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Learning through humour

"Lost in Translation: A Hilarious Expedition Through Culture Shock"

The following article is, very ironically, is a form of culture shock itself, as you will probably not know a lot about
what is inside here. This is what you have to do, for every paragraph, you will need to ask me 2 questions. Go
ahead and ask away!

Section A: the stages of culture shock


Embarking on an adventure to a foreign land is like diving into a bowl of alphabet soup—you might recognize a
few letters, but making sense of the whole concoction is an entirely different story. Culture shock, that
rollercoaster ride of bewildering experiences, is the spice that adds flavor to your international escapades. Join
me on this laugh-out-loud journey through the comical cataclysms of cultural collisions!

Stage 1: The "Everything is Awesome" Phase

Ah, the honeymoon period, where everything in your new country seems like a whimsical scene from a Wes
Anderson movie. The unfamiliar language sounds like a symphony of exotic bird calls, and the street food stands
are culinary roller coasters waiting to tickle your taste buds. You're convinced that you've stumbled into the
world's greatest amusement park, and the cultural shock feels more like a funhouse mirror—distorted but

The language barrier becomes your personal game of charades. You're enthusiastically miming your way through
basic conversations like an overzealous Marcel Marceau impersonator. Ordering food involves an elaborate
dance of pointing, gesturing, and praying that you don't accidentally end up with the local delicacy known as
"surprise squid on a stick."

Stage 2: The "Oh, I Thought I Understood This" Reality Check

The initial enthusiasm eventually wears off, and the reality check hits you like a rogue wave. You realize that the
language you confidently thought you'd mastered is actually a linguistic Rubik's Cube. It turns out that the locals
have a secret code that involves a raised eyebrow, a subtle head tilt, and a complex series of nods that even
Sherlock Holmes would find baffling.

Navigating public transportation becomes a high-stakes game of "Follow the Confident Local." You latch onto
someone who appears to know where they're going, hoping that they're not just on their way to the nearest
lost-and-found department. Spoiler alert: They usually are.

Stage 3: The "Culinary Adventures" Dilemma

Food, the universal language of love, takes on a whole new meaning in the land of culture shock. You
enthusiastically order a dish with an impressive name, only to discover that it's essentially a local spin on a
cuisine you thought you knew. "Spicy surprise dumplings" turn out to be the ninja warriors of the culinary world
—stealthily hiding chili bombs that explode in your unsuspecting mouth.

You find yourself adopting a new set of table manners, trying to mimic the finesse of locals wielding chopsticks
like culinary ninjas. Your attempts, however, result in a chaotic scene resembling a food-themed Three Stooges

routine. The local patrons glance over, and you're convinced you've just unintentionally auditioned for the next
hit reality show, "Foreigners Fumble with Food."

Stage 4: The "Social Customs" Comedy Show

As you wade deeper into the quagmire of cultural nuances,

you encounter a myriad of social customs that leave you
feeling like a confused extraterrestrial. Greetings become a
perplexing puzzle—should you bow, hug, fist bump, or
perform an elaborate secret handshake that was omitted
from your cultural orientation handbook?

Attending local events is a cultural tightrope walk. You're

handed a traditional garment that makes you resemble a
sentient rainbow and told to join a dance circle. Your dance moves, however, resemble an interpretive dance
interpretation of a malfunctioning robot, leaving everyone wondering if you've accidentally stumbled into the
wrong dimension.

Stage 5: The "Home Comforts" Lifeline

As the rollercoaster of culture shock reaches its zenith, you find yourself clinging to the lifeline of familiar
comforts from home. You scour the local market for that one imported snack that tastes like childhood nostalgia.
You treasure your collection of familiar TV shows like rare artifacts, rationing them like a castaway with a
dwindling food supply.

You desperately seek out fellow expats for a dose of shared understanding, forming an impromptu support group
that meets in the comfort of an international fast-food joint. Together, you swap stories of linguistic mishaps,
culinary misadventures, and the perpetual challenge of trying to blend in with the locals without accidentally
causing an international incident.


Navigating the wacky world of culture shock is an expedition filled with laughter, absurdity, and a few
unintentional pratfalls. Embracing the hilarity of these cultural collisions turns the once-daunting journey into a
stand-up comedy special where you are both the comedian and the audience. So, fellow culture shock survivors,
strap in, keep your sense of humor intact, and enjoy the uproarious ride through the delightful chaos of being an
outsider in a world that insists on being wonderfully, bafflingly different.

Section B: For each of the following, try to think of a good way of navigating through the problem. Imagine
that you are in a really unfamiliar place, let’s say…..hmmm…..Mongolia? Yeah…..Mongolia

So, whatcha gonna do?

1. Lost in Translation Woes: When you first encounter a language barrier, you quickly become a master of
expressive hand gestures and facial contortions. Congratulations, you're now fluent in the universal
language of confused eyebrow raises and enthusiastic pointing.

2. Dance of the Street Signs: Navigating the streets in a new country feels like a dance with interpretive
street signs. You find yourself doing the Cha-Cha with pedestrian crossing signals and attempting a tango
with road signs that seem to be challenging you to a duel.

3. Public Transportation Olympics: Public transportation becomes a thrilling sport. You're not just trying to catch a bus; y
in the adrenaline-fueled competition known as "Survivor:
Commuter Edition," where missing your stop means being voted
off the bus.

4. Culinary Misadventures: Ordering local food becomes a daring culinary expedition. You might think you ordered "spic
but the chef hears "volcanic inferno noodles." Brace yourself for
a mouthful of unexpected heat that makes you question your
life choices.

5. The Perils of Non-Verbal Communication: Attempting to communicate without speaking the local
language turns you into a real-life mime. You're basically starring in your own silent film, with a plot that
involves a lost tourist, misunderstood gestures, and a cameo appearance by a confused street performer.

6. The Great Toilet Paper Quest: Something as simple as finding familiar toilet paper becomes a quest
worthy of an epic fantasy novel. You find yourself wandering through aisles, deciphering hieroglyphic
symbols on packages, and hoping you don't accidentally end up with sandpaper in the name of cultural

7. Fashion Faux Pas: Dressing appropriately for local customs can be a real puzzle. You might think you're
blending in, but locals are giving you side-eye glances that suggest you unintentionally stumbled into a
costume party dressed as a fashion-challenged time traveler.

8. Weather Roulette: Deciphering local weather forecasts becomes an exercise in meteorological

mysticism. You've got a suitcase full of clothes for all seasons, ready to face whatever unexpected
weather anomalies the local climate throws your way.

9. The Art of Bargaining: Haggling at local markets is a skill you never knew you needed. Your attempts at
bargaining resemble a low-stakes poker game, with you desperately trying not to reveal that you have no
idea what the rules are.

10. Mobile Phone Mayhem: Acquiring a local SIM card for your phone is like solving a high-tech puzzle. You
fumble with tiny cards, mismatched adapters, and a language barrier that turns the seemingly simple
task into a quest for the Holy Grail of connectivity.

11. The Mysterious Case of Lost Socks: Doing laundry in a new country is an exercise in mystery-solving. You
start with a pair of socks, but by the end of the laundry cycle, one mysteriously disappears, leaving you
wondering if there's a parallel sock universe where all the missing ones go to party.

12. Cultural Calendar Confusion: Grappling with local holidays and traditions is like navigating a cultural
calendar maze. You might accidentally participate in a festival celebrating the harvest of a fruit you've
never heard of, all while wearing a costume that makes you the unwitting star of a local parade.

Remember, laughter is the best remedy for culture shock. Embrace the quirks, enjoy the absurdities, and soon
you'll find yourself not just adapting to a new culture but dancing through the delightful chaos of it all.

Section C: The case of the crazy tourist

1. The Selfie Stick Menace: Unleashing your selfie stick in crowded, narrow spaces is like brandishing a
medieval weapon. Spare your fellow travelers from accidental face-pokings and retire that retractable
menace when it's not needed.

2. Decibel Drama: Shouting across historical sites as if you're auditioning for a rock concert is a surefire way
to make everyone wish they had noise-canceling earplugs. Keep the volume down and let the ruins
speak for themselves.

3. The Buffet Bulldozer: Attacking the buffet like it's your last meal on Earth might earn you the title of
Buffet Bulldozer. Remember, it's not a race; it's a feast. Take a plate, not the whole tray.

4. Invasion of Personal Space: Invading personal space like a lost comet is a universal travel faux pas. Give
people room to breathe; it's not a dance floor, and you're not in a tango competition.

5. Elevator Impatience: Treating the elevator like a

getaway vehicle in a heist movie is amusing but
irritating. Let people exit before you barge in as if you're
escaping from an imaginary gang of elevator bandits.

6. The Chatty Cabin Mate: Engaging in an in-depth

conversation with your seatmate is fine, but don't turn
the airplane into your personal talk show. Some
passengers are looking for the "Sleep" or "Silent
Contemplation" channel.

7. The Unholy Recline: Reclining your seat during meal service on a plane is like staging a coup in the tiny
kingdom of Legroom. Spare your fellow subjects the agony, and let them enjoy their in-flight cuisine
without navigating a labyrinth of tray tables.

8. Luggage Roller Derby: Maneuvering your luggage like a rogue roller derby contestant through a crowded
airport is an art form, but it's not an invitation for others to join the derby. Aim for grace, not chaos.

9. Wi-Fi Freeloader: Leeching off someone else's Wi-Fi without

permission is the digital equivalent of stealing a bite from their
sandwich. Ask for the password; it's the socially ethical thing to do.

10. Public Transportation PDA: Public displays of affection (PDAs) on

public transportation can be endearing, but nobody signed up for a
front-row seat to the Love Express. Keep it PG, or at least save the
steamy scenes for a more private venue.

11. Toilet Paper Banditry: Pilfering excessive amounts of toilet paper

from public restrooms is not preparing for an apocalypse—it's
just creating a mess for the next unsuspecting restroom visitor.
Take only what you need, not a lifetime supply.

12. Unsolicited Tour Guide Tactics: Being an unsolicited tour guide to fellow tourists is like an unexpected
pop quiz. Share your knowledge but gauge the interest level first. Not everyone is ready for a crash
course in local history.

13. Bathroom Karaoke: Turning the bathroom into your private concert hall may sound fantastic to you, but
others might not appreciate your shower serenades. Save the vocal acrobatics for your car karaoke

14. Bargain Battle Cry: Engaging in a heated bargaining session as if preparing for a gladiator match can be
entertaining, but remember, it's not the Colosseum. Keep it light-hearted; you're negotiating for
souvenirs, not world domination.

15. Lost-in-Translation Jokes: Making inappropriate jokes based on language barriers might earn you a laugh
track in your head, but it can also result in awkward stares. Keep humor respectful and culturally

16. Bathroom Stall Symphony: Playing a symphony on your phone while in a bathroom stall may seem like a
solo concert, but the acoustics are better in an actual concert hall. Spare others the accidental

17. Queue Jumper's Lament: Jumping the queue is a social crime in many places. Don't be the person who
accidentally starts an impromptu game of "Follow the Leader" when everyone is just trying to wait their

18. Monument Manspreading: Manspreading isn't

limited to public transportation; it can extend to
your posture at historical monuments. Be mindful of
your space; you're not auditioning for the role of
Monument Man-Mountain.

19. Emergency Exit Drama: Treating the emergency exit

like a secret VIP exit is a theatrical move, but it's not
your personal stage. Follow the rules and exit with
the same dignity you entered.

20. The Hotel Buffet Sneak: Sneaking into a hotel's buffet without actually being a guest is like trying to
infiltrate a top-secret mission. Pay your dues or enjoy your meal somewhere you're genuinely welcome.

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