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How To Write A Essay Outline

Writing an essay on the process of creating an essay outline may seem paradoxical at first glance. It's
akin to attempting to capture the essence of a complex procedure within the confines of a single
composition. The challenge lies not only in articulating the steps involved but also in navigating the
intricate interplay between structure and creativity.

To begin with, one must grapple with the irony that outlining, a tool designed to organize thoughts,
must itself be delineated in a coherent manner. Conveying the intricacies of selecting key points,
arranging them logically, and establishing a hierarchy demands a delicate balance between clarity and
depth. The writer must anticipate the reader's need for guidance without succumbing to the
temptation of overwhelming them with minutiae.

Moreover, the task involves a certain level of self-reflexivity. The writer must introspectively analyze
their own process, attempting to distill the tacit knowledge they employ when crafting an essay
outline. This internal excavation can be a formidable challenge, as it requires translating intuitive
practices into explicit instructions, a process that may unearth uncertainties and ambiguities in one's
own approach.

Balancing the technical aspects with the creative dimension adds another layer of complexity.
Crafting an essay outline is not merely a mechanical exercise but an art form, allowing for individual
expression within the bounds of structural norms. Striking this balance necessitates a nuanced
exploration of how creativity can be channeled through the framework of an outline, turning it into a
dynamic and personalized tool rather than a rigid template.

In essence, the difficulty in writing an essay on the topic lies in the paradoxical nature of the task –
to articulate a structured process for creating structure. It's a challenge that demands a keen
awareness of the intricacies involved and a deft touch in translating one's own writing instincts into a
universally applicable guide.

If you find the process of writing essays or exploring the nuances of essay outlines daunting, rest
assured that there are resources available to assist you. Similar essays and a wealth of additional
support can be accessed through platforms like , providing a valuable repository of
guidance for navigating the complexities of academic writing.
How To Write A Essay OutlineHow To Write A Essay Outline
Salisbury Cathedral
Constructed from 1220 to 1258, Salisbury Cathedral is a prime example of early
English Gothic or High Gothic architecture and is arguably one of the most important
cathedrals in all of England. Located in Salisbury of Wiltshire, England, the cathedral
was constructed due to the move of the bishopric from Old Sarum Cathedral to Salisbury,
under the tenure of Bishop Richard Poore. Because the majority of the cathedral was
built in only 38 years, the building exemplifies a single architectural style and although
the spire, chapter house and cloisters were built at a later date, they still seamlessly match
the English Gothic architectureof the original structure. Directly adjacent to the Avon
River, the Salisbury, like all Christian cathedrals, is positioned so that the... Show more
content on ...
Walking from downtown Salisbury, one finds him or herself approaching the cathedral
from the northeast at an oblique angle. Although there is one sidewalk that approaches
the façade straight on, all other paths lead to the building at some sort of oblique
angle, giving the building a sense of plasticity or three dimensionality. This concept of
plasticity and approaching the building at and angle dates back to the Greeks, and
causes the viewer to think more about the form and scale of the building than if they
were to approach the structure from a 90 degree angle. In contrast, if one were to
approach the cathedral from the west, he or she will notice the planar west façade and
its horizontality, which clearly resembles the screen type façade seen at Wells Cathedral.
In both Salisbury and Wells Cathedrals, the west facades
Biomedical Model Essay
Despite their successes, the biomedical model and its impact on U.S. healthcare and
research (Johnson, 2012) the model s limitations were increasingly apparent (Bennett
Johnson, 2012). Nevertheless, biomedical recognized the leading causes of deaths were
no longer just infectious diseases. Biomedical obtained information, which led to an
understanding that their success was declining, due to not addressing the chronic disease
challenges in the United States today (Bennett Johnson, 2012). Finally, biomedical
realizes the importance to address human diseases require a broader review in healthcare
and the role of behavior in disease etiology, prevention, and management, new
innovations are obviously needed. (Bennett Johnson, 2012). Considering... Show more
content on ...
Although this study and its results could be creditable, how the study was conducted the
obvious limitations presented biases results (Foley Levant, 2006). First, the small sample
size, which prohibited them from analyzing the data to determine different responses
based on demographic variables (Foley Levant, 2006). Therefore, enabling the pilot study
to engage its initial effectiveness from the community residents (Foley Levant, 2006).
Second, the study lacked a pretest questionnaire to illustrate each participant s relative
preworkshop knowledge (Foley Levant, 2006). Allowing the implementing of a pretest
assessment, this study could have offered sound evidence. And third, the sample was by
no means random in nature (e.g., many participants were selected from support group
centers sources only). Regardless of the research process, all the respondents agreed that
they could incorporate the information they learned into their own life and health care
Although the motives and reasons these research studies conducted and analyzed,
uniquely they have similar reasons, yet their studies produced different results. In the
biomedical model study Bennett Johnsons (2012) sought to enlighten their professionals
with knowledge and the understanding, that the
Muslims In The Military Essay
After reading the many articles provided on Muslims serving in the military it is
disheartening to know how this population has been treated for serving for our country.
Like many other individuals Muslims are drawn to the military for the same reasons as
other recruits, such as a strong sense of patriotism, a search for discipline and dreams of
attending college (Preston, 2014). According to the U.S Department of Defense more
than 3,500 Muslims fought in Afghanistan and Iraq. It is also noted that Muslims have
played an important role in the American armed forces because of their linguistic skills
and cultural understanding of Muslims living around the world (Consindine, 2015). One
of the major challenges that are cited in both the articles... Show more content on ...
Due to the 911 Terrorist attacks the Islamic faith has been under tremendous scrutiny and
has created a negative connotation with terrorism against the U.S. Another challenge
many Muslim soldiers face stems from the challenges of dual identities as believers of
the Islamic faith and as members of the U.S. military. Some soldiers use fake last
names to avoid being singled out by insurgents as traitors and to prevent retaliations
against their families (Dreazen, 2009). Some other challenges Muslims serving in the
military face are discrimination among their peers. Multiple of the articles discussed
how many soldiers are subjects of taunts, making them feel singled out by fellow
soldiers. After reviewing the article and reading I feel like there needs to be a delicate
balance of making Muslim military members feel less marginalized without their being
a risk for radicalization. I think currently the military is doing a great job balancing this
by allowing religious minority service members to display their beliefs outwardly such
as wearing a turban, scarf or beard as long as the practices do not interfere with military
discipline, order or readiness (Constable,
Effect Of Candle Light On Candles
Today, I will be testing the effect of candle light in a room that has no other light
sources. While doing this I will observing the effect of low light on cast shadows as
well as the effect of candle light on walls. In addition, I be observing the shift in the
intensity of light when adding two candles and later three candles. Before this I will be
describing the candle in order to make sense of some of my observation in relation to the
colorof the candle and how that effects the lightit emits. The candle itself gives of an
intense fragrance of apple cinnamon in tandem with its rich color of deep red, it is
placed in a glass container that is similar in size to a 8 ounce glass. For this exercise I
have chosen to place the candle on the ground in a dark corner of the hallway. The space
has various objects lining the walls, and a few items on the floor as well. The color of
the walls are a lemon yellowand in the darkness its color is faint and is more
reminiscent of a gray. I place the candle on the ground and it creates a immediate ring of
light around its self, the color of the light contains a tint of red and the effect is creating a
halo around the candle. Although, surrounding the candle s ring of light, a darker tone
represents the shadow of the candle itself. This initial ring of light on the ground creates
the sense of movement in the candlelight by moving in an out mimicking, a camera lens
opening and closing. Looking around the room, I notice the candle light

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