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Abraham Lincoln Essays

Crafting an essay on the subject of "Abraham Lincoln" can be a challenging yet rewarding endeavor.
The complexity arises from the multifaceted nature of Lincoln's life, his significant impact on
American history, and the diverse perspectives that exist regarding his legacy. The task requires a
thorough understanding of historical events, political nuances, and the ability to critically analyze
Lincoln's leadership style and decisions.

One must delve into various primary and secondary sources to gather comprehensive information
and grasp the context of Lincoln's era. The challenge lies in navigating through the extensive
literature on Lincoln, selecting relevant and credible sources, and synthesizing the information into a
coherent narrative. Additionally, considering the evolving interpretations of Lincoln's character and
policies over time, writers must engage with different historical perspectives to present a well-
rounded analysis.

The essay should not only chronicle Lincoln's life and achievements but also delve into the socio-
political climate of his time, the Civil War, and the complexities of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Addressing the controversies surrounding Lincoln's decisions, such as his suspension of habeas
corpus or his stance on slavery, adds another layer of difficulty, as it requires a nuanced
understanding of historical context and moral considerations.

Moreover, the challenge extends to presenting an original thesis or argument that contributes to the
existing scholarship on Abraham Lincoln. The essay should go beyond mere factual recounting and
offer a thoughtful analysis or interpretation that adds value to the reader's understanding of this
iconic figure.

In conclusion, writing an essay on "Abraham Lincoln" demands a blend of research skills, critical
thinking, and the ability to synthesize information into a cohesive narrative. While challenging, the
process allows for a deeper appreciation of history and provides an opportunity to contribute to the
ongoing discourse surrounding one of America's most revered leaders.

For assistance with similar essays or any writing challenges you may encounter, professional services
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Abraham Lincoln Essays Abraham Lincoln Essays
Qing Dynasty Religion
Foreign religions had a great impact during the Qing dynasty as they influenced a vast
amount of regions in China. The religions inflicted internal conflicts within China,
causing people to dislike the Qing government. However, when Sun Yat sen established a
republic in China, he resolved many of the conflicts that the Qing governments have
developed between them and Chinese citizens.

The transition from the Ming Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty created a heavy emphasis on
the repression of Muslims in China. When the Qing Dynasty rose to power, they
discriminated Muslims and prohibited critical Muslim rituals in China, resulting in
conflicts between Muslims and the Qing government. During the Ming Dynasty,
Muslims were very trusted and played ... Show more content on ...
A Man named Hong Xiuquan who failed to pass the imperial exam to join the Qing
government s civil service, experienced visions relating to Jesus, while he was
suffering from an illness. Hong Xiuquan created his own version of Christianity, and
gained a mass amount of followers; In January 1851 Hong and the rebels declared the
creation of their own state, Taiping Tianguo (Heavenly Kingdom of Great Peace), in the
Guiping district of Guangxi (Gale). The Taiping Tianguo was under the rule of Hong
Xiuquan as he crowned himself king. In 1853 the Taiping Rebellion took over Nanjing
and settled there, however the inability to reach Hong Xiuquan s utopia in Nanjing
caused him to lose focus and enjoy the pleasures of his palace instead of gaining more
followers. Without Hong Xiuquan leading, the Taiping rebellion came to their end in the
hands of Li Hongzhang and Zeng Guofan. In 1988, when the Boxer Rebellion was
spread throughout china, foreigners and Chinese Christians were harassed because the
Boxers desired to get rid of the nation of foreign influence. The rebellion itself brought a
lot of hate upon Christianity specifically towards Chinese Christians. The Boxers were
very extreme and their works ranged From burning the homes and harassing the
businesses of foreigners, they soon turned to massacring Chinese Christians and Christian
missionaries In and around the capital of Peking (present day Beijing), the Boxers killed
Christian missionaries and destroyed churches and railroads, which were largely owned
by foreign entities (Gale). Once again, when Sun Yat sen established the republic of
china, he brought many foreign ideas into china, one being the once unthinkable that a
Chinese leader would be a Christian became a reality (Christians in China). and that
definitely helped the Chinese become more open minded towards Christianity in China.
In 1949, Chinese
Non Wood Materials
This chapter contains literature and studies regarding the effectiveness of a non wood
plant as an alternative main material for paper production. While the first use of paper
started as early as trace back to the beginning of the first millennium, paper still plays a
significant role in modern everyday lives (American Forest and PaperAssociation, 2013).
By far, paper industry is the largest consumer of natural fibers (El Omari, Zyane,
Belfkira, Taourirte, Brouillette, 2016). However, shortage of the original raw material,
which is woods, has been increasing drastically. This huge demand created a number of
strategies on how to address the problem (Madakadze, Masamvu, Radiotis, Smith, 2010).
Aside from changing the consumption... Show more content on ...
There are lesser layers before reaching the cellulose in non wood fibers so it would be
easier to process it (Villamagna, 2009).
The study of Aremu, Rafiu, and Adedeji (2015) explained that cellulose is the part that
makes the fiber of a non wood plants stronger and these are important parameters in
determining the capability of a material for pulp and paper production.The amount of
cellulose fibers will still be the same, maintaining the same sturdiness, only that non
wood plants will save a lot more energy as it uses less refining energy than its
counterpart (Subramanian, 2008). Lastly, bleaching is the process of removing the
color from the material. As Subramanian (2008) added, this is also an advantage for
non wood users as bleaching non wood fibers to a high brightness, requires only a
shorter period of time and less corrosive chemicals than wood fibers. These advantages
would help the production to be more efficient and cost effective for the paper production.
The quality of fiber produced from this material depends on the contents of cellulose,
hemicellulose and holocellulose (Kinsella, 2008). A higher content of cellulose can
give stronger fibers that will lead to the increase in the quality of the paper produced
(Aremu, Rafiu Adedeji, 2015). Since all plant materials have cellulose in form of fibers,
they are potential sources for pulp with

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