greater than 8 m. If the above is found not practical and the
Page 18 of
hazard cannot be avoided otherwise, fall arrest systems and static lines shall be also

20.2 Ladders

A ladder must be of the proper length for the job to be done. If it is to be used for
access or as a working place, it shall rise to a height of 1m above the landing place or
above the highest rung to be reached by the feet of the man using the ladder.

20.3 Step Ladders

To ensure stability, stepladders shall be spread to their fullest extent limited by

manufacturer's braces when in use. Whenever possible, it should be placed at right
angles to the work with either the front or back facing the work.


Attention will be paid in great detail to food, cleanliness, kitchen hygiene, dormitory
cleanliness, showers, wash rooms and toilets.

Outside athletic participation will be encouraged for both a morale and health benefits to

Health and hygiene will be emphasized strongly in the construction accommodation camp.
Special attention will be paid to washing facilities, ablutions and laundry.


This period spent away from the job site is equally important for a DESIGNTECH with a
total commitment to Safety.
The off-the-job portion of a day consists of:

o Transport from the camp to the job site and return.

o Period spent in the DESIGNTECH Camp.

Minimum requirements of Safety Procedures and Instructions that DESIGNTECH will abide

22.1 Transportation

Workers will be allocated seats on numbered buses.

They will be instructed on safe conduct to be observed on the busses. Seat belts will
be worn when provided.
Fire extinguishers will be provided in the body of the bus.
First aid kits will be furnished to each bus driver.

22.2 Camp

Page 19 of
DESIGNTECH will have its own accommodation camp. As a general rule, the same
degree of safe priority as their construction sites.


Only vehicles that have been checked and authorised by client will be used on site. All
DESIGNTECH vehicles brought on site will be driven by personnel who have been
instructed on the following:

- Site speed limits

- Limitations of access confirmed to construction areas only
- Leaving the keys in the ignition so that vehicles can be moved if required
- Not to block site entrances, fire, points and to park in an orderly manner
- Pedestrians and bicycles have right of way over motorized traffic
- Use vehicle horn for safety at blind comers or when passing
- Turn signals as-established hand turn signals must be used.

DESIGNTECH vehicles will only be driven by persons who have a valid Saudi Arab
Government driving license and have been nominated by the contracting organization. They
will be issued with a site pass authorizing them to drive on site following a competency test.

At project peak, a large number of workers and supervisors will be transported from the
camps to and from the jobsite. Therefore:

- Strict speed limits will be imposed on all bus and pick-up transport
- Route pattern will be adhered to. Vehicles will be kept in top mechanical condition
especially brakes, lights, condition of tires etc.


24.1 General

In principle, E & I, Distribution works shall comply with Client Construction Safety

Any work to be carried out on live equipments shall be property analysed, correct
method statement provided, adequate consequent protection taken relevant permitting
from owner obtained pior to commencement.

DESIGNTECH will be responsible for the connection to existing power distribution

system of temporary electric supply system on the construction site, and the safety
measures associated with it.

Only qualified electrical personnel will be permitted to perform any installation,

wiring, trouble shooting or repair of electrical equipment.

Page 20 of
All permanent and temporary installation works will be carried out by competent
qualified experienced electricians. Before connecting temporary electrical installations
to existing installations, prior approval / work permit must be obtained from Client.

Before any electrical system or equipment is energized, it must be thoroughly tested.

Safety must be secured by regular inspection and maintenance.
Faults and failures will be reported to the Site Supervisor and to the responsible client
Electrical Supervisor.

Efficient and suitably located means should be provided for isolating parts of systems
as may be necessary to prevent danger.

Supply systems shall be notified to all personnel and any subsequent change will be
indicated with full details.

Persons in touch with live circuits must not be touched. If possible, the circuit must
first be isolated and contact with the person removed, using a dry nonconducting
instrument e.g. a wooden handle.

While working on distribution board precautions will indude the following:

- Connection of cables shall be made with proper terminals.

- Electric circuits shall not be overloaded and will be equipped with a proper circuit
- Only fuses suitable to the capacity of switches shall be used.
- No additional wiring to that specified in the client approved wiring plan will be
- Boards must be earthed prior to use.
- The name of the controlled equipment will be tagged to the appropriate switch.

Care will be taken when cables are re-routed or extended. Control and switchgear
should be portable and their sizing carefully planned.

Cables on site are almost inevitably exposed to the risk of damage, therefore special
care will be taken to ensure that the earthling remains intact.

Any electrical tool, equipment or electrical cord found to be in disrepair shall be

tagged, and removed from service to be repaired, replaced and destroyed. All tools
shall be inspected prior to issuance by the tool crib attendant.

On existing facilities and tie-ins, client's lockout / tagging and permit procedures will
be followed. In the absence of same, DESIGNTECH 's procedures shall be abided by.
All power packs and field circuit panels shall be protected from water and other

24.2 Temporary Electrical Installations

DESIGNTECH will be responsible for the temporary electric supply system on the
construction site and the safety measures associated with the National Electrical Code.

Page 21 of
All temporary electrical installation must not be more than 125V.

Cables on site are subject to rough treatment. Special care shall be taken to ensure that
equipment and system grounding conductors remains intact. Only UL, FM or other
recognized testing labs approved extension cords bearing appropriate trade marks shall
be used. The used of damaged or spliced cords are prohibited.

Special care shall be taken to ensure that the correct fuse or breaker ratings are used
and that the Ground-Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI) are installed properly on all

All installation works shall be carried out by qualified and experienced electricians.
Before connecting new electrical installations to existing installations, DESIGNTECH
will obtain prior approval from Client Proponent Department to ensure that no
overloading of electrical devices will occur and the system protection will not be

Any part of equipment which is in operation and which is not securely guarded should
be examined, lubricated, adjusted or repaired by authorized personnel only.

When machinery is stopped for servicing or repairs, adequate measures must be taken
to ensure that it is isolated from operation prior to such works.

24.3 Hand Tools and Lighting

Many injuries and explosions have resulted when extension lights with defective cords
or fiitings have been used, or bulbs have been broken, exposing the live filament wire to
an explosive atmosphere. All electricallly operated tools shall be rated and used at a
voltage not exceeding 125V. The use of tools oprated at 220V is prohibited.

Portable electric tools, extension lights and cords shall be inspected each time they are
issued or returned. Deffective electric hand tools and extension lights shall be
immediately repaired or replaced. Frequent random checks shall be made to ensure the
proper working condition of these tools.

To reduce electrical shock hazards, all non-carrying parts of an electrical equipment

shall be properly grounded.

24.4 Work on Live Equipment

Whenever workmen are required to work on energized equipment, the job shall be
planned thoroughly and the workmen will proceed with caution.

Before work on live equipment starts, personal protective equipment shall be available
and all necessary permits are obtained.

Craftsman / Electrician shall never work alone on live equipment. Foreman or

Supervisor knowledgeable in isolating the equipment shall be in attendance while the
work is being carried out.
Page 22 of
Before starting each job, the exact voltage should be known to determine the type of
personal protective equipments required for the work and procedures to be established in
the work permit. If there is any doubt in the system voltage, a check will be done before
the work starts.

Wok platforms and equipment used near energized equipment shall be properly

To work safely on live equipment as on isolated equipment, DESIGNTECH will

observe the following:

1. There must be a thorough knowledge of the equipment and the job to be done.
2. If there is any doubt, the advice of the supervisor or responsible person should be
3. The work must be correctly planned before starting.
4. Protective equipments must be used correctly.

24.5 Overhead and Underground Power Distribution

Existing conditions shall be determined before staring work, by an inspection or testing.

Such condition shall include, but not limited to, energized lines and equipments, the
location of circuits and equipments, including power and communication lines.

Electrical equipment and lines shall be considered energized until determined to be de-
energized by testing and grounding.

Operating voltage of equipment and lines shall be dtermined before working on or near
energized parts.

24.6 De-Energizing Lines and Equipment

A Lock Out / Tag Out Procedure outlined in Client will be followed as soon as
construction activities start to rule all works on equipment which could inadversely be
operated during construction, repair and/or maintenance phase.
Equipment shall be checked for potential and protective grounds shall be applied.

Guards and barriers shall be erected as necessary near to adjacent energized lines.

Upon completion of work on de-energized equipment, the crew supervisor shall

determine that all members in his crew are clear and that protective grounds installed by
his crew have been removed. He shall the release his clearance to Client.

24.6 Tools and Portable Power Tools

All hand and power tools will be maintained in a safe condition.

Pneumatic power tools will be secured to the hose or whip by some positive means.

Only properly trained employees will operate power actuated tools. Certification
records, employee certification cards or equivalent certificaton documentation will be
Page 23 of
maintained on each of its employees using power actuated tools during perfomance of
the work.

All grinding machines will confirm to ANSI requirements.

All temporary power panels will have covers installed at all times. All open or
exposed breaker spaces will be adequately covered.

All electrical wiring which is not part of a permanent building shall be GFCI protected.
No spliced wires unless spliced plugs are used.

Portable power tools shall be of the double insulated or three-wire grounded type and
should not be rated or used at a voltage exceeding 125 volts. All portable electrical
tools should be inspected daily and should prominently display the manufacturer’s data
plate. Automatic “Lock-ON” devices “MUST BE DISABLED” (grinders, drills, etc.).

Power saw blades (hand held and table) must have proper shileds and they must be in
place when cutting.

All electrical power tools, panelboards and extension cords shall have the Monthly
Inspection Color Tag affixed.

The use of modified tools, makeshift tools, or rebar tools or welded pipe handles are
strictly prohibited.

24.8 Electric Shock

Speed is essential in dealing with any electrical accident. Employees trained and
certified in First Aid and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) will be available at site
to attend to such emergency situation.

In brief, the sequence for dealing with an electrical accident are;

1. If at all possible, switch off the power supply. If this is not instantly possible,
release the victim from contact with the conductor by using dry gloves, dry blanket,
dry wood, dry clothing, rubber sheets, or properly insulated equipment.
2. If breathing stopped, begin CPR and continue as necessary.
3. Call for first aid assistance, a doctor, and an ambulance.


DESIGNTECH site personnel shall strictly adhere to the client’s Work Permit System and
ensure not to open any valves, or operate any electrical switches or any other equipment in
Client plant facilities without prior approval of Client, and only under the direct supervision
of the supervising operator or plant foreman.


Page 24 of
26.1 Construction within a ‘Restricted Area’ requires careful planning since stations being
modified are already in operation. As part of this process, DESIGNTECH will take into

- Potential hazards that can be encountered on site

- Protection of machinery and equipment
- Control of ignition sources
- Housekeeping
- Staff Training;
- End-of-shift -checks

This section focuses on means of avoiding and controlling fires.

DESIGNTECH / Client has obligation to provide and maintain adequate easily

accessible fire extinguishers on the job site. DESIGNTECH will consult with the
local Fire Protection Unit for advice on selection of such equipment. There are three
types of fire extinguishers normally found on construction sites: water, carbon dioxide
and dry powder ABC types. DESIGNTECH personnel will be aware of the fire
fighting equipment available on site and be familiar with its use.

26.2 Firefighting equipment shall undergo weekly safety inspection.

26.3 Before using fire water, permission from P.M. or fire department must be required.

26.4 Every fire, including those extinguished by DESIGNTECH personnel, will be reported
to the client representative. The Fire Protection Unit will inspect the area, to offer
suggestions for preventing recurrence, and to ensure that site supervisors has re-
established his fire fighting capability by recharging extinguishers or replacing


Loss Prevention / Safety Officer will select and train area fire wardens from within the area

These supervisors will have a clearly distinctive red stripe around their helmets.
The duties of firewardens in essence are:

- Observe and report any fire at the earliest possible moment and thereby ensure that it
is brought under control before spreading locally or to other areas and facilities.
- Stop any potential fire by instituting immediate cautionary actions.
- Report any situation that could readily grow into a fire hazard.
- Take immediate action in the case of a fire by use of construction fire extinguishers
monitors, etc.
- Arrange for immediate evacuation of the job site area when a fire is noticed or
- Call for first aid assistance, stretchers, etc.

Page 25 of

The Loss Prevention / Safety Supervisor will select suitable respiratory devices depending
upon the atmospheric hazards.

Workers that are required to use respiratory protective equipments during maintenance
activities or emergencies may not have facial hair that interfaces with an effective face mask

Atmospheric testing shall occur to all confined spaces or potentially hazardous atmospheres.
Routine air monitoring will also be carried out to prevent exposure to harmful gases and
oxygen deficiencies.


29.1 All equipments will be inspected daily before use by operators. Formal inspection will
also be made by client and DESIGNTECH representative at 30 day intervals with
proper documentation maintained at job-site.

29.2 Vehicles

DESIGNTECH will constantly ensure that all vehicles on the Project are in good and
safe working condition.
All vehicles will be inspected by client prior to being submitted for approval for Site
Entry Permits.

29.3 Heavy Equipment

Heavy construction equipment, as a minimum, falls into the following categories:

DESIGNTECH will ensure that all lifing equipment will be inspected and certified by
the client before being permitted to operate.
DESIGNTECH will ensure that all lifting appliances and every part thereof, including
all equipment used for anchoring such appliances, are in good mechanical operating
condition, free from any defect, and constructed of materials with a specified strength

Page 26 of
suitable for the intended use. DESIGNTECH will ensure that such lifting appliances
are properly inspected, maintained, and affixed with client certification / stickers.

29.4 Equipment Operator / Rigger Certifications

DESIGNTECH will ensure that all liffing appliances and every part thereof, including
all equipment used for anchoring of fixing such appliances, will be in good mechanical
operating condition, free from any defect and constructed of materials with a specified
strength suitable for the intended use. DESIGNTECH will ensure that such lifting
appliances are property inspected, maintained, and

affixed with cerfification stickers. All chains, hooks, slings, shackles and other
equipment on a lifting appliance used for raising or lowering will be of approved type
and maintained in good condition. Contractor will ensure (and client will check) that
all mobile heavy equipment and crane operators will possess a valid Saudi Arab
Government heavy equipment operator's license.

A Rigger III is classified as a "Competent Person". DESIGNTECH will provide

certified Rigger III during any site lifting operations.

A competent person is a person who, by possession of a recognized pertinent degree or

cerfificate of professional standing, or who by extensive knowledge, training and
experience has successfully demonstrated the ability to solve or resolve problems
relating to safe lifting operations and procedures (e.g. Rigger Technician, Crane and
Rigging Specialist, etc.).


Compressed gas cylinders will be secured in an upright position at all times. Before starting
construction in a restricted area, DESIGNTECH will submit for client approval the location
of cylinder storage areas.

When transporting, moving and storing cylinders, valve protection caps will be in place and

Cylinders will not be hoisted by magnets or choker slings. Valve protection caps shall not be
used for hoisting cylinders.

Cylinders will be kept away from sparks, hot slag and flames or be adequately protected.

Anti-flashback arrestors shall be installed on all oxygen and acetylene cylinders. Cylinders
will not be placed where they can become part of an electrical circuit. Cylinders will be
labelled as to the nature of their contents.

Page 27 of
Oxygen cylinders in storage will be separated from fuel gas cylinders or combustible
materials a minimum of 6.00 meters, or by a noncombustible barrier at least 2.00 meters high
having a fire resistant rating of at least half hour. Empty cylinders shall be separated as
above from full cylinders and stored with like cylinders.

No Smoking signs shall be posted at storage areas and signs shall clearly indicate contents of


All scaffolding shall meet the requirements of the Client’s Safety Handbook.

DESIGNTECH shall ask the assistance of Client approved scaffolder erector for all
scaffolding jobs.

All scaffolding will be inspected by the foreman/supervisor/safety officer prior to use in order
to check whether scaffolding is erected property. A colour coded tagging system will identify
the builder of the scaffold and date or erection.

Tag colours will be:

- Red : Danger Do Not Use.
- Yellow : Caution, Scaffold Incomplete, Fall Protection Required.
- Green : Scaffolding Complete.

No person will be permitted to work on an incomplete (yellow tagged) scaffold without being
secured by lanyard and safety harness or belt. Only approved full body harness equipped
with a shock absorbing lanyard attached to safety line or other anchor point will be used
whenever exposed to roof work or beam erection or whenever individual is not working from
a standard scaffold above 6 feet.

Independent safety lifelines anchored overhead with rope grabs will be used whenever
personnel work off on swing stage scaffolding, sky climbers, or suspended work platforms.
Such scaffolding and platforms will also be secured to structures to prevent movement by
tying off with ropes.

Footings or anchorage for any scaffold will be sound, rigid and capable of carrying the
maximum intended load without settling or displacement.

No unstable objects such as concrete blocks shall be used to support scaffolds or planks.

Any part of a scaffold weakened or damaged will be repaired or replaced immediately.

All scaffold planking will be free of knots and cracks and shall completely cover the work

Scaffold planks will be laid and tightened at both ends or overlapped a minimum of 0.3m. and
bolted to prevent movement overlaps to occur directly above scaffold supports.

Page 28 of
Safe access will be provided to the scaffold platform, specifically, a ladder with a safe means
of access to the paltform from the ladder.

Scaffolds will be equipped with a top rail 1.0 meters high, a 0.50 meters high midrail and
toeboards will be installed on all open sides and ends of scaffold platforms 3.00 meters above
the ground or floor.

Guradrail system shall be able to withstand, without failure, a force of at least 90 kilograms
(200 pounds) applied in any downward or horizontal direction at any point on the top rail or
equivalent member.

Scaffolding not adaptable to guard rails will require the use of safety belts with the lanyard
attached to a secure substantial object.

Mobile scaffold casters will be secured and locked prior to mounting.

No personnel shall be on mobile scaffold when it is being relocated.

Scaffold erection, altering and dismantling shall be performed only under the supervision of a
competent person knowledgeable of safety requirements.


Signs, signals and barricades shall be visible at all times where a hazard exists.
All open trenches and other excavations will be provided with suitable barriers, signs and
lights to the extent that adequate protection is provided to the public. Obstructions such as
material piles and equipment will be provided with similar warning signs and lights.

All barricades and obstructions outside fenced construction area will be illuminated by means
of warning lights from sunset to sunrise.

When any work is performed at night or where daylight is shut off or obscured,
DESIGNTECH will provide artificial light sufficient to permit work to be carried on
efficiently, satisfactorily and safely, and to permit through inspection. During such time
periods the access to the work place will also be clearly illuminated. All wiring for electric
lighting and power will be installed and maintained in a first class manner, securely fastened
in place and at all points and shall be kept as far as possible from telephone wires, signal
wires, and wires used for firing blasts.

Signs, signals and barricades will be removed when the hazard no longer exist.


Deffective equipment will be repaired or removed from service immediately.

All equipment with an obstructed view to the rear will have a reverse signal alarm audible
above the surrounding noise level or a flagman.

Page 29 of
All cracked and broken glass will be replaced before bringing vehicles on the site. If glass is
broken or damaged on site and if damage is severe enough to cause a potential safety
problem, the machine will be stopped until such damage is repaired.
Vehicles used to transport employees will have seats firmly secured and adequate for the
number of employees to be carried and all passengers should be property seated. Standing on
the back of moving vehicles will be prohibited.


The use of ladders with broken or missing rungs or steps, broken or split rails or other
deffective construction will be prohibited.

Ladders willl extend not less than 1.0 m. above landing and be secured to prevent

Portable ladders will be equipped with safety shoes.

Wooden ladders will not be painted.

Metal or conductive ladders shall not be used.


Floor and wall openings will be guarded by a standard guardrail, midrail, and toeboard, or
adequately covered.

Guardrails will be of sufficient strength to support 100 Kg. of pressure when applied at
midspan of the guardrail parallel with the floor and perpendicular to the guardrail with a
minimum deflection of 75 millimeters.

Covers will be adequately secured to prevent displacement and have “Danger” signs attached
identifying the hazard.


Prior to any pre-commissioning activity, a training programme and administration procedure

will be developed that encompasses the requirement of implementing a safe system of work,
for this acfivity.

Each phase of the operation will be evaluated as to risk and work method, instructions will be
written that cover the key elements for safe working.
Client general instruction for commissioning will be an essenfial feature to ensure safe
operation and shall be implemented at all times.

The administration of the permit to work system will be coordinated through the offices of
the DESIGNTECH site safety organization.

Page 30 of
The following minimum requirements will be observed :

a) Permit application will (as far as possible) be passed to the client shift supervisor
atleast 24 hours prior to requirement.
b) DESIGNTECH will nominate authorized persons for receiving permits.
c) All personnel involved in the administration and receipt of permits will be suitably


Demobilization was considered complete by DESIGNTECH when the following activities

are accepted by Client:

DESIGNTECH to completegtly removel all contractor personnel, equipment, site offices,

material and other miscellaneous DESIGNTECH supplied materials, as well as any Client
specified equipments, materials and facililties from the work locations including all facilities
supplied by DESIGNTECH for Saudi Aramoc personnel.

DESIGNTECH to ensure that work locations are cleaned up to the full satisfaction of Client.

Page 31 of
Attachment I









Page 32 of
Page 33 of
Attachment II

CONTRACT # ______________


Date and Time of Inspection :

Area(s) of Inspection :


Item Not
Description Yes No
No. Applicable
Safety Orientation being held for
incoming workers?
Weekly Toolbox Meeting being held

3 Safety Documentation being submitted?

Fire fighting equipment available and in

good condition?
Workers familiar with Emergency
Foreman / Supervisor familiar with
Accident Reporting Procedures?
Equipment being maintained in safe

8 Housekeeping being done regularly?

Print Name of Safety Supervisor Signature Date

Page 34 of
Attachment III


P.O. Box 2989 Al-Khobar 31952, CONTRACT # _______________

Employee Name: Badge No.:

Nature of Injury : Location :

Initial Findings :

Corrective Actions Taken :

Recommendation :

Printed Name of Safety Supervisor Signature and Date

Page 35 of
Attachment IV



CONTRACT #: _________________ ________________________________________


P.O. Box Al-Khobar 31952 Kingdom of Saudi
Driver’s Name : Badge No.:

Driver’s License No.: Date / Time of Accident:




Recommending Authority


Page 36 of
Attachment V



Initiator: Foreman:

Emp. Name: SEC ID #:

Emp. Badge #: Job Site:

Date: Time:

Loss Prevention Program Violation:

Brief Safety Violation Description:

Any violation of the Project Loss Prevention Program may result in disciplinary action including:

I acknowledge that I have been advised regarding the above action.

Supervisor’s Name Supervisor’s Signature and Date

Page 37 of
Employee Signature Initiator’s Signature

Page 38 of

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