Love Essay Topics

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Love Essay Topics

Crafting an essay on the theme of "Love Essay Topics" can be both enchanting and challenging.
Love is a multifaceted and profound emotion, making it an intricate subject to explore and
articulate. The difficulty lies in navigating the vast spectrum of emotions, experiences, and
perspectives associated with love.

To begin, one must grapple with the inherent subjectivity of love. Each individual's understanding
and experience of love are unique, stemming from personal relationships, cultural influences, and
societal expectations. This diversity demands a nuanced approach to capture the richness of the topic.

Furthermore, delving into the historical and cultural dimensions of love adds another layer of
complexity. From ancient philosophical treatises on love to contemporary expressions in art and
media, tracing the evolution of love across time provides a comprehensive perspective but requires
meticulous research and analysis.

The challenge intensifies when addressing the darker facets of love, such as heartbreak, unrequited
love, or the complexities of familial and platonic relationships. Balancing the exploration of both the
euphoric and melancholic aspects requires a delicate touch to maintain the essay's coherence and
emotional resonance.

Moreover, the challenge extends to avoiding clichés and stereotypes that often accompany
discussions on love. Striking a balance between acknowledging universal themes and presenting
fresh insights can be a formidable task.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Love Essay Topics" necessitates a careful navigation through the
intricate web of emotions, experiences, and cultural influences associated with love. The challenge
lies in presenting a comprehensive, nuanced, and original exploration that resonates with readers.

If you find yourself struggling or pressed for time, remember that assistance is available. Similar
essays and a wealth of academic support can be accessed on , providing a
resourceful platform to enhance your writing endeavors.
Love Essay TopicsLove Essay Topics
The Matrix Lucinda Coberg Analysis
Lucinda Cobley a local artist in Houston created this piece to celebrate the opening of
the grand opening of the welcome center at the University of Houston Downtown
created a piece called the Matrix located at the O Kane Gallery at UHD. The Matrix is
made up of acrylic paint and ink, plastic drafting film, mirror film, vellum, nylon
netting, and mirror, according to the description provided for us in the room. This
piece was created early 2016 during the spring semester. It is a large piece at
approximately 50ft long with reflecting lights passing thru the colored film. This piece
named Matrix is quite a big colorful piece with different shades of blue, the room was
dark which had the lights reflecting on the Matrix . Diverse rhythms happen and lines
seem trapped, while others get to be blocked or subverted. Broken markers may flag
shrouded threats while different lines or squares of shading may show zones for
sheltered and unhindered entry. In... Show more content on ...
Thus, they are derivative and distort the real character of thing and work . The
deficiency of these conventional ideas of thing is made evident when we consider a
show stopper, e.g. a work of art by Van Gogh of what have all the earmarks of being a
typical pair of peasant boots. As indicated by Heidegger, this depiction uncovers (
unconceals in Heidegger s wording) the universe of the worker who strolls in these
boots on the earth. Both these terms world and earth go up against extraordinary
significance for Heidegger. Each genuine gem develops a world which opens a space
for Dasein (Heidegger s oath for individual ), an openness that lays on the steady,
persevering and all protecting earth . Through the show stopper we encounter the
imaginative strife of world and earth. The examination of this strife is the way to
Heidegger s
The Brontë Family
The Brontë family was full of amazing writers, originating from the father Patrick
Brontë. Patrick strived for his children to be the best writers they could be and hoped
they would make a career of writing poems, plays, novels and many others types of
literature. Patrick and his wife Maria had six children, five girls and one boy. These five
girls took a greater liking to writingliterature over their brother, Branwell Brontë. Since
the Brontë sisters were from this well known line of Brontë writers, their beautifully
written literature did not disappoint their readers, even if it was written during the
many tragedies that occurred in their lives (Blom, 1977). Patrick and Maria were Irish
parents of their six children named Charlotte, Maria, Emily, Elizabeth, Branwell, and
their youngest child named Anne (Blom, 1977, p. 14). They had their Charlotte in
1816 and four years later moved to the isolated town of Haworth where the line of
tragedies began. From the way that the children were raised Haworth, they learned
how record their lives in a journal that would later be used as reference to tell more
about themselves. In this way, Patrick raised them with all the curiosity and
intelligence it takes to be a successful writer. Patrick knew what it was like to be this
successful writer because he already published two novels by 1813 and 1815. Even
though Patrick was a great writer that did not mean that he was a great father. Patrick
Brontë neglected his children
Employee Reward System Essay

A reward system is defined as a structures method of evaluating and compensating

employees based on their performance. It also refers to all the monetary, non monetary
and psychological payments that an organization provides for its employees in exchange
for the work they perform. Reward systems can help to boost company morale, as well
as productivity levels which increase overall revenue for the company. An effective
reward system is essential for high satisfaction and motivation of employees at work. It is
concerned with the process of employee attraction, motivation and retention.


The benefits of this proposed effective reward system should possess the following
factors that must be considered.

Motivation of Performance when certain specifiable conditions exist, reward systems

have been demonstrated to motivate performance. For example, performance outcome
expectancy, attractiveness and effort performance expectancy.

Promotion, Training, Development, Employee Morale, Compensation, Benefits,

Attractive Salary and Incentive Plan

To motivate employees

To support the goals of the organization by aligning the goals of employees with these

To be ethical with the Rewards Schemes and setting targets

To be affordable, easy to administer and comply with legal ... Show more content on ...
The reason for that is traditional pay compensates an employee on the basis of either a
fixed hourly rate or an annual salary. Traditional pay assigns a grade level to each
position in light of the education and experience that is required to perform the job,
which, in turn, infers a job s relative significance to other positions within an
organization. In addition, this pay scheme allows pay levels to be based in part on
results of market testing. The pay system is consistent and at least appears to provide
objective measures of employee
Taliban Downfall
Afghanistan is one of the poorest and most troubled countries in the world today
(Goodson 4). Over many years there have been many different leaders and tribes ruling
Afghanistan. The most recent regime was the Taliban. According to The 9/11
Encyclopedia, Taliban means students in Arabic and it was founded in 1994 by
Mohammed Mullah Omar. Omar had his own way of interpreting the Quran and that led
to many religious restrictions on the Afghan people. The Taliban took over power in
1996 and ended in 2001 after the United Statesinvaded Afghanistan (Atkins). The Taliban
was harboring Osama bin Ladenwho organized an attack on the United States. If the
Taliban, along with al Qaeda, had not harbored Osama bin Laden and conducted the
attacks on September 11th 2001 then the United States may not have invaded
On September 11th 2001, Osama bin Laden organized a terrorists group, with the aide
of al Qaeda, to attack America in various locations all at once. During this attack, the
terrorists flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon, and
crashed one in an empty field in Pennsylvania. The total loss of life was 2,977 people.
After this occurred President Bush was informed on the details regarding the attacks.
President Bush said The Taliban must ... Show more content on ...
Many of them become displaced from their homes and have to seek refuge in another
country. When this happens it puts stress on the other countries to support the refugees.
Many of them stay and sometimes fall victim to the gunfire and rockets. From the initial
invasion to the end of 2001 it is estimated that 1,000 to 1,300 civilian deaths occurred.
The Taliban have also targeted civilians that help the coalition during operations in
Afghanistan. Along with this 500,000 Afghans were made refugees or displaced persons
during the fighting (Doerr). In the end the war disrupts the way of life for the people of
Endocrine Disruptors Essay
Endocrine Disruptors

During recent years, numerous newspaper and magazine articles have suggested that
humans may be at risk because small amounts of well known environmental
contaminants, such as dioxin, PCBs and DDT, can affect hormone levels. Hormones are
produced by the endocrine system as regulators of biological function in target organs.
Because hormones play a critical role in early development, toxicological effects on the
endocrine system often have an impact on the reproductive system. The term endocrine
disruptor is used to describe chemicals that can mimic hormones and may either enhance
or counteract their effects. It has been suggested that these hormone changes can, in turn,
lead to a variety of health problems ... Show more content on ...
Fry and Toone (1986) found when they inject fertilised seabird eggs with DDT and its
metabolites. The male chicks produced have varying degrees of intersexuality
depending on dosage, reproductive system with both male and female structures. The
female chicks had a partial to full developed right oviducts, instead of just left
functional structures. In the area where the eggs were collected, there was multiple
female female pairing and low hatchability of eggs. Males exposed as embryos to
estrogenic pesticides showed decreased to no sexual behaviour. (Fry and Toone, 1981)
Louis Guillette noticed that male alligators from Lake Apopka in Florida have vestigial
penis, follicle like testis and elevated estrogens/testosterone ratios and the female
hatching s ovaries were producing multiple egg follicles and eggs with several nuclei
(Luoma, 1995, Guillette et al., 1995) The females also had above normal estrogens
levels. When he and his colleagues did a similar injection study with DDT and DDE,
they produced results similar to those found in the field. The reduction in penis length
and the abnormal gonads made the hatchlings reproductively incapable. Both the bird
and alligator studies were prompted by the contamination of large water bodies by
organochlorins and the low breeding success of the animals living and feeding in these
Of particular interest are those chemicals, which mimic the female hormone of estrogen,
which is
Research paper ENL 213
Controversy of the Online Class Professor: Steve Lindeman ENL 213 Wensi Zeng 5/03
/2013 Abstract Online courses have started within the past 30 years as a means of
learning. With increases in Internet use, many U.S. schools offer online classes. Because
of the main disparities amid online course and face to face instruction, numerous
questions have been brought forth in regard to the quality of online courses. This
research will help American college students to understand the difference between online
classes and face to face courses, and give them an idea that how effective that online
classes are. Therefore, the leading research question of this study is what advantages and
disadvantages of... Show more content on ...
Advantages of online classes Convenience College students find themselves with
differing responsibilities past that of obtaining a degree. Employment and family
commitments make similar demands on their time. Having the alternative of taking
online classes, allows them to use online classes act as a convenient means for learners
that are unable to attend classes due to restrictions such as distance. If students want to
travel to another country and still need to achieve a degree, they can take online classes
and transfer back to their home colleges. Moreover, some students come from regions
where the colleges do not offer the courses they want, so they will be required to take
online classes. In the current job market, taking courses online assists employees remain
competitive, and are not mandated to take time off from work to enrol in college
(Summers, Waigandt Whittaker, 2005). Equally as effective as traditional learning
methods With the enhanced development at a fast pace, the experience of online classes
could also obscure the classroom experience. With developing multimedia applications,
an online class has better comprehension of the class content. Technology has made it
probable for all the tools involved in a face to face class to be incorporated in the online
classroom. For instance, through webcam, the student can communicate with the lecturer
on topics they do not understand. Students also

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